CAPE COD REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY SUMMER 2020 BUS ROUTES June 27, 2020 - September 7, 2020 GETTING AROUND ON CAPE COD Hyannis Transportation CCRTA Hyannis Center Transportation Center 1 Transportation Ave. Hyannis, MA 02601 800.352.7155 Info 800.439.0183 TTY for the deaf and hearing impaired www.capecodrta.org 60+ and Adults & People with CCRTA Fares Youth disabilities** One-way ride $2 $1 EXACT FARE ONLY. Drivers One-way ride plus off-route trip $4 $2 cannot make change (FLEX bus only) Seniors ride fixed route Passes for free on Wednesdays. Day Pass $6 $3 31-Day Pass (unlimited rides) $60 $30 Children age five and younger ride free. **Passengers holding a CCRTA buses have bike racks with space Medicare Card and/or for 3 bikes per bus. Transit Access Passes. = Service animals and pets in secured The CCRTA Fixed Route carriers are allowed. buses use an Electronic CCRTA buses are accessible to people Farebox System. with disabilities. Visit www.capecodrta.org for more information. www.capecodrta.org 3 NextBus Use this QR code or download the app from the app store. NextBus is a service designed to help both you and your bus get to your stop at the same time. 1 Call 508.683.0013 or visit www.capecodrta.org. 2 Enter your bus stop number when prompted (listed on all CCRTA bus schedules). Using satellite technology, NextBus finds your bus and tells you when you can expect it at your stop. 3 Catch your bus without spending a lot of time waiting. Demand Response Service • DART - Dial-A-Ride Transportation Holiday service: Fixed route buses • Please call 800.352.7155 to schedule will run on July 4 and Labor Day the above services. (September 7) on a Saturday schedule. For more information,visit www.capecodrta.org. www.capecodrta.org Sealine June 27 through September 7, 20 20 Hyannis to Falmouth/Woods Hole RUNS 7 DAYS A WEEK Outbound Trip # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 NextBus Stop # DEPARTS 1 Hyannis Transportation Center 5:30* 6:30* 7:30* 8:30* 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 5:30 6:30 7:30 8:25** 17 Cape Cod Mall Entrance - Route 28 5:35* 6:35* 7:35* 8:35* 9:35 10:35 11:35 12:35 1:35 2:35 3:35 4:35 5:35 6:35 7:35 8:30** 18 West Main Street & Route 28 5:39* 6:39* 7:39* 8:39* 9:39 10:39 11:39 12:39 1:39 2:39 3:39 4:39 5:39 6:39 7:39 8:34** 19 Centerville - Public Library NS NS 7:44* 8:44* 9:44 10:44 11:44 12:44 1:44 2:44 3:44 4:44 5:44 6:44 7:44 8:40** 20 Osterville - Main Street & West Bay Road NS NS 7:52* 8:52* 9:52 10:52 11:52 12:52 1:52 2:52 3:52 4:52 5:52 6:52 7:52 8:48** 21 Marstons Mills Marketplace 5:45* 6:45* 8:03* 9:03* 10:03 11:03 12:03 1:03 2:03 3:03 4:03 5:03 6:03 7:03 8:03 8:59** 22 Stop & Shop - Mashpee Commons 5:54* 6:54* 8:12* 9:12* 10:12 11:12 12:12 1:12 2:12 3:12 4:12 5:12 6:12 7:12 8:12 9:08** 23 South Cape Village - Marshalls NS NS 8:19* 9:19* 10:19 11:19 12:19 1:19 2:19 3:19 4:19 5:19 6:19 7:19 8:19 NS 24 Community Health Center of Cape Cod NS NS 8:23* 9:23* 10:23 11:23 12:23 1:23 2:23 3:23 4:23 5:23 NS NS NS NS 140 Seacoast Shores Boulevard 5:59* 6:59* 8:29* 9:29* 10:29 11:29 12:29 1:29 2:29 3:29 4:29 5:29 6:29 7:29 8:29 NS 25 East Falmouth - Dunkin' Donuts 6:02* 7:02* 8:31* 9:31* 10:31 11:31 12:31 1:31 2:31 3:31 4:31 5:31 6:31 7:31 8:31 NS 155 Clipper Ship Apartments 6:05* 7:05* 8:34* 9:34* 10:34 11:34 12:34 1:34 2:34 3:34 4:34 5:34 6:34 7:34 8:34 NS 176 Tataket Apartments 6:09* 7:09* 8:38* 9:38* 10:38 11:38 12:38 1:38 2:38 3:38 4:38 5:38 6:38 7:38 9:38 NS 28 Route 28 & Jones Rd 6:10* 7:10* 8:40* 9:40* 10:40 11:40 12:40 1:40 2:40 3:40 4:40 5:40 6:40 7:40 8:40 NS 29 Falmouth Mall NS NS 8:41* 9:41* 10:41 11:41 12:41 1:41 2:41 3:41 4:41 5:41 6:41 7:41 8:41 NS 175 Falmouth Public Library - Main Street NS NS 8:45* 9:45* 10:45 11:45 12:45 1:45 2:45 3:45 4:45 5:45 6:45 7:45 8:45 NS 173 Falmouth Hospital 6:15* 7:15* 8:47* 9:47* 10:47 11:47 12:47 1:47 2:47 3:47 4:47 5:47 6:47 7:47 8:47 NS 30 Falmouth Bus Depot 6:16* 7:16* 8:48* 9:48* 10:48 11:48 12:48 1:48 2:48 3:48 4:48 5:48 6:48 7:48 8:48 NS 31 Woods Hole 6:26* 7:26* 8:59* 9:59* 10:59 11:59 12:59 1:59 2:59 3:59 4:59 5:59 6:59 7:59 8:59 NS Inbound Trip # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NextBus Stop # DEPARTS 31 Woods Hole 6:50* 8:30* 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 5:30 6:30 7:30 8:05 9:20 30 Falmouth Bus Depot 7:01* 8:41* 9:41 10:41 11:41 12:41 1:41 2:41 3:41 4:41 5:41 6:41 7:41 8:16 9:31 173 Falmouth Hospital 7:02* 8:43* 9:43 10:43 11:43 12:43 1:43 2:43 3:43 4:43 5:43 6:43 7:43 8:19 9:34 175 Falmouth Public Library - Main Street NS NS 9:46 10:46 11:46 12:46 1:46 2:46 3:46 4:46 5:46 6:46 7:46 8:22 9:37 28 Jones Road/Route 28 7:06* 8:48* 9:48 10:48 11:48 12:48 1:48 2:48 3:48 4:48 5:48 6:48 7:48 8:23 9:38 29 Falmouth Mall 7:07* 8:49* 9:49 10:49 11:49 12:49 1:49 2:49 3:49 4:49 5:49 6:49 7:49 8:24 NS 155 Clipper Ship Apartments 7:12* 8:54* 9:54 10:54 11:54 12:54 1:54 2:54 3:54 4:54 5:54 6:54 7:54 8:29 9:44 25 East Falmouth - Dunkin' Donuts 7:16* 8:59* 9:59 10:59 11:59 12:59 1:59 2:59 3:59 4:59 5:59 6:59 7:59 8:34 9:49 140 Seacoast Shores Boulevard 7:19* 9:02* 10:02 11:02 12:02 1:02 2:02 3:02 4:02 5:02 6:02 7:02 8:02 8:37 9:52 24 Community Health Center of Cape Cod NS 9:07* 10:07 11:07 12:07 1:07 2:07 3:07 4:07 5:07 6:07 NS NS NS NS 23 South Cape Village 7:25* 9:11* 10:11 11:11 12:11 1:11 2:11 3:11 4:11 5:11 6:11 7:11 8:11 NS NS 22 Stop & Shop - Mashpee Commons 7:31* 9:18* 10:18 11:18 12:18 1:18 2:18 3:18 4:18 5:18 6:18 7:18 8:18 8:49 10:06 21 Marstons Mills Marketplace 7:39* 9:27* 10:27 11:27 12:27 1:27 2:27 3:27 4:27 5:27 6:27 7:27 8:27 8:56 NS 20 Osterville - Main Street & West Bay Road NS 9:37* 10:37 11:37 12:37 1:37 2:37 3:37 4:37 5:37 6:37 7:37 8:37 NS NS 19 Centerville - Public Library NS 9:45* 10:45 11:45 12:45 1:45 2:45 3:45 4:45 5:45 6:45 7:45 8:45 NS NS 18 West Main Street & Route 28 7:46* 9:51* 10:51 11:51 12:51 1:51 2:51 3:51 4:51 5:51 6:51 7:51 8:51 9:05 10:22 17 Cape Cod Mall Entrance - Route 28 7:49* 9:55* 10:55 11:55 12:55 1:55 2:55 3:55 4:55 5:55 6:55 7:55 8:55 NS NS 1 Hyannis Transportation Center 7:52* 9:58* 10:58 11:58 12:58 1:58 2:58 3:58 4:58 5:58 6:58 7:58 8:58 9:15 10:30 43 Patriot Square - Weekday NS NS NS 12:18* 1:18* 2:18 3:18 NS NS NS NS 8:18 9:18 9:35 10:50 43 Patriot Square - Weekend NS NS NS NS NS 2:18 3:18 4:18 5:18 NS NS 8:18 9:18 9:35 10:50 REQ=Request Stop Times in BOLD are PM NS=No Service at this Time *=Not Available on Weekends ** Friday Only H2O Hyannis to Orleans June 27 through September 7, 20 20 RUNS 7 DAYS A WEEK Inbound Trip # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 NextBus DEPARTS Stop # 55 Stop & Shop - Orleans NS 6:30* 7:30* 8:30 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 5:30 6:30 54 Old Colony Village NS 6:33* 7:33* 8:33 9:33 10:33 11:33 12:33 1:33 2:33 3:33 4:33 5:33 6:33 53 Skaket Corners NS 6:36* 7:36* 8:36 9:36 10:36 11:36 12:36 1:36 2:36 3:36 4:36 5:36 6:36 REQ=Request Stop 52 Orleans/Mobil - Main Street 5:45* 6:38* 7:38* 8:38 9:38 10:38 11:38 12:38 1:38 2:38 3:38 4:38 5:38 6:38 50 South Orleans - Route 39 5:52* 6:45* 7:45* 8:45 9:45 10:45 11:45 12:45 1:45 2:45 3:45 4:45 5:45 6:45 NS=No Service at this Time 57 Stop & Shop - East Harwich 6:00* 6:55* 7:55* 8:55 9:55 10:55 11:55 12:55 1:55 2:55 3:55 4:55 5:55 6:55 *=Not Available on Weekends 167 Broad Reach Healthcare 6:07* 7:04* 8:04* 9:04 10:04 11:04 12:04 1:04 2:04 3:04 4:04 5:04 6:04 7:04 49 Chatham - Veteran's Field Road 6:12* 7:08* 8:09* 9:09 10:09 11:09 12:09 1:09 2:09 3:09 4:09 5:09 6:09 7:09 ** Friday Only 48 Chatham - Anchorage/Crowell Road 6:15* NS 8:12* 9:12 10:12 11:12 12:12 1:12 2:12 3:12 4:12 5:12 6:12 7:12 47 South Chatham - Morton Road 6:21* 7:12* 8:16* 9:16 10:16 11:16 12:16 1:16 2:16 3:16 4:16 5:16 6:16 7:16 180 Stone Horse Motel 6:25* 7:14* 8:17* 9:17 10:17 11:17 12:17 1:17 2:17 3:17 4:17 5:17 6:17 7:17 Times in BOLD are PM 46 Harwich Port - Route 28 6:27* 7:16* 8:19* 9:19 10:19 11:19 12:19 1:19 2:19 3:19 4:19 5:19 6:19 7:19 45 Star Market - Harwich NS NS 8:26* 9:26 10:26 11:26 12:26 1:26 2:26 3:26 4:26 5:26 6:26 7:26 44 Dennisport - Municipal Parking Lot A 6:34* 7:23* 8:31* 9:31 10:31 11:31 12:31 1:31 2:31 3:31 4:31 3:16 6:31 7:31 151 Dennis Elder Services NS 7:26* 8:34* 9:34 10:34 11:34 12:34 1:34 2:34 3:34 4:34 5:34 6:34 7:34 43 South Dennis - Patriot Square NS 7:33* 8:41* 9:41 10:41 11:41 12:41 1:41 2:41 3:41 4:41 5:41 6:41 7:41 151 Dennis Crossing NS 7:35* 8:43* 9:43 10:43 11:43 12:43 1:43 2:43 3:43 4:43 5:43 6:43 7:43 42 South Yarmouth - Main Street 6:44* 7:39* 8:47* 9:47 10:47 11:47 12:47 1:47 2:47 3:47 4:47 5:47 6:47 7:47 153 S Yarmouth Town Hall - Lawton Bus Shelter 6:47* 7:42* 8:50* 9:50 10:50 11:50 12:50 1:50 2:50 3:50 4:50 5:50 6:50 7:50 41 Shaws - South Yarmouth NS NS 8:51* 9:51 10:51 11:51 12:51 1:51 2:51 3:51 4:51 5:51 6:51 7:51 40 Stop & Shop - South Yarmouth NS NS 8:54* 9:54 10:54 11:54 12:54 1:54 2:54 3:54 4:54 5:54 6:54 7:54 177 Yarmouth Commons 6:48* 7:43* 8:55* 9:55 10:55 11:55 12:55 1:55 2:55 3:55 4:55 5:55 6:55 7:55 38 West Yarmouth - Higgins Crowell Rd.
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