Raiders Scare Reds, 2643 ii Its Iltro Hulbert and Jim flown* S artan at man SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE And the 19.000 who saw this contest know, the mistake of II% Cr- 1 Vol. 40 SAN JOSE, CALIF.. MONDAY, OCT. 1, 1951 No. 4 -! emoting one lean: and Limier- , -rlmatire another Pigskin iiirber herealoolb. ii stantord to 40 'lidsso but, it it 44 (A Bill Cheeks ';:0/. siishbv Tell, ended! '.16-13 with the Red...tort., the long end MI a slim, cionaras s May Be Held of Ptisitions Open ins m argin. 7s:c .t long like ! 1 .erighed up hi 1'7.-1 In Army Reserre 1, !nil January -1 Viashington T here still are apporxiatel. m Chao held them Some' 16 opening. tor enlisted admin- csids-on Tribe With a ... veterans lOreed dig d eep itratives personnel in the 612'1! the 700 per cent isiler to. .,j into their personal finances during Se-headnit of the. IIIC:11 Army hat.. pulled dm -.might I the next two months, it was karn- ..1.set of the reseri.e, arcordink to fol. F. M nat ion ed from the Veterans office Fri- sikh. Rabbles Sas Jose day, whip Ile Actually. was a pert!’,.cer. I Miss Edith Graves released a said that interested college should appli bcall garn. Coach Rob /incl./an s !statement horn the. Veterans Ad- %indents for an in- ;7 Golden Raiders made ministrat i on that subsistence teniew at the scan J0.0. Rescrie three costli ar 00000 ri, 155 mistakes. indirectly pai mg St an checks for veterans under Pul4ic W. Rosa street. ford tolichdovi This as the- Laws 16 and 346 niay be delayed - I. F MINUTE PREPARATIONSSong girls Judi Lent, Francine as long as Januain. 1 S.ISC tallied hist Lawson and Gloria Scroggs are shown putting the finishing touches Because the adnUnist rat len is and last in in song se.eni the opening and final perinds. on their pom-pums with which they will lead Spartan rooters processing the checks as rapidIN at the Fresno State ganie next Saturdaa; night. Tall. blonde -haired Stanford gee? 13 points in both as possible . Miss Grasv e requested co the Judy, who came to 'an Jose State college f Stockton college collet and third quarters that veterans eft ain from writing last January. Is Ness to this group. Francine and Gloria will be re- 11,4111141 14111 I- rankly-. three the agency. Indian It - membered for their song -leading last year. photo by Zimmerman (too is ire- unearned or I.. It. r When the checks do arrive, they still. set up hi "part :in yr, ors. will include all payments due from Is V01111)141441 tInts 415 r.ar% kerborian's ei.c t ri. the time the veteran started class. lung 66 aid ttal 111 according to Miss Graves. The paving mad regrading 4.1 Danforth Award Winner Ille ertioll41 quarterU as hells Ic'- A sinUlar situation occurred on S. Seventh street from Humboldt the. SJS campus in 1946 when more to the main gates of Spartan sta- A I lie Golden Raiders almost than 3000 veterans were receiving dium has been completed, Byron Attends Classes At SJS had two Imo.. touchdowns, the', subsistence. under the G.1. Bill . The Bollinger. college superintendent One of this year s t Dan- year's grant so they may prepare the enemy Ilium in eh.," special veterans' loan fund was of buildings and grounds. announc-iening forth Foundation Ac's: winners, 1 specifically for field work. The First time in posession. SJS(' us - , exhausted and the college was ed Friday. Mils Doris Raymorni c E..shurgh. gift award of 81500 is made to a 76 satil di-it,' from Mc It' I forced to feed many of the viler- Ile said that additionaltamedwork Penn.. has been assic-.. 1 to thel provide means and opportunities own 20 to the Indian six. Fullback ans hereto. the checks finally ar- still is going on in the area, how- San Jose State colle cvmpus for for a worthy student to participate ICII1111I1111-ti ttlt rage The.. rived. ever. This includes the regradim the coming school no-- s- she may I in certain phases of Christian lead- of the drivewais into the station. participate in certa;- Oases of !ership on college and university epeett4i to 1.r. finished this iies Is Christian leadership. campuses. ,,eek licadth tiottane The Danforth Foundation of St. Miss Raymond is the third IAA S ports Begin Bollinger revealed that side’ Louis. Mo.. annually chooses ap- "Danny Grad" In recent years to !walks and curbs now sits exist proximate ly 15 young women col- be placed in San Jose State col- from S Seventh and Ilunibeddt Needs Nurse lege graduates and awards them a loge.. The other two were Lenore This Week at SJS sheets II) the main gates of the A registeted Is urgently Staats. now teaching in the. San me' W 0 0 'S Athletic as'nn'iat nal , stadium and that construction is needed to work pail time at the Jose city school system. and Jeff sports will start this wc ek. with age'eng on tee extend them to Spar - McFadden Health cottac2. 430 S Brewster Ward. assistant to Dean program featuring fencing. Hillel Club to Hold tennis. an eify. F:ighth stre.t Miss !Margaret M of Women at College of swimming and Idaho. Orchesis. the. mod- The cost of the entire project. Tssonthly, director ot student ern dance club. The altractiie co-ed is a gradu- is began this summer, is ap- health senice, said Friday Swimming will be held at night Open House Tonite ate of Muskigum college of New proximatels $21.350. the %untrue- "We need a relief nurse w can Concord, 0.. where she was a The NVAA hopes to have a swim- HiIlel members will g.t. togeth- tentlent said, serve three shifts a week." Miss member of the Delta sorority. Ming tournament between differ- er tonicht at 8 o'clock in Alex- iswombli said While she. hopes to accom- ent organizations. Miss Pahl point- ander hall of the YMCA for their here The Health office would prefer. plish two main purposes, to learn ed out. They also are planning a first meeting of the fall term, ac- I.A. lissirnettPrs who can pie-pare meals and to help barbecue_ with AWS in ()ember cording to Ed Klein, religious individuals and groups. one day a uesek. but Miss Tvieems she added. 11(01-d chairman of the group. Not only still Miss Raymond Sectinn Ileet Ids slated that this was not a mane It will be an open hous7, event learn everything possible about A section :r clatc.r), Iitia lit lea t let) with dancing and rofre.shments for student religious life and work ra county indosniai ails cm-noel -We also need a part-time cook new and old mernbe:-.. through Misers at ion arid act lye Announce New ors was held Fridai afterrusin in to prepare leiraktast. dinner, and she wile lecture 'slipper 1011, dai a week if our te- As the four offic-.s r the club participation, hut also the 1.A. room. interest- culla Applica- ours, is iinahl. to took.- she have entered the si:-vi:e or trans- teach a rlass. Since she is cA tirities Class Two films "Paint hit -nine and snorts, she t iei 11’ and -Wallpaper-, it v t.e ferred, new leaders v. re nomi- ed in swim said A course especially designed for shown student interested nated. The executis, cc.incil will hopes to instruct in that field. to the group hi Mr. Ed. Any qualified student limb officers or for those employment should meet !;r 1'.n to &stirs: cardidates. Before Miss Raymond was as- Shepherd. a repiesentatiie of the in this type eel interested in participating actiiely. e Health signed to SJS she spent a five- P Fuller companj Group dis- sac Miss TwomIcli In the. in student affairs is being taught week training period at Camp rossion followed the presentation tiffire. Rayon 31. this quarter. Mr. 1.:dward W. (1- Miniwanca. Shelby, Mich. mints announced recently. Cafeteria Offers The Danforth society assigns Mr. Clements, college person: the graduate to a colleete outside counselor and assistant prole-- Resionation. Leave. (Anse of her home state with the inten- Meals for Students of psychidoey. is the instructot tion of having her cooperate, un- this subject, which is the (a A mere; composed rf ertree. veg- officially. with all the. resident re- course of its kind bring offered I tiriimer iii Engineering 1)tpt. etable, salad. roll ain't butter and ligious forces of the campus. an American college choice ref soup or now is In order that the Danforth no- or linikersItY As a result of resignations anjii na who received the He said that the title eel the - being served for 53 ce;-: in minee may. have the widest exper- Iva\ es 4.1 absence there has lei-en:arts degree. from Stanford omit - course. is Political Selene,. fai and cafeteria, according tc Mrs. Fern ience, her field shall include, in a considerable turnoier in the fac-; soy. Is a registered civil engineer it is given mei). Thursdai horn Wendt, cafeteria manager. addition to the college Cr univers- ulty of the Engineering d.part ;and has been a consulting engin- 2:30 to 430 p.m. in Room 7 Two The cri:eteria is open from 11:30 ty which will be, her center, one mem. Dr Ralph J. Smith Engan-:eer in San Johe for the past live units are given to those students a.m.
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