» THE CIRCLE VOLUME 15, NUMBER 5 MARIST COLLEGE, PQUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK 12601 OCTOBER 17,1975 •iii^BHiwii H III i ' ir*^°*•bn b - , * - %' - ,' jf^-'^'.'JB i|Hp''' '• •38|fr.*.?."?'---' *'-*•• .-"'-"::'-^| Ex-Mayor Teaches ^HHRTV ""fSky ':•*.•"*'."' , V£3&SB \ ^MP^'v'' ,"3? Js^^HL'"» *>.v'% ^»-^"t^flH H&>** - . ^^^H '^.'M^gjM^B ' • J--. -w«\:^7iatt 4 Law At Marist HB£g ,i '"-'"rJiSBHr • *' 'ftJi:-^m Hjpi, ^ ...--'-'^HB. •:.'. """.,•Cl.sH HKF.+zjiM2mM*^l.-. * -.rildS^^Kr ' • .- '>*««£ BY ERNIE ARICO Vassar College and Dutchess faculty." P*fHUMHHIk - *..*-MMHfli^^^H> • w /I^^^^IK Dr. Olson, Chairman of the W Community College. "When the - >3B HsPSK'.^"' • S:iWk "I enjoy sparking the minds of -president of the Bar Association History and Political Science '.>; SlUk|> *'JH»t^dJf jNin^S *U ^^HMflH^KP '"^'^'^^l college students," says Jack announced that Marist College Department, is also pleased with |.v r*# 1 Economou, former mayor of the was looking for an instructor for the addition of Mr. Economou to City of Poughkeepsie.^ a law class, I decided to try it," the faculty staff. ' " dss £' • jg&m • • '* he said. "I think it is a great privilege ' ..jiiHff» ' *"*" * - J Economou, an attorney in m*'-' *'*• ' M ST - :'1IP - --i and honor to have Mr. Economou. §K* * » ^^HuAi _ fjf ~-JRH fS*.*. - '^fjHfeg - , «* Poughkeepsie, is teaching an The- course is taught every «mtrJ, * ^MlllJHHI tetlSt: "'taalr ' « introductory course this Monday and Thursday morning as the course instructor, not" only semester at Marist on con­ from 8:30 to 9:45. Twenty because of his'law experience but stitutional law. students have enrolled in the also because of his political ex­ •BBHBV perience." ..'•"''/•'.. aJSgjHp "I enjoy very much in course, and according to one TmTfrpT r "^^SJIiofflHlrrirr fflHHr teaching, especially law, because student, he is "very-pleased with According to ' Economou, the HP it sharpens the mind and its it." course will explore the fun­ knowledge can be used for Bob Walton, a senior, majoring damental history and theory of-" anything," he said. in history and a Marist intern at constitutional law. Great em­ i^k *^V^^H^^ ^^1 Economou, a resident of the State Supreme Court of New phasis has been placed on the York, feels that the course is reading, analyzing and in­ ^•fc'/ ^vl^""J^^ft^M Poughkeepsie since 1938 terpretation of court cases. : •••Bw graduated from the University of important for two reasons. HH^v -* -^Ifl^HH•BBwJk i Notre Dame with a B. A. degree in "The content of the course is One of the highlights of the I^^^^Bp^'J^n^lH •VaffflB ' history. He then attended Notre more fully explored with an at­ course will be a trip to the law H^HBIHK- Dame Law School where he torney as an instructor because library in Poughkeepsie. "The I^B VS received his L.L.B. His highest of Mr. Economou's familiarity purpose of the trip is to show the ^^^^^^^^^^^K •ivi'S grade in law school was in con­ and background of the subject in class how to do legal research," HHIH^r^aHHI HHH^BiHBMK. j.-.'".Tj.is stitutional law. particular," Walton said, "and it he said. "If they want to know the JACK EC0N0M0U In previous years, Economou is also vital for the college to answers to legal questions proper appeared as a guest lecturer at continue to attract quality in its Cont. on pg. 3 Free£11. Enters Center Con&truction Fourth Year To Change City By KAREN DUVERNE Y munication between students, BY ERNIE ARICO donated for its construction. skating rink. The rink will be JACKMAN faculty and administration. The completion date for the opened twenty - four hours a day, Lectures - will be given by the "This is one of the biggest if not Civic Center is December 1976' year round with full facilities, A different form of education faculty and administrators in the biggest public or private and according to Mr. Eberhard skate rentals and concessions. for the Marist community is the areas of their interest. Dialogues construction job ever in the the rbuilders are right on' .The center will be enclosed in a goal of Gregory house students as are also scheduled and are like history of the City of schedule. Before the completion new Financial Plaza, in­ they go into their fourth year of the lectures. Poughkeepsie," said Frank of the center, however, parking corporating theparking area, a Free University. But this year Robert Bodratti, Free Eberhard president of Eberhard spaces must be made available. • new hotel, and an off ice and retail the structure of Free University University-coordinator says, Builders Inc., the firm that is ". .Before the center is finished," store complex with commercial has changed. Frank Synan, "The workshops we offer are constructing the Mid - Hudson accordingtoEberhard, "parking floor space. , Resident Coordinator of Gregory, practical and not in the Marist Civic Center and Financial has first priority. The con­ The Plaza, bounded by New says, "Free University is a young curriculum." Auto mechanics, Plaza. "The Civic Center will struction is in two phases: first, Market" Street, Mill Street, program and each year a dif­ gourmet cooking, women's change the image ; of 400 spaces and then by early next Washington Street, and Main ferent value is found in it." conditioning and Ukranian egg Poughkeepsie in our lifetime." year an additional 700 spaces will Street, will complement new The curriculum of courses has painting are the four workshops The Civic Center is part of the be built" In all, it is estimated office and commercial facilities been changed to workshops, to offered this year. In the future Financial Plaza complex which is that-some 4,000 cars can be ac­ being developed elsewhere in the avoid the connotation of films will be shown and estimated to cost more than $25 comodated within a seven *- city. These include the proposed classroom, and the length of each discussions will follow. million, with the Civic Center minute walk of the.center. Poughkeepsie Financial Plaza, course has dropped from seven Everyone on campus can estimated at a total of $6 million. The Civic Center itself will be a which will house ten- banking weeks to four or five. In the past participate in the Free Univer­ The center was proposed by the dual purpose structure: the multi establishments, new restaurants,' there were two Free University sity. Activities have already- McCann Foundation and is co - - use Civic Hall with a capacity of and a major ten - story office coordinators; now there are four started but the gourmet sponsored by the Poughkeepsie more than 3,000 designed for building. "The -complex will committees, headed by two workshop is closed. Persons- 'Area Fund, a non -.profit popular entertainment, cultural become a multi«- use center, a one students. ' interested in Free University can organization, as part of a major enrichment, trade exhibitions, -stop everything right here in the contact Robert Bodratti or Frank Free University offers four revitalization program. So far, ' business meetings and con­ Cont. on pg. 2 programs to the Marist com­ Synan at Gregory House. over -$3.2 million has been ventions and an Olympic size ice- munity that will enhance com­ Plays To Open By RHOD A CRISPELL monologue is an excerpt from Arthur Kopit's "Chamber "To quote, if I may from Music," which, together with memory, Mrs. Neoceballrus: "Emperor Jones;" will be "The dilemma of my life is that I presented by the Marist College am convinced I've never been Theatre Guild for Parents' born.' Well. As we all know, not Weekend. two months ago there wss ob­ Andre Green will play the" title tained, through the efforts of this role in the modern classic, committee and a certain hand­ "Emperor " Jones", by ' Eugene some young doctor; a bona fide O'Neill. The plot focuses on a birth certificate proving. beyond tyrannical ruler who is forced to the shadow of a doubt that Mrs. abdicate and flee-from his Neoceballrus had, in fact,' political enemies. Frantic and ^already • been born. * Now, • - ofhungry , he loses all sense of course, it's possible that she may reality, as he desperately tries to want more proof. But that,?I .escape his.'ultimate,.fate.' One think, is a little pushy. One birth unusual aspect of this production should'be enough for anyone." Dfeeton Ei Kabee ( • Cont. on pg. 8 The. preceeding . insane :") and Dan Edfecomb mhrate preparation! for this. ..v.... |^*ifc*+«* s#rg"7wpcygy»««Hq*TC»*s*^^ * PARENTS WEEKEND 1975 PARENTS WEEKEND 1975 ,'" SQ » & ^f£*^A New Faces "Truth'' Told Homecoming On Campus On JFK Assassination Planned by WINNIE SATTTA Normally, nitrates are found on come from. When he got there, a the skin after firing a rifle. secret service man was already Every day - when it's nice, that his Ph.D. from. Arkansas in May ^ In two and a half years, twenty However, no nitrates were found there, so the officer left. Ac­ BY CANDI DAVIS Alumni Association, will be given is - a young man dressed in suit 1976. - eight witnesses of the Kennedy on Oswald's skin after the cording to the security log there for the alumni in the Gallery and tie comes cruising into the Professor Ryan teaches Assassination died. The odds of assassination. " were no secret servicemen in that "I feel the alumni of Marist Lounge of Champagnat Hall. This Donnelly parking lot on a 450 Theories of Personality and The losing eighteen witnesses in a- College should be more in touch get - together is to introduce Exceptional Child on the un­ . r4 The Warren Commission's , area. Honda. With his helmet in one three year period is: 100,000 Report states that Oswald Every reporter who in­ with the students of the school," alumni to new faces in their hand and his briefcase in the dergraduate level and Program trillion to one.
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