THE VICTORIA COLLEGE VOLUME XIV VICTORIA, TEXAS, OCTOBER 26, 1962 NUMBER 2 Council Tells Plans, Activities Four Socials Top Agenda Student Council activities proposed for the remain- der of the fall semester include four evening socials, ac- cording to Keith Markley, president. Other working proposals of the Student Council are lengthened evening library hours, a student directory, an additional election voting station on campus, a council scrapbook, and revised regulations for the Student Union Building. The council named Lin d a Hausmann to replace John Keis- insure a higher percentage of stu- ling as sophomore representative dents participating in elections. on the council roster. The proposed station will be Evening Socials established in the Library foyer Tonight the SC hosts a social and -members of the council will from 7:30-11:30 in the Student be posted at both stations to over- Union Building. Dance music will see the voting procedure. be played by Dick Barton and the Most recent election conducted Rebels and refreshments will be by the SC resulted in the selection served. There is no admission of four cheerleaders for Victoria charge and all students are in- College. They are freshmen Jo- vited to attend. Members of the Anna Jetton, Fairye McGinnes, CHEERLEADERS CHOSEN-Jo Anna Jettou. Falrye McGinnes, Donna Pickrell, and Diana Swoboda were refreshment committee are Paula elected cheerleaden for the 1!ll12-63 school year by the student body at Victoria CoDege. These four were elected Pribyl, Nee Route, and Dorothy Diana Swoboda, and Donna Pick- from a ftelcl of twelve candidates. Jo Anna is a 1962 graduate of Calboun High School, Donna is a 1962 grad- Weber. rel!. aate of Yoakum HIgh School, and Fairye and Diana are 1962 graduates of Vlctorla High School. Dates for the remaining socials Committee Reports are November 9, November 'IT, Each SC committee chairman and December 14. A dance-re- is requested to submit to the presi- Nine Weeks freshments social is planned for Pirates Pose For Camera; the evening of November 9. Fol- dent a typewritten report COR- lowing the home basketball game cerning details of his committee's Grades Due on November 'IT, the SUB will be actions. The reports are filed for Faculty Claims Offense November 2 marks the end of open and recorded music played. future reference. Committees sub- December 14 is the date set for the first nine weeks session at mitting reports include the afore J 0 v i a I accusations of head made can see the proofs then. If Victoria College according to the annual Christmas dance which will be a semi-formal affair. mentioned refreshment, library, shrinking were sent flying by some students fail to select a Leona Jones, registrar. and student directory committees, faculty members when the staff New Library Houn proof on these days, the annual Grade reports of A (exceIlent), also the following standing com- of the PIRATE, Victoria College staff will choose one. B (good), C (average), 0 (below Lengthened evening lib r a r y mittees: yearbook, requested that alI fac- The PIRATE will be issued free average), or F (failing) will be hours are on trial as a result of a Byron Cox, chairman of the utIy pictures be made new this to alI individuals who have had issued for each course. Nine weeks study and proposal by a Student year by the same photographer budget committee, reports $550.00 their pictures made for the year- grades are merely indications of Council committee. has been proposed as a budget for unity of head size and back- book. the student's progress in his var- ground. According to a report of the for the fall semester. These funds ious studies. These grades are committee chairman, Kenneth will cover cost of the socials and All student individual pictures not permanently recorded. for the PIRATE were taken by Cressman, the regular evening the student directory. a local studio, beginning October Students receive grade points hours of 6:45-8:45 are not suf- Paula Pribyl and Keith Mark- Two Students for the letter grades follows: 15. One selection, costing one as ficient to students' needs. At pres- ley, SUB music committee, report A (three points), B (two points), dolIar, will be made from a ent a trial period of lengthen~ a list of musical recordings for In State Choir C (one point), 0 (no points) and library hours from 6:45-9:45 IS use in the SUB has been compiled choice of two poses. F (minus one point). Girls' pictures were taken OC- in effect. from students' requests. The list tober 15, 16, and 17. The studio Those individuals' earning a 2.6 Student Directory was presented to Wilbur Collins. provided a blue velvet drape and At Convention grade point average are listed on Plans for a Victoria College music department, who will make the nine weeks honor roll. The gold pin for uniformity in girls' Kathleen Hummel and Marsha Student Directory were recently the purchases. honor roll will be posted follow- costumes. Boys wore dark blue Kleineke of Victoria College were initiated as a result of findings Dorothy Weber is chairman of suits, white shirts, and dark ties two of six students chosen from ing issuance of the nine weeks grades reports. of a committee headed by Paula the newly organized scrapbook for their pictures taken OCtober the gulf coast area Junior Col- Pribyl. committee which is compiling a 18, 19, 22, and 23. Due to camera leges to sing in the State Bap- The committee consulted Leona Student Council Scrapbook dis- tist Student Union Convention faUure, part of these pictures are BULLETIN Jones registrar; Dean John Stor- playing news clippings and pic- DOW being retaken. Choir. These six students along We have just leamed, eour- mont.' and Frank Deaver, journal- tures of SC activities. The book with students from over the state Proofs will be shown Novem- tesy of Fidel Castro; that Pres- ism i~structor, concerning feasible will not only serve as a record ber 5 and 8 in the Student composed the seventy voice choir Ident Kennedy Is a Pirate. This costs and publication of the di- of officen, members, committees, Publications Office in the Indus- which was under the direction of and activities, but will be a guide BilI O'Brien. is news to as but we will be rectory. trial Arts building. All students glad to add his name to the and reference for future VC Stu- who have bad their plct ures Kathleen, a history major, is a Final plans Indicate the council 1962 graduate of Victoria High mailiDg list of the JOLLY ROG- members will construct and dis- dent Councils. School. Manha, a 1962 graduate ER. tribute the publication, which will A student committee has been Flash! Flash of Cuero Senior High School, is list each student's name, address, appointed to confer with members majoring in elementary educa- Roger Beasley, Mike Sherman, phone number, and classification. of the faculty concerning revision Flashed Late tion. Jack Miller, Neva Powell, Olivia Costs of publication will be as- of the rules and regulations for Theme of the convention was Gregory, Mirian Holbrook, Kath- sumed by the councll, and the stu- the Student Union Building. Dae to''teeIIDieaI diffleul- "God's Redemptive Love." Speak- leen Hummel, Barbara Miller, Jo dent directory will be available ties" it was necessary for all Regular meetings of the Student ers were Dr. Chester Swor, noted Anna Jetton, Sara Bishop, Marsha to students at DO charge. Council are held every 0 the r tile lim aDd some 01 tile boys author and lecturer; Or. Culbert Kleineke, and Nancy Harrison. to have their 8DDII8I pietares AdditioaaI PolUDg StatioIl Thursday at 2: 12 p.m, on the Stu- G. Rutenber, author of several The group was sponsored by dent Union Porch. The n ext remade. There was DO addJ. books; Sam Cannata, Jr., South- Recent action was taken to oper- Nancy's mother, Mrs. A. L. Har- meeting is scheduled for Novem- ern Baptist medical missionary; rison, of Yoakum. ate a second polling station (in .......... ber 1. '11Ie staff Is earious to know Buckner Fanning, and Ross Cog- Trinity Baptist Church, San An- addition to the SUB location) wbOse IIIUI it was that "bnke gins. tonio, was the site of the conven- during future campus elections. Louise Hume, SC faculty spon- !be ClIIIlenl." Victoria College students who tion which was held October 19- Student Council members pro- sor, reminds aU students that attended the convention were 21. posed that a second station would these are opening meetings. 2 THE JOLLY ROGER VICTORIA, TEXAS, OCTOBER 26, 1962 Hc(;he7lrt 0/ 8tudying" James Carter PRESIDENT MOORE "Studying is, indeed, an art; it cannot be mastered in Speaks To a period of a few days. It takes a lot of self-discipline and Administration Notes • desire to excell, plus a long period of time to really be A few students will achieve ac- this larger group who have equal Journalists ceptable grades with very little ability are not ready to assume able to study efficiently." These words are the introduc- the responsibilities of citizenship. James Carter, staff writer for effort. Another small group win This is a problem of considerable tion of a booklet entitled "The Art of Studying" which is .the Victoria Advocate, addressed be unable to make satisfactory available to all VC students. Simply pick up a copy from the Victoria College journalism concern for the teacher and for grades regardless of the efforts the administrator. There is DOth- the display in the Library or Student Union.
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