porth atifit nion leaner "Trust ye in the Lord for ever; for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength." !sc. 26:4. VOL. 33 COLLEGE PLACE, WASHINGTON, JULY 26, 1938 No. 29 - A Glimpse of the Work Among the Miao Montana Conference OFFICE ADDRESS: BOX 507 BOZEMAN, MONTANA The province of Kweichow has a has already given them that which is J. L. MCCONAUGHEY - - - - PRESIDENT population of about fourteen millions, far more important—a bountiful meal WERBER JOHNSON SEC.-TREAS. approximately one-fourth of whom be- of spiritual food, the Bread from Make wills and legacies to the Montana Conference Assr.ciation of Seventh-day Adventist, long to various Miao tribes. The heaven. Chinese live in the towns and cities, The evening meetings are attended while the Miao dwell in small villages by the largest groups, for then the News From Montana and natural fortresses among the day's toil is over and all are free to mountains. By force of circumstances, come. Often the people are not satis- Have you read Elder McElhaney's they till the soil for their living. They fied with one sermon, but must have a article in last week's Review and grow their own food, which is course second and perhaps a third. Even then Herald entitled "Our World Problem?" and simple. Their simple clothing is they do not depart, for they are much Did it make you feel ashamed of the made from hempen cloth, grown and interested in singing, and they beg the small contribution you made to the spun by themselves, by primitive evangelist to teach them a few songs. Midsummer offering for missions? If methods. And they build their own So until midnight the sound of singing so, why not give a conscience offering homes, crude structures of mud and echoes among the mountains and of sacrifice next Sabbath for missions? straw. valleys, back and forth, higher and stilt Let us give of our best while our op- When these people become ill, they higher, until it seems as though it portunities are so favorable for giving. do not call a doctor or pray to the would never stop. Our hearts thrill One of these days we will be surprised spirits; they allow the disease to run with the sound of it. to learn that we can no longer con- its course, or, following the practice Dear Sabbath school members in all tribute to the work in the far-off world handed down by their forefathers or the world, you into whose hearts the fields where so many miraculous the perscription of a neighbor, they light of truth has shone, are you will- things are taking place in the procla- take some medicine made from herbs ing to let these people perish without mation of our message of truth. Al- and roots. However, there is a large an opportunity to hear the truth you ready the sources of financial aid in group of Miao who follow the practice love? We are doing all we can to give some sections of the world have been of the Chinese among whom they live: them the gospel, but our numbers are cut off. they pray to the evil spirits or call a few, and our means are limited. We Elder McConaughey and Brother medicine man. This group are bound thank God that it is easy to sow the Johnson spent last week visiting by many superstitions and heathen gospel seed in the good soil of the churches in the eastern part of the practices, in connection with the wor- hearts of these people; with little ef- state counseling with officers over ship of their false gods. Sometimes fort we can reap a bountiful harvest. church building problems. Elder Mc- our evangelists ask them why they But we need more workers and means. Conaughey was called to Great Falls follow these practices, but they have Will you not open your purses and the first of the week to conduct the no answer, for they themselves do not give liberally, and help us to answer funeral of Sister Hulda Osterblom, the know the reason. the calls from this field where the mother of Sister C. Ray Kinney. Sister However, when the Miao learn to laborers are so few and the oppor- Osterblom was ill in the hospital for follow the Lord, they have a faith that tunities so great? seven weeks before her death. is simple and sincere, and free from FAN WEN-HWA, Elder Nelson has returned from the doubting. They are very earnest in S. S. Sec., East Kweichow Mission. western part of the conference where their witness for the truth. If one he has been visiting churches in the person in a village hears the truth, it "Faith is trusting God,—believing interests of church school and the is but a few days until he has several that He loves us, and knows best what Youth Camp. He is busy getting tens of people ready to come and hear is for our good. Thus, instead of our things in readiness for the Youth the gospel message. In a few more own, it leads us to choose His way. In Camp which opens Thursday night, the days the company has grown to more place of our ignorance, it accepts His 21st, at Luccock Park. Already a fine than a hundred. But alas! our small wisdom; in place of our weakness, His group of young people have registered chapels will not hold so many. Our strength; in place of our sinfulness, for the camp program. evangelist then follows the example of His righteousness." Brother Aaboe is in the eastern part Jesus when He was on the earth, and • • of the conference spending two weeks holds a meeting on the mountainside, "Through faith in Christ, every de- with the student colporteurs in that where, after the people are seated, he ficiency of character may be supplied, section. These young people are doing preaches to them the gospel of the every defilement cleansed, every fault well in their literature ministry even kingdom of heaven. Unfortunately, corrected, every excellence devel- though the grasshoppers have done when he has talked until his throat is oped." much damage to the crops. dry and the people are hungry, he can- • • We hope all our people will note not obtain five loaves and two fishes "Commit thy way unto the Lord; carefully the tithe and mission fund and ask the Lord to multiply them for trust in Him; and He shall bring it to statement appearing in this issue of the hungry multitude. However, he pass." the GLEANER. To date we show a 2 NORTH PACIFIC UNION GLEANER MONTANA CONFERENCE TITHE AND OFFERINGS STATEMENT ff IP For Six Months Ending June 30, 1938 Church Memb. Tithe S. S. Offerings Mission Goal Funds Idaho Conference 1937 1938 1937 1938 Per cap. 1937 1938 Per cap. OFFICE ADDRESS: BOX 2238, BOISE, IDAHO per wk. per wk. TELEPHONE 1651 Billings District-Walter Specht J. W. TURNER PRESIDENT *Billings 58 396.11 376.32 165.36 105.76 .070 188.38 129.37 .086 ANDREW ROEDEL SEC.-TREAS. Custer 30 223.04 184.91 88.77 69.43 .089 106.10 76.16 .097 Make wills and legacies to the Southern Idaho *Hardin 33 31.80 60.15 84.26 71.81 .084 92.41 71.81 .084 Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists Totals 121 650.95 621.38 33&39 247.00 .077 386.89 277.34 .088 Bozeman District-Werber Johnson Idaho Items Big Timber 31 228.85 112.55 35.90 31.48 .039 39.98 31.63 .039 Bozeman 38 562.53 591.71 112.81 125.13 .127 124.91 157.43 .159 Elder S. W. Munro reports that the Livingston 58 383.55 411.06 188.74 166.62 .110 203.13 175.10 .116 attendance at the meetings in Meri- Mt. Ellis 84 664.58 736.32 186.38 201.73 .092 215.85 217.51 .099 dian are good. We hope our people Totals 211 1839.51 1851.64 523.83 524.96 .096 583.87 581.67 .106 will remember this effort in their Great Falls District-M. J. Jackson prayers. Great Falls 59 1159.77 1080.78 231.77 255.63 .166 295.76 304.41 .198 August 13 has been set apart as Gem Havre 27 491.04 120.66 136.97 .221 534.19 .195 133.88 155.00 State Academy day. At this time it is Kalispell 59 1099.87 848.42 182.35 201.39 .131 213.43 223.30 .146 Lewistown 26 350.78 326.90 51.33 68.67 .101 61.14 77.23 .114 hoped a collection of one dollar per member will be given. Totals 171 3101.46 2790.29 586.11 662.66 .149 704.21 759.94 .179 Elder Fred Wagner writes from Helena District-L. B. Mershon Idaho Falls that the Lord is blessing *Anaconda 21 393.35 259.60 112.26 86.57 .158 128.26 109.92 .200 Butte 27 700.72 777.43 245.25 241.00 .425 293.35 292.97 .516 the efforts that are being put forth by Helena (21 wks.) 12 326.17 90.30 .358 108.80 .432 our people in that district. Mrs. Zim Berntson who taught in the Totals 60 1094.07 1363.74 357.51 417.87 .268 421.61 511.69 .328 church school for several years in Miles City District-Arthur Knauft Boise stopped at the office on her way Glendive 14 263.17 311.39 45.92 59.21 .153 50.92 68.15 .187 Jordan 38 97.37 92.30 64.62 57.33 .058 66.62 61.33 .062 back to Seattle.
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