SATURDAY August 24, 2019 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 cents Bartow 4-H presents 400+ awards at end-of-year ceremony BY DONNA HARRIS crease in that number, Perkins The club also had three competition, including scholar- [email protected] said. state-champion teams this year ships,” Perkins said. “Ten mas- “This is defi nitely one of the — LifeSmarts, the SAFE air ter 4-H’ers in one year is excit- The Bartow County 4-H pro- highest number of awards and rifl e team and the SAFE .22 ing for Bartow County 4-H.” gram handed out more than 400 recognition we have given,” she rimfi re team — and the shoot- Drexler and Bethany Craven awards to its members, volun- said. “This year, we had more ing teams produced two nation- were named winners of the Se- teers and donors last week to fi fth-graders compete in our al-title winners: Cole Cook, the nior Achievement of the Year wrap up another stellar year. public speaking contest, more top overall air rifl e shooter in awards, given to two members 4-H agents Allison Perkins youth place in the Top 10 in area the country, and Josh Drexler, who earned the highest number and Kim Payne presented 442 and state competitions and three the nation’s best shooter in the of points from participating in awards during the 2018-19 Bar- state-winning teams. I think that smallbore CMP category of the county, district and state activi- tow 4-H Awards Ceremony Aug. having so many youth place in .22 rimfi re competition. ties in grades 9-12. 15 at the Beavers Drive Senior the Top 10 of competitions is Ten members of Bartow 4-H “Josh and Bethany have been Center in Cartersville. great. It really shows that they — Cole Cook, Sydney Cook, our most active 4-H’ers, com- “Each of these young peo- are learning and gaining skills Rylee Cook, Drexler, Kaydee peting in almost every activity ple have worked hard this year such as public speaking, critical Huskins, Abi Ogles, Rose Wer- we offer in 4-H,” Perkins said. to achieve so much, not just in thinking and more.” ner and Sawyer Williams from “They have excelled in public awards but stepping outside their During the ceremony, Perkins the two SAFE teams and state speaking, judging competi- comfort zones, from speaking in and Payne recognized winners scholarship winners Natalie tions, been community leaders front of a group for the fi rst time in such activities as Project Burrow and Amelia Payne, who and more. The application is a to competing nationally,” Per- Achievement, LifeSmarts and received $1,000 scholarships points-based system, and both SPECIAL kins said. “I am so proud of their Shooting Awareness, Fun and — were crowned with the high- of these young people have been Showing off the awards they won for their shooting expertise achievements this year.” Education and judging contests est honor they could achieve in high-achieving 4-H’ers, earning are Bartow 4-H members, from left, Cole Cook, overall nation- Typically, the club presents like horse judging, poultry judg- Georgia 4-H — master status. them this award.” al champion in air rifl e shooting; Josh Drexler, smallbore na- between 200 and 300 awards ing, forestry judging and con- “You earn master status by tional champion for .22 rimfi re; and Rylee Cook, member of the so this year saw a dramatic in- sumer judging/Cotton Boll. placing fi rst in a statewide SEE 4-H, PAGE 5A state-champion air rifl e team. Judge rejects Woodland grad transforms into ‘Father of bond motions Rockabilly’ for ‘Million Dollar Quartet’ for two accused of BY MARIE NESMITH [email protected] aggravated Reprising his role as Carl Perkins in “Million Dollar Quartet,” Brett Ben- assault owitz is continuing to make his mark on the dramatic arts. The former Car- BY JAMES SWIFT tersville resident is thrilled to portray [email protected] the “Father of Rockabilly” once again, this time for the Lamb’s Players The- Cherokee Judicial Circuit atre in California. Judge Jeffrey A. Watkins de- “The play is about a jam session at nied a motion to set bond for Sun Studio in Memphis, Tennessee, an Acworth man accused of that really happened with Elvis, John- committing aggravated assault ny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl in Bartow Superior Court Tues- Perkins,” Benowitz said. “It all takes day morning — and then denied place in one night where they play a a motion to reduce bond for a ton of music together but towards the Cartersville man facing charges end some conflict arises and we see of aggravated assault-strangula- just how hard the music business can tion. be on friendship and trust. In the end, Public defender Lora Alsher rock ‘n’ roll prevails. said Rick Kenneth Storick has “Critics are raving, we’ve gotten been in custody at the Bartow fantastic reviews and ticket sales are County Jail since June 26. doing very well. They’ve said lots of “My understanding is that nice things about me and the show, when this incident occurred, he and I’m definitely happy about it.” had already bonded out of Cher- Directed by Kerry Meads, “Million okee County on a battery charge Dollar Quartet” is being presented — I’m not sure when that was,” through Sept. 1 at the AVO Playhouse she said. “He does give a Bartow in Vista, California. County address, so he would “He wrote ‘Blue Suede Shoes,’ but have ties to the community.” Elvis made it famous because Carl She asked Judge Watkins to was supposed to perform it on na- set a “reasonable bond” for the tional television but got in a bad car Acworth man. Cherokee Judi- wreck,” Benowitz said. “So Elvis did cial Circuit Assistant District it while Carl was recovering in the Attorney Suzanne Brookshire, hospital. Carl was never the same and however, said the State has se- never quite reached the recognition he rious concerns about the de- deserved, so a lot of the play is Carl SPECIAL fendant reoffending if released acting bitter and covering it up with Brett Benowitz performs in “Million Dollar Quartet.” from pre-trial detention. humor. talent to the forefront. aware of why he’s so important. The Lee Lewis was auditioning as rock ‘n’ “He has 22 cycles on his “He has a ton of one-liners that poke “He plays nearly every song with Beatles loved him and guitar legends roll’s official court jester. All roads GCIC [record], his previous ar- fun at Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis. He’s complicated lead guitar licks and tons all praise him.” led to Memphis on Dec. 4, 1956, when rest in Cherokee County was in constantly trying to assert himself, of guitar solos,” he said. “His songs Among the musical’s favorable a fearsome foursome of rock royal- May of 2019 — it was for drug because when he wrote BSS it went to are super fun and challenging, which reviews, is one by James Hebert of ty-to-be — Elvis, Lewis, Carl Perkins charges and drug-related ob- the top of the pop, blues and country is why I enjoy playing him. The San Diego Union-Tribune — and Johnny Cash — converged on jects,” she said. “Prior to that, charts but he could never get another “Most people don’t know much “The jukebox musical ‘Million Dol- Sam Phillips’ Sun Records studio to he had arrests in 2017 for family great hit like it again.” about Carl, which is why I like shed- lar Quartet’ takes us back to a day engage in a jam session for the ages. violence-battery that was pled Through his performance, Beno- ding light on his career and monu- when Elvis was still a scrappy young to a disorderly conduct, before witz enjoys bringing Perkins and his mental influence to make people more prince instead of the King, and Jerry SEE BENOWITZ, PAGE 2A that, in 2016 he had an aggra- vated battery charge that he was sentenced one year in custody in Cobb.” She also said the defendant has a prior drug felony convic- GHC offers new 2-year recreation administration degree tion from 2007, as well as multi- ple failures to appear from 2008. BY MARIE NESMITH number of recreation administrators can range from $28,000 to $60,000 a ing offered this semester in Carters- “It just goes on and on,” she [email protected] in the northwest Georgia area,” Dean year. ville, Boyce said. said. of Health Sciences Michelle Boyce And it can help people already “For fall and spring, the classes are Brookshire said the victim in In its efforts to give students more said. “This pathway gives students working in the recreation field. being offered at our Floyd and Car- the alleged domestic violence career options, Georgia Highlands the foundational knowledge in both “The degree pathway is also great tersville campuses,” she said. “We incident was Storick’s girlfriend. College has added a new associate’s recreation, sport and fitness leader- for people currently in positions with- plan to expand and offer at our other “It involved punching her and degree to its growing arsenal of de- ship to continue to a bachelor’s de- in recreation management if they are locations plus online options as well.” stomping on her head,” she said. gree programs. gree.” looking to further their careers,” Lisa Jellum added all kinesiology and “Offi cers did observe injuries to With the start of fall semester at Students who graduate with an as- Jellum, department chair of kinesiol- wellness faculty members are creden- her head and her arms that are GHC this week, students will be able sociate degree in recreation admin- ogy and wellness, said in a press re- tialed.
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