chi tat STERLING 43-ALT. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR ESTABLISHED OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY TERMS—$1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. XXXVI EMEMITSB-URG, MARITLA_N-1), FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1915 NO. 30 SIR W.ROBERTSON PARSON IBIS HOW HE 4,200 CHARACTERS I. C. C. CHAIRMAN IS CHIEF OF STAFF WOULD ACT AS MAYOR ON NEW TYPEWRITER SAFETY ADVOCATE Preacher Candidate Plans No Chinese achine Has Three Keys Has Been Highly Efficient Brit- New Head of Body Persona) Anti-Liquor Movement. With 501000 Combinations. ish Quartermaster General. Investigates Accidents, Greenwich, Conn. — "This borough New Yon.—Stenographers may be will be run like any business concern. Interested to learn that there is a nee, PRAISED BY GENERAL FRENCH All of the people will be like the stock- sort of typewriter which has just been LED IN NEW HAVEN PROBE holders'. of a big business house. The invented by a young student in the en- town will be managed for their bene- gineering department of New York Won Distinction In Field In Several fit, without regard to politics, if I am university. The machine is different Mr. McChcrd Was For Twelve Years Previous Wars—Recent Duties Make chosen mayor." from the typewriters familiar to the an Active Member of the Kentuck) Him Familiar With Needs of English So said the Rev. Charles F. Taylor, average person in several respects. For "the fighting parson," when he out- State Railroad Commission—Describ• Soldiers, and He Has Attended to the Instance, the "standard" keyboard has lined the platform on which he will ed as Well Informed and Courageous Great Task of Feeding the Army. twenty-six letters and in most cases stand firmly when he runs for mayor about a dozen keys devoted to figures Aided In the Regulation of Rates. London.—Major General Sir William of Greenwich. Dr. Taylor, pastor of and punctuation marks, while the neW Washington. — Charles C. McChord the Second Congregational church, one machine has 4,200 characters in all and Robert Robertson, now serving as quar- who has just been elected chairman o; of the wealthiest here, has accepted a only three keys. termaster general on the staff of Field the interstate commerce commission nomination for mayor on an indepe- l- One of the three keys is a back Marshal Sir John French, with tempo- brings to his new office the knowledgs ent ticket. He is a muscular Christian, spacer, another the space key and the rary rank of lieutenant general, has of affairs gained from a wide field o; standing six feet two inches, and seem- third is the key with which the 4,200 been promoted to be the chief of the personal and official experience. Pre ingly in good condition, spiritually and characters are struck. It is possible, imperial general staff to succeed Ma. vious to becoming a member of the; physically. according to the inventor, to make jor General Sir Architald James Mur- body four years ago he had twelvi "The duty of the church and of all more than 4,200 characters by combi- ray. years' active experience as rani-oat good citizens is service to the com- nations of "radicals." or base chaeac- No commissioner of Kentucky. explanation was given why Gen- munity," said he. "The best service ters. About 50,000 combinations can be eral Murray is to be Soon after admission to the bar se succeeded by Gen- of practical Christianity is to make all made by the machine, the inventor Kentucky he was elected prosecuth4 eral Robertson. Twice in the present the community happier, healthier, bet- said. attorney of Washington county and war General Murray has been men. ter and freer. And the way to do that That stenographers ambitious to op. was twice re-elected. During his en tioned in reports. In September Gen- is not to begin by hounding so called crate the new typewriter will find at tire twelve years' service on the Ken eral French spoke of him as having evildoers. We are all evildoers, for first their task a little difficult, at least, tucky railroad commission he was its been one of those who had "worked that matter. I mean, the 'cleaning up was indicated by the fact that it re- chairman. day and night unceasingly, with the the town' sort of thing. It isn't that quired two hours to write the first let- The associated railroad commission utmost skill, self sacrifice and devo- sort of 'strong arm work' that accom- ter typed by the machine. This letter era of the United States twice electes tion." In October General French plishes things. I know, because when contained approximately 100 words, him president of that body. again added him to his roll of honor. I was a pastor in New York I went in but the operator was unfamiliar with He carried through to enactment his Sir William Robertson's work as quer- for the vice crusade idea. I even used the 4,200 characters. Stenographers of bill conferring upon the Kentucke eermaster ; of the British army to go out and serve warrants. this city who' do not work in export In the field was highly praised in a "I shall not begin by trying to close or import houses dealing with China, commission authority and power ti dispatch by Sir John French, who said the saloons. I shall not make it my however, are not apt to be. called on regulate the railroads of that state. that he "met what appeared to be al- business to seek out violations of the to memorize the new keyboard for This was at a time when the un- most ineuperable difficulties with his liquor law unless a strong public sen- some time. precedented excitement and passion existed in characteristic energy, skill and deter. timent demands it, for a law is, after The machine is said to be the first Kentucky, which resulted in the mination." all, only a scrap of paper unless the Chinese typewriter ever invented. assassination of Governor Goebel While Sir John, for the most part, public is behind it. Heuen Chi. the student inverttor, dem- and forced the legislature to remove its sittings from has to consider the ground in front of "I shall try only to make Greenwich onstrated the method by which the Frankfort to Louis. ville. him, Sir VVilliena Robertson has had a better place to live in, and I hope be- machine worked. He conceived the Since to keep in touch not only with the fore we get through the community idea that a typewriter could be made he has been a member of the interstate ground covered by the expeditionary will have so many more useful and to write Chinese while he was at his commerce commission he has reorganized and systematized the force, but with the centers of supply interesting things to offer that men home in southern China three years safe- ty work of the commission into what at home. He must know the lay of will not care to spend their time in ago, he said. He began a study of is now known as the Ypres, but he must know a great deal saloons. the Chinese dictionary at once to iso- division of safety, all of whose work has been under his about Birmingham and Manchester as "I do not mean thaA shall not en- late the "radical" or base characters supervision. Railroad accidents are well. force the law if I am called upon to of the words. In most cases one char. now made the subject of thorough in- His is the case of a man prepared. do it. I shall. But I mean that my acter represents a whole word in Chi- vestigation, and Mr. McChord person- His line of business ever since he look- program will be constructive, not mere- nese, though, according to Heuen Chi, ally holds the hearings in the most ina- ed after the railway transport during ly chasing evils." thousands of these characters are of simpler which portant cases. Examination is made the Miranzai and Black Mountain ex- Dr. Taylor has preached daringly on made up characters alone represent words under his direction of new inventions peditions twenty-three years ago has civic questions to his wealthy and con- themselves. He continued 'studying the forms of the covering the field of block signals, au- had to do with the care of soldier men. servative congregation. So far from language during a year and a half he tomatic train control and safety de- His first regiment was the Third resenting his instructions his parish- spent at London university and began vices of like character. In fact, every Dragoon guards, which he entered in ioners have followed them eagerly. work on his typewriter. factor which enters into the problem 1888. After doing useful transport work The liquor dealers have expressed Heuen came to this country as a of making railroad travel more safe is in the Black mountains he was pro. theniselves as not opposed to the cler- government student and on the given consideration and study by the moted to staff captain and D. A. Q. gyman. They say they believe he will prompting of Chinese officials who had division of safety. M. G. of the intelligence branch at give them a "fair deal" as mayor. become interested in his scheme took He personally examines each in- Simla. For four years he worked hard up the study of engineering at New stance of violation of the hours of serv- at the provisioning and quartering of 20,000 ACRES TO COLLEGE.
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