ST. PETER’S COLLEGE 2017 Information Booklet 1 | P a g e CONTENTS Contact Details Page 4 Bell Times and Important Dates for Term 1, 2017 Page 4 College Crest and Vision Statement Page 5 Principal’s Welcome Page 6 College Hymn Page 7 House System Page 8 House Leaders Page 9 Introduction to Transition Support Page 10 Role of the Learning Advisor Page 11-13 House Patron, Prayer, Crest & Motto Page 14-17 The Petrine Ethos Page 18 Religious Education at St Peter’s College Page 19 Regulations/Consequences Page 20-21 Uniform Policy Page 22 Student Leadership Page 23 Student Recognition Page 24 Camps & Retreats at St Peter’s College Page 25-26 Student Extra-Curricular Programs Page 27 Discovery Centre & Library, Homework Club & Maths Support Page 28 College Administration Page 29 Student Record Book Page 30-34 Homework Tips for Students Page 35-36 Student Counselling and Welfare Page 37 Bullying and Harassment Policy – Parent Information Page 38-40 Bullying and Harassment Policy – Student Information Page 41-43 Social Media Etiquette and Guidelines Agreement Page 44 Drug Education Policy – Student Information Page 45-48 Parents & Friends Page 49-50 Parent Resources Page 51 2 | P a g e ST. PETER’S COLLEGE Cranbourne West Campus Cranbourne-Frankston Road, Cranbourne 3977 Telephone: (03) 5990 7777 Facsimile: (03) 5996 8277 www.stpeters.vic.edu.au Office Hours: 8.00am – 4.30pm Cranbourne East Campus 55 MacKillop Way, Cranbourne East 3977 Telephone: (03) 5990 7777 Facsimile: (03) 5996 8277 www.stpeters.vic.edu.au Office Hours: 8.00am – 4.30pm PRINCIPAL Contact Names: Mr Tim Hogan – PRINCIPAL Ms Marlene Jorgensen – DEPUTY PRINCIPAL TEACHING & LEARNING Mr David Hansen - DEPUTY PRINCIPAL HEAD OF CAMPUS – CRANBOURNE WEST Mr Chris Black - DEPUTY PRINCIPAL HEAD OF CAMPUS – CRANBOURNE EAST College Bell Times: Tutor Group 8.50am - 9.05am Period 1 9.08am - 10.08am Period 2 10.11am - 11.11am RECESS 11.11am - 11.31am Period 3 11.35am - 12.35pm Period 4 12.38pm - 1.38pm LUNCH 1.38pm - 2.16pm Period 5 2.20pm - 3.20pm Important Dates For Term 1, 2017 YEAR 7 WEST AND EAST CAMPUS UPCOMING DATES FEBRUARY 1 Year 7 & 12 Students Commence 2 Year 8, 9, 10 & 11 Students Commence 2 West Campus – Student Photos 2 East Campus – Student Photos 13 West Campus – Swimming Carnival 16 East Campus – Opening Mass 16 West Campus – Opening Mass 20 East Campus – Swimming Carnival 21 East Campus – House Family Evening 23 West Campus – House Family Evening 27 East Campus – Year 7 Immunisations 27 West Campus - Year 7 Immunisations MARCH 6-8 East Campus – Year 7 Camp 8-10 West Campus – Year 7 Camp 13 Labour Day – Public Holiday 30 Parent Teacher Interviews 4pm-8pm 31 Parent Teacher Interviews 9am-1pm End of Term 1 3 | P a g e THE COLLEGE CREST The College colours are Burgundy, Grey and Gold. Burgundy is appropriate to St Peter’s, being a colour associated with both martyrdom and leadership within the Church. Gold is the colour in which the Keys are portrayed on the Papal flag. The Crest features the Keys of the Kingdom as promised to Peter, on a grey background which represents the storm. Below the fishing boat with its mast in the form of a Cross, the Net spreads out from the fishing boat… “I will make you fishers of all people”. The motto, ‘Be Not Afraid’ appears significantly and frequently in scripture reminding us of God’s constant presence and help. Specifically we recall Jesus speaking to Peter as he walks on the water. VISION STATEMENT 2015-2018 Be Not Afraid As a Catholic community, we aspire to lead in faith, guide with love and inspire through learning. MISSION STATEMENTS 2015- 2018 CATHOLIC IDENTITY Walking in the footsteps of St. Peter, we will celebrate out Catholic faith founded in Christ’s message of love, justice and service TEACHING AND LEARNING Jesus, as our first teacher, revealed our essential mission as a Catholic College to actively provide opportunities for excellence, engagement and achievement across all areas and endeavours of learning. We commit ourselves to personalising the development of each individual’s education within our school community. LEARNING AND WELLBEING Drawing upon the Christian example of our eight House Patrons, we commit to the enrichment of the whole person. Based firmly on Gospel values, we dedicate ourselves to the comprehensive pastoral care of students and staff. LEADERSHIP With the servant leadership of Peter as our model, we aspire to strengthen the qualities of all those in our community so that they may lead with wisdom, compassion and courage. SUSTAINABILITY & GROWTH Built on the confidence of a community that is rapidly growing and changing. St.Peter’s College treasures its proud history with in the Cranbourne region. We commit ourselves to embracing the opportunities which enable the appropriate expansion of resources that meet the needs of our 21st Century community. 4 | P a g e WELCOME Dear Parents, On behalf of the St Peter’s College Community, I extend to you a warm welcome and our commitment to providing a quality Catholic secondary education which challenges our students to be the best they can be. This “Induction Booklet” bring together the major policy documents and procedures which apply at the College. Our aim is to apply them consistently and they are inspired by our need to educate the whole person, spiritually, socially, intellectually and physically. We work to create an environment with our students where they understand both their right to and responsibility for dignity and respect for all members of our community. Two way communication between home and school is essential to achieving our stated aims and I am always happy to meet every new family from Year 7 to Year 12. Our House system also supports partnership and communication between home and school by ensuring that our families and students will work with the same House leader and Learning Advisor as they journey from Year 7 to 12. We provide regular House based Information Evenings, Parent/Teacher interviews and Careers Nights as ways of promoting positive communication between home and school and I emphasise that parents are also free, at any stage, to request a meeting with appropriate staff. The Student Record Book, College Newsletter and website are other means by which parents can keep up to date with school news and events or communicate information to House Leaders and Learning Advisors. I also extend an invitation to all parents to attend the Parents & Friends Association Meetings which are advertised in the newsletter and held twice each term. The meetings are a great way to meet other parents from the school and include a guest speaker from the teaching staff at each meeting. Please do not hesitate to ask should any of these materials require clarification. I welcome you once again to our College community. Yours sincerely, Mr Tim Hogan B.Comm; Grad.Dip.Ed; Grad.Dip.Student Welfare; Cert.Theol.MEDL PRINCIPAL 5 | P a g e COLLEGE HYMN Be Not Afraid You shall cross the barren desert but you shall not die of thirst. You shall wander far in safety though you do not know the way. You shall speak your words to foreign men and they will understand. You shall see the face of God and live. CHORUS Be not afraid. I go before you always. Come follow Me and I will give you rest. If you pass through raging waters in the sea you shall not drown – if you walk amid burning flames you shall not be harmed. If you stand before the power of hell and death is at your side, know that I am with you through it all. CHORUS Be not afraid. I go before you always. Come follow Me and I will give you rest. Blessed are your poor, for the kingdom shall be theirs. Blest are you that weep and mourn, for one day you shall laugh. And if wicked men insult and hate you all because of Me, Blessed, Blessed are you! CHORUS Be not afraid. I go before you always. Come follow Me and I will give you rest. (Robert J) Bob Dufford 6 | P a g e HOUSE SYSTEM In 2012 St Peter’s College introduced a House System which provided a vertical pastoral care structure for all students from Year 7- 12. Your child will be allocated one of the eight Houses during their time at the College. This House is not only for this child but for all children within your family that attend St Peter’s College. It is essentially your Family’s House, and your primary link with all aspects of your children’s College life. Why A House System? Extensive study and practice has shown that the House system delivers: Increased connectedness and engagement in students to their House and the College; Learning Advisors and House Leaders feel they are building long term relationships with students – a relationship that is not terminal; Tutor Groups have fewer students; Consistency of contact for parents over the student’s time at the College, especially for ongoing welfare and academic needs of students; Reduction in the incidence of bullying and unruly behaviour around congested areas of the campus, eg: locker areas; Increased participation in extra-curricular activities promoting House Spirit because of the sense of belonging to that House; Enhanced Student Leadership; Positive Peer influence. Relief from peer pressure that can occurs amongst same age groups. Mr Tim Hogan PRINCIPAL 7 | P a g e HOUSE LEADERS East Campus HOUSE HOUSE LEADER ASSISI Mr Peter Woodhouse AUGUSTINE Ms Jodie Connell AVILA Mr Peter Woodhouse GLOWREY Ms Jodie Connell KOLBE Mr Greg Furlong MACKILLOP Mr Jean Paul Antoine MARIAN Mr Greg Furlong ROMERO Mr Jean Paul Antoine West Campus HOUSE HOUSE LEADER ASSISI Mr Peter Brannan AUGUSTINE Mr Gerard Brown AVILA Mr Andrew McMellon GLOWREY Mr Jason Blackburn KOLBE Ms Michele McArdle MACKILLOP Ms Janelle McRae MARIAN Mr Matthew Laurie ROMERO Mr Mark Sinclair 8 | P a g e TRANSITION SUPPORT The role of the Pastoral Leader at West Campus and the House Leaders at East Campus is to oversee the well-being of all Year 7 students as they make the transition from Primary School to Secondary School.
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