$ %$ $ " &" " " $ $ " " $ ' & # 7KXUVGD\)HEUXDU\ ZZZLULVKH[DPLQHUFRP 1R ȣd ˼61$FXWVWDNHDZD\DFKLOG˽VFKDQFHWROHDUQ˽ :LIH .HQQ\ DVVDXOWHG RYHUKHU DFFHSWV FRRNLQJ /LDP+H\OLQ A Cork woman was thrown down the stairs by her “per- fectionist” husband after she cooked his pork chops in the EODPH oven instead of frying them. Siobhán Kelleher’s hus- band Anthony, 42, was yes- terday found guilty by a jury at Cork Circuit Criminal Court of the serious assault of his wife at the family home in Raleigh North, Macroom. IRUVHULHV The prosecution presented statements taken in writing from Ms Kelleher following the incident on June 12, 2014. In one, she said: “We were having pork chops that day. I put the dinner on the table. He would never say thanks. RIJDIIHV He complained that the pork chops were cooked in the oven. He wanted them fried. He is a per- I fectionist.” 3DUW\DOVRIRUFHGWRDGPLW86& She said she went to SODQZLOOEHQHILWWRSHDUQHUVPRVW bed and covered her 'DQLHO0F&RQQHOO but added, there was a strong head with DQG)LDFKUD&LRQQDLWK urge to go early. blankets. “First of all, had I gone in She said he Taoiseach Enda Kenny has November I would have pulled her accepted responsibility for a ruptured the link with the -HVVLFD1¯0KDRO£LQZKRZDVFRQIHUUHGZLWKDPDVWHUVLQJRYHUQPHQWLQ8&&\HVWHUGD\6KHZDVERUQZLWKDYLVLRQLPSDLUPHQWFDOOHGRFFXORFXWDQHRXVDOELQLVP out of bed by $QWKRQ\ series of “mistakes” which Labour Party after saying we PDNLQJLWGLIͅFXOWIRUKHUWRVHHFOHDUO\EH\RQGͅYHIHHWDQGKDGWKHKHOSRIDQ61$IRUKDOIRIKHUIXOOWLPHHGXFDWLRQ 3LFWXUH0LFKDHO0DF6ZHHQH\3URYLVLRQ the ponytail .HOOHKHU have blighted Fine Gael’s would have gone the full dis- and threw stuttering general election tance. Secondly we wouldn’t (RLQ(QJOLVK early years, the more is lost her to see clearly beyond my sight: notes, expla- SNA from a child for the her down the stairs, kicking campaign. have introduced the Finance to society in the long- five feet. She also has nyst- nations, descriptions of sake of a financial bottom her on the way down. The party was also fight- Bill and other bills. And An inspirational college term.” agmus, an involuntary what was going on in line? “I got to the first landing ing a rearguard action last people would have rightly student with a visual im- Jessica, who completed a movement of the eyes, class,” she said. “Because while I’m and he kicked me the rest of night as Mr Kenny and been critical had we not pairment who was awarded bachelors of science in which makes it difficult for “Having an SNA put me graduating, there will be the way down. I was out cold Finance Minister Michael awaited the results of the a masters at UCC has public health two years her eyes to focus. on a level playing field with children and parents who and I don’t remember any- Noonan accepted that very banking inquiry,” he said. warned the Government ago, studied the effects of For the first six years of my classmates. Every child were where my parents thing else until I woke in hos- high income earners will be Mr Kenny’s position against cutting special legislation on special needs her primary education at has a right to education, once were. pital with a tube down my much better off in cash terms as leader could come under needs assistant (SNAs) education at second level Gaelscoil an Teaghlaigh and it’s near impossible for “And they will be won- throat. Anthony came in to than lower income earners question, should Fine hours. for her masters in govern- Naofa, off Kinsale Road, a child to learn if they rely dering whether their child the hospital with my slippers after their controversial Gael and Labour fail to be Jessica Ní Mhaoláin, 24, ment. She is now consider- Jessica had to rely only on on sound alone, simple as.” will achieve an education and pyjamas. He started cry- promise to abolish the re-elected, given they were from Cork, who struggles ing applying for a PhD. the sound of her teachers to She praised the level of like I have, because an SNA ing and said: ‘If you had died universal social charge returned with the biggest to see beyond five feet, Her Facebook post on learn. SNAs were intro- support provided to her at and a chance to learn I would have thrown myself (USC) for all. majority in the history of the told the Irish Examiner: SNAs, from Tuesday night, duced by former minister UCC, with assistive tech- equally as others do has in the river’. I couldn’t look However, as the campaign State in 2011. “Simply put, I would not has gotten over 21,000 likes Micheál Martin in 1999 and nology, extra tuition, and been taken away from them at him,” the jury heard. is coming to an end, Mr The difficult choices the have finished primary and 5,000 shares. She said she got SNA support from grinds. But she warned for the sake of saving As well as suffering nu- Kenny conceded he had parties had to make in office school without the help of she hoped it would under- fourth class on. politicians to prioritise and money.” merous fractures and bruis- made a number of “gaffes” have taken their toll on their my SNA. Cutting SNA line the vital need for SNA Jessica had to wait until protect SNA hours; “What Her comments come as ing as well laceration to her during the campaign, but support, he said. hours is taking away the hours to be maintained, third year in Coláiste an is wrong with this society parents on the northside of liver, the victim went on to said he was human and man “People’s expectations chance for a child to learn even when funding is tight. Phiarsaigh before she got when it is deemed ok for a the city are mounting a suffer a stroke. enough to admit he was rise, this recovery is incom- properly — and that’s just Jessica was born with oc- further SNA support. special educational needs campaign to prevent cuts to The judge refused Kel- wrong. plete. Elections are about not right. culocutaneous albinism, “I had the help to do organiser (SENO) or de- SNAs at several primary leher bail after the verdict. “Actually, as you deal with choices. We had the most “The more you cut in the which makes it difficult for things I couldn’t because of partment official to cut an schools. Page: 2 all of these things, I am difficult decisions of any human, I make mistakes but government of decades I am man enough to accept past,” he said. responsibilities for these “Four of those polls show things. I think the hallmark Fine Gael are at 30%. Reports of leadership is how you we are getting from around move on from issues like the country is that people are 'LYRUFHGSDUHQWVGHWDLQHG those,” he said. examining very carefully Another senior Fine Gael and critically the plans that minister, Leo Varadkar, are on the table. conceded that Mr Kenny is “We feel we can increase RYHUDEVHQWHHLVPRIVRQ not the strongest advocate on that percentage and for the party in key setpiece translate that into seats. It is *RUGRQ'HHJDQ him as things stand. turned from honeymoon in events like TV debates. the choice of the people,” he “I never seen a case like Australia with his new wife. “Enda is not going to win a said. A judge yesterday placed the this where there is a 100% Judge Durcan said: “There debating competition but he The Taoiseach was divorced parents of a school- refusal by a child to go to may be another honeymoon has other strengths,” he said. severely criticised over his shy teen in temporary cus- school even though he has coming up for you now be- However, Mr Kenny and admission that he mis- tody after hearing a boy had been told by you, the Child & cause you are aware of the Mr Noonan were forced yes- handled the appointment of not attended school any day Family Agency, his princi- seriousness of the problem.” terday to confirm that under John McNulty to the board of since a previous court hear- pal, his father and mother The judge then told the their plans, people earning the Irish Museum of Modern ing. and myself that the parents boy: “Be clear on this young €150,000 a year would be Art. Former junior minister The pair were held for sev- will go to jail unless he goes man, if you don’t perform, three times better off as and Social Democrat joint eral hours in the custody to school.” unfortunately your mother those on €40,000 under their leader Roisin Shortall lashed area of Ennis courtroom The boy’s father yesterday will have to go away.” USC plans. Mr Kenny’s record in office. after being told the 13-year- apologised for missing pre- The boy has a 90% absen- Mr Noonan said that while “Well look, the story old did not attend school in vious court hearings in the teeism rate from school in higher earners will benefit changes yet again. People the past two weeks. case, saying he had just re- the year to date. more in cash terms, in terms are looking for integrity in Judge Patrick Durcan had Judge Durcan placed the of percentages, the gains are Irish politics, the Taoiseach previously warned the par- parents in custody to allow a broadly similar. has been tested several times ents would go to jail. solicitor for the Child and “The USC deals in percen- over the past year, whether Daragh Hassett, for the Family Agency to get further tages and if you apply it you that’s in relation to garda boy’s mother, said her client instructions.
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