JtT "OLUME XXXV. NO? 48. RED BANK, N.: JM WBONiSDAJ, MAY 21, 1913. PAGES! TO-8. Tnltlattoii Tasm from Worth &oa£ i 3oha BlnglQton Charged with I£nock!ngr Bnmeh Boss Gcoa woric Heio. Albert J. Ellis, James T. Clayton John Singleton of Everett was ar- WILL BE HELD SATURDAY ON PAEKEl'S TRACK and Harold Duvieon were initiated in rested Thursday on a charge of as- PEOPLE: N THE LAND OF THE'MIKADO ARE PRO- sault and battery made by his father, Patrick Singleton. According to the GRESSIVE AND WIDE AWAKE. of the lodge. The initiatory work wan «vidence Singleton came home drunk, fa from AH Parts of the County Will Take Part in the Sporta done by u team from Neptune council day—Mr; K!p$&®s$£9l VUQA to knocked his father and mother down of North Long Branch and they re- EStr. yattssgsn'e pises. and smashed a lot of furniture. He In a Letter to th«S Register John H. Cook Describes Their Modi® >nd Contest* ami a.-Large Number ®f Prizes Will be Given— ceived many compliments on the way Because he shot a dog belonging to i ha|,a(dj „a hearing before Recorder Harry in which the work was done. Visitors Ernest S. Hippenu'teel of Red Bank,' C- . Badea- u and was held under $300 of Living and Habits—They Still Cling to Some Old-Fathioned .'^emoiutratfona of Seout Work lo bo Given; and'the Awards were present from the Lakewood, Mid- Charles M. Patterson must pay the bail to await the action of the grand dletown, Belford, Scabright, Long owner of the dog $75. He must also jury. He was unable to get a bonds- Ideas, but They Have Made Many Improvements During a "Vill Go to'the Band* Making the Best'Show.'ng. Branch and Eatontown lodges. After pay the cost of u law. suit, amounting man and was committed to the county to 52.60. This decision wan made by Short Space of Time. L scout rally and. review of the colors, after which the troop will en- the initiation refreshments nnd a so- jai* l' t*o await the action of the grand cial time were enjoyed. Justice James H. Sickles last Wednes- Uu> scouts of ftlonmouth county will gape in competitivo games. day afternoon, Mr, Sickles's term as jury. Sim REGISTER last week received the people built the banks on the side be held Saturday morning and after- The first of these games will be an a justice ran out tlie farly port of this ___ .. ™ . , »,r» o/ii e> the following letter from John H. of the river higher and higher. Th«n noon on Parker's track on'Shrewsbury antelope race. Each team will con- month, but as the case was brought iff FA NPORnrtrk T I AND .SCSI D Cook, who is making a trip around the the river would bring down more earth avenue under the direction of the sist of eight boys. The boy behind beforahim in April and was postponed Vl-UlLirVftl LftllU OVLV. world: and fill the river bed again and then scoutmasters' association of Rlon- the leader will place both hands on Japan is the cleanest' country I the people would build the river banks inouth county. The- Red Bank scouts from time to time he settled it in spite | higher, till at the present time the the hips of the leader. Every other of the fact that his term ended early in jPAST OT OAPT. ^DWABBS'D MACE have been in since I left France. Tho have been very active the past few boy will place his hands on the hipB of •WASBB WORKS AT HEV/HAJ? people are the most polite I have met river and its banks are forty or fifty May. > BO00BT m car.iroP.iriA IIAIT. J weeks preparing for this rally, and the boy in front of him, and the lads BBO1HB WOBB. anywhere and they arc just as polite feet higher than the land. The rail- J|thoy expect to make a good showing in will run in this fashion to the finish Mr. Hippensteel used to farm Mr. to each other as they are to strangers. roads instead of going across these rthe various games and exhibitions. line. A tent donated by R. Hance & Patterson s place at Shrewsbury.; The Hew Owner will Build a Bungalo-sr The women here work hard. They two rivers on bridges, kept on a level Hint) Hen are Employed at the 71ac9 About two months Ego he moved to - ana Will Enjragfo In the Chicken Busi- This will be the first time that a scout Sons will "be given to the winning Thia Year and a &argor Territory Will o work in the fields, they work at pull- grade and. went under these rivers, in- rally h.OB been hold at Red Bank, and team. Eed Bank. The dof? evidently liked ness on an Extensive Scale—Tho Sale ing loads on the streets, and they stead of over them. I rode on this ho BuppUed Than Jivev—Aalnu-y Park farm life better than.it liked living at Made hy Morokouaa & Ford. as about 300 boys will take part it is A rescue race will be another at- Addol to District. work on boats. There are only a few railroad on one of my trips through expected 'that a big crowd will turn traction. This is open to teams of Red Bank. It trotted;back to the farm Capti Hiram BV Edwards of Ocean- horses in Japan, so far as I have seen, Japan and it seemed queer to know out to watch the events. The Tintern Manor Water company one day after Mr. Hippensteel moved poI,t has soi,i hia property on Ocean- three boys each, one of whom will re-opened its plant at Newman except the horses which are used by that you were going under a river, The scoutmasters' association, which to this place. Selecting a bright, port avcnue at that place to M. H. the cavalrymen in the army. A few while at the same time you were going play the role of on injured person. He Springs for the summer season on Fri- sunny spot near a fence the dog lay Landers of California. The house occu- will have charge of the events, was or- will lie down about fifty yards from day. This year the plant will supply a bulls are used to pull loads through on n level with the land. ganized a short time ago with the fol- the other two members of his team. down and went to sleep. pied by Capt. Edwards and a plot of the streets,.but mostly the loads are The people here, the natives, do not larger territory than ever before, and Mr. Patterson it is charged, shot j not included in the sale, lowing officers: The latter will run to their supposedly the output will be about 15,000,000 Kround are pulleulled by men. FrequentlFrequenty tlie women use raincoats. They wear a coat made the dog. He didn t appear at the hear- ! 'j'he pl.jce nas not bcen ma(je publjc, hl h t ll th ld Th <'ount.v HCOllt i'i—1 T. injured comrade, make a stretcher gallons daily. The places which will help the men to pull the loads. The of rice straw, that sheds the rain just JIMJII. with staves and with their coats and ing and his lawyer, Warren H. Smock, Ibu t t£e p|ace wa3 bc]d at $10,500. like the outside hay on a haystack sheds be supplied by the plant are Fair was alto absent. \Lawyer Joseph i .ty has a picturesque lo- loads are piled on two-wheeled carts. PnwMcnt—Iicv. W. I). Diilc. will carry the injured scout back to Haven, Oceanic, Little Silver, Eaton- The propcl These carts are ten to fifteen feet long the rain. This straw coat reaches VU;r; proffhlfnt—(.'. V, <:ooki\ the place where they started from. Eeilly represented Mr. Hippensteel. | cation on tne ,.iver at Oceanport. It down to their knees and as they go Heorotary—O. 11, Tumoy. town, Shrewsbury, Oceanport, High- Elwood HillarcI of-Asbury Park testi-: pri es about 34 acres and has a und are very narrow. Tlie load is bal- Kxt'cutlvn vaUy (inninilttec —AV. "l-l The first team breasting the line wins. lands Beach, Seabright, Galilee, Long com E anced on the two wheels, so that barelegged and barefooted, their lllllin, C. V. C'miku, Jtov. A. A. Mi:Kny, The prize will be a first-aid kit, offered fied that Mr. Hippensteel had refused frontage of 1,500 feet on Oceanport neither end has to be lifted up or held bodies keep dry. They wear a hat (.', II. Tuniey. Branch, Deal, Allenhurst, West Long an offer of $50 for the dog a few weeks , ,i (J00 feet on Portaupeck by Lester B. Churchill of Rumson. Branch, Oakhurst and Asbury Park. avenue an down. The man who pulls the load made of rice straw, which comes down Iii addition to the exhibitions and previous to the time it was shot.' avc"nuc Next will be a wall scaling contest. The last named place is a new com-Other testimony was brought out, I ' . harnesses himself to the cart with to their shoulders, and which looks like games by th6 boys a program has been The boys will be required to scale a munity to be supplied by the plant.
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