Fine Courses At Sensible Cost" 1505 Blackstone, Fresno, California ROBERT MUIR GRAVES P,ER 39 GOLF COURSE ARCHITECT THE EMBARCADERO • SAN FRANCISCO • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT • SITE PLANNER SUTTER 1-2997 PETE DYE ROBERT E. THOMASON GOLF COURSE DESIGN AND GOLF COURSE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION R.R.#2, Box 308, Carmel, Indiana VI 6-6443 Box 41 700 N.W. 2nd Ave., Delray Beach, Fla. Morristown, Tennessee 2769728 Phone: 586-1667 EMPLOYED QUALIFIED CLASS A GREENS SUP- ERINTENDENT 13 YEARS DESIRES PERMA- Classified Ads NENT CHANGE. NATIONWIDE EXPERIENCE ABILITY TO HANDLE ALL COURSE PROB- LEMS. CONSTRUCTION. ADDRESS AD NO. 904 Rates: Minimum insertion $5.00 for 20 words; C/O GOLFDOM. additional word* ISi «ach; In boldface typo 35< CLASS A PGA CLUB PROFESSIONAL DESIRES per word. AD classified ads payable on placement CHANGE FOR 1966. HAVE TWENTY YEARS EX- of order; no commission or discount ollowed. No PERIENCE AS PROFESSIONAL & COURSE MAN- AGEMENT. HAVE REPUTATION OF SUPERIOR classified advertising offering new merchandise TEACHING KNOWLEDGE & ABILITY. A-I or equipment will be accepted. NO CLASSIFIED CREDIT RATING. FULLY CAPABLE. SOBER- ADS ACCEPTED AFTER THE 22nd of MONTH PRE- MARRIED — WIFE SECRETARIAL TRAINED GO ANYWHERE. ADDRESS AD 916 C/O GOLF- CEDING DATE Of ISSUE. DOM. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE Wl PERMITTED Class A PGA Professional. 12 years extensive experi- TO DIVULGE THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THOSE ence at country club and municipals. Excellent teach- er. Prefer southwest. Available October. Address Ad PLACING BLIND ADVERTISEMENTS. 901 c/o Golfdom. RESPONSE TO ALL BOX NUMBER ADS SHOULD BE Pro-Greenkeeper — Employed Pro desires year round ADDRESSED TO THE BOX NUMBER, MAIL TO job at course located in south or southwest. Age 40, experienced. Reliable, sober. Available immediately! GOLFDOM, 407 S. DEARBORN, CHICAGO 60605. All inquiries answered. Address Ad 910 c/o Golfdom. REPLIES ARE PROMPTLY FORWARDED TO AD- GOLF PROFESSIONAL DESIRES EMPLOYMENT VERTISES. IN FLORIDA. AGE 35, MARRIED; EXPERI- ENCED. ADDRESS AD 914 C/O GOLFDOM. WHEN REPLIES TO BLIND ADS REQUIRE MORE Emploved assistant Pro desires winter position at THAN 1 Of! POSTAGE, THE ADDITIONAL PROPER country club or driving range. PGA member. Age 24. POSTAGE FOR FORWARDING MUST BE SUPPLIED. Active military obligation completed. Address Ad 912 c/o Golfdom. Golf Pro desires some type golf job for the winter JOBS WANTED months — also position for 1966. Age 26, married, no children. 5 years experience. Will locate anywhere! Experienced Teaching Pro available for winter months Wife will assist if desired. References. Address Ad in Southeast or Southwest at golf club or range. Wife 918 c/o Golfdom. can assist in Pro Shop or Clubhouse. Excellent refer- GROUNDS SUPT. GCSAA MEMBER. 30 YEARS ences. Address Ad 902 c/o Golfdom. EXPERIENCE ALL PHASES OF 18-HOLE GOLF Pro-Pro Manager — Man, wife. Age 40, son in col- COURSE OPERATIONS: CONSTRUCTION, MAIN- lege. Thoroughly experienced all phases of golf. Ex- TENANCE, WATERED FAIRWAYS, BENT tensive experience irrigation course construction, GREENS, PUMPS, MOWER SHARPENING AND greenskeeping, club management. Excellent teaching, REPAIRS, PLUMBING, FERTILIZER. WESTERN public relations, promotional record. Wife excellent STATES PREFERRED. ADDRESS AD 917 C/O cook and caterer. Best references. Prefer South, GOLFDOM. Southeast. Address Ad 903 c/o Golfdom. Golf Pro desires winter job in South — Southeast, SEEKING ADDITIONAL LINES — OHIO. Fali- starting November 1st. References. Age 26; married; Xmas-Spring Jobber or Agent basis. Address Ad 909 two children. Write: Jon H. Leonard, Box 233,' c/o Golfdom. Flora, Illinois. GOLF PRO, EXPERIENCED greens & management; FOR SALE — 9-HOLE GOLF COURSE AND 20 age 40, married, no children desires winter position TEES DRIVING RANGE, ON 53 ACRES IN CITY west or Florida. Excellent references. Good financial OF 300,000 IN NORTHEASTERN OHIO. ESTAB- background. Address Ad 920 c/o Golfdom. LISHED FOR 50 YEARS. ONE YEAR OLD 2- GREENSKEEPER — available immediately for STORY BRICK CLUBHOUSE. $250,000 — TERMS PERMANENT position. Prefer west. EXPERIENCED AV AILABLE. ADDRESS AD 908 C/O GOLFDOM. all phases course operations: Construction, irrigation, MANAGER WANTED: Tourist attractions are big grasses, machinery. Responsible, married. References, business! Lost Adirondack Mines discovered. 200,000 resume on request. Address Ad 923 c/o Golfdom. visitors at $1.50 expected first year. Consider percent- Golf Professional desires position as teaching or head age lease or sale. Box 402, Hague, New York. Professional. Attended PGA Business Schools. Write: FOR SALE—18-HOLE GOLF COURSE EQUIPPED. Tom Martin, 1025 S. Old Main, Miamisburg, Ohio CENTRAL CALIFORNIA. GOING BUSINESS, 45432. TWO YEARS. OLD. Sporty 7,000 yards. Priced to Pro-Greenskeeper — Available 1966 season. Experi- sell. P.O. Box 355, Atwater, California. ence in all phases of golf. Wife to help in shop. Class Sale or lease — Par 3 lighted golf course, 19 tee "A" PGA, AGCSAA member. Will furnish resume driving range — 2500 yards on 38 acres with stream upon request. Address Ad 925, c/o Golfdom. and 2 lakes, Mercury vapor lighting, pro shop with Greens Supt. well qualified in first-class golf course snack bar, beer license. Year-round play possible. maintenance. Able constructor. Experienced in all R. T. Nelson. Box 1668, Mobile, Alabama 36601. grasses, soils and chemicals. Any area. Member LEASE OR BUY RANGE — Chicago Range Opera- GCSAA. Available. Address Ad 92b, c/o Golfdom. tor wants to lease or buy Range and/or Miniature in PRO OR GREENKEEPER OR COMBINATION. Southern California area. Address Ad 913 c/o COMPETENT, EXPERIENCED. WANTS SOUTH- Golfdom. ERN LOCATION — SEASON OR YEARLY. MOD- 18 Hole, 113 Acre Country Club in Western New ERATE INCOME SATISFACTORY. ADDRESS AD York State, pool, restaurant, bar, $225,000. All assets. 927 C/O GOLFDOM. Address Ad 907 c/o Golfdom. For Sale: 18-hole Golf Course fully equipped. Excel- JOBS OPEN lent land investment. Good income — pay for itself in 5 years. Located in expanding industrial area WANTED — GREENS SUPERINTENDENT FOR Northern W. Va. near Ohio River, 35 miles west TOP 18-HOLE GOLF COURSE IN VANCOUVER, Pittsburgh, Pa. Owners retiring. Address Ad 906 c/o BRITISH COLUMBIA. YEAR-ROUND OPERA- Golfdom. TION. MUST BE QUALIFIED. GRADUATE WANTED — LEASE OR PURCHASE, GOLF GIVEN PREFERENCE. APPLY WITH DETAILS COURSE OR GOLF RECREATION CENTER BY AND SALARY EXPECTED. ADDRESS AD 905 C/O GOLF PRO AND GREENS SUPT. REFERENCES GOLFDOM. EXCHANGED. PREFER MIDWEST OR SOUTH. Couple — 45 to 55, woman to do housework; man ALL REPLIES ANSWERED. ADDRESS AD 919 to do yard work. Three-room apartment furnished C/O GOLFDOM. and salary. Telephone: 216-381-3131 and reverse FOR SALE — Par 3, Miniature Golf and Driving charges. Range equipment including following: 62 quartz Greens superintendent — 18-hole public course, lights, underground cable, poles, switches, clubs, Florida east coast. Send resume of experience and balls, ball picker, mowers, culverts, water pumps, salary expected. Address Ad 915 c/o Golfdom. fencing. Also Drive In equipment, display cases. Write Golf Tee, 1420 Miller Trunk. Duluth. Minn. GREENS SUPERINTENDENT WANTED: Northern 55811. Phone 7279967 or 7273656 — 724-1174. Michigan — Nine hole course, enlarging to eighteen. State qualifications and references. Salary open. WANTED — ST. LOUIS AREA, or 100 mile radius, Address Ad 921 c/o Golfdom. golf course, buy or lease by experienced pro-manager- SALESMEN: LIMITED TERRITORIES OPEN FOR greenskeeper. Now located elsewhere. Address Ad 922 THE SALE OF THE "LONG PLAY" SYNTHETIC c/o Golfdom. RUBBER GOLF BALL. MEN WITH PROVEN For Sale: Well established, old line, 9-hole private SALES RECORD TO THE PRO-SHOP TRADE country club with excellent membership. Beautiful, WILL BE CONSIDERED. CONTACT LANDER well equipped clubhouse, pool and many other refine- PRODUCTS INC., 618 E. STATE STREET, TREN- ments. Perfect for Pro and wife management. Land TON,_NEW JERSEY. TELEPHONE: 609 393-4201. for 2nd nine available. A rare opportunity for the MANAGING PRO for 18 hole semi-private golf right party. Address Ad 924, c/o Golfdom. course and snack bar located in Virginia near metro- For Sale — Sixteen acre Golf Center including nine politan area of 75,000. Must be experienced in all hole course, Driving Range, Miniature Putt Putt. Pro phases of golf course maintenance and must be able Shop. Located Northern Ohio. Terms can be arranged. to furnish good references. Ideal situation for husband Address: Ad 928 c/o Golfdom. and wife team. Will pay $ll,000_to start for course and snack bar operation and will guarantee profit sharing after second year. Address Ad 929 c/o Golfd om. Permanent Guest Tag Wanted — Assistant Manager-Steward, for private Guest Tags, PO Box 887, Evanston, 111., pro- golf club on Eastern, Long Island, to purchase, su- duces a Designer Guest Tag that is recom- pervise and see to the preparing and handling of all food served at the club. Experienced. Pleasant mem- mended for use as a souvenir for guests. It has bership, good opportunity. Address Ad 930 c/o Golf- a new process bonded plastic finish that permits dom. writing with pen or pencil on one side. The Wanted: Responsible man with knowledge of golf to club's name, it is suggested, can be imprinted manage golf range for 1966 season. Range is in ex- cellent location west of Highland Park, 111. Has on the other side. The tag also has an easy-snap- 350-foot tee line. In operation one year. Area of on arrangement. The tag has been developed at discussion could include salary, salary plus percent- the request of several clubs that have wanted a age, or partial ownership. Paul H. Faltysek, 173 W. permanent type tag to give to guests. Madison St., Chicago, 111. (60602) — 312-372-3726. Allsop Automatic, Inc., 6 Prospect Mall, Bel- MISCELLANEOUS lingham, Wash., produces the Shoe-In portable shoe tree-carrying rack for golf shoes.
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