volume 122 number 18 february 8, 1990 e university's student newspaper by Andy Riga last November when The Cam­ pus published an opinion piece MONTREAL (CUP) - Two critical of the council. According weeks after firing the editor of the to the council, the article con­ campus newspaper and locking tained libelous comments and, by out the staff, the student council publishing the article, Soifer was at Bishop's University decided being financially irresponsible. Jan. 31 that it supports a free The council is now backtrack­ press. ing on the issue, Soifer said, The council impeached the because they had no grounds to editor of The Campus, Elliott impeach him in the first place. Soifer, Jan. 18, alleging he was "There was no basis for their financially irresponsible and that allegations," Soifer said. the paper was not being run "Nothing in the article was libe­ democratically. lous - we had it checked by a The Campus's staff - which lawyer. And the paper was being resigned en masse after the run democratically. Otherwise, impeachment - maintains the would the whole staff be support­ council fired Soifer to muzzle the ing me?" paper, which had been critical of The Campus staff published an the council's spending habits. underground paper Jan. 25 under Students will be asked on Feb. the name The Independent and is 12 and 13 whether they want an planning another issue Feb. 8. editorially and financially inde­ Dean French, president of the pendent paper, responsible to a student council, said the council He said the council may sup­ from students and faculty - and · council would not interfere in the publishing board made up of stu­ is "not backing down" and stands port the 'yes' side in the referen­ because of the media attention activities of a new paper. dents and paper staff members. by its decision to impeach Soifer. dum, but the decision will only be attracted by the impeachment. "We're trying to be as responsi­ Soifer is confident students will He maintains he has always been made after the constitution of the The staff is planning a rally ble as possible and, as far as I can support a paper with no ties to in favour of autonomy for The proposed paper is made public. Feb. 10, at which it expects van­ see, so are the people who want an the council. Campus. The Independent has received loads of student journalists from autonomous newspaper," French "A free paper is what the stu­ "I've always said that I believe donations from campus groups Quebec and Ontario, as well as dents of Bishop's want," he said. it is the ultimate goal of any stu­ to help offset costs. The teachers' supporters from the university. said. .. "And the council has seen that in dent newspaper to be financially union gave $250 and drama club If the referendum is successful, "Who becomes ·editor-in-chief the overwhelming support we've and editorially autonomous," offered $200. the new paper would be given of the new independent news­ gotten on campus." French said. "I never had any Soifer said the council is back­ office space on campus, said paper is up to the staff to decide," The feud between the paper qualms about it and neither did ing down because of pressure French, who also pledged that the French said. and the student council began anyone else on the council." Student arrested . Beating r':lcially motivated? - enrolled in the Nova Scotia Com­ lot of pretty good students too. by Padraic Brake munity College in Pictou County But there's too many that are not." ~ HALIFAX (CUP)- The beating last September. o of the only black male student in With about 100 other students Keating said. "Some people don't have a clue what racist is." ~ Stellarton's community college watching, Paris said he "was held Qi He said that there were "racial -5 last week was a conspiraq in the by one or two people, while at overtones" to what he described ft. eyes of his parents, said Winston least one punched me and some kicked me." Paris required as "a one on less than one fight." ~ Ruck of the Black United Front. Paris said he didn't know how '§. Cosmetology student Jeremy stitches to his head, and had many people actually beat him Paris said he has been the brunt of bruises over his body after the because he was being beaten at insults and name calling since he incident. Ruck said, "You can draw your the time. "No one tried to break it own conclusions (as to why no up, though. Even the two bus one tried to stop the fight), but drivers that were there to pick up one might be that they relish the the kids after school did not go for Residence goes coed idea of this black person being help, or try to break it up." When Keating was asked if the Patrick Donahoe, Dalhousie's for presidency, will elect the male beaten up." by Alistair Croll school was planning to do some­ dean of men, said "if the surveys staff members to Bronson House, The principal of the school, and the female staff will be John Keating, said, "I don't think thing about racism in the school, A proposal to convert Bronson (by 1he Board of Governors) are chosen next September. Sim­ there is a racial prblem in our he said that they have been so House and Eliza Ritchie Hall to any mdication, there'll be great ilarly, Eliza Ritchie will elect its school, but there may be one or busy with media calls he has not co-educational residences m the interest." He explained that there female staff and wait until next two who have racial problems." had any time to sit down with the 1990-91 semester is under consid­ will be no physical changes to the year to choose 1he men, said "That's foolishness," Paris faculty. eration by the Board of Gover­ houses, but that there will be both Donahoe. said. "There's quite a bit of nors. The change would make men and women on the house's Eric Mckee, the vice-president racism in the school, but there's a continued on page 4 164 coed rooms available next staff. Donahoe explained that the. of Student Services, explained September. that the proposal still has to be The proposal, which was rooms would be arranged in an accepted by the Board of Go\'er­ passed unanimously by the Board alternating fashion, so that each nors. Mckee encouraged anyone of Governors' Committee of Stu­ resident would have a member of ENVIRONMENT who would like to speak on the dent Relations and Residences, the opposite sex on either side of matter to attend the monthly would make the two houses open them. supplement to both male and female students Howe Hall, which is currently continued on page 4 next year. in the midst of an election battle pages 7- 9 NEED TYPEWRITER REPAIRS Well Qualified Student Technician - Oeaning, Repairs, YVES 477-7401 Julia Langer - Executive Director, Friends of the Earth - fliiiiiiiE SMITI-1 :.i IE CORON~ - Defending the - Earth for tomorrow - volume 122 number 18 $3 february 8, 1990 UniH·rsity Sludrnls ml Our contributors - Includes leHer quality printer Tuesday, February 13, 1990 (and we Jove 'em all) - word proc:eaalng, spread sheets ~ and communications Included Karen Sollan $4 Bill Swales BONUS! WITH THIS AD Facull_\, Staff & Alumni 8 p.m. s:m COPY A FREE CARRYING David Dearon CASE (J8QOOI) ~ Joan McGregor -rent to own '119 month (x12) Mcinnes Room, Sub. Sruarl Flinn ~ Alex Burron PWP2000 WORD $5 General Admission Alex Bosron PROCESSOR Ticket Sales start Thurs., Feb. 8 Enquiry Desk Maureen Srrickland - '699 SAVE '100 Jane Hamilron -rent to own '69 month (x12) Sarah Greig e Dalhousie XL 1500 ELECTRONIC Stuclcnt 1 ® ~Thcnclra Sandra Bir TYPEWRITER ru Umon ~itJJ.q,va Air Canada ~UarrinJ.:IOn Juanira Smirh - '199 RENT TO OWN '35 Barbara Leirerman Hearher Huesron C. Robertson Bus. Equip. Ltd. Ian Digby 5514 Cunard St. 423-9386 Michael Gushue M.J.L.S. You have just Editor Sandy MacKay Clare Murray Fooshee CUP Editors months jeff Harrington 3 Shannon Gowans POETRY PRIZES Graphics Editor Erika Pare For a poem or group ofpoems (maximum 5) left to find your summer job Production Manager First prize $200. Second prize $125 Sabrina Lim Third prize $75 get your Arts Editors resume typeset Allison johnston now Sarah Greig DEADLINE MARCH 15, 1990 Calendar Rules and regulations must be followed and are available at the English dept. Vicroria Wosk News Editor Alisrair Croll Business/ Ad Manager First Baptist Church Halifax Trenr Allen Typesetters 1300 Oxford Street (across from Shirrell' Hall) Brian Receveur 422-5203 Roberr Manhews 3rd floor SUB 424-1280 Sunday, February 11 7 he Dalhousie Gazette is Cana· da's oldesr college newspaper. Pub­ 10:30 am. Worship Service lished weekly rhrough rhe Sermon - Suzanne Seguin-Goertz Dalhousie Srudenr Union, which Secretary for Relief and Development also comprises irs membership, rhe Music- Tallis, Stanford, Bach Gazelle has a circularion of 10,000. As a founding member of Cana­ 12:00 pm. College and Careers Luncheon dian Universiry Press, rhe Gazelle Luncheon Guest Suzanne Seguin-Goertz adheres ro rhe CUP Sraremenr of L.fl./~ , r _,. Principles and reserves rhe righrro Rev. John E. Boyd, Minister refuse any marerial submilled of a Rev. Adele CroweD, Associate =-- f .J V..) tAAfcafe racisr, sexisr, homophobic or libe­ David MacDonald, Director of Music lous narure. Deadline for commen­ tary, leners ro rhe ediror, and announcemenrs is noon on Mon­ \ day before publication (Thursday delightful French Cafe of each week).
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