E594 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 27, 2003 Robert’s courses and his success recruiting hances the prospects of fighting a war with death of children ages 1–4 in the United women into his automotive technology pro- few allies. States. In that same year, children under 1 Lack of clarity about the possible insta- gram. Furthermore, Robert has won acclaim bility in the Middle East during the war and year old accounted for two out of five of all fa- for his unique talent for welcoming special subsequent foreign occupation of Iraq. It talities reported. education students and helping them excel in seems unlikely that the Muslim world will In the State of Texas, Child Protective Serv- the program. Great teachers, like Robert, draw for long passively accept America’s incur- ices reported there were 131,147 investiga- on their own practical experience in order to sion—whatever our provocation. tions of child abuse and neglect and 47,532 bring the real world into the classroom. Re- Respectfully, were confirmed victims. In fact, of the child cently, the State Board of Community Col- Don Perata, Byron Sher, Jack Scott, abuse and neglect related fatalities in the leges and Occupational Education named Mike Machado, Tom Torlakson, Gloria State of Texas, figures from 2001 data show Robert faculty member of the year. Romero, Wesley Chesbro, Debra Bowen, Harris County with the most occurrences. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to stand today and Deborah Ortiz, John Burton, Liz To this end, there is no doubt that child Figueroa, Gil Cedillo, Sheila Kuehl, recognize Robert Duncan before this Con- John Vasconcellos, Edward Vincent, abuse and neglect continues to be a signifi- gress and this Nation. We should all express Richard Alarco´ n, Jackie Speier, Dede cant problem in the United States. These sta- our deepest gratitude to teachers like Robert. Alpert. tistics can only begin to help us understand They make an enormous difference one life at Paul Koretz, John Longville, Mervyn the scope of the problem—who is affected and a time, providing countless students with op- Dymally, Christine Kehoe, Jackie what extents to which they are. Nonetheless, portunity and hope. Teaching truly is a noble Goldberg, Fabian Nun´ ez, Sally J. this legislation makes way for others in the calling, and Robert has answered that call. Lieber, Ronald Calderon, John Laird, public who may not ordinarily think about such f Loni Hancock, Judy Chu, Patricia problems more acutely aware of these issues. Wiggins, Alan Lowenthal, Hannah-Beth Our children are our future, but their health LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT Jackson, Gene Mullin, Cindy Montan˜ ez, Marco Firebaugh, Patty and safety in our society continues to decline. HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK Berg, Wilma Chan. Everyone has an obligation to ensuring chil- f dren have a chance at a great life and a pros- OF CALIFORNIA perous future. The reality is alarming, but our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RECOGNIZING THE SOCIAL PROB- commitment to the goals of this legislation Thursday, March 27, 2003 LEM OF CHILD ABUSE AND NE- must be strong. Mr. Speaker, I urge my col- Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I commend to my GLECT, AND SUPPORTING EF- leagues to support this legislation. colleagues’ attention the following letter sent FORTS TO ENHANCE PUBLIC to President George W. Bush by members of AWARENESS OF THE PROBLEM f the California Legislature stating their opposi- SPEECH OF TRIBUTE TO THE VETERANS OF tion to war against Iraq. I am proud of these FOREIGN WARS, GREATER RIV- 52 lawmakers who represent a diversity of HON. SHEILA JACKSON-LEE ERSIDE CHAMBERS OF COM- OF TEXAS California’s citizens. They understand first- MERCE, MORENO VALLEY CHAM- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hand the cost of this capricious act. Financing BER OF COMMERCE, AMERICAN this war will mean less federal investment in Wednesday, March 26, 2003 RED CROSS, SALVATION ARMY schools and nursing homes and the loss of Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, AND COMMUNITY FOUNDATION, basic services for the working poor, the dis- I rise in support of H. Res. 113 recognizing MARCH CANTEEN, HARVEST abled and mentally-ill. They are rightly con- the social problem of child abuse and neglect, CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP AND cerned about the impact this war will have on and supporting efforts to enhance public OTHERS those young Americans who have been called awareness of the problem. Although we live in to fight. They are disappointed about the di- the world’s wealthiest nation, we have yet to HON. KEN CALVERT minished respect and influence America will eradicate some of the most disheartening so- have in the world given the President’s use of OF CALIFORNIA cial ills that plague our society. Throughout IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES military power, not the interests of peace and this great republic, it is a fact that many of our democracy, in his approach to foreign affairs. children are in great need, impacted by the Thursday, March 27, 2003 I commend my fellow Californians for their elo- horrifying realities of unsafe and unhealthy liv- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to quence and outspokenness on an issue of ing environments, wherein abuse and neglect honor and pay tribute to several organizations such great importance to the American peo- tear away at the very core of their youthful- whose patriotism, dedication and contributions ple. ness. to the troops deploying out of March Air Re- CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE, With regards to the prevalence of this prob- serve Base in Riverside, California are excep- March 4, 2003. lem, in 1999, an estimated 3,244,000 children tional. As our troops have been preparing to Hon. GEORGE W. BUSH, President, United States of America, The White were reported to Child Protective Services deploy to the Middle East many local organi- House, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, agencies as alleged victims of child maltreat- zations have taken it upon themselves to pro- DC. ment. Child abuse reports have maintained a vide an outpouring of support and assistance. DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: As Members of the steady growth for the past ten years, with the The local organizations involved have been California State Legislature, we respectfully total number of reports nationwide increasing the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Greater River- write in opposition to a war on Iraq without 45 percent since 1987. Neglect represents the side Chambers of Commerce, Moreno Valley a formal resolution by the United Nations most common type of reported and substan- Chamber of Commerce, American Red Cross, Security Council and a declaration of war by Congress. tiated form of maltreatment. In 1996, 25 States Salvation Army and Community Foundation, As elected representatives of the largest provided the following breakdown for reported March Canteen and Harvest Christian Fellow- population and economy in America, we have cases: 62 percent involved neglect, 25 percent ship. many concerns over the policies your admin- physical abuse, 7 percent sexual abuse, 3 March Air Reserve Base has a long history istration is pursuing. These include: percent emotional maltreatment, and 4 percent of honorable service to our country and once A lack of credible evidence that meets the other. For substantiated cases, 31 States gave again it will hold a place in U.S. military his- standard of ‘‘beyond a reasonable doubt’’ the following breakdowns: 60 percent neglect, tory. The substantial airlift of 6,500 tons of that shows the imminent danger Iraq poses to America’s essential interests. Neither 23 percent physical, 9 percent sexual, 4 per- cargo and the movement of 26,400 Marines Colin Powell nor Hans Blix presented a case cent emotional maltreatment and 5 percent headed for overseas has been helped by pub- sufficient to warrant an attack by American other. lic donations of food and $30,000. The volun- forces. Figures issued by another study conducted teers have handed out fruit, potato chips, A failure to persuade other nations to sup- in 2000, which surveyed 48 States, rep- cookies and paperback books to each Marine port our intentions. Unlike the aftermath of resenting over 95 percent of the population passing through the Marine deployment ter- the Attack on America, you have not been under 18, reveal a serious need for concern. minal. The Marines were also given personal able to enlist the support of other key na- tions, who presumably have been given even Approximately 1,356 children died due to items in order to provide a measure of comfort more intelligence data than has the Amer- causes of child abuse and neglect. More spe- during their stay in the Middle East. ican public. This lack of geo-political soli- cifically, children under 5 years old accounted The groups and individuals involved in the darity substantially weakens America’s case for four out of five of all fatalities reported, volunteer effort expressed nothing but appre- in the court of world opinion. Further, it en- which served as the 2nd leading cause of ciation and admiration for the men and women VerDate Jan 31 2003 06:18 Mar 28, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K27MR8.002 E27PT1.
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