ACCESSIONS TO THE SIAM SOCIETY'S LIBRARY January to December 1965 Books Agrawala, Vasudeva The Wheel-flag of India: Chakra-Dhvaja (1964) Agriculture, Ministry of Economic survey on Indian Urban Dairy Farming in Bangkok {1962) Preliminary Report on Farm Study in Pra-Buddha-Bart Self-Help Land Settle­ ment crop year 1960-1961 ( 1961) Report on Economic Survey of Rice Fanners in Nakorn Pathom Province, During 1955-1956 Rice Season ( 1964} Anand, Mulk Raj Untouchable ( 1947) Anwander, Antoine Les Religions de l'Humanite ( 1955) Archer, W.J. Visit to Chiengtung in May and June 1888 (n.d.) The Association of Asaihl, Seminar on Fine Arts of South­ Southeast Asian Institu­ east Asia, April 21-23, 1963 ( 1964) tions of Higher Learning Aufhauser, J.B. Indien und Siam, Bilder von einer Mis­ sions-Studienreise ( 1929) Bangkok Time's Press Guide book to the Chief Monuments of (publisher) Bangkok, Bang Pa-in, Ayudhya and Lopburi (1930) Bapat, P.V. Vimultimarga Dhutaguna-Nirdesa (1964} (Presented by the author} LeBar, Frank M. and Ethnic Groups of Mainland Southeast Others Asia (1964) Barthelemy En Indo-Chine, 1894-1895; Cambodge, Cochinchine, Laos, Siam Meridional ( 1899) 94 ACCES<i!Oi\S TO THE SIAM SOCIETY'S LIBHAHY Baruch, Jacques Essai sur la Litterature du Viet-Nam ( 1963) Bastin, John and Roolvink: Malayan and L'1donesian studies (1964) R. (editors) Bernath, Frances A. Catalogue of Thai language ( 1964) (editor) Holdings in the Cornell University Li­ brary through 1964 Bidyaprasat, Chamnong One Hundred Selected Essays (1936) and Chawee Vongse, Chuan Bingham, Hiram Elihu Yale, the American Nabob of Queen Square (1939) Bisch, Jorgen Why Buddha Smiles (1964) Bitard, Pierre La Merveilleuse Histoire de Thmenh Chey 1' Astucieux (reprinted from France­ Asie, Nos. 116, 117 and 121-122, 1956) de la Blache, P. Vidal Geographie Universelle Tome IX: Asie and Gallais, L. (pub.) des Moussons by J. Sion ( 1929) Boxer, C.R. Three Historians of Portuguese Asia : Barros, Couto and Bocarro (1948) Brandt, John H. The Negrito of South Thailand (1965) Brown, J. Marvin From Ancient Thai to Modern Dialects (1965) Btichi, B.C. and Others Anthropologie Tibetaine ( 1965) Buschan, Georg Illustrierte Volkerkunde. Vol. II: Aus­ tralien und Ozeanien Asien (1923) Buttinger, Joseph The Smaller Dragon; a Political History of Vietnam ( 1958) Cabaton, Antoine L'Indochine (1932) Cady, John F. A History of Modern Burma (1958) The Centre for East Research Institutes and Researchers of Asian Cultural Studies Asian Studies in Thailand (1964) The Chase Manhattan Thailand (1964) Bank ACCESSIONS TO TIIF: SIAM SOCIETY'S LIBRAHY 95 Chau-Seng L'Organisation Buddhique au Cambodge (1961) de Choisy, M.L. Journal du Voyage de Siam fait en MDCLXXXV et MDCLXXXVI (1687) Chulalongkorn University,: Guide Trainees of Thailand Memo (1964) Faculty of Arts & T.O.T. Coedes, Goerge L'Avenir des Etudes Khmeres (1960) A Possible Interpretation of the Inscrip­ tion at Kedukan Bukit (reprinted from Malayan and Indonesian Studies) The Thirteenth Century in Southeast Asia (reprinted from the Proceedings of the Ninth Pacific Science Congress, 1957, Vol. 3, 1963) Cogniat, Raymond Danses d'Indochine (1932) Collis, Maurice White of Mergui (1945) Comber, L.F. Chinese Secret Societies in Malaya; a Survey of the Triad Society from 1800 to 1900 (1959) Communications, Minis­ Souvenir of the Opening of the Royal try of Siamese State Rail way, Southern Line ( 1917) Cooray, Francis The Thai, Our Neighbours (1941) Djajadiningrat, J.N. Post-War International Position of Thailand (1956) Djambatan (publisher) Atlas of Southeast Asia (1964) Education, Ministry of Education in 1961, Thailand (1964) Eisenstein Reise nach Siam, Java, Deutsch-Neu­ Guinea und Australasien ( 1904) Ekert-Rotholz, Alice M. Reis aus ,Silberschalen, Roman einer Deutschen Familie im Heutigen Ostasien (1964) 96 ACCESSIONS TO TilE SIAM SOCIETY'S LlllltAHY Evers, von Hans-Dieter Die Soziale Organisation der Singha­ lesischen Religion (reprinted from Kc>lner Zeitschrift f iir Soziologie und Sozial-Psychologie, 16, 1964) Fa Hian The Pilgrimage of Fa Hian (1848) Fifield, Russell H. The Diplomacy of Southeast Asia: 1945- 1958 (1958) du Fournet, Louis Journal d'un Commandant de la Comete Dartige Chine, Siam, Japan 1892-1893 (1915) Fox, Robert B. The Calatagan Excavations; two Fif­ teenth Century Burial Sites in Batangas, Philippines (1956) (reprinted from Philippines Studies, Vol. 7, No.3, August 1959) Frederic, Louis Sud-Est Asiatique; ses Temples, ses Sculptures (1964) Goto, Kimpei (editor) Bibliography of Bibliographies of East Asian Studies in Japan. No. 3 (1964) Gouvernment General Recueil des Textes relatifs au nouveau de l'Indochine regime des concessions domaniales en Indochine (1929) Greensill, T.M. Gardening in the Tropics (1964) Gungwu, Wang (editor) Malaysia (1964) Haas, Mary R. Thai-English Student's Dictionary ( 1964) Hall, D.G.E. Historians of South-East Asia (1961) Halpern, Joel M. Government, Politics, and Social Struc­ ture in Laos; a Study of Tradition and Innovation (1964) Hammond, Peter B. Cultural and Social Anthropology, Selected Readings (1964) Hsiang-Lin, Lo The Role of Hong Kong in the Cultural Interchange between East & West, Vol. I, If (1963) ACCESSIONS TO THE SlAM SOCIETY'S Lllli\AHY 97 Hay, Stephen N. and Southeast Asian History, a Bibliographic Case, M.H. (editors) Guide (1962) I-Tsing A Record of the Buddhist Religion, as practised in India and the Malay Archi­ pelago A.D. 671-695 (1896) Ichikawa, Kenjiro Southeast Asia Viewed from Japan ( 1965) (Presented by Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Cornell Univer­ sity, Ithaca) Information and Broad­ Buddhist Shrines in India (1951) casting, Ministry of, India The Inf0rmation Centre A Selected List of Books on Japan in of Asian Studies, Tokyo Western Languages 1945-1960 (1964) Interior, Ministry of, First Five Year Plan for the Develop­ Bangkok ment and Welfare of the Hill Tribes in Northern Thailand ( 1963) de Jancigny, M. Dubois Japan, Indo-Chine, Empire Birman ( Ou Ava), Siam, Annam, Peninsule Malaise, Ceylan (n. d.) Jean-Renaud Le Laos (1930) Kabin, G. MeT. (editor) Major Governments of Asia (1963) Kartini, Raden Adjeng Letters of a Javanese Princess (1964) Kazuo, Enoki (editor) Research Institutes and Researchers of Asian Studies in the Republic of Korea, No. 3 (1963) Khaing, Mi Mi Burmese Family (1962) Khantipalo Bbikhu What is Buddhism; an Introduction to the Teachings of Lord Buddha ( 1965) King, Winston L. A Thousand Lives Away (1964) Kira, Tatuo and Umesao, : Nature and Life in Southeast Asia, Vol. Tadao (editors) II (1962) Konerup, Ebbe Paradies Siam (n. d.) Kramrisch, Stella The Art of Nepal (1964) Krasa, Miloslav The Temples of Angkor ( 1963) 98 ACCESSION::; TO TIIF SI,\M SOCIETY'S Lllll\t\1\) Kuhn, Isabel Nest above the Abyss (1947) Langewis, Laurens and Decorative Art in Indonesian Textiles Wagner, Frits A. (1964) Leach, E.R. Political Systems Highland Burma; a Study of Kachin Social Structure ( 1954) Lee, Sherman E. A History of Far Eastern Art (1964) Legge, James (translator) A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms, being an Account by the Chinese Monk Fa-Bien of his Travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399-414) in Search of the Buddhist Books of Discipline (1964) Lemire, Charles Cochinchine Fran~·aise et Royaume de Cambodge (1869) Leng, Lee Yong North Borneo (Sabah); A Study in Settle­ ment Geography (1965) Uu, Hui-Chen Wang The Traditional Chinese Clan Rules (1959) Longhurst, Henry The Borneo Story; the History of the First 100 Years of Trading in the Far East by the Borneo Company Limited (1956) Mathew, Eunice S. The Land and People of Thailand (1964) McFarland, George B. Historical Sketch of Protestant Missions in Siam, 1828-1928 (1928) McGovern, William M. The Early Empires of Central Asia; a Study of the Scythians and the Huns and the part they played in world history (1939) MacMillan, Allister Seaports of the Far East; Historical and (compiler) Descriptive Commercial and Industrial Facts, Figures and Resources (1923) Makepeace, Walter and One Hundred Years of Singapore (1921) Others (editors) Makhali-Phal Cambodge (1933) ACCESSJOf'\S TO THE S!Ai\1 SOCIET'I 'S LIBHAH) 99 Malalasekera, G.P. Encyclopaedia of Buddhism: A-Anabhi­ rati ( 1964) Marek, J. and Others The Jenghiz Khan Miniatures from the Court of Akbar The Great (1963} Mathews, R.H. (compiler} : Mathews' Chinese-English Dictionary ( 1963) Maung Maung Burma's Constitution (1959) Mirsky, Jeannette The Great Chinese Travelers {1964) Mirsky, Jeannette White Meo Songs (Presented by Mr. D. Purtle) Monad, G.H. Le Cambodgien (1931) Mordal, Jacques Marine Indochine (1953) Mountbatten of Burma, Report to the Combined Chiefs of Staff: the Earl Southeast Asia 1943-1945 (1960) Napompeth, Banpot Entomology in Thailand up to 1964 (1965} {Presented by the author.) The National Economic National Income Statistics of Thailand Development Board, (1964) Office of, Thailand The National Institute Cholburi (1958) of Culture, Bureau of Arts, Bangkok National Museum, Album of Art Exhibits, Vol. I (1954) Bangkok National Statistical Statistical Yearbook, Thailand (1963) Office, Bangkok Needham, Joseph Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. I: Introductory Orientations (1961) Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. II: History of Scientific Thought ( 1962) Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. III: Mathematics and the Sciences of the Heavens and the Earth ( 1959) 100 ACCESSIONS TO THE SIAM SOCJET1 'S LIUHAHY Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. IV, 1 : Physics and Physical Technology (1962) Oldenberg, Hermann The Vinaya Pitakam: one or the Princi­ pal Buddhist Holy Scriptures in Pftli Language. Vol. I: The Mahavagga (1964) The Vinaya Pitakam. Vol. II: The Cul­ lavagga (1964) The Vinaya Pitakam. Vol. III: The Sut­ tavibhanga, 1st Part (1964) The Vinaya Pitakam. Vol. IV: The Sut­ tavibhanga, 2nd Part (1964) Pavie, Auguste Sanselkey (Conte Cambodgien) ( 1921) P.E.N. Thai Short Stories (1964) Palmer, M. Thailand (1959) Parkin, Ray Into the Smother; a journal of the Bur­ ma-Siam Railway (1963) Perera, Walter (editor) Thailand Year Book 1964/65 ( 1964) Petersen, Erling Ladewig Ali and Muawiya in Early Arabic Tra­ dition ( n.d.) Phayre, Arthur P.
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