Illustrations 1. The Tympana from La Charité-sur-Loire in the Nineteenth Century 0.2 The range of immuring of the Marian tympanum in the loft of the adjacent house under the north frontal tower. Photo: Gonin, before 1919; Source: Ministère de la culture (France), Médiathèque de l'architecture et du patrimoine; No. MH001746, http://www2.culture.gouv.fr/public/mistral/memoire_fr?ACTION=CHERCHER&FIEL D_1=REF&VALUE_1=APMH00017460 (last accessed 22. 12.2018) 0.1 A frontal façade (north tower, beginning of the twelfth century), covered (within tympana) by the adjacent house from the nineteenth century. Photo: Médéric Mieusement, 1880, source: Monumentum, https://monumentum.fr/eglise-priorale-sainte-croix-pa00112826.html(last accessed 22.12.2018) 1.1. The tympanum of the Transfiguration (the reconstruction of the primal resemblance according to Aguste Grasset), 19th century, source: Grasset 1871. 1.2. Position of the portal of Virgin (walled-up in the loft and making wall decorations in the bedroom of the adjacent house to the frontal tower of Saint-Croix). Photo: Le Corbeiller, source: De Flamare 1899. 1.3 The immured lintel from the Marian tympanum above the bed (since 19th century), Photo: Gonin, before 1919; Source: Ministère de la culture (France), Médiathèque de l'architecture et du patrimoine; No. MH0017461, http://www2.culture.gouv.fr/public/mistral/memoire_fr?ACTION=CHERCHER&FIELD_1=REF&VALUE_1=APMH00017461 (last accessed 22.12.2018) 2. The architecture of the monastic church in La Charité-sur-Loire A view at the choir of the monastic church in La Charité-sur-Loire, beginning of the twentieth century, source: Médiathèque Nevers, 1 N 0049. 2.1 The architectonic plan of monastic church Cluny II Monastic church in La Charité-sur-Loire 2.2 The architectonic plan of Cluny III, Source : Kunst im kontext The Evolution of the architectonic plan Source: Architecture religieuse, (22.12.18) http://www.kunst-im-kontext.com/exkursio Source: Dumont, Henrion 2015, nepa http://architecture.relig.free.fr/cluny.h /04-monche-von-cluny-romainmotier/(22.12.18) . 2.3 The plan of the monastery La Charité-sur-Loire and the position of the church of Saint-Laurent (yellow) Source: Dumont, Henrion 2015, nepa. 2.4 Situation today: The first half of the former monastic church turned into the parking area and private houses. ( photo made: November 2016) 3. The Liminal Zone in La Charité-sur-Loire?! 3.1 Israël Sylvestre, 1690, La Charité-sur-Loire, source: Israel Sylvestre, http://israel.silvestre.fr/israel-silvestre/gravure-190-1-/la-charite, (last accessed 22.12.2018) 3.2 The hypothetical reconstruction of the primal façade, the monastic church in La Charité-sur-Loire in the 11th century, according to Harry H. Hilberry. Source: Hilberry 1952, p. 20. 3.3 The evolution of the church plan, Notre-Dame in La Charité-sur-Loire, following the last archeologic researches. Source: Dumont, Henrion 2015, nepa. 3.4 Engravings from the seventeenth century depicting La Charité-sur-Loire and debris of the church Claude Chastillon, 1640, Commune de La Charité-sur-Loire, source: Patrimoine, Région Centre-Val de Loire, https://patrimoine.regioncentre.fr/gertrude- diffusion/illustrations/info?id=4e103b89-78ea-46fc-ae4b-2bfcead3625c&slug=ivr2420125800538nuca, (last accessed 22. 12. 2018). Merlan, La Charité-sur-Loire of the 17th century, Source: Wikipedia, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:030_La_Charit%C3%A9-sur- Loire_au_XVIIe_Gravure_de_Merlan.jpg, (last accessed 22. 12. 2018) La Charité according to Harry H. Hilberry, 1955. 3.5 The imprint of the primal façade of La Charité? (according to Hilberry 1952) 1. The Church façade in Sain Julien-Osmery the 12th century, (photo: 13.5.2018). → 2. The Church façade in Chézal-Benoit, the 11th/12th century, (photo: 12.5.2018). 3. The Church façade of Saint-Gènes, Chateaumeillant, 12th century (13.5.2018) 3. 2. 3.6 Saint-Étienne, Nevers 3.6 The monastic church Saint Étienne, Nevers, 11th/12th century. (photo 17.5.2018) 3.6 The marks in the actual pavement, indicating the former position of the porch.(Ibid.) The resemblance of the former façade and the porch of Saint-Étienne before 1792. Source: Wikipedia, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89glise_Saint- %C3%89tienne_de_Nevers#/media/File:F06.Nevers_St.-Etienne.1087.JPG (last accessed 22.12. 2018) 4. The Tympana from La Charité-sur-Loire 4.1. The tympanum of the Transfiguration, the second third of the twelfth century, Photo by: M. Miieusement 1882, source: Monumentum, https://monumentum.fr/eglise-priorale-sainte-croix-pa00112826.html (last accessed 22.12.2018). 4.1d The tympanum of the Transfiguration, the Transfiguration scene (details), Photo: Eugène Lefèvre-Pontalis, Source: Ministère de la culture (France), Médiathèque de l'architecture et du patrimoine; No. PL006610, PL006611, http://www2.culture.gouv.fr/public/mistral/memoire_fr?ACTION=CHERCHER&FIELD_1=REF&VALUE_1=APLP006611, (last accessed 22.12.2018) 4.1 d The tympanum of the Transfiguration, the Adoration of the Magi scene (details), photo: Katarína Kravčíková 4.2 The tympanum of the Virgin Mary, the second third of the twelfth century, photo: 12. 11. 2016 4.2 d The tympanum of the Virgin Mary, tympanum, details, photo: 12.11. 2016 4.2 d The tympanum of the Virgin Mary, lintel scenes, details, photo: 12.11. 2016 The Annunciation The Visitation The Nativity The Annunciation to the Shephards 5. The Visual context of the Tympana from La Charité-sur-Loire 5.1 The comparison of the tympanum of the Virgin Mary and the sculptural framgments of Cluny III, the first third of the twelfth century The tympanum of the Virgin Mary, detail, archangels and Christ Liberal Arts at a capital from Cluny III Source: Architecture religieuse, Fragmentary bas-relief statue of Peter, from http://architecture.relig.free.fr/cluny.htm(22.12.18) the former giant portal of Cluny III. Source: Art 310, (last accessed 22.12.208) http://www2.oberlin.edu/images/Art310/Art310h.html 5.1a The element of the cross at the long shaft – Agnus Dei – Cluny before 1140, source: Stratford 2012, p. 21. 5.2 The Comparison of the Transfiguration scene with the examples from Moissac, Souillac and Gargilesse-Dampierre Souillac: The column and Iziah (1120 – 1135) La Charité – prophets (after 1135, for source: see 4.1d) (Jeremiah and one of Elders) Moissac (after 1120) One of Elders of the Apocalypse (probably around the middle of the twelfth century), Saint-Laurent-et- Notre-Dame from Gargilesse-Dampierre, source: Wikipedia: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89glise_Saint- Laurent-et-Notre-Dame_de_Gargilesse- Dampierre#/media/File:Gargilesse_-_Eglise_Notre- Dame_-_Chapiteau_- 2.JPG,(last accessed 22.12.2018) 5.2 a Comparison of formal details, the tympana of La Charité and the bas-reliefs from the first half of the twelfth century Bourges Capitals from translated portal above the south lateral entrance to the transept, cathedral of Bourges, around mid-twelfth century The decorative elements, details, detail, Bourges, the columns and archivolts at the north lateral portal Joseph and Christ and ornaments La Charité, Tympanum of the Transfiguration (for source: See 4.1 d) 5.2 b, c Formal comparison of details, the tympana of La Charité and the bas-reliefs from the first half of the twelfth century Vézelay and Autun, Source for the Transfiguration scene from La Charité, (For source See 4.1d) La Charité-sur-Loire (around 1135) Vézelay, the main inner portal (after 1130) Autun, the main portal (1130-1135) 5.3 Lintel scenes from La Charité-sur-Loire in a comparison with Montmorillon and Chartres, till the mid-twelfth century La Charité Marian tympanum Montmorillon, bas-relief frieze, church of Saint-Laurent-et-Saint-Vincent), probably around 1130 The lintels of the Royal portal, Chartres, after 1140 6. Iconography 6.1 Moissac, lateral side of the main entrance, the Marian cycle (after 1120) 6.2 Christological and Marian lateral portals of Vézelay (after 1130) 6.3 The preserved Marian portals from the twelfth century with the Adoration of the Madonna in Majesty Vézelay – lateral portal, after 1130 Donzy-le-Pré, preserved Marian portal from the narthex, before 1150 Source: Le site sur l’Art Roman en Bourgogne, (last accessed 22.12.18) http://www.bourgogneromane.com/edifices/donzy.htm Chartres – lateral portal, after 1140 Bourges – north lateral portal to the transept of the cathedral, around 1150 7. “Through the Eyes of the Time” 7.1 The Transfiguration scene The portal of the Transfiguration, around 1135 , source: See 44.1 The Transfiguration, 1200s, unknown illuminator, made in Nicaea or Nicomedia. Source: The J. Paul Getty Museum, Ms. Ludwig II 5, fols. 236v–237. Digital image courtesy of the Getty’s Open Content Program, http://blogs.getty.edu/iris/china- as-center-journeys-of-power-and-belief/, (last accessed 22. 12. 2018) 7.2 The Adoration of the Magi scene from La Charité-sur-Loire (around 1135), photo: Katarína Kravčíková The Adoration of the Magi at the mosaic from Ravenna, Saint Appolinaire-Nuovo (ante 524 A.D.) Source of the photo: Depositphotos: https://sp.depositphotos.com/16831769/stock-photo-mosaic-the-three-magi-in.html (last accessed 22.12. 2018) 7.3 The Adoration of the Magi scene in La Charité-sur-Loire (around 1135), photo: Katarína Kravčíková The same theme from the facade of Saint-Gilles , lateral portal, the second quart of the 12th century lateral portal 7.4 The Marian statues from the twelfth century Morgan Madonna, Our Lady, Orcival, 12th century, source: Wikipedia: Enthroned Virgin and Child, The Cloister Collection Metropolitan museum of Art New York, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Statue 2nd half of the 12th century, source: Met Museum 2nd half of 12th century, source: Blog i-voix, Our_Lady_Orcival.jpg (last accessed 22.12.2018) https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/works-of-art http://i-voix.net/article-mouvements-artisti-65780619.html, /47.101.15/, (last accessed12.
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