'Jeqruq ',{ueq1y 'pusD{u"rd ,Isad sed,{1i(1runuruoc Jeqlo ss sB JoJ pqse^]sq pua {rsrruaq II I I[€^\ 'eprsaeo eq o1 ,(1e41 s4serc! (roloctsp^tp mdQocng) IuJa4 4ru"Jg ol JeuB€raql lsEe-qlnos-ls"e sJapuDerl 11e 'eepJ?I ',{ellBeq^{ sapnlcu! 1 esnecaq uorleSgsa,rur aaJs puB ol qlnos ol lsue'dnuuBN ot Jo Fl.qdBJSoeB erll sB ueJJ8^\ eql esoqc e/l\ lsorrrl€ r{uou anp spuoq l! eJaq,r Je^ry ,([auuoq aqt ol lculstpqns lBcruslog ut"ld Je^rU gocs egl do1 eq1 sso:cr '1sare1m Jo NRo-r{lnos-ls"e luraueSelour Jo eq oslr ueql 'ralry poo.r$lt?tg eq1 uo e8pug repusxelv ol ,{ru 1sq 1ua1dprru qJJBeseJcrlsuou Jo ,l\erleJ aqJ lsua-qlnos-g$os sun-r ifurprmoq prrvJu Jo rueqUou aql 'sn[L '(SS 'd 'uousrrrJoJr[ dn8uJlpl urorJ :OgOt preag) lueuoduoc cglualJs elqs[r8^? lseq luucgruErs € eq ol sesrea JoloJtslaqp e:eql\ eq1 q1m,(4snpw drqcpoo,{ aq1 eEeuuu pnB rolmour ? 'lueue8su"l u.{erp sr,{:epunoq ruaquou eql elq,t\ 'lse/rt pu qlnos IrlSru 11 leqf os I purl pu? uorts^lesuoC 'lseoc sgl ol "es aq1 .{q paprmoq sr lI qmos eqt uo Jo lueulredaq eqt ,{q pelJnpuoJ Bllerlsny {*qlv ot e8pJg alsqumlulq-urrnoe-I eqt uo dn?u1ge1 lsea-rllnos u1 luerua8yuvu lseJoJ Jo lcedur eq1 uo qcJBoser uo.5 u{ 0o€ re^o spuelxe lcFlslpgns uerr"d\ eql Jo ?rterler B ol uorpquluoa v sa ,{luzuud esoP s3^\ IroA\ eqJ qcJReseJamlry ro3 sequoud 'errqsadsred 'EcefoJd luuor8a.r e ur seulluepr puE rIcJBeseJ tuaJrnc ol sJeJeJ ur"{ ol pernJuoo queuodwoc esoql go 'BroU '(9961 lseloJ lueuecqd r"lncsBl u,llou{ eql 3o 1s1 e quaserd 11 s8q lculslPgns uerrB eloq^1 eql JoJ P€lqBua \ p-rceg rnras) lclrtspgns lBcruslog uorJBA.\ erll Jo "l€p cFsIJoU Sururuexg uorlJu4xe qBp JoJ luerueluoc BroU egl Jo e8pel,touq Ernlsyxe sazueuuns Jedud srgl s€.{\ ejoJeJeql puB'oJq?Jelll lsrlurcads ur qsruapq '(I ,{q pasn zerz lecrqdrrEoa8 ? oslz sr lI elqrJ) NOIJJn(IOU,INI 'se^gBrlJur lueue?eu?u.r al"gdordd" uarsop ol popeeu osF erB {slJ tB slBllqeq al".r pua u.{\ou)l ,(good ;o pur Bxal p.ueleeql Jo salpnls let€olorq pue ,{e,r.rng apuru aq ol queu rnb uollelresuor Jo luorussosssle eq a el(Fue puB 'qcJsJsor crqdaSoo8orq puE cluouoxat al"lnwls pFo,,tr pofo.rd r qcng .lcutstpqns u.ll"A[ eql Jo "rolC peqsrlqnd B Jo uoqcnpoJd oql sr qr.rEasar ern6; :o; ftuoud lwyodun lsoru eqa 'Suuolruour ,srrutepue Suurnbu asoql rou "rolC erql peJplcoc eql Jo euou puB et{l Jo ^\aJ s"r{ lseroJ gJerl ulsur aql exq peuelerrr{l pue sclurapuo Jo ,{t!.ro[Etrt eqt ur€luoc 'sdorcmo 'ql"oq .?quoluout spuqpoon pw sdure,ns elruat? l"lsro3 ennbal l8rll ar"I se pej€pep 'sntEs esoql ol puor{ppB ax"l pefe rns ,q4Bnbep" 9I pus uoll" lesuoc n€ql ssassa ol r(e^lns '"rolJ requnJ Jo pa.u tuegrn ul vxsl u,a\ou{ ,{Irood 9t rJ€X peJBIceC Jo sobods 6I ere eJaqJ .et4s eqt ur sx€l lFjuJu q?g IEnpIIoJ a^rtedesuo. roJ rrrsruepue Jo oJuac tusuodurt lsoui eql $ lI 's.req1no 'Bxsl lecrqdu?oe8 lo sJlurapua leeu erour fusru pu8 ctuepue u^rou{ 66 sBq lcglslpqns 'Od '(It\ ,(gl) ,Gi agl Dosot1 pw (92) sntdqocng uoSodotna.I olu?pDlo) u fpnc$ '(exet '(9II) '(zsl) t9) olcocy opnpur ereue8 rsa8:q eq1 aeoc"eroid pu" (qzl) eRec?u,tw '(BxBl asoc€plqcio S9I) aBac"uoTdad apnlJut serIuBJ lnEUodurl Br4 pernpoitul 6I€ puB e^rFu ,serceds) 9791 sesuduroc ptol srqJ pelcel1oc ueoq e Eq (saqauB^ Jo ser.odsqns sxBl tt6l euos 'elnlBrell 'uol"uepun l?ql el8qpq slBp ,{o^lns peqs{qndun puB suollcefioc unr.raqJ.q lueunc aq o1 pf seq BroU oqt Jo fe^rns q8noJoql B q8noq{V t:og tcplslpqns lBcrwtog uoJJBl\ aql roJ 'o8pel,t\oul quetua.nnber qcraosor einlnJ puE qcJ"ereJ ?ulo?uo lueJJnc Jo pept^oJd sr aer^eJ V pB4sqY uosuqof-lleprs1{ 'g puu ,(.raq8;ay .f.g raddoH .O.S BIIBTNnVurelse^l Jo lrlrlslpqns IBtluBlog uaJrBAl eql u! sarlunuruoJ raqlo puB lserotr IrrBN aql Jo srold r daJdvHc The SuMistrict covers 8323 kmz, of which an bryophyies (Wyatt and Stonebumerr). Field guides to estimated31 per cent was cleared for agriculturea selected groups of plants provide more detailed decadeago (Beardand Spfenger1984). information on some species, e.g. banksias (George 1984; Taylor and Hopper 1988), orchids (Hoffman and Table 1 Brown 1984), and eucalypts (Boland er al. 19841' BEARD'S (1980)SUMMARY DESCRIPTIONOF Brooker and Kleinig 1989). SALIENT FEATURESOF THE WARREN Current botanical information facilitating the BOTAMCAL SUBDISTRICT identificatiou of some farnilies is becoming available through publication of the Flora of Arlstraliq. For Wanen Subdistict example, Volume 45 cleals with the Liliaceae and Haemodoraceae, Volume 46 with the Iridaceae District name (George 1986, 1987) Geographical, after river of same name (Diels 1906). Yegetation and fl oristics Tall forest of karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) ot A few published works deal specifically with Warren deep loams, forest of j arrah-marri (E. Subdistrict vegetation and flora. Beard (1980) provided marginaa-E. cabphylle) on the leached sands. a brief outline of key features of the Subdistrict (Iable Extensive paperbark (Melaleuca) and sedge 1). I-ater @eard 1981), he subdivided the Subdistricr swamps in valleys. into frve vegetation systems. Such sysiems each Climate constitute a series of plant comrmrnities recurring in a sequence or pattern Moderate'mediterranean'; winler, precipitation linked to landform, soil and/or geological features. The five in ranges from 650 to 15@ mrn per annum, essential the Warren Subdistrict correspond to the main karri forest (Nornalup feature is short dry season of only 3-4 dry months. System), the more diverse commuities to the east where karri Geology is on the highest grormd (Denmark System), the low .drchaean granite and infolded metamorphic rocks woodlands, heaths and swamps inland from coastal of the Yilgarn Block. areas (Scott River System), and coastal heaths, peppermint Topography and soils woodlands and low forests between Yallingup and Walpole (Boranup Sysiem) and from Dissected undulating country of small relief, hard Walpole to Albany (Tomdimrp System). Greater setting loamy soils altemating with leached sand elaboration of these systems and their component soils, communities was provided by Smith (1972-1974) nd Boundary Beard (1979) in the three 1 : 250 0O0 vegetation maps The northem boundary is drawn where E. and their explanatory rnemoirs covering the Warren diyersicokr ceasesto be a significant component. Subdistrict. Beard and Sprenger (1984) estimated that tall forests (mainly of karri) originally covered 47.8 per CURRENTKNOWLEDGE cent of the Subdistrict, jarrah forest on poorer soils covered 23,8 per cent, jarah-banksia low woodlands In common with most areas of W.A., neither a 8.2 per cant, reed swamps 5 per cent, paperbark low comprehensive floristic list nor a full Flora of the woodlands in swamps 3.7 per cent, pepperrnint scrub Warren Subdistrict has been published. However, 3.1 per cent, aud heath on coastal dunes 2,6 per cent. scientific knowledge of the composition and Christensen qI. distribution of plants in the Subdistrict has et (1985) provided a useful summary accumulated with general botanical exploration of the of major vegetation types and a preliminary floristic south-west (see Beard 1981 for a succinct review) and list for the southem forests of W.A. Their a small number of specialist projects. Information on study area corresponded approximately with Beard's (1980) Warren Subdistrict plants thus appears in more general Warren and Menzies Botanical Subdistricts. Seven works on Western Australian vascular flora such as major vegetation t)?es were mapped, all Blackall and Grieve (1954-88), Erickson e, aI. (1973\, occurrilg in the Warren Subdistrict: Beard (1981) and Green (985). The same applies to lichens (Richardson and Richardson 1982; Sammy 1985), larger fungi (Hilton 1982, 1988) and pun ,(11ern1cu1speqr:csep sB/ Jell€l eq; uotlr1e3e,r u ro; Euruueld ',(Soloe8 Suqsrssu 1e perura sarpnls eurleseq eral\ elqsu petBrcosse pu" fSoloqdJou llos '(s861 ',{qderSors,(qd eseqg urJJu9) e rese{ emleN Ioorg sqlrus Er Jo srxJel ut lroruoru 3ur,{uedruocce pu" '(286I eroo] I prrB seure@ sraru loorg eFl I rnoC eql uI P3qrJcsep se^\ slrun g€ eql Jo rlcEg ptra looJg ,(or3e1 eql ro; pepr,,r.ordelo^\ Esll BJold 'su:a11rda8eumrp puE edols 'seur8er letler e.rg pue i(1r,rqce pJrqResllus o1 ernsodxe IPcol uo pes?q sBA\ Erun lsnpr^rpw olIII uorsr^rpqns Jo suuel lrt puert sql peuteldxe (qOgOt) noqqV requnC '(s,(allB^ Jormll pua JofBru pu" 's!uels,{s 'sReJE pueJpueqpeJelleqs pus pesodxe qtoq uo punog eunp'ururrel,(drut,1as'so8pu pue sllrq'stuarrlel€ 'pedo1a,,lep erear uts8e sErs JeqJrU ernlcrugs uor1a1a3e,,l nueleycl)urro;pue1 uo ueql pu" '(setlll aBBurBJpuo pu? 'Eue(urpes xeldruoc erout eJeg i spuulsr Jo seprs perElaqs l€t^nu puB u€elo€B pls"oc uo,seuolspuBs uo peJJncco serl]rmuruoc reqcpsedols puelsr pasodxe puu seuolElrs uo'Eua(Ilrpes pel?prlosuocun ro e1rua3 'snry .,{e:ds11es 'a'l) uo punoJ ereA\ ssJou lserood aql uo padoleaep Elrrn serqea; pcrSoloe8 praueS pIIA SeA",{\ rtrO4 Jelleqs qlr,t ses"eJcur sselnlcu uo ,{psrg peseq 'pedduru arear slrun e,,rg-,Qrrg1'(,(11ng serceds 1yg1 paqsrlqqse ,(pn1s drurrpu.lo1 aq1 flcog sz q ou Jp4 s?) S,g€tE epntnul ol puulur Surpualxepu8',(u8qlv tul qcrag (11esseg) 'spqulsr aqt u:og puu uorlqe8a,r Jo lsBe 69 Jo eu{eqJ ot pr€/rlsse moq.rBg ,(prnr16 uea,r,rlaq eue eql ur se8uqc eJrulg Jolluou ol eurlasuq e epr,rord .,(uuqJy ue Suua,loc sdeu los pu" u.roJprrrl elecs 0OO O0I:I ol feture serprus eseql Jo lsohl 3o lsr/r\-qlnos '(gg6i 'p e^g Jo tos pallEep B pepra.ord oq,"r p {J"d IBuorlBN dnrrrpurol ,{q petdncco ulnsuued pJsr{qcJnrlC ,(q serrr ,(pnls e,rrsueqerduroc arou.r y eBJ"l eql reau Eel$ Jo sprrulsr IZ pu? spu"lpeeq ',{puES 'urlarupH 'asn tq8le roJ snld'spuBIsI u€qleqC pus puel
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