GEOLOGICAL HISTORY AND STRUCTURAL EVOLUTION OF THE WARNER RANGE AND SURPRISE VALLEY, NORTHWESTERN MARGIN OF THE BASIN AND RANGE PROVINCE A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES AND THE COMMITTEE ON GRADUATE STUDIES OF STANFORD UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Anne Elizabeth Egger March 2010 © 2010 by Anne Elizabeth Egger. All Rights Reserved. Re-distributed by Stanford University under license with the author. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial 3.0 United States License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/us/ This dissertation is online at: http://purl.stanford.edu/vn684mg0818 Includes supplemental files: 1. (Egger_2010_plate_I.pdf) ii I certify that I have read this dissertation and that, in my opinion, it is fully adequate in scope and quality as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Elizabeth Miller, Primary Adviser I certify that I have read this dissertation and that, in my opinion, it is fully adequate in scope and quality as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Simon Klemperer I certify that I have read this dissertation and that, in my opinion, it is fully adequate in scope and quality as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Gail Mahood Approved for the Stanford University Committee on Graduate Studies. Patricia J. Gumport, Vice Provost Graduate Education This signature page was generated electronically upon submission of this dissertation in electronic format. An original signed hard copy of the signature page is on file in University Archives. iii iv Abstract Along the northwestern margin of the Basin and Range province, mid-Miocene to Pliocene volcanic plateaus obscure much of the earlier history of this region. In the northeastern corner of California, however, slip on the relatively isolated Surprise Valley fault has resulted in the uplift of the Warner Range, providing unique insight into the tectonic and magmatic history of this region. In contrast to most of the very active western boundary, the northwestern margin of the Basin and Range remains sparsely mapped and studied. The geologic mapping, cross-sections, geochronology, geochemical analysis, and provenance studies of rock units present in the Warner Range, and geophysical modeling of the Surprise Valley presented here add detail to this understudied region. A history of subduction-related arc volcanism lasting from ~40 Ma to the mid- Miocene is exposed in the >4 km of volcaniclastic sediments and volcanic rocks of the Warner Range. At the base of the range, ~40 Ma andesite lavas and debris flows mark a return to subduction-related arc volcanism associated with the ancestral Cascade arc. A thick sequence of latest Eocene to Oligocene volcaniclastic rocks thins from 1500 m to 200 m over 35 km of exposure. Predominantly volcanic clast compositions, detrital zircon ages, and paleocurrent indicators suggest that the sequence was deposited in an alluvial plain ~20 km NNE of a volcanic source area. This localized accumulation differs markedly from contemporaneous drainages to the south that transported material westward from central Nevada to the paleoshoreline. v A series of Oligocene volcanic edifices built on this sequence, recording arc volcanism from 28–24 Ma. In the southern part of the range, these Oligocene volcanic rocks are unconformably overlain by mid-Miocene (16–14 Ma) mafic lava flows and tuffs, once thought to be the southern extension of the mid-Miocene flood basalts, but which are now shown to be locally derived and related to arc volcanism. Mid-Miocene rocks were never present in the northern part of the range, however, where Oligocene rocks are directly overlain by late Miocene (10–7 Ma) rhyolite flows. Extension and uplift appears to have occurred in two episodes, the first in the middle Miocene and the second initiating ~3 Ma, which continues to the present day. The range-bounding Surprise Valley fault currently dips at a moderate angle of ~35° to the east. Seismic velocity and potential field modeling of the basin identified numerous intra-basin faults, but it is not clear if these steeply-dipping faults cut and offset the Surprise Valley fault or sole into it. Geothermal springs occur primarily along intra-basin faults rather than the range-bounding fault, however, which may suggest that this is a system in transition to a new set of more favorably-oriented faults. The total magnitude of extension in the Warner Range region may be as much as 15%, the majority of which is accommodated along the Surprise Valley fault. While this is a relatively minor amount of extension, the Surprise Valley fault appears to have persisted as the westernmost boundary of Basin and Range extension since the mid-Miocene. vi Preface When I first got involved in field work in the Warner Range, I had no intention of getting a PhD. I was a faculty member at San Juan College, a community college in northwestern New Mexico, when Elizabeth Miller contacted me in the early in 2004 to see if I would be interested in writing a supplement to a ACS-PRF grant that she and Simon Klemperer had; the supplement was specifically intended to involve faculty at non-PhD-granting institutions in research. Despite the fact that I had pursued the community college position because I felt teaching was more my calling than research, I jumped at the chance to get involved in field work again. We received the supplementary funding, and I started to plan for the summer. Over the following months, I also decided to leave my position at San Juan College and return to Stanford as the Undergraduate Program Coordinator for the GES department. Come May of 2004, I packed up my belongings, drove to California, and headed out to a brand new field area the next day. Two of my students from San Juan College met me and Joe Colgan in the Warner Range, and we worked there for about ten days, until we got snowed out (yes, in late May). Our purpose in conducting new geologic mapping in this area was—in part— to provide surface control for a high-resolution seismic reflection profile that would be collected that fall across the Surprise Valley, adjacent to the Warner Range. The data would be collected with a vibroseis truck in September as part of a much larger crustal refraction seismic experiment headed up by Simon Klemperer. When I started working, that’s about the extent of what I knew. vii That first summer produced far more questions than answers. We weren’t sure how to subdivide the complex sedimentary section—we weren’t even sure how to identify exactly what it was we were looking at. I had never spent any time looking at volcanic or volcaniclastic rocks, and though it was easy to see layering, we had a heck of time finding anything to measure bedding on in a pile of what we finally concluded were lahars. What had looked initially like a simple, layer cake stratigraphy was proving a bit more complicated than we had anticipated. There was much to be learned. Nearly six years later, much has indeed been learned. This project has suited me well for several reasons, primarily because the paucity of previous work in the northwestern Basin and Range made the Warner Range something of a “frontier” for geology. Because so little was known about this region, basic field mapping was a suitable means of developing new understanding. In addition, I have had the opportunity to learn, utilize, and/or see in action a wide variety of techniques well beyond field mapping, including seismic velocity modeling, detrital zircon analysis, potential field mapping and modeling, paleoseismology, paleomagnetic analysis, shallow seismic reflection methods, audio-magneto-telluric methods, and—last, but definitely not least—ATV driving. I’ve particularly appreciated the opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills in the geophysical techniques that have allowed me to see below the surface, despite my frustration at the limits of what those techniques can actually tell me. Another component of this project that has made it particularly enjoyable for me is the fact that I’ve been able to meet and collaborate with an enormous number of scientists. These collaborators are primarily at the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, including Joe Colgan, Jonathan Glen, Darcy McPhee, Dave Ponce, and Dave John. Trobe Grose, retired from Colorado School of Mines, has become another colleague and friend, and I have greatly appreciated his insight from many years of mapping in northeastern California and his support of my work. I also had the rare opportunity to walk into a trench across the Surprise Valley fault and put my hand on the fault, viii thanks to Steve Personius, Mike Machette, and others from the earthquake hazards team at the USGS in Golden, CO. Other collaborators and colleagues included John Louie and his students at the University of Nevada-Reno and Don Prothero and his students at Occidental College. Finally, the Warner Range and Surprise Valley have been an ideal classroom, and I’ve brought several groups of students out into the field with me. In fact, it was only after bringing three years’ worth of students into the field that I realized that, if I didn’t put all of this information together into a coherent story, no one else would, and that’s when I decided to pursue this PhD. As a result, this thesis includes several years of data collected by students in field research courses taught by Elizabeth Miller and myself in addition to the results of my own mapping, analysis, and collaborative work with other scientists, primarily Joe Colgan and Jonathan Glen at the U.S.
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