S146 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2019 ROSEN, Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. RUBIO, Mr. Edwards and Kim Binsted, AAAS fel- APPOINTMENTS SANDERS, Mr. SASSE, Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. lows in my office, be granted floor The PRESIDING OFFICER. The SCHUMER, Mr. SCOTT of Florida, Mr. privileges for the remainder of this Chair, on behalf of the Majority Lead- SCOTT of South Carolina, Mrs. SHA- Congress. er, pursuant to the provisions of Public HEEN, Mr. SHELBY, Ms. SINEMA, Ms. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Law 99–93, as amended by Public Law SMITH, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. SULLIVAN, objection, it is so ordered. 99–151, appoints the following individ- Mr. TESTER, Mr. THUNE, Mr. TILLIS, Mr. f uals to serve as members of the United TOOMEY, Mr. UDALL, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, States Senate Caucus on International Mr. WARNER, Ms. WARREN, Mr. WHITE- COMMENDING THE CLEMSON UNI- Narcotics Control for the 116th Con- HOUSE, Mr. WICKER, Mr. WYDEN, and VERSITY TIGERS FOOTBALL gress: The Honorable JOHN CORNYN of Mr. YOUNG) submitted the following TEAM FOR WINNING THE 2019 Texas, Chairman; The Honorable CHUCK resolution; which was considered and COLLEGE FOOTBALL PLAYOFF GRASSLEY of Iowa; The Honorable agreed to: NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP JAMES RISCH of Idaho; The Honorable S. RES. 16 Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I DAVID PERDUE of Georgia. Relative to the death of John Chester Cul- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- The Chair, pursuant to the provisions ver, former United States Senator for the ate proceed to the consideration of S. of section 1501 of Public Law 115–254, on State of Iowa. Res. 15, submitted earlier today. behalf of the Majority Leader of the Whereas John Chester Culver was born in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senate and the Chairman of the Senate Rochester, Minnesota and grew up in Cedar clerk will report the resolution by Committee on Foreign Relations, ap- Rapids, Iowa; title. points the following individual as a Whereas John Chester Culver graduated The legislative clerk read as follows: member of the Syria Study Group: from Harvard University and Harvard Law Chris Tuttle, of Virginia. School; A resolution (S. Res. 15) commending the Whereas John Chester Culver served his Clemson University Tigers football team for f country in the United States Marine Corps winning the 2019 College Football Playoff from 1955-1958; National Championship. MEASURE READ THE FIRST TIME—S. 109 Whereas John Chester Culver was elected There being no objection, the Senate to the United States House of Representa- proceeded to consider the resolution. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I tives in 1964 and served 5 terms as a Rep- understand there is a bill at the desk, resentative from the State of Iowa; Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous consent that the resolution be agreed and I ask for its first reading. Whereas John Chester Culver was elected The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to the United States Senate in 1974 and to, the preamble be agreed to, and the served the people of Iowa in the Senate with motion to reconsider be considered clerk will read the title of the bill for honor and distinction for 1 term; made and laid upon the table with no the first time. Whereas as a Senator, John Chester Culver intervening action or debate. The bill clerk read as follows: spearheaded a commission to modernize the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without A bill (S. 109) to prohibit taxpayer funded procedures of the Senate, including an in- abortions. creased use of computerized floor status up- objection, it is so ordered. Mr. MCCONNELL. I now ask for its dates and committee schedules; The resolution (S. Res. 15) was agreed Whereas John Chester Culver was known to. second reading and, in order to place for his hard work and independence; Now, The preamble was agreed to. the bill on the calendar under the pro- therefore, be it (The resolution is printed in today’s visions of rule XIV, I object to my own request. Resolved, That the Senate has heard with RECORD under ‘‘Submitted Resolu- profound sorrow and deep regret the an- tions.’’) The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- nouncement of the death of the Honorable tion is heard. John Chester Culver, former member of the f The bill will receive a second reading United States Senate. RELATIVE TO THE DEATH OF on the next legislative day. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate communicate these resolutions to the House JOHN CHESTER CULVER, f of Representatives and transmit an enrolled FORMER UNITED STATES SEN- ATOR FOR THE STATE OF IOWA ORDERS FOR FRIDAY, JANUARY copy thereof to the family of the deceased. 11, 2019 Resolved, That when the Senate adjourns Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Mr. MCCONNELL. Now, Mr. Presi- today, it stand adjourned as a further mark ask unanimous consent that the Sen- dent, I ask unanimous consent that of respect to the memory of the Honorable ate proceed to the immediate consider- John Chester Culver. when the Senate completes its business ation of S. Res. 16, submitted earlier today, it adjourn until 10 a.m., Friday, f today. January 11; further, that following the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO prayer and pledge, the morning hour be clerk will report the resolution by MEET deemed expired, the Journal of pro- title. ceedings be approved to date, the time Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I have a The legislative clerk read as follows: request for one committee to meet dur- for the two leaders be reserved for their A resolution (S. Res. 16) relative to the ing today’s session of the Senate. It use later in the day, and morning busi- death of John Chester Culver, former United ness be closed; finally, that following has the approval of the Majority and States Senator for the State of Iowa. Minority leaders. leader remarks, the Senate resume There being no objection, the Senate Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph consideration of the motion to proceed proceeded to consider the resolution 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- to S. 1. Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous ate, the following committee is author- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without consent that the resolution be agreed ized to meet during today’s session of objection, it is so ordered. to, the preamble be agreed to, and the the Senate: f motion to reconsider be considered COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES made and laid upon the table with no ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. The Committee on Armed Services is intervening action or debate. TOMORROW authorized to meet during the session The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, if of the Senate on Thursday, January 10, objection, it is so ordered. there is no further business to come be- 2019, at 9:30 a.m., to conduct a hearing. The resolution (S. Res. 16) was agreed fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- f to. sent that it stand adjourned under the The preamble was agreed to. provisions of S. Res. 16 and do so as a PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR (The resolution is printed in today’s further mark of respect to the late Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I RECORD under ‘‘Submitted Resolu- John Culver, former Senator from the ask unanimous consent that Ryan tions.’’) State of Iowa. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:12 Jan 11, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.031 S10JAPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE January 10, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S147 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under 2019, and does so as a further mark of Thereupon, the Senate, at 5:59 p.m., the previous order and pursuant to S. respect for the late John Chester Cul- adjourned until Friday, January 11, Res. 16, the Senate stands adjourned ver, former Senator from Iowa. 2019, at 10 a.m. until 10 a.m. on Friday, January 11, VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:12 Jan 11, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.045 S10JAPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE.
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