>-. THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MUNICIPAL OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF LANCASTER FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 3 hi. 1945 V coos COUNTY DEMOCRAT PRESS LANCASTER, N, H. ii^ STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MUNICIPAL OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF LAN CASTER FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31 19 4 5 V bl£MDbRAt »>R£&S • LAKl&AgtEft. N. H» 3-52. Ol L7.4 TOWN OFFICERS Moderator D. J. TRULAND Town Clerk and Treasurer BLANCHE B. HILLIARD Selectmen GEORGE E. STONE ATM. R. GALBRATTII CHARLES W. FITCH Tax Collector R. E. ALLISON Overseer of Poor F. R. LYON Supervisors of Check List O'NEIL TWITCHELL BLAKE T. SCIII'R:\1AN ALBERT J. KENNEY Health Officer DR. W. M. BRONSON Eoad Commissioners ARTHUR SAVAGE ARTHUR WHITE WALLACE MARTIN Auditors CLESEN H. SMITH ALBERT J. KENNEY Chief of Police ALBERT J. KENNEY Cemetery Committee FRED C. CONGDON EMILIE P. SHURTLEFF JENNIE H. TWITCHELL Library Trustees ETHEL McCARTEN REV. W. H. CROUCH GRACE H. BRAGG TOWN REPORT 3 Trustees of Trust Funds W. H. MeCARTEN ENOS G, FAT JAS. L. DOW Col. Town Spending Committee W, M. BRONSON L. E. BRAGG O. LEO CONARY ROXANNA MeCARTEN HARFORD A. NAY MRS. FRED SHERMAN JAS. A. FERGUSON MARGARET GUILMETTE CARROLL STOUGHTON Emmons Smith Fund Committee MARY H. CAREY ENOS G. FAY MERTRUDE M, CLEAVELAND Zoning Board of Adjustment BERNARD JACOBS R. BERNARD SMITH 0. LEO CONNARY H. J. WHITCOMB JAS. L. DOW : TOWN WARRANT STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE To the inhabitants of the Town of Lancaster qualified to vote in Town Affairs: You are hereby Dotiiied to meet at the Town Hall in said Lancaster on the second Tuesday of March, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to act upon the VoUowing subjects L To choose a Town Clerk, a Town Treasurer, One Selectman for three years, One Trustee of Trust Funds for three years, One Library Trustee for three years, Three Members of the Col. Town Spending Committee for three years and other necessary offi- cers for the ensuing year. 2. To raise and appropriate such sums of money as may be necessary for Town Officers' salaries. Town Officers' expenses, Election and Registration expenses, Municipal Court expenses, expenses of the Town Hall, Police Department, Fire Department, Damages and Legal expenses. Health Department in- cluding Dental Clinic, Vital Statistics, Sewer Main- tenance. Town Maintenance, Street Lighting, Town Koad Aid, Library, Town Poor, Old Age Assistance, ^ilemorial Day, Parks and Playgrounds, Memorial for Service Men, 1946 Fourth of July Celebration for Service Men, Cemeteries, Airport, Garbage Collec- tion, Information Booth, White Mountains Region Association, Sidewalk Construction to site of new hospital, Sewer Construction to new hospital, Re- pairs to Mechanic Street Buildings, New Equipment, TO'WN REPORT 5 Interest on Temporary Loans, Interest on Dong Term Kotes, Payment on Long Term Notes and other town expenses, 3. To direct how money mised for the above purposes be expended. 4. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to hire moaey. on temporary notes in an* licipatioa of taxes, covering period from March 12^ 1946 to the Annual Meeting of 1947. 5. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to administer or dispose of any Real Es- tate acquired thru Tax Collector's deeds. 6. To see if the Town wdll authorize the Select- men to distribute the blank inventories at the time they examine and appraise the property to be taxedv 7. To see what action the Town will take to amend or repeal the Zoning Regulations now in force in the Town. 8. To see what action the Town will take in regard to accepting from the Trustees of Trust Funds, the tract of land known as the Ray Field on Summer Street, 9. To see what action the Town will take with reference to the erection and equipment of a i\Iem- orial Home or Memorial Buildings for the veteran?*; of w^ars, particularly veterans of AYorld War 2, and pass any vote relating thereto. 10, To hear report of the committee appointed to investigate the subject of a suitable memorial for the boys and girls in service. 11. To transact any other business which may legally come before said meeting. : 6 TOWN REPORT Given under our hands and seal at Lancaster, this 25th day of February, 1946. GEORGE E. STONE, WM. R. GALBRAITH, CHARLES W. FITCH, Selectmen of Lancaster. A true copy—Attest GEORGE E. STONE, WM. R. GALBRAITH, CHARLES W. FITCH, Selectmen of Lancaster, BUDGET FOR 1946 Estimates of Revenue and Expenditures for the Ensuing Year January 1, 1946 to December 31, 1946, compared with Actual Revenue and Expenditures of the Previous Year, January 1, 1945 to December 31, 1945. Sources of Revenue Actual 1945 Est. 194G From State: Interest and Dividends tax $4587.45 $4000.00 Railroad Tax 616.39 500.00 Savings Bank Tax 2298.25 2000.00 Reimbursement a c State and Federal forest lands 84.78 75.00 National Forest Reserve 6.05 From Local Sources Except Taxes: Business Licenses and Permits 75.00 75.00 Fines and Forfeits, Municipal Court 47.75 Rent of Town Hall 856.50 800.00 Interest Received on Taxes 74.22 Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 1793.54 1500.00 Sale of Town Property acquired by Tax Deeds 2080.00 From Local Taxes Other Than Property Taxes: I'oll Taxes—Regular at $2.00 1754.00 1500.00 National Bank Stock Taxes 662.28 650.00 Total Revenues from all Sources Except Property Taxes $11,100,00 . 8 TOWN REPORT Ami. to be raised by Property Taxes 58,021.96 Total Revenues $69,121.96 Purposes of Expenditures Actual 1945 Est. 1946 Current Maintenance Expenses: General Government: Town Officers' Salaries $3280.00 $3500.00 Town Officers' Expenses 1842.63 1500.00 Election and Registration Exp. 53.78 300.00 Municipal Court Expenses 200.00 200.00 Expenses Town Hall 2419.39 3500.00 Protection of Persons and Property:perty Police Department 3047.62 3500.00 Fire Department 1017.10 1000.00 Health: Health Department 1713.18 1600.00 Vital Statistics 181.50 200.00 Sewer Maintenance 85.90 300.00 Highways and Bridges: 1 own Maintenance : Winter 22727.80 22000.00 Street Lighting 7121.84 7219.00 Town Road Aid 601.87 626.38 Libraries : Libraries 2150.00 2400.00 Public Welfare: Town Poor 2360.30 2000.00 Old Age Assistance 4094.70 4500.00 Patriotic Purposes: Memorial Day and Veterans' Associations 75.00 75.00 Recreation: Parks and Playgrounds 272.04 350.00 : TOWN REPORT 9 Public Service Enterprises: j\Iemorial for Service Men 3000.00 1946 Celebration 1500.00 Cemeteries 275.00 275.00 Airports 300.00 Unclassified: Garbage 699.99 600.00 Damages and Legal Expenses 203.10 100.00 Advertising and Regional Associations 500.00 650.00 Interest : On Temporary Loans 217.50 200.00 On Long Term Notes 487.80 406.09 Outlay for New ConstructiorI and Permanent Improvements: Highways and Bridges: Sidewalk Construction 1 500.00 Sewer Construction 1500.00 New Lands and Bldgs. (Cottage^) 602.94 500.00 New Equipment 2895.79 1500.00 Indebtedness Payment on Principal of Debt: liong Term Notes 2320.49 2320.49 Payments to Other Governmental Divisions: County Taxes 17254.04 Payments to School District 52663.55 Total Expenditures $69,121.96 SELECTMEN'S REPORT Foils 1507 at $3.00 1434 at $2.00 Keal Estate $2,325,933.00 Wood and Timber—growing 44,840.00 3 Asses 125.00 211 Horses 26J75.00 1237 Cows 129,354.00 279 Neat Stock 18,060.00 103 Sheep 1,236.00 5 Hogs 125.00 1084 Fowl 1,084.00 AVood and Lumber 22.00 Gasolene Tanks and Pumps 4,625.00 Stock-in-trade - 239,955.00 Mills and Machinery . 179,017.00 Electric Plants 234,131.00 Pipe Line 78,700.00 Total valuation $3,283,382.00 Exemptions 38,779.00 Taxable valuation $3,244,603.00 A'aluation Town School District $1,104,933.00 Valuation Union School District 2,139,670.00 Rate Town School District $3.51 Rate Union School District 3.98 * 1 o ^ L^. 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