Vol. 29 No. 51 Sundial sued- Califomia State University Northridge .0\co Friday, December 5, 1975 editors, advisor lack counsel By DEBBIE GOFFA m: *• Editor lO^l^ffi Both the State of Califomia and the Associated Students are denying responsibility for the legal defense of three persons being sued in connection with their work on the Daily Sundial. The three, Dan Halcomb, former Sundial ad­ visor/publisher; and Ross Goldberg and Jim Yeager, former Sundial co-editors, have been named as A) '^ defendants in a $3.5 million libel suit. KW^KH\S The suit, filed by the Glendale University College of Law, alleges that the law school was libeled in an article which appeared in the Sundial October 9, 1974. The article was written as a guest commentary by Thomas Fldward Wall, who was also named as a defendant in the suit, along with the State of California and five John Does. A MERRY CHRISTMAS for Indian chUdren is the between Sierra Hall South and North; the drive will The suit was filed in Los Angeles superior court June intent of CSUN's Sophomore Class toy and clothing continue through Dec. 10. 30, and until two weeks ago, Halcomb, Yeager and drive. The collection booth is located in the breezeway Sundial photo by Ed Bedwell drive. 1 he collection booth is located in the breezeway aundial photo by bd nedwell Goldberg said they were told by representatives from the State Attorney General's Office the state would defend them in court. U.N. resolution on Zionism partially Now, Halcomb said, Joe Herron. an attorney for the state, has informed the three the state will not defend them because they were not legally state employees at vetoed by student president Franco the time the story was published. By CHUCK WHITTEN According to Halcomb he was employed by the Staff WriteWriterr 'opinion' or 'position' of the entire corporation, but such Associated Students in his position as ad­ Associated Students (A.S.) President David M. is not the case. There has been a considerable amount of visor/publisher. Both editors, who have since Franco vetoed parts of a resolution by the A.S. Senate concern expressed by members of the Corporation who graduated from CSUN. were receiving monthly Tuesday night which would have officially condemned feel that the Board of Directors/Senate has stipends from the Associated Students. the action of the United Nations equating Zionism with misrepresented them." However, the Associated Students contend that the racism. The Senate was able to muster only eleven of the state should defend the three. On Nov. 25, the Senate approved a resolution which fourteen votes required to override Franco's veto. Ashok Dhingra. Associated Students business said, "Resolved: That the Associated Students Senate, However, there are two sections of the remaining manager, as well as A.S. Vice-president Brian Manning as representatives of the student body of California proposal which say, "Resolved: That as leaders of the said that since the Board of Publications which reports State University, Northridge, officially condemn the students at California State University, Northridge, directly to President Cleary, is the Sundial's official passage of this anti-Zionist resolution by the United the members of the A.S. Senate pledge to conduct publisher, the state should be legally bound to defend Nations General Assembly." themselves in a manner to refrain from bigotry, racism, the three. The resolution continued, "Resolved: That on behalf sexism, anti-semitism and any other form of prejudice Dhingra said that the A.S. insurance agent. of the Associated Students, the Associated Students in speech and actions as an example of leadership for Traveler's Insurance Company, has refused to accept Senate forward a letter to the President of the United the student body, and be it further, the responsibility for their defense. Nations General Assembly condemning the passage of "Resolved: That the members of the A.S. Senate Attorneys for both the state and the A.S. are afraid the resolution." urge all students to write to the President of the United to accept responsibility forthat action. If the court finds During debate on the proposal Nov. 25, Upper Nations General Assembly expressing their views on in favor of the law school, the A.S. or the state, Division Senator Art Robinson said, "Senate action on the recently passed United Nations vote." whichever has accepted responsibility, might then also this resolution will do nothing to instill confidence in Sources in the A.S. office indicate there may be a be considered responsible for the damages, which might the individual senator's leadership ability with the further effort to override Franco's veto at next run into millions of dollars. students, Tuesday's Senate meeting. "Neither side wants to take the responsibility when it "Our adopting this resolution will do nothing to In other action at the Nov. 25 meeting, the Senate Please turn to page 20 improve the student's lot at California State University implemented the decision of the A.S. Constitutional Northridge." he said. Court declaring that Lower Division Senator Del Franco, in vetoing the measure, saw the Senate was Dalton was not eligible to hold the office. acting on behalf of all students and that in fact all Though Dalton had submitted his resignation, A.S. students did not agree with the resolution. Chief Justice Rick Jarvis said that, since the court's "The Senate action of Nov. 25," he said, "mandates decision declared Dalton ineligible, he could not resign the sending' of a letter which is supposed to contain the from a position he actually never held. Another faculty cut rally planned By STEVE FESUK a fact sheet on the cuts and offering a petition for Staff Writer students to sign. A rally to further protest planned faculty cutbacks Mitch Paskin, a member of the executive committee has been scheduled for next Wednesday by the of SCARED, said the petition will be delivered to executive board of Students Against Regressive Governor Brown. Education (SCARED), yesterday. University president James W. Cleary, commenting Alan Mann, Chairman of SCARED, announced on the letters he received, said "students are entitled to Thursday that the rally, to be held at noon next certain rights as voters and citizens, therefore if they're Wednesday at the Ojien Forum, will serve "as a con­ concerned about the budget they have a right to ex­ tinuance of the affirmative action from last Wed­ press their concern with the proper office. Exclusive fAae West interview nesday's rally." "Not only do they have a right," he said, "but the See page 8 Wednesday's protest drew a response from close to responsibility." .500 students opposed to the cutbacks of 40 faculty According to Cleary, the CSUC Board of Trustees The Deadly Nightshade positions and 200 classes for the spring semester. submitted its emergency budget request to Governor See page 16 President Cleary received 482 letters urging his support Brown yesterday and expects a response in seven to 10 of the rally's position, submitted by students who filed days. through his office. Editor's Note: Open letters from President Cleary Sports wrap-up Mann said next Wednesday's meeting will continue and Dean Benson to the general student body are on See page 22 the efforts by informing the student body, distributing page seven. r i t 2 Daily Sundial Friday. Deconber 5. 1W5 All too often, when the party If someone gets too drunk to ends, the trouble begins. drive, drive him yourself. Or call a People who shouldn't be cab. Or offer to let him sleep over. doing anything more active than Maybe your friend won't be going to sleep are driving a car. feeling so good on the morning after, Speeding and weaving their way but you're going to feel terrific. to death. Before any of your friends drive home from your party, make sure they aren't drunk. \ \ DRUNK DRIVER, DEPT. Y Bl Don't be fooled because they BOX 2345 drank only beer or wine. Beer and ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20852 wine can be just as intoxicating as I want to keep my friencds alive mixed drinks. for the next party. And don't kid yourself Tell me v^^hat else I can (do. because they may have had some My name is black coffee. Black coffee can't Address sober them up well enough to drive. City State Zip__ €%w U.S. DEPAKTMtNl OF IKANSPORTAnON • NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRAIIDN mmmt mm Friday, December S, 1975 Daily Sundial 3 FINALS- Let us pray BY RAY JOHNSON Combining the resources of the Student Health Center, Staff Writer the Learning Resource Center, the CounseUng Center, the FINAL IXAJNINATIONS Are you lonely, tired and bogged down with studies. Too Associated Students and the academic departments FAU 197S bad because on Dec. 17 final exams will be upon us. It is a against a background of total campus coq>eration is time of panic. original. It also provides a model for additional Current Approved Policy Regarding Fina( Examinations: But we know this already. And we also know that in the cooperative efforts for students at CSUN and other Final examinations (or other satisfactory evaluations) are requir<>d in all courses No final examination may be scheduled by an instructor prior lo the regularly schedul­ end, each of us will have to bear the awful burden alone. campuses. ed time Any student who finds it impossible to take a final examination (where given) Almost alone. on the date scheduled must make arrangements in advartce with the instructor either to take Ihe examination at another time prior to the deadline lor reporting grades or to CSUN students will be provided with a unique service take a grade of Incomplete, and must then follow Ihe regulations concerning the during finals week - the Panic Clinic.
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