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CHAPMAN €)fticial iDrgan ot tfte )auDubon ^ocitticQ Audubon Depar imknt Edited by MABEL OSGOOD WRIGHT AND WILLIAM DUTCHER VOLUME rI— 1904 3'^. \<\Q^ THE MACMILLAN COMPANY HARRISBURG, PA., AND NEW YORK CirV Copyright, 1904 By frank M. chapman . INDEX TO ARTICLES IN VOLUME VI BY AUTHORS Abbott, Clinton C, Christmas Census, 12. Chapman, Frank M., and Ernest Thomp- Abrahanfi, Henry W., Christmas Census, son Seton. I'he Black Tern at Home, 16. I Ainsworth, Sarah F., Christmas Census, 14. Christensen, Abby W., Christmas Census, Ames, G. M., A Pair of Wood Pevvees, 10. 168. Christy, Bayard H., and Norman Mc- Antes, Frank T., Two V'ears for an Clintock, The Herring Gull on Lake Oriole's Nest, 134. Superior, 86. Archer, John, and Albert H. Wright, Clark, Josiah, A Plea for Bird Boxes, 66. Christmas Census, 11. Cobb, Anna E., Christmas Census, 10. Arnold, Clarence M., Christmas Census, Cobbs, Stanley, Christmas Census, 10. 10. Codman, J. S., Christmas Census, 9. Arthur Christmas Census, 9. Austin, J. Harold, Christmas Census, 14. Comey, C, Cooke, W. W., The Migration of War- Bailey, Florence Merriam, A Swallow and blers, 21, 57, 91, 130, 162, 199. Flycatcher Feud, 68 Crosby, Clifford, Christmas Census, 15. Bailey, Wm. L., Christmas Census, 13. Crosby, Maunsell S., Christmas Census, 11. Barker, Samuel H., Christmas Census, 13. Lesson, Barnwell, C. L. , Another Tame Vireo, 168. Dana, Elizabeth, A 184. Baynes, Ernest Harold, Christmas Census, Dean, R. H., Christmas Census, 15. 10. Dike, A. C, Christmas Census, 8. Beebe, R. H., Photographs by, 60, 96, 121. Drummond, Mary, Secretary, Report of Beull, E. F., Christmas Census, 15. Illinois Society, 176. Bickford, Mr. and Mrs. E. L., Christmas Dutcher, Wm., Editorials by, 34, 74, 105, Census, 17. 140, 174; The Snowy Heron, 37; The 12 Marsh Hawk, The Red-shouldered Bildersee, Isaac, Christmas Census, ; 77; Notes on the Nesting of Lawrence's Hawk, 109; The American Sparrow Warbler, 131; Bird Notes from the Hawk, 143; The Screech Owl, 177; Vicinity of York City, The Short-eared Owl, 217. New 1904, 167 ; The European Skylark near New York Dwight, Jonathan, Jr., Reviews by, 70, City, 204. loi, 171, 207. Blain, Alexander W., Jr., Christmas Cen- sus, 16. Evans, William B., Christmas Census, 12. Blake, Francis G., and Maurice C, Christmas Census, 9. Fair, Wm W., Christmas Census, 13. Blanchard, George G., Christmas Census, Fisher, A. K., Reviews by, 31, 102, 137, 8. 208. Bowen, Mrs. Carroll E., A Winter Mock- Ford, R. W. See Bruen, Frank. ingbird, 67- Brennan, Chas. F., Christmas Census, 15. Goodwin, S. H., Christmas Census, 17. Bruen, Frank, R. W. Ford, F. H. Holme, Gorman, V'incent E., Notes on the Birds Newton Manross and Egbert Smith, of February and March, 1902. 64. Christmas Census, 11. Gorman, Vincent E., and Fred T. Mori- Brodhead, S. B., A Venturesome Titmouse, son, Christmas Census, 12. 205. Graves, Edward W., Christmas Census, 15. Butler, Charlotte W., Christmas Census, 10. Griggs, Robert F., Photographs by, 125, 127. Carter, Norman McLeod, Christmas Cen- Grinnell, Elizabeth, A Large Phoebe's sus, II. Nest, 68. Caskey, R. C, Pine Grosbeaks in New Jersey, 98 Hales, Henry, An Unusual Nest of the Chapman, F. M., Reviews by, 27, 30, 69, Cliff Swallow, 67; Cowbird and 70, 135, 136, 169, 170, 171, 206, 207; White-eyed Vireo, 99; Mockingbirds Editorials by, 32, 72, 103, 138, 172, in New Jersey, 134. L., Photograph by, 209; The Warbler Book, 61 ; Climatic Hankinson, T. 148. Variation in Color and Size of Song Harman, Wm. Gray, Christmas Census, 14. Sparrows, 164; Young Flamingos, 193. Harper, Francis, Christmas Census, 11. Index Harvey, Gertrude Fay, A Visit to the Lake Palmer, Samuel C, Taming a Red-eyed Erie Terns, 122. Vireo, 133. Herrick, Francis H., Red-eyed Vireos, Palmer, T. S., Reviews by, 31, 70, loi, Awake and Asleep, 113. 136, 207; Bird Protection Abroad, Hill, J. Irving, Christmas Census, 10. 36, 139- Hix, George E., Christmas Census, 12. Park, J. T., Christmas Census, 14. Hodge, C. T., A Summer with the Blue- Patton, Jeanie Maury, Secretary, Report birds, 41. of, 212. Horton, Frances B., Purple Martins in Peake, Elmore Elliott, A Sensible Cardi- Vermont, 167. nal, 205 ; Taming a Robin, 205. Horton, L S., Photographs by, 18, 129. Pepoon, H. S., Christmas Census, 16. Horton, William C, Christmas Census, 8. Porter, Harold E., Bird-Lore's Fifth Howe, Carlton D., A Tame Ruffed Grouse, Christmas Bird Census, 202 ; and see 82. Rogers, Charles H. Holme, F. H. See Bruen, Frank. Prime, Rev. Wendell, Bird-Life of a Swiss Hunt, Chresweil J., Christmas Census, 13; City, 191. Goldfinch and Tree Sparrow— Differ- Princehorn, A. L., Photograph by, 192. ence in Feeding, 133. Pring, Anita, Our ' Bobs,' 166. Hunt, Richard M., Tree Swallows in a Bird-box, 93. Roe, Mrs. F. W., Some Familiar Florida Birds, 185. Jackson, Thomas H., Christmas Census, 13. Rogers, Charles H., Christmas Census, Jacob, L. M., and A. A. Mickle, Christ- 12. mas Census, 12. Rogers, Charles H., and Harold E. Por- James, Francis A. P., Christmas Census, 9. ter, Christmas Census, 12. Johnson, Rosweil H., Christmas Census, 17. Roosevelt, Theodore, Letters from, 147. Johnson, Susan M., Christmas Census, 15. Saunders, A. A., Christmas Census, 11. King, Hervey W., Christmas Census, 8. Saunders, Thomas. See Smith, Wilbur. Scorgie, Helen C, and Elvira L., Christ- Larkin, Harry Hubbard, Christmas Cen- mas Census, 9. sus, 8. Seebold, J. E., Photograph by, 165. Lee, Charlotte E., Christmas Census, 11. Seeman, Ernest, Christmas Census, 14; Lemmon, Isabella McC, A Blue Jay Balancing Robins, 204. Household, 89; A Strenuous Screech Seton, Ernest Thompson, How to Study a Owl, 133. Bird, 181. Lewis, Elta M., Christmas Census, 8. Seton, Ernest Thompson, and Frank M. Lewis, Evan, The Nesting Habits of the Chapman, The Black Tern at Home, White-tailed Ptarmigan in Colorado, I. 117; Photograph by, 161. Severson, Henry P., Christmas Census, 16. Sherwood, George H., Report of the Cir- Manross, Newton. See Bruen, Frank. culating Collections Loaned by the Marshall, H. Herbert, Christmas Census, 10. American Museum of Natural History McClintock, Norman. See Christy, Bay- to the Public Schools of New York ard H. City, Dec. i, 1903, to July i, 1904, McColm, G. E., Photograph by, 56. 201. McConnell, Harry B. , Christmas Census, 16. Sim, E. F. and Robert J., Christmas Cen- McDaniel, Eugene L., Christmas Census, 14. sus, i6. Metcalf, Zeno and C. L., Christmas Cen- Smith, Egbert. See Bruen, Frank. sus, 16. Smith, Wilbur, and Thomas Saunders, Mickle, A. A. See Jacob. L. M. Christmas Census, 11. Miller, Richard F., Christmas Census, 13. Squires, Karl B., Christmas Census, 11. Miller, W. DeW., Reviews bv, 100, 102, Stafford, Earle, October Bird Music, 153. .36. Stehman, Jacob, Christmas Census, 13. Morison, Fred T. See Gorman, VMncentE. Stone, Witmer, Reviews by, 71, 102, 137. Morse, Susan M., King Cole; A Biog- Street, Fletcher J., Christmas Census, 12. raphy, 155. Stupp, F. J., Christmas Census, 11. Norman, Charles, Christmas Census, 15. Tabor, E. G., Photographs by, 53, 157; A Woodcock at Home, 149. Olmstead, Rett E , Christmas Census, 17 ; Thayer, Gerald H., A Massachusetts Duck The Whip-poor-will, 54. Hawk Aery, 47; A Morning's Bird- List, 97. Packard, W. H., and C. S. Van Deusen, Thompson, Caroline B., Christmas Cen- Christmas Census, 16. sus, 14. Index Thomson, Harriet W., Christmas Census, Warren, E. R., Horned Larks in Colorado i6. Springs, Col., 6. Trafton, Gilbert H., Christmas Census, 12. Way, W. Scott, Secretary, Report of Turner, Orren W., Notes on Winter Birds, 25- Williamson, Addison, A Thieving Chebec '34- Van Deusen, C. S. See Packard, W. H. Wilson, Burtis H., Christmas Census, 15 Van Name, Williard G., Public Sentiment Wright, Albert H. See Archer, John. and Bird Protection, 76. Wright, Horace W., Christmas Census, 9 Vredenburgh, Abbie, Purple Martins in Wright, M. O., Editorials by, 33, 73, 104 Illinois, 99. 173, 211. INDEX TO CONTENTS Allen's 'The Birds of New Hampshire,' Canada, 30. reviewed, 169. Cardinal, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 205; Florida, Audubon Calendar, The, mentioned, 208. 185, 186, 187; figured, 186; Gray- Audubon Societies, Directory of State, tailed, 14.
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