ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1935 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Washington, D. C., September 1, 1936. SIR: Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (r) of section 12B of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has the honor to submit its annual report. Respectfully, Leo T. Crowley, Chairman. T h e P r e s id e n t o f t h e S e n a t e T h e Sp e a k e r o f t h e H o u s e o f R epresentatives Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CONTENTS Page Introduction............................................................................................................................. 3 PART ONE OPERATIONS OF THE CORPORATION DURING THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1935 Inauguration of permanent plan of insurance of bank deposits.......................... 7 Organization and staff.......................................................................................................... 8 Financial aspects of the Corporation............................................................................. 9 Payments.to depositors in suspended insured banks............................................... 11 Liquidation of insured banks in receivership.............................................................. 16 Loans on assets of insured banks..................................................................................... 17 Admissions to and terminations of insurance.............................................................. 18 Applications for capital changes and for release of restricted deposits.............. 22 Bank examinations................................................................................................................ 23 Regulations and rulings of the Corporation................................................................ 24 State legislation affecting deposit insurance................................................................ 27 Problems and policies of the Corporation..................................................................... 28 PART TWO DEPOSIT INSURANCE AND BANKING DEVELOPMENTS Summary of banking developments............................................................................... 35 Changes in number of commercial banking offices................................................... 35 Changes in assets and liabilities of insured commercial banks............................. 37 Appraisal of assets of insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System.................................................................................................................. 40 Capital of insured commercial banks............................................................................. 41 Earnings of insured commercial banks.......................................................................... 44 Mutual savings banks.......................................................................................................... 48 PART THREE RESEARCH REPORTS Membership of the temporary Federal deposit insurance funds......................... 55 PART FOUR LEGISLATION, REGULATIONS, AND INSTRUCTIONS Deposit insurance legislation............................................................................................. 67 Regulations of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation................................. 87 Miscellaneous rules, resolutions, and interpretations............................................... 102 Regulations and rulings of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.................................................................................................................................... 104 Forms and instructions........................................................................................................ 104 PART FIVE STATISTICS OF BANKS AND DEPOSIT INSURANCE Explanatory note.................................................................................................................... 121 Number of banks and branches........................................................................................ 122 Deposits in banks................................................................................................................... 150 Assets and liabilities of operating banks................................ ...................................... 170 Examiners' analyses of insured banks............................................................................ 182 Capital investment of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation......................... 196 Earnings of insured commercial banks.......................................................................... 198 Bank suspensions and receiverships................................................................................ 224 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation....................................................................... 230 v Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VI LIST OF TABLES LIST OF TABLES PART ONE OPERATIONS OF THE CORPORATION DURING THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER, 31, 1935 Page O rganization a n d S t a f f : 1. Officers and employees of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora­ tion, December 31, 1935............................................................................. 9 F i n a n c i a l A s p e c t s o f t h e C o r p o r a t i o n : 2. Comparative balance sheet of the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor­ poration, December 31, 1935, and December 31, 1934.................. 12 3. Analysis of surplus account and distribution of administrative ex­ penses, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, calendar year 1935.................................................................................................................... 13 P a y m e n t s t o D e p o s i t o r s i n S u s p e n d e d I n s u r e d B a n k s : 4. Deposits in the 24 insured banks placed in receivership during 1935 14 A d m i s s i o n s t o a n d T erminations o f I n s u r a n c e : 5. Banks not members of the Federal Reserve System approved and rejected for insurance August 23— December 31, 1935.................. 19 6. Classification of banks admitted to insurance and banks termi­ nating insurance during 1935, by class of bank................................ 21 PART TWO DEPOSIT INSURANCE AND BANKING DEVELOPMENTS C h a n g e s i n N u m b e r o f C o m m e r c i a l B a n k i n g O f f i c e s : 7. Number of operating commercial banks and branches in the United States and possessions at close of 1934 and 1935............................. 35 8. Changes in number of operating commercial banks and branches in the United States and possessions during 1935..................... ........... 36 C h a n g e s i n A s s e t s a n d L i a b i l i t i e s o f I n s u r e d C o m m e r c i a l B a n k s : 9. Changes during 1935 in assets and liabilities of insured commercial banks.................................................................................................................. 37 A p p r a i s a l o f A s s e t s o f I n s u r e d C o m m e r c i a l B a n k s N o t M e m b e r s o f t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e S y s t e m : 10. Worthless and doubtful assets of insured banks not members of the Federal Reserve System at time of examination in 1935.............. 41 C a p i t a l o f I n s u r e d C o m m e r c i a l B a n k s : 11. Changes in total capital account of insured commercial banks during 1935...................................................................................................... 41 12. Number of insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System grouped according to ratio of net sound capital to deposits, latest examination in 1935...................................................... 42 13. Insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System grouped according to ratio of net sound capital to de­ posits, examinations in 1933, 1934 and 1935...................................... 43 E a r n i n g s o f I n s u r e d C o m m e r c i a l B a n k s : 14. Earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits, insured commercial banks, 1935...................................................................................................... 44 15. Earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits, insured commercial banks, 1934 and 1935, by class of bank............................................... 45 16. Net earnings per $100 of total assets, insured commercial State banks, 1934 and 1935, banks operating throughout the entire year grouped by amount of deposits............................................................... 46 17. Rates of interest received on loans and on securities and paid on time deposits by insured commercial banks not members of the Federal Reserve System, 1934 and 1935............................................. 47 18. Earnings, expenses, and disposition of profits, ratios, insured com­ mercial State banks, 1935, banks reporting net earnings com­ pared with banks reporting net losses................................................... 48 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LIST OF
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