Obama’s hypocritical audacity: Ferguson: Who are the When Can a Landlord Mr. President, your rules are the outside agitators Keep a Residential wrong game-changers! entering in the fray? Security Deposit? PAGE 2 PAGE 5 PAGE 11 Volume 16, Issue 24 August 20-26, 2014 Ward 5 Chamber of Commerce Member David Thomas’ client loses endorsement By Rolando Larraz “Judge Ochoa put his finger in have witnessed the altercation but Thomas was running his campaign, Las Vegas Tribune my face and yelled at me that ‘You no one wanted to speak about it, making him a liar and, up to a point, Family Court Judge Vincent better f***ing quit spreading ru- applying the “see no evil, hear no unfit to be wearing the respectable Ochoa, a client of bully political mors about me that I fall asleep on evil” statement that law enforce- and impeccable black robe. consultant David Thomas, lost the the record,’” Stoffel wrote. ment hates so much when conduct- Judge Ochoa may not be the endorsement of the Clark County The affidavit came to life in sup- ing an investigation. only Dave Thomas client that could School District Police officers af- port of a motion filed by Stoffel to “I believe Judge Ochoa used ter- be exposed during this election ter the organization learned that disqualify Ochoa in all cases in- rible judgment coming up to me to campaign; at least two more could Judge Ochoa does not grant over- volving Roberts Stoffel Family try and intimidate me, use foul lan- be disgracefully highlighted in the night visits to the father for the first Law Group, but Chief District guage, etc., especially in the pres- spotlight before the November 4 six months of the life of his child. Judge Jennifer Togliatti denied the ence of other legal professionals,” general election. Not only is that against the law, it’s request to disqualify Ochoa from Stoffel wrote in an affidavit and Ochoa is supposed to remove the clearly against the natural instincts hearing all future cases. later commented on during an ap- endorsement from all of his cam- of a father to have the opportunity Witnesses admitted that Family pearance on the radio show Face paign signs and materials, but there of bonding with his child taken VINCENT OCHOA Court Administrator Leonard Cash, The Tribune, where he is a regular. is no proof that it has been done, away from him at the child’s birth. agitated and aggressive manner Family Court judges and even Ne- Judge Ochoa became a stranger which may be another violation to Ochoa admitted to factoring in during the convention on March 6 vada Supreme Court Justices at- to the Las Vegas Tribune when he add to Dave Thomas’ client, Judge the gender of the parent in viola- of this year. tended the convention and may denied to the newspaper that Dave Vincent Ochoa. tion of Nevada Custody Laws. This is a clear violation of NRS 125.480, best interests of child pref- Texas Gov. turns himself in on felony charges erences; preference must not be Perry said, “I’m going to fight this given to either parent for the sole Texas Gov. Rick Perry injustice with every fiber of my reason that the parent is the mother being. And we will prevail.” or the father of the child. indicted for Abuse of Perry, the longest-serving gov- At the beginning of this year, Power: Booked, ernor in Texas history, was indicted during a State Bar of Nevada Fam- for coercion and official oppression ily Law Convention, a confronta- fingerprinted, and had for publicly promising to veto $7.5 tion took place between Judge mugshot taken million for the state public integ- Ochoa and his challenger in this By Perly Viasmensky rity unit, which investigates wrong- election. Las Vegas Tribune doing by elected officials and is run According to an affidavit pre- On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 by the Travis County District pared by Attorney Jason Stoffel, Texas Governor Rick Perry pre- Attorney’s office. Judge Ochoa confronted him in an sented himself at the county court- The governor threatened the house for booking on two felony veto if District Attorney Rosemary counts after a grand jury indicted Lehmberg stayed in office after a My Point him on abuse of power for his at- drunken driving conviction. tempts to remove Travis County Lehmberg refused to resign and of View District Attorney Rosemary Perry carried out the veto, drawing Lehmberg and for carrying out a an ethics complaint from a left-lean- By Rolando Larraz threat to veto funding for state pub- ing government watchdog group. “Chi Chi get the Yeyo!” lic corruption prosecutors. Many top national conserva- Saturday night, Aug 16, was a Lehmberg was arrested last year tives, and some Democrats also, very special evening for two men for driving while intoxicated and have lined up to support him, in- who first worked together in the Gov. Perry attempted to remove her cluding some potential future White historic movie, “Scarface,” in 1983, from her position as a District At- Texas Governor Rick Perry House rivals. and 10 years later (1993) appeared torney. ent behavior after she was brought in the Golden Globe nominated Lehmberg was arrested in April to the police station. film, “Carlito’s Way,” as Holly- of last year after a witness called Reports claim that Lehmberg wood legend Al Pacino (The God- 911, describing her as driving er- was yelling and insulting police father), and comedian Angel ratically, swerving back and forth officers and demanded that they call Salazar, came together in Las Ve- into a bike lane and into oncoming Travis County Sheriff Greg gas, Nevada. traffic. Hamilton. Pacino was in the middle of his According to reports, officers at According to the arrest report one-man show at the Mirage Ho- the scene found an open bottle of she was allegedly slurring her tel, in the packed Terry Fator The- vodka in her car, and a blood sample words, disoriented and very clearly ater; and Salazar, who portrayed obtained hours later on that evening intoxicated. Walberto in Carlito’s Way, was sit- showed a blood alcohol level of Gov. Perry was booked on two ting in the audience with some 0.239 — almost three times the le- felony counts for allegedly carry- friends. gal limit in Texas. ing out political threats. During the Q & A from the au- Lehmberg’s arrest attracted Before walking into the Travis dience, Comedian/Actor Salazar headlines for her alleged belliger- County Courthouse in Austin, Gov. Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg took to the microphone and said, “Mr. Pacino, ‘Sheck it out!’... It’s Chi-Chi, your little side kick from Larry Burns returns to RadioTribune.com Scarface!” A big smile came across Pacino’s face as he peered out into By the Las Vegas Tribune Staff violent crime throughout our Lombardo, the present undersher- the audience. “Who is that? Chi Sheriff candidate Larry Burns county by building stronger rela- iff with the administration of Sher- Chi?!” The audience immediately returns to radiotribune to use the tionships between officers on the iff Douglas Gillespie, who many recognized Salazar as one of the co- microphones of the popular radio street and the community. As sher- see as being just as responsible as stars from the cult movie, station to pass his message to Clark iff, I will conduct a thorough review the sheriff for all the problems faced “Scarface,” and erupted into ap- County voters one more time on of Metro’s budget to ensure every by the department, referring to plause. Angel responded, “I just Thursday, August 27 at noon dur- funded position is in the best inter- Lombardo as Gillespie’s ‘anointed wanted to tell you man, I GOT THE ing the Face The Tribune radio est of the community. I also pledge one’ who is expected to inherit the YEYO!!!” Then Angel pulled out show. to hold Metro and every employee office as happened with the last few a huge plastic bag filled with white Burns, a retired Las Vegas Met- to the highest standards of service administrations. powder. The crowd went nuts when ropolitan Police Department cap- — not just duty, but real service to Face The Tribune is broadcast on he said that quotable famous line tain is not only the most likable, but our community. I believe we must radiotribune.com daily at noon and from the hit movie! also the most qualified candidate do more to improve school safety, hosted by former four-time Nye Angel jumped up onstage with for the position of sheriff in the and I am committed to sending of- County District Attorney Bob Al and moderator John November 4 election. ficers to non-injury auto accidents, Beckett and Las Vegas activist and Katsilometes. Al immediately gave The majority rank and file of the LARRY BURNS as we did until recently. I am very State Senate candidate Ed Uehling; Angel a big hug while the audience department believes that electing nection between the community honored to have the strong support the show is produced by Rolando applauded, and called out his Burns as the next Sheriff of Clark and the police department has been of the men and women who put Larraz, owner of the station and Las character’s name, “Chi Chi get the County will improve relationships very stressed and strained; residents their lives on the line every day to Vegas Tribune newspaper. Yeyo!!!” Angel took this moment and communication with the com- have been afraid of the police in- respond to emergencies and keep Most of the candidates running to plug his upcoming Vegas engage- munity and will upgrade morale in stead of trusting them, instead of our neighborhoods, streets and in this year’s election — as well as ment.
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