T H U R S D A Y 162nd YEAR • No. 201 DECEMBER 22, 2016 CLEVELAND, TN 20 PAGES • 50¢ REMINDER County school board elections hit No. 8 CDB Sunday By CHRISTY ARMSTRONG current board Chairman Rodney Dillard, such large voting percentages. Banner Staff Writer who also won his unopposed re-election Upon learning of their wins, Lee point- edition set TOP 10 bid. ed out that all three of the new board As few things affect a school system “I look forward to a great year in the members have had ties to education in for delivery more than major changes on its board, Bradley County school system," Dillard the past. editors and staff writers of the Cleveland NEWSMAKERS said. "I'm so proud of our county schools Bryson is a retired educator best Daily Banner voted recent changes to the and believe we're going to have a great known for being a former principal of Oak on Saturday Bradley County Board of Education as year.” Grove Elementary School. Frazier also To allow our employees to the No. 8 Newsmaker for 2016. NO. 8 The three new challengers had won worked in local education, most notably Four new board members won their their seats with large margins over the serving as the superintendent of Bradley spend as much time as pos- bids for election Aug. 4, three new candi- sible with their families during incumbents. Casson won with 77.28 per- County Schools before retiring. Casson, dates and one who had been appointed to 7th District won over incumbent Charlie cent of the vote over incumbent Chris now a local business owner, has also the coming Christmas week- fill an unexpired term. Rose. Running unopposed, 6th District Turner, while Bryson received 70.36 per- served as an elementary and special edu- end, the Cleveland Daily The 1st District’s Nancy Casson beat board member Amanda Lee also won her cent. Frazier received 69.78 percent of the cation teacher in this area. Banner will publish and dis- then-board Chairman Chris Turner, while seat. vote. "I think that it's going to be a great tribute our traditional Sunday the 3rd District’s Ted Bryson beat incum- Their swearing-in ceremony in All three board members said they were edition on Saturday morning. bent Nicholas Lillios. Jerry Frazier of the September was met with optimism from surprised but grateful to have won with See NO. 8, Page 7 Although it will be deliv- ered to subscribers’ drive- ways and to racks throughout the community a day early, Spending the weekend edition will still be datelined Sunday, Dec. CHRISTMAS GOES GLOBAL 25, 2016. discrepancy The Banner will return to the normal circulation sched- ule on Monday, and our office Students by former at 1505 25th St. will maintain normal business hours, 8 clerk noted a.m. to 5 p.m. at Arnold From our newspaper family to yours, Merry Christmas get a look in county’s and Happy New Year! — The Publisher at others new audit By SARALYN NORKUS Inside Today Banner Staff Writer DA investigating “Buon Natale!” “Frohe additional issues Weihnachten!” “Merikurisumasu!” By BRIAN GRAVES Arnold Elementary School Banner Staff Writer added a picked up a multi- tude of stamps in their The matter of a former finance “passports” as they partici- clerk who resigned three years pated in “Christmas Around ago under a shadow of prosecu- the World” earlier this week. tion resulted in one of four find- The third-, fourth- and ings in an otherwise positive fifth-graders journeyed from report on the financial condition classroom to classroom, of Bradley County government. where they learned about The Tennessee Comptroller of the Christmas and holiday the Treasury released its annual traditions of nine different audit of the county's finances countries: France, Israel, Thursday morning with the over- Australia, England, Japan, all snapshot of the county's finan- Germany, Italy, Liberia and Banner photo, SARALYN NORKUS cial standing showing the county Brazil. STUDENTS ASK QUESTIONS during Caleb Shelton’s presentation about Italian Christmas tradi- actually expanded its ratio of “This was actually the tions. assets over liabilities with what in idea of Mr. (Caleb) Shelton, business terms would be called a one of our new teachers, profit, to $44,321,327. Mustangs win about having the opportuni- In the matter of the former ty where students could go clerk, the audit showed a discrep- Mistletoe Madness around and see what it was ancy of $15,828.50. like in different countries,” According to the auditors' The Walker Valley Mustangs Arnold Elementary School report, officials in the county capped off a run through the Principal Michael Chai mayor's office discovered in April Mistletoe Madness Christmas explained. “This was the that an employee who had left her tournament in Georgia, with a win perfect opportunity for them position in July 2013 for an unre- over McMinn County in the cham- to have not only cultural lated incident "allegedly made pionship game. The Tennessee and social studies integra- payments to fictitious persons for Lady Vols rolled to a victory over tion, but it was just a good contracted services." Troy. Some say players receive activity to have. They’ll come The employee was not named long-term benefits from extra away from today with a lot in the report, but has been iden- practices for bowl games. See of experiences and knowl- tified as Renee Lee Munn, who Sports, Pages 13-15. edge.” was arrested in October 2013, Shelton had experienced and later prosecuted for purchas- the idea for “Christmas ing office items using government Forecast Around the World” during funds and having them shipped his time as a student to her home. Those items report- teacher at Michigan Avenue. edly totaled $3,200. Today looks to be sunny, with a Munn resigned on June 11, high near 57 degrees. Tonight’s He mentioned the idea to his fellow Arnold teachers and it 2013, but County Mayor D. Gary forecast calls for partly cloudy was a hit.% Davis said at the time she would skies, with a low around 31. Friday “Everyone decided that it have been fired the next day. should be partly sunny, with a high was a great idea, so I made The incident received detailed near 56. Friday night calls for most- a schedule for it and here coverage by the Cleveland Daily ly cloudy skies and a 40 percent we are,” Shelton comment- Banner three years ago as devel- chance of showers, with a low ed. opments unfolded. The new issues, according to around 46. South winds of 10 to 15 The students spent 30- minute rotations in each the audit report, were discovered mph could gust as high as 20. while the Finance Office was participating classroom, Banner photo, SARALYN NORKUS where they learned about updating its software earlier this IN MEGAN BLACKMON’S Liberia-themed room, students learned about the country’s holiday tra- year. Index ditions and participated in a fun activity that included balancing bowls on their head and filling them “Office employees became sus- See CHRISTMAS, Page 6 with items. Classified................................18-19 See AUDIT, Page 7 Comics...........................................8 Editorials......................................16 Horoscope......................................8 NASCAR......................................20 Plaque eyed Obituaries.......................................2 Stocks............................................4 Sports......................................13-15 for old Allen TV Schedule..................................9 Weather........................................11 School site By ALLEN MINCEY Around Town Banner Staff Writer It was the first high school in Debbie Calfee excited to get to Bradley County and former stu- see daughter Christy Dunn and dents want to erect some evi- family ... Gary Burnette picking dence of its history. up some unique Christmas Several Allen Grammar School nametags for his wife, Angie ... students are attempting to raise Christy Dasher excited to appear enough money to purchase and in Cody McCarver’s gospel music place a plaque at the site of the video, which recently debuted ... school. It presently houses the John Rakestraw getting the “per- Cleveland Public Works fect match” on a new paint job. Department. “Several former Allen School students are raising funds to put up an Allen Grammar School Banner photo, ALLEN MINCEY THE FORMER ALLEN SCHOOL now houses the city of Cleveland’s Public Works Department. Former students are hoping to raise 6489076 75112 See ALLEN, Page 6 enough money to purchase a plaque that will be placed at the school to present some of its history. 2—Cleveland Daily Banner—Thursday, December 22, 2016 www.clevelandbanner.com TDOT is stopping roadway BITUARIES O (USPS 117-700) Periodical Postage Paid at Cleveland, TN 37320-3600 Post Office construction during holidays POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes to: Banner, P.O. Box 3600, Cleveland, TN 37320-3600 Kenneth M. Day Published at 1505 25th Street, NW (P.O. Box 3600) Kenneth M. Day, 88, of in Cleveland, TN 37320-3600, daily except Saturday Road construction won’t delay Except for a few long-term clo- days. According to AAA, 103.1 Cleveland, died Wednesday and Christmas day by Cleveland Newspapers, Inc. travelers during the Christmas sures which must remain in million Americans are expected night, Dec. 21, 2016, at a Phone (423) 472-5041. and New Year’s holidays. The place for safety, all construction to travel 50 miles or more, with a Chattanooga health care facility. Stephen L. Crass Joyce Taylor Tennessee Department of related closures will be suspend- record 93.6 million expected to Jim Rush Funeral and Transportation is once again ed during the holiday period. drive to their holiday destina- Cremation Services Wildwood Editor & Publisher General Manager halting all lane closure activity Workers may still be on-site in tions.
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