GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF ROCHESTER, INC. Specialty Show, July 4th , 2008 GSD Conformation, All Breed Obedience & Rally Trials Conformation Judge: Ms. Mary E. Gattone Obedience Judge: Mrs. Mary E. Diesem Rally Judge: Mr. Delvyn Lunn Table of Contents (Click on an item to go directly to it) DOGS ............................................................. 2 Puppy 9 to 12 Month Dogs. ....................... 2 12 - 18 Month Dogs. .................................. 2 Novice Dogs. ............................................. 2 Bred By Exhibitor Dogs. ............................. 2 American Bred Dogs. ................................. 3 Open Dogs................................................. 3 BITCHES ........................................................ 4 Puppy 6 to 9 Month Bitches. ...................... 4 Puppy 9 to 12 Month Bitches. .................... 4 12 - 18 Month Bitches. ............................... 4 Novice Bitches. .......................................... 5 Bred By Exhibitor Bitches. ......................... 5 American Bred Bitches. ............................. 5 Open Bitches. ............................................ 6 BEST OF BREED ........................................... 7 OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES ...................... 8 NOVICE B CLASS ..................................... 8 OPEN A CLASS ........................................ 8 OPEN B CLASS ........................................ 9 UTILITY A CLASS ................................... 10 UTILITY B CLASS ................................... 11 RALLY TRIAL CLASSES .............................. 13 RALLY NOVICE A ................................... 13 RALLY NOVICE B ................................... 13 RALLY ADVANCED A ............................. 14 RALLY ADVANCED B ............................. 15 RALLY EXCELLENT B ............................ 16 Page 1 of 17 GSDC of Rochester, Specialty Show, July 4th 2008 – Conformation Judge: Marry E. Gattone DOGS Puppy 9 to 12 Month Dogs. 1st RWD 17 LYLOAK'S ELITE FORCE. DN18793103. 7/23/2007. Breeder: Jason S. Lyle By: Ch. Welove Du Chien's Army of One X Signore Amber's Lucia Mia. OWNER: Mr. Jason Lyle and Mr. Robin Lyle. East Wakefield NH 03830, (Agent: George Berstler). A 19 HARLWOOD KALEEF SAMUEL. DN19538701. 9/6/2007. Breeder: Betty Lou Wood, Janet Lange, Sheree Moses By: Ch. HiCliff Bronson Kaleef X Ch. Kenlyn Tenacity V Kaleef. OWNER: Don Wood and Betty Lou Wood. c/o Carrollton GA 30116, (Agent: James A Moses). 2nd 27 GRETCHANYA'S JACK DANIELS SINGLE BARREL. DN19683401. 9/26/2007. Breeder: Rebecca Tsaros Dickson, Bob Drescher and Joan Segro By: Ch. Darby-Dan's Just Jack X Jonah-Malibar's Gemini. OWNER: Rebecca Tsaros Dickson. Webster NH 03303, 12 - 18 Month Dogs. A 9 SPOTLITE'S MARLON BRANDO. DN18541801. 5/24/2007. Breeder: Ann & Steven Barbash By: Ch. Bil-Mar's Here Comes Trouble X Ch. Spotlite Cloverlyn April Fool. OWNER: Ann Barbash and Steven Barbash. Victor NY 14564, (Agent: Darcy Stuck-Foulkrod). A 33 KALEEF'S BADA BING OF GRANDEUR. DN18490802. 3/9/2007. Breeder: Kathy Hall & Sheree Moses By: Kaleef's Jaepaul Juan Diego X Ch. Kaleef's Gracie V Kenlyn. OWNER: Bill Rechler. Mill Neck NY 11765, (Agent: James A Moses). Novice Dogs. 1st 7 SPOTLITE'S JOHN BARRYMORE. DN18541805. 5/24/2007. Breeder: Ann & Steven Barbash By: Ch. Bill-Mar's Here Comes Trouble X Ch. Spotlite Cloverlyn April. OWNER: Ann Barbash and Steven Barbash. Victor NY 14564, Bred By Exhibitor Dogs. A 31 KALEEF'S LAKOTA V. LEWISTRAUM. DN04243109. 4/19/2003. Breeder: James & Sheree Moses By: Ch. Kismet's Sight For Sore Eyes X Karizma's Margaritaville. OWNER: Bonita Lewis and James Moses. Akron NY 14001, Page 2 of 17 GSDC of Rochester, Specialty Show, July 4th 2008 – Conformation Judge: Marry E. Gattone American Bred Dogs. 1st 23 HOLLOW HILL'S GWDION'S HEIR. DN08448501. 6/12/2004. Breeder: Beth Dorton By: Ch. Kismet Lady's Man X Hollow Hill's Gwynedd Of Shanara. OWNER: Beth Dorton. Clark Summit PA 18411, (Agent: James A Moses). 2nd 29 AMBER'S JAKE THE SNAKE. DN16004606. 9/26/2006. Breeder: Barbara Amidon By: Ch. Ponca Hill's Snake X Amber's Miss Daisey. OWNER: Joan Huber and Elliot Huber. Leeds NY 12451, 3rd 37 KEBRE-KALEEFS AJ VON HORNBERGER. DN16078704. 6/22/2006. Breeder: Brendy Newby, James & Sheree Moses By: Ch. HiCliff Bronson Kaleef X Ch. Kaleef's Phille De Joie. OWNER: Partick Mazepink. Carrollton GA 30116, (Agent: James A Moses). Open Dogs. 3rd 5 MERCER'S MANITOU. DN12814402. 12/20/2005. Breeder: Dawn Filipkewski & Linda Filiplowski By: Mercer's Believe It Or Not X Mercer's Great Expectations. OWNER: Willie VanBrackle and Kathy VanBrackle. Quakertown PA 18951, (Agent: Trisha Wylie). 1st WD/BOW 11 KENNELWOODS STRIKING DISTANCE. DN17735202. 9/7/2028. Breeder: Alan Wood & Lesley Wood By: Kennelwoods Red Ransom X Kennelwoods Victoria Secret. OWNER: M/M Tony & Jennifer Monk and Charles & Kate Mardecz. Bolton ON L7E 5R7, (Agent: George Berstler). 2nd 35 KALEEF'S TARTARE. DN14998805. 3/14/2006. Breeder: Kent Boyles, Jane Martin & Sheree Moses By: Ch. Kinrock Kaleef's About Thyme X Ch. Arrocres Lover V Kenlyn. OWNER: Kathleen Stein and Alfred (Tony) Stein. Palm City FL 34990, (Agent: James A Moses). Winners Dog 11 Reserve Winners Dpg 17 Page 3 of 17 GSDC of Rochester, Specialty Show, July 4th 2008 – Conformation Judge: Marry E. Gattone BITCHES Puppy 6 to 9 Month Bitches. 2nd 32 CHERADON BRAESPRUCE SYMPHONY IN 'C'. DN20543401. 1/3/2008. Breeder: Cheryl Hunt, Jan Stevenson, Gwen Foster By: Ch. Cheradn Achtngerynbk Molokai X Braespruce CaliforniaDreamin. OWNER: Ms. Cheryl Hunt and Jan Stevenson Gwen Foster. Canastota NY 13032, (Agent: Trisha Wylie). 1st 38 KALEEF'S UNDER THE MISTLETOE. DN21153202. 12/24/2007. Breeder: Sheree Moses, James Moses By: Ch. Hi Cliff Bronson Kaleef X Karizma's Willow. OWNER: James Moses and Sheree Moses. 249 Lake Circle Carrollton GA 30116, Puppy 9 to 12 Month Bitches. 1st 36 DO NOT PASS GO OF EDAN. DN19350202. 9/7/2007. Breeder: Ann Schultz By: Ch. Good To The Last Drop Of Edan X You Go Girl Of Edan. OWNER: Mr. Jason Lyle and Mr. Robin Lyle. East Wakefield NH 03830, (Agent: George Berstler). 12 - 18 Month Bitches. 4th 8 SPOTLITE'S ETHEL MERMAN. DN18541803. 5/24/2007. Breeder: Ann & Steven Barbash By: Ch. Bill-Mars Here Comes Trouble X Ch. Spotlite Cloverlyn April Fool. OWNER: Ann Barbash and Steven Barbash. Victor NY 14564, 10 SPOTLITE'S KATHERINE CORNELL. DN18541806. 5/24/2007. Breeder: Ann & Steven Barbash By: Ch. Bill-Mar's Here Comes Trouble X Ch. Spotlite Cloverlyn April Fool. OWNER: Ann Barbash and Steven Barbash. 7471 Dryer Rd. Victor NY 14564, (Agent: Darcy Stuck-Foulkrod). 3rd 26 WUNDER'S MORGAN OF DEPAHL. DN17672701. 3/7/2007. Breeder: Sharon L. Wunder & Denise Black Hollister By: Ch. Tindrocks Fire Storm At Nimh X Ch. DePahl's Bourbon & Ginger. OWNER: Sharon L. Wunder and Denise Black Hollister. Walworth NY 14568, 2nd 46 KRIDLER'S NUTMEG V. SIGNATURE. DN184950/03. 2/17/2007. Breeder: Tari Kridler, and Joe and Leslie Beccia By: Ch. Kenlyn's Aries V HiCliff X Ch. Kridler's Tanzanite V Signature. OWNER: Rebecca Tsaros Dickson. Webster NH 03303, 1st WB 54 KALEEF'S KC V LOVESTEAD-CAMPEON. DN18874402. 7/2/2007. Breeder: Jose Iglesias By: Ch. Kaleef's American Cowboy X Ch. Sajela's Solidad O'Brien V Kaleef. OWNER: Charles E. Moore. Dripping Spring TX 78620, (Agent: James A Moses). Page 4 of 17 GSDC of Rochester, Specialty Show, July 4th 2008 – Conformation Judge: Marry E. Gattone Novice Bitches. 4th 6 SPOTLITE'S MARY MARTIN. DN18541808. 5/24/2007. Breeder: Ann & Steven Barbash By: Ch. Bil-Mar's Hear Comes Trouble X Ch. Spotlite Clovery N April Fool. OWNER: Ann Barbash and Steve Barbash. Victor NY 14564, 18 SPOTLITES BILLIE BURKE. DN18541809. 5/24/2007. Breeder: Ann Barbash & Steve Barbash By: Ch. Del Mar Here Comes Trouble X Ch. Spotlite Cloberlyn April Fool. OWNER: Don Martino and Steve Barbash. Naples NY 14512, 2nd 34 CHERADON ERYNBROOK SOMETHIN SPECIAL. DN07743508. 4/7/2004. Breeder: Cheryl A. Hunt By: Cheradon's Winning Colors X Cher'Brook Achtung Chablis. OWNER: Cheryl Hunt and Nancie Phelps. Canastota NY 13032, (Agent: Trisha Wylie). 3rd 50 LEWISTRAUMS JOLIE. DN14747001. 12/23/2005. Breeder: Bonita Lewis By: Lewistraum's Courteau Calypso X Lewistraum's Hera. OWNER: Bonita Lewis. Akron NY 14001, 1st 56 KALEEF'S RAGS TO RICHES CAMPEON. DN18874404. 7/2/2007. Breeder: Jose Iglesias By: Ch. Kaleef's American Cowboy X Ch. Sajela's Solidad O'Brien V Kaleef. OWNER: Suzanne Iglesias and Jose Iglesias. Santa Ynez CA 93460, (Agent: James A Moses). Bred By Exhibitor Bitches. 3rd 22 DEPAHL'S DANNIE. DN08599501. 8/9/2004. Breeder: Paul & Denise Black Hollister By: Ch. Kismet's Ladies Man X Merivern's Harlot Of Erolan. OWNER: Denise Black-Hollister and Paul Hollister. Fulton NY 13069, 2nd 48 LEWISTRAUM'S GRETA GARBO. DL916625/01. 7/18/2002. Breeder: Bonita Lewis By: Lewistraum's Cousteau's Calypso X Lewistraum's Libra. OWNER: Bonita J. Lewis. Akron NY 14001, 1st RWB 52 KALEEF TASHI LING. DN16910204. 8/12/2006. Breeder: S. Moses, J. Moses, D. & B. Wood, D. Ardoin, & J. Lange By: HiCliff Bronson Kaleef X Ch. Kaleef Genuine Risk. OWNER: James Moses and Sheree Moses. Carrollton GA 30116, American Bred Bitches. A 12 SPOTLITE'S LILLIAN RUSSELL. DN18541802. 5/24/2007. Breeder: Ann & Steven Barbash. By Ch. Bil-Mar's Here Comes Trouble X Ch. Spotlite Cloverlyn April Fool. OWNER: Ann Barbash and Steven Barbash. Victor NY 14564, (Agent: Darcy Stuck-Foulkrod). Page 5 of 17 GSDC of Rochester, Specialty Show, July 4th 2008 – Conformation Judge: Marry E. Gattone 14 SPOTLITE'S HELEN HAYES. DN18541804. 5/24/2007. Breeder: Ann & Steven Barbash By: Ch. Bill-Mar's Here Comes Trouble X Ch. Spotlite Clover Lyn April Fool. OWNER: Ann Barbash and Steven Barbash. Victor NY 14564, 3rd 30 CHERADON'S SOMETHIN TO BELIEVE IN. DN07743507. 4/7/2004. Breeder: Cheryl Hunt By: Cheradon's Winning Color's X Cher'Brook Achtung Chablis. OWNER: Cheryl Hunt and N Phelps, S & M Marshall. Canastota NY 13032, (Agent: Trisha Wylie). 1ST 58 KALEEF'S WINNING COLORS CAMPEON. DN18874401. 7/2/2007. Breeder: Jose Inglesias By: Ch. Kaleef's American Cowboy X Ch. Sajela's Solidad O'Brien V Kaleef. OWNER: Juan Posada. Santa Ynez CA 93460, (Agent: James A Moses). 2nd 60 PONCA HILL-TANTARA'S MY SERENITY.
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