E436 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 14, 2008 coastal zone to ensure compatibility with Fed- sive analysis of the Act to see if and how it the Senate’s wealthiest members. It has been erally-approved State or territory coastal pro- might be amended to better address the chal- noted that if he had not chosen a life of com- grams and policies. While at times controver- lenges of the future. I believe it is important to mitted public service he would have easily be- sial, consistency reviews emerged as a re- reauthorize this Act with input from the States come one of America’s wealthiest business- markably successful tool in facilitating co- and territories, the National Oceanic and At- men. Metzenbaum said, ‘‘I was born knowing operation between the coastal states and terri- mospheric Administration, and scientists and how to make money,’’ however he was guided tories and the Federal agencies. Although par- coastal community stakeholders. Any reau- by the saying, ‘‘Is it more important to have ticipation in the Coastal Zone Management thorization of the Act should be oriented to- $10 million than $9 million?’’ program is voluntary, 34 out of 35 eligible ward improving our ability to better prepare for In 1974, when Senator William B. Saxbe coastal States and territories are now fully par- and respond to future challenges impacting from Ohio resigned from his seat to accept the ticipating in the program, and collectively, 99 the health and integrity of the ecosystems nomination as U.S. attorney general, Governor percent of U.S. coastlines fall under the Act’s within our country’s coastal zones. Jack Gilligan appointed Metzenbaum to fill out authority. It is for these reasons that I introduced H.R. the remainder of Saxbe’s term. It was not until The territory I represent, Guam, proudly par- 5451, the Coastal Zone Reauthorization Act of 1994 that Senator Metzenbaum retired after ticipates in the coastal zone management pro- 2008, to reauthorize and increase appropria- 19 years of service in the United States Sen- gram. Because Guam is an island, our entire tions to implement the Coastal Zone Manage- ate. land area is considered a coastal zone. Impor- ment Act. I was joined in doing so by other While in the United States Senate Howard tant and unique management issues regarding members of the Subcommittee on Fisheries, development frequently arise for our commu- Metzenbaum was an instrumental member of Wildlife and Oceans. Together we are com- the Senate Judiciary committee where he was nity, including impacts on cultural and historic mitted to addressing this reauthorization op- resource preservation, water quality, and the well known as a powerful advocate of antitrust portunity and objective in a bipartisan fashion. and consumer protection issues, as well as a integrity of coral reef ecosystems and our wa- On February 28, 2008, the Subcommittee on tershed habitat. For example, under the Guam staunch proponent of pro-choice abortion Fisheries, Wildlife and Oceans convened for a rights. He was often referenced as ‘‘Senator Coastal Management Program, analysis of hearing on H.R. 5451 and received testimony damages from coastal hazards led to the de- No,’’ because many of his colleagues knew from the Administration and stakeholders. I that if he was opposed to a particular measure velopment of an Environmental Emergency fully recognize that this bill is a placeholder Response Plan that our community relies his opposition created a great hindrance to its and a starting point for a much more sub- chances of passing. upon in preparing for and responding to ty- stantive dialogue as we begin to address the phoons. This Plan allowed our community to new realities facing our country’s coastal zone. In the Senate, Metzenbaum devised a dif- successfully respond to coastal and environ- I hope my colleagues will join us in this effort ferent method of filibustering by introducing mental challenges arising from recent ty- to reauthorize this landmark environmental multiple amendments to bills in place of termi- phoons that struck our island, including Ty- law, and to ensure that we leave for our chil- nating a piece of legislation by long periods of phoon Chata’an in July 2002 and Super Ty- dren and grandchildren a coastal zone that is debate. Senator Metzenbaum championed phoon Pongsona in December 2002. This plan vibrant, healthy and welcoming to all. several important pieces of legislation, most is but one example from many that dem- notably the Worker Adjustment and Retraining onstrate the practical and positive impact of f Notification Act, which required warning peri- the Coastal Zone Management Act for Guam. HONORING THE LIFE OF SENATOR ods for large factory closures; the Brady Law, Since the Act’s enactment in 1972, Con- HOWARD METZENBAUM which established a waiting period for hand- gress has amended it on various occasions in gun purchases; and the Howard M. Metzen- order to address changing circumstances and baum Multiethnic Placement Act of 1994 needs. Among such refinements was the es- HON. STEPHANIE TUBBS JONES (MEPA) (U.S. Public Law 103–82), which pro- tablishment of a system of National Estuarine OF OHIO hibits federally subsidized adoption agencies Research Reserves, authorization of the En- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from delaying or denying child placement on hancement Grant Program to help States and Friday, March 14, 2008 grounds of race or ethnicity. Upon his retire- the territories address new and emerging ment in 1994 the Cleveland Plain Dealer re- issues, and the establishment of the Coastal Mrs. JONES of Ohio. Madam Speaker, I rise today to pay my respects to an extraor- ferred to him as, ‘‘The last of the ferocious Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program to New Deal liberals.’’ address the present and growing threat to dinary person, former Senator Howard coastal waters caused by polluted run-off. Metzenbaum. After leaving the Senate, the Honorable Today, our country is presented with coastal The Honorable Howard Metzenbaum was Howard Metzenbaum served as the Chairman zone challenges that were unforeseen and not born in Cleveland, Ohio. He came from hum- of the Consumer Federation of America. In addressed in previous reauthorizations of the ble beginnings, ‘‘his father scrapped to make 2005, The United States Bankruptcy Court- Coastal Zone Management Act. These chal- a living, buying and selling second hand house was named in his Honor in Cleveland, lenges include climate change, aquatic nui- goods.’’ He graduated from Glenville High Ohio. sance species, increased risk exposure to cat- School in Cleveland and later matriculated to We are all blessed to have known and astrophic storms and natural hazards, and the Ohio State University where he earned both served our Country with former Senator How- preservation of open space in the midst of an his bachelor degree and a Juris Doctor degree ard Metzenbaum. It is with great respect and expanding human footprint. Many of these in 1939 and 1941 respectively. admiration that I ask this esteemed body to challenges were identified by the U.S. Com- Metzenbaum served in the Ohio House of keep his wife, and four daughters: Barbara mission on Ocean Policy in 2004 and the Pew Representatives from 1943 to 1947. He was Sherwood, Susan Hyatt, Shelley Kelman, and Oceans Commission in 2003. In addition, the subsequently elected to the Ohio Senate from Amy Yanowitz in our hearts and prayers. May National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- 1947 to 1951. In addition to his dedication to we all rejoice in having known such a great tion (NOAA) and the Coastal States Organiza- public service, he also was a savvy astute man and cherish both his memory and his leg- tion (CSO) initiated in 2007 a joint comprehen- businessman who would later become one of acy. VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:13 Mar 16, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14MR8.073 E14MRPT1 smartinez on PRODPC60 with REMARKS.
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