i r a f c i T * ; CALIFORNIA SlATt mmmic mm VOL. XXX, NO. 15 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1067 --------------------------------------- r- ■ Season tickets: Individualism the keynote campus bargain One of thii best bargain* on Swinging septet to sing cninpiii* is overlooked by niuny students. ’ • •’ v - ‘ For Jfl rartntudont muy pur­ chase a season ticket admitting him to six plays at the I.ittlc at upcoming concert Theater, That,is only 12 apt! nne.- Imlf cents per play for an even- If namoa promise anything, the Thursday; and by the following term contract with In Arts Re­ iliu’a entertaiiimonL college is in for a "good time." Monday, they were signed -to a cords. Two plays are presented each The Good Time Singers of the contract by NBC-TV to appear What has made the Good Time ipiurter. Today and -tommorrow Andy Williams Television Shbw, us regular* on The Andy Wil­ Singers the success that they "Spoon River Anthology" is being will appear in concert at 8 p.nt., liams Show. areT The quaation wait'posed to produced and on Nov. 1(1-18 Saturday, Nov. 11 in the Men1* In one week the talented seven Lee Montgomery, leader of tho "Draeula" will be presented. Pleys Gym. (Five boys and two girla) found group. "Although we’re atl pert begin at 8:80 p.m. ' Tickets are now on sale at the themselves In a position.that most a t one group," Lee answered, Season tickets are 'also avail­ ASI office. Student tickets are groups fail to achieve in a life­ “that doesn't mean we all have to able to tho general public fur 81.80 for bleachers, "11.78 for re­ time. be the same—and wa haven't $l,5t>. They may be purchased in served bleachers and 82 for re­ Since that contract signing tried to be. , _ the ASI office or at the Little served seats. General public tic­ three yeata ago, The Good Time "Each one of ua has different Theater box office before each kets uro 88, 82.28 and 82 80 for Singers have gone to more than likea and diallkea. I think that performance. corresponding seats. ree dosen TV appearances; a helps. It keeps us from being Show business is filled with Sree year stint on the Williams stagnant. Thera's always somaone .sucues stories; however, few can Show; sell-out concerts from in the group with now and frsah compare to the talo of The Good coast-to-coaat and now a long ideas." Study while Time Singers and their rapid fire rise to success. Organised on a weekend, they traveling rehcaraetf together for the first time on the following Monday; Positive means iMd you ever wunt to swim In The Gopd Time Singers auditioned for a producer on the Amur River in Siberia or stay in u high mountain mona­ to reduce stery in Spain t Withdrawal data set A (newly established Discrim­ eliminate or reduce discrimination Applicants interested in tho The Col lego Catalog states: ination Study Committee will wt will uae, as far at I’m con­ California Stute Colleges’ Inter­ , ^"Except for College re­ Computers to be-housed investigate “discrimination by cerned,” said Dean Chandler. Ha national programs ran contact cognised emergencies, no — ' 4 ,' . “ • , • - ." ~'i ■ : ignorance and by neglect" gave a hypothetical case to ex­ Chuck Benedict or the program's withdrawals from a course According to Chairman Dean plain the "positive approach" rumpus advisor Dr. Alexander. will be permitted after the Chandler, the studies will be con­ desired of tho Committee. The program offers an acade­ end of the seventh week ducted on the basis of race, aex, If ea eff-eempae heaaiag unit mically accredited foreign study of Instruction.’’ in $1,6 million building religion and ethnic group. practiced discrimination, aa shewn experience in apven countries. The seventh week of instruc­ It forms part of a community- They are In Germany,' Spain, tion ends at 12:00 noon on Sat­ After u six months' delay, by verification of a student cam- of the land on and surrounding pile class lists for instructors, wide committee which Includes plaint, then the etadeate la reei- 'Italy, Sweden, Jupan, Frame, and urday, November II, 18A7. bids have gone out this week for the campus is land grants and registration class cards, snd keep prominsnt residents of 8an Lula Tuitutu. the construction of the proposed denee would ha eacearagod to the title has to be cleared before records. Obispo. move sod helped' to flad other The programs in Germany, *1JI million computer science any of the actual conatruction There are now 0 courses offered Ths group of eight faculty and Spain, Franee, and Italy require building. begins. housing. If the caas Involved in computer science with three four student* authorised by Pre­ violation af the Civil Kighta Act previous language proficiency, The site of construction will The new building when com­ additional ones added this quarter. sident Kennedy, held Its organi­ but none is needed for the pro­ Campus Navy aide of 1M4. then it weald he referred be the parking lot between En­ pleted, will have two stories, with With the completetton of the new sational meeting last Friday. It te the District Attoraey. grams in the other nations. gineering West and Engineering 48,000 square feet of floor spare. building, 2 more courses will be has the power to conduct two Applicants must have upper Commander Vance D. Lewis, East. Also to be taken out will Included will he twelv.e class­ opened. Computer 8cience 462 type* of meetings, both open to The committee’s next meeting division or graduate standing by USNR, is the new Navy Liason be part of Pepper Lane that runs rooms, six architectural draft- will involve eysteme of program­ the public: general discussions of will be held Friday at 8:18 p.m. September, 111(18, and have above Officer for this campus. between the two buildings. ing rooms, and space for three ming, and Computer Science 463 possible areas of discrimination- in the Men’s Gym Confer—os uventge ucadeinic ability. Communder Lewis, a member Construction is expected to be­ dosen offices. The computers will concentrate on multiply housing, recruiting of athlete*— Room. M—nwhilo faculty mem­ The costa range from 11,770 to of the Physics Department with gin in January and the building themselves will take up one third programming und processore with student and faculty guests ber are researching laws relat­ *2,870, however a large majority office in Science D-48, will be should be completed for the Fall of the building. systems. invited to air their views; and ing to employment and residency, of students went under loans or concerned primarily with coordin­ Quarter, 11)00. At present! the computer cen­ A major In computer science hearings of specific problems and ell members are considering other finamiu) assistances. ating Navy recruiting on campus Delays in construction appar­ ter ie located in the Math Build­ with a bachelor of science degree uncovsred by the committee. individuale or groupa to invite te Applicant* can roach Chuck and disseminating, on request to ently stemmed from the fart that ing under the direction of Dr. will be realised in 19AU after the "Any lawful nmanS It ttkts to lUiuPf discussion ‘ I lotted tet, u student to Japun, at intsrested students, information before the state is allowed to William Buschman, director of completion of the building. In the fit!l*.ri218. Dr. Alexander is In Ag. regarding both career and short build on any property, it must computer science and his staff. 19A8-10tl0 catalogue, students will 2:17. term opportunities in the Navy. have clear titlsxto thejand. Much Students are offered courses in be able to major in math with an computer science with the aid of option in computer eclencs. an IBM 1020 computer. Both data Presently there are d instruc­ processing and computer science tors in computer science who also course* are offered, double as Instructors in the Math Although the computers are Department. Two n*W instructors ‘Sophisticated Swing9 used, basically for 'instructional are expected to be hired upon purposes the computers also com­ completion of the building. , \ - • distinguishes Collegians Leaf clearing process “.O.K.. here we go," nay* Music They held sway at the Home­ to Imve u calculated effect and gets world wide acclaim Reportment head HvP. Dnvidton coming Hall iant month. has remained unchanged since World-wide- attention ha* been Rodin explained, “Whole to his Collegians. The fifteen man group is un item. focused on the college as a result mount* of eleerod leave*, flowera On tho , appropriate gesture, old member of the Music Dcpart- of the new leaf clearing technique California's only state college Thc Collegians specialise in "H takes experience to work and other plant organa are ex­ together," says Davidson con­ perfected by Dr. Robert J. Rodin. dunce hand takes a deep breath ment, like the department’s other Curds and letters have arrived ‘ tremely valuable-in certain types ami attacks the uitisic in its own organisations, its members re­ cerning the prartire schedule, lie almost dally asklhg for furthor of anatomiral investigation*. This distiiietivc style. ceive class credit, believe* that their success conic* from the fart that they not only details on Dr. Rodin'e discovery. new Hearing technique will allow Davidson and the Collegians creating dance music, thus-they Roth the Iron Curtain and free the whole are lion to be mounted lean into the music, experiment­ play a mixture of old and new 1 practice aa a group hut spend world countries have been repre­ ing with different Interpretation* songs from "Why Not” to "Mi­ lime bfeore each rehearsal per-.
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