WWAAGGOONN WWHHEEEELL RREECCOORRDDSS Music for Education & Recreation Rhythms • Folk • Movement YYoouurr CChhiillddrreenn’’ss aanndd TTeeaacchheerr’’ss SSppeecciiaalliisstt ffoorr MusicMusic andand DanceDance VS 067 Brenda Colgate WWAAGGOONN WWHHEEEELL RREECCOORRDDSS 16812 Pembrook Lane • Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Phone or Fax: 714-846-8169 • www.wagonwheelrecords.net TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss Music for Little People . .3 Holiday Music . .20 Quiet Time . .3 Kid’s Fun Music . .21-22 Expression . .3 Kid’s Dance/Party Music . .23 Fun For Little People . .4-5 Dance/Party Music . .24-26 Manipulatives & Games . .6-8 Sports . .26 Jump-Rope Skills . .6 Island Music . .26 Streamers/Scarves/Balls . .6 Dance Videos & Music - Christy Lane . .27-29 Games & Skills . .7 Country Dancing Bean Bag . .7 . .30 Parachute Activities . .8 Square Dancing . .31-33 Seated Exercises . .8 Christy Lane’s . .31 Aerobic/Fitness/Movement . .9 Everyone’s Square Dances . .32 Square Dancing for All Ages . .32 Fitness/Movement Activities . .10-11 Fundamentals of Square Dancing Instructional Series . .33 Lee Campbell-Towell . .10 Square Dance Party For The New Dancer Series . .33 Physical Education . .12-13 Folk Dancing . .34-37 Dynamic Program . .12 Rhythmically Moving Series . .34 Spark Program . .13 Beginning Folk Dances . .35 Music & Movement . .14-15 We Dance Series . .35 Rhythm & Movement . .16-18 Young People’s Folk Dances . .36 Rhythm Sticks . .16 Christy Lane . .37 Tinikling . .16 Multicultural Songs & Greg and Steve . .18 Dances . .38-39 Rhythm, Movement & Marches . .19 Native American . .38 WAGON WHEEL RECORDS OOrrddeerr FFoorrmm 16812 Pembrook Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 714-846-8169 Bill To: Ship To: School ___________________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ City___________________________State__________Zip__________ City___________________________State__________Zip__________ Phone____________________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________________ P.O.#__________________(P.O.) must be attached) Orders by individuals must be prepared with check or credit card. 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Your Signature and phone # needed for charge. *Add 10% for orders more than $50.00. MMuussiicc ffoorr LLiittttllee PPeeooppllee QUIET TIME SWEET DREAMS A CHILD’S WORLD OF LULLABIES Restful Music For Quiet Times Hap Palmer Calm young and old with beautiful songs includ- Multicultural Songs for Quiet Times ing OVER THE RAINBOW, SOMEWHERE OUT THERE, Children will be fascinated by this mixture of HUSH LITTLE BABY, TWINKLE, TWINKLE, CLAIR DE musical styles and rhythms which provide a LUNE, BRAHMS LULLABY, IMAGINE, GREENSLEEVES, calming transition between play time and quiet GOLDEN SLUMBERS, ROCK A BYE BABY • and more. time. Songs include Hap’s original compositions KIM 9109C (Cass & Guide) and new arrangements of traditional lullabies. KIM 9109CD (CD & Guide) COUNTING MIRACLES • A NEW WORLD TO EXPLORE • OLD ROCKING CHAIR • SLEEP MY BABY (Nigeria) • A LA NANITA NANA (Spain) • THE BAMBOO FLUTE (China) • CHIPPEWA LULLABY (Native American) • HUSH LITTLE BABY (England SEA GULLS - Hap Palmer and Appalachia) • ALL NIGHT ALL DAY (African-American) • DORMITE NINTO (El Music for Rest & Relaxation Salvador) • and more! A wonderful accompaniment for slow motion AC 675 • CD 675 activities, storytime, and whenever soothing music is appropriate. SAVANNAH • SEA GULLS • SWEETWATER SPRINGS • NOONIE’S LULLABY • QUIET TIME Frank Leto SUMMER RAIN • MISTY CANYON • MORNING Music to calm the spirit. This album creates a GOLD • and more! peaceful environment conducive to children AC 584 • CD 584 working in the classroom or teaching youngsters relaxation through meditation. The songs are also useful to help young children prepare for nap- time. The sounds of the lovely percussion instru- QUIET PLACES - Hap Palmer ments from various cultures help children (and Instrumental Music for Rest & Relaxation teachers!) let go of tension. This collection of all original instrumental music AFTERNOON NAP • HAWAIIAN LULLABY • RHYTHM OF LIFE • CARIBBEAN composed by Hap Palmer features the natural NIGHTS • THE WINDS OF TIME • MUSIC BOX sounds of acoustic instruments such as harp, violin, CD 749 viola, cello, flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, acoustic guitar, classical guitar, piano and French horn. Valuable for rest time, slow stretching, yoga, mir- roring, and tension/release of specific muscle EXPRESSION groups as well as an introduction to the orchestra. These melodies will appeal to listeners of all ages. TURN ON THE MUSIC STAR GAZING • SNOWFALL • TWILIGHT SEA • MISTY MOONLIGHT • PEACEFUL COVE • SMOOTH SAILING • AWAKENING • A TENDER MO- (Children) Share with children the excite- MENT • SIERRA SUNRISE • FERN RIVER • and more! ment of language and help them improve word comprehension and powers of imagi- AC 689 • CD 689 nation with these lively lyrics and memo- rable melodies. These songs are written from a child’s point of view: what a child wishes, LULLABY TIME FOR LITTLE PEOPLE feels and imagines. The lyrics deal in a thoughtful and humorous (Ages 1-3) A beautiful collection of traditional way with the joys, challenges and conflicts children experience in lullabies to comfort and quiet. Songs: BRAHMS’ their growing years. Discussion questions are in the guide. LULLABY • SWEET AND LOW • MR. SANDMAN • TURN ON THE MUSIC • WHEN THINGS DON’T GO YOUR WAY • YOU ROCK-A-BYE BABY • CRADLE SONG • BARCAROLLE, CAN DO IT • AMOS THE ALLIGATOR DUDE • HELPING MOMMY IN OFFENBACH • and more! THE KITCHEN • IF I HAD WINGS • and more! AC 530 • CD 530 KIM 0850C (Cass & Guide) KIM 0850CD(CD) MR. AL SINGS FRIENDS and FEELINGS (Pre-school thru 3rd) The concepts of feel- QUIET MOMENTS by Greg & Steve ings and friendship are explored in this WINDING DOWN (Slow Down, Body Relaxation, album of sixteen songs. THINGS THAT MAKE The Magic Coin) • LOTUS BLOSSOM • TRADE ME SAD • I GET SO MAD • I GET EXCITED • YOU WINDS • QUIET TIME • more GOTTA HAVE HUGS • and more. Lyrics and activ- YM 006-CD CD ity suggestions included. YM 006-CN Cassette MH-C93 Cassette • MH-D93 CD Each COMPACT DISC (use #) $16.95 • Each CASSETTE (use #) $13.95 • Unless otherwise noted 3 FFuunn FFoorr LLiittttllee PPeeooppllee BABYSONG Hap Palmer EARLY CHILDHOOD CLASSICS *** Parent’s Choice Award Old Favorites With A New Twist - Hap Palmer A delightful collection of songs that are simple, A joyful collection of all-time favorite activity songs for young chil- yet melodic and entertaining – touching on the dren. Unique renditions preserve the charm and simplicity of these interests and challenges of the little person grow- tunes while adding new and original lyrics and ing in the big world. MY MOMMY COMES BACK • melodies that enhance them. A variety of musical SHARE • WALKING • SITTIN’ IN A HIGH CHAIR • styles guarantee active participation by encourag- TODAY I TOOK MY DIAPERS OFF • and more! AC 713 • CD 713 ing singing and moving to the music. ITSY BITSY SPIDER • TWINKLE, TWINKLE LITTLE PEEK-A-BOO by Hap Palmer STAR • I’M A LITTLE TEAPOT • OLD MACDONALD • and Other Songs for Young Children BINGO • TOUCH YOUR TOES TO YOUR NOSE • CIRCLE SONGS • OPEN SHUT THEM • ONE, TWO, BUCKLE MY SHOE • *** Parent’s Choice Award HEAD SHOULDERS KNEES AND TOES • PAT-A-CAKE • GOOD-BYE SONG • Imaginative lyrics reflect the experiences, chal- THE ELEPHANT • I’M GLAD I’M ME AC 528 • CD 528 lenges, and delights of the younger set, with toe- tapping rhythms families can enjoy together. You can sing, rock and sway, make animal sounds, CLASSIC NURSERY
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