Rome Eucharistic Congress Biggest Event Since War K- Tho

Rome Eucharistic Congress Biggest Event Since War K- Tho

-«•>, fifhf' \p 4 jV*"«.. « ??. >mmmtmM.»i ••;„„, ~~ • ^ ,sr*TO :its$^$S£SSC *^p mmmmmm00$i -v f1 ^y i-r ^.J^J-tt^-r^-Yk «|> ? ». "Itj win wM you (hand missions and W s^ d scboc*., if yoa we art I *Me tg niel* the offens*«fc and defensive weapon* ol a loyal Catholic Press.'" -Pope Pigs X '*<";««< -rf 75li¥'f I MEMBER OF tlAHONAX,- CATHOLIC' W%Fi^£ fD0TOOI& OTW8'$^fjR|fe I iTl U»« U HWUWMJW 'P»"r'!,...'l-liil'*'J JL^l'"" ••('» •"• 'J*.*; '-'' '.' "raft ^ww-sp; "£—w nm-»reT"W"»™ F^-"!"" ™7tKrrnT™ SQ^" 33rd Year. No. 43 T» I tJ^ssa l 1 it zmesmsp a*awi,.|#i'9!M»fitiit»l ^'»ti»(> ' mia' had been so far in I^yons, and Temporary Basilica C3thilli£S Rome Eucharistic Paris, and giving: it a new cor* of-the ? stitution. At St Annede Beaupre l-piilWllteHil5! ft *»ii>4 l .-*.^«- Congress Biggest Taxpayers Appeal ^K|_9,T T^Mw^E^vT-y To Attorney General J St.-Anne de Beau pre, Quebec, o&ys iiOvt* Event Since War 1 To Check Ku Klux Klan |a,r*Although_ a. goodly *— *• ^H" "' ••' " ' ...... W'..^-^.1..-1—. number of Citholic pilgrims and 'MAIllpiinyi (By N. C. W. C News 8erviee) (By N. a W. 0. hiews Serviee) summer tourists ar« viiiting the ^Tfc^m^%l8$fcQipto§ Paris, July 12- —"The greatest (By N. C. W. 0. Newa Service* Atlantic City, July 24.—Thous famoua shrine thii summer, the ^wMkliWlfc %imi^^t. event since the war was the in Sacramento, Calif., July 23.- Investigation of activities of the andsofKnightaof ColombuiwIO * **«*&**fJ^m^ST^mm^^^M^^^^^ ternational Eucharistic congress. gajther here next week, lor m not developed, and the Redemp- ^ fy^^^ek ^m\W \ ^M$,Wt~ ... The Church, at this moment, Ku Klux Klip in the Imperial Mprl| Valley has been announced by is more powerful than it has ever tfeel i tott8 Attorney-General U.S. Webb fol­ IMTSSS^MSIu-MTTSA** » >*^ wneiof Good(nw^«me,^|Wimtm^ir thefaii*fcIrth«dto been." These two statements, teten, whichiw ill beheld at the ^ . hj^iag^ ^pacftd SSa^ml^SS^nS sil*F^ quoted in "La Temps," which is lowing the receipt of * telegram Attat v Amhasiadlor m W •*** wUy» m ta th9 client! of the wondsr- ^SS!Sfw3^S^- ^AsssW*.. fa* under Protestant direction, were from the Imperial County Tax Payers' Association alleging that known a. the.•«'America^ ^TOrWrMriari^ofC^itdt. mi^^i^^^^S^m^ made in Borne by a Jew. ttjrr conventeon bec»ute itw^l -a;ft irg fipetfidty inform^ SL2?5S£?BrfwaSS aSaaSa^T The article from which they are the principal county officers and candidates for office were either ii still a general im*^^* |#i^t|rr^^^%d^ie^«»««e^ ht quoted is worthy of considerable American history movement and ^^ te tk% Qktmk ym »g»£ SSSSScSSSi tEESfiUm attention. It was sent to themember s or have applied for membership in the Klan and re­ the award of v«mtoiriwn^&-Sk.-Am&tiuHl* mother non-Catholic of "the high- Papal 1 "Temps'; by its Rome correspon in th* K. of Chi-torical contest* ^^ , hm Qt J™* ^S^S^^BffifS^ dent, M. Jean Carrere. The most questing him to take over the dis­ significant extracts are as follows: trict attorney's office. days, km***tm*K : Wl^^L^M^Im^^^^^^i^^ "The bare statement of facts The telegram read in part: The Riffht "A charge that the Klan is at- f was sufficient to demonstrate the Walsh of, TrentonK, -in Tho™whose dio.< J.^SS^^Sll^!^S^^^^^ s&; i ! importance of the' Enchariatic tempting to elect to ©flBee rafifl^ e«ratla»3w<2ity ti*B,: *m&# Congress and how it proved to bersof theKlanormen who have th* tumvmntim hv nnntfflr»K»ip Z2ii^ -r" -fmmi^^m^" "^^T''"^"'''^''^^^ ^ W£mm • P<BW*lPWlffWW>l> Che pilgrims from all parts of tht has bean causing considerable world the truly extraordinary lu Church, on Tuesday, August '.** Altboug-b, of course,, the hew situation of the Papacy at the agitation here in the fait few weeks. " "~ " "" tsJu* present time. \ - ofrNa The Viewpoint of a Jew "The district attorney, his chief deputy, the aheriM andihiadapu.. "To give an idea of what the ' ^•aa#-j#.M^«'l#'aiiijiVir'iir*»wiiV'i^ ty, the county clerk, a county su- by fire last Marcr Pope stands for today, so soon KfJltia*Ji<y^euEoj»vantion^ty^^ thelfe^i^Sni^^^P^^^^^^^^ " fc**-'". ;i tm S afterhli elevation.and 'io^^iY^^ ^f j^?Lff i j^^|fe!i^tel$wiiiwja mf^y^-i MMupootne~evente wSffiM8#tat*mm-officials, — have so profoundly shaken Bur- members of par school boards and will^,eleete|^.th«tcmy«tfti«n iff^n^'^itW^urlitflsntwl )m.m^ ii'i 'mm^m •pe, I shall quote the words 0f ***• priixcipat canoWdatiw'fdr irioae on Wednesday morning. 'TheStt- id hot help saying: f wfth ^ *-^kii^ #1^4^^ i**i of these ofBces, including, the coa an observer who lives at the other ; sheriff and the district attorney prema BoardrtmapM^ms Q^mm^^mW^^ ^^^^^^1^' :iyr*t* extreme of the religious Rome; a have been listed as members of +,:&)& man who is not a Catholic or even ^fvo^nTmlmte^^ the Ku Klux Klan* or as having a Christian. I met him this morn­ tne van voting memoers who at- pjooi as your temporary shrinf'," made application for member ing in one of the most fashion* tend at co«eiita,m«fciiicii»de ^A^yaaf-woblita^nltl^if lShsaffi^asnaETil!5!alS« ship." 9$~ii*fy*z' able quarters of Rome. He is the «preaentabv«^We^^ mmmmmm^m W^^mM^ Attorney General Webb said director of a large financial agen­ the union and ofevery Canadian m$m - mr mB$itom> hw S^SO^ffilviS^SS that the; telegrim was bated-on 1 \*& cy, an old Roman who baa seen, province as. welt« Cflba.Mexico, Zmmmmmm^m^m Ml^i^^^ ^ resolutions weighed and judged many-events ado^te^by^e.Ta^ain| -HIW»J, tfie t»nj1ippineIa-thatwa»distirdj^Jnclol^ payers' Association, and added and, at the same time, a Jew who ^tion. art added: ^ ^ ^ ^S^^m^M^ *%^£SE^ I will make Inquiries about :: observes and appreciates things taoeal; tiMck'j i^W^'^"'- *^' the situation in the next few A special message fromPope,na bMotUalmtplt trwi, it has' V * *•"**-!??• — without any prejudice. As soon days. I hardly think that all the PiuiXIwill be delivered to thel§eeloded ispect, conteaitrailh,•tt*fWl^&#ty$*&1& as I met him he began Bpeaking, convention by Edfard-LtHjUj®* ftr iwprssiiwe manner w|th th*b*f ™ V*iffa*i:#m.**%$***#!* 1 local government machinery not of Lloyd George,or Chicherin, K. of C. Efcmpetttcftnri!*^^ the old-bsiflief, Jf^^TO^^iJ1^:^*fi?J»«tf• *s$^^qg*im*.. down there is in the hands of the nor of Genoa, the Hague, the who is in charge of th«^OO0,0O0iad^ wW^lW|»iini hm 1>«ft SUtes gre ayi^li,- f Ii* «ih*M Klan, and I would not take over Communists, nor even of the welfare work of the organixitfon hea^1o*r-'coBSi»|re- thf aspects j^/.&!tofi*W '&W^&mi0i4& the district attorney's office there Fascist! andGabriele d'Ajmunzio; in Italy, andimpbrtant addreesea $$$$£&&• is new fiorch1& 9*^1i^i»'^P«W#llrt i^'«flU on the representation of one per­ c He spoke to me of the Pope, the will be made by distingaiihed a symbol of the everlasting pow- Gensus, gives inforrnatloo aboat frif-yrfli;frl son or organisation,"^ Eucharistic Congress and of the men' -in-'-pablicr-life^lttcI^njr]^^ ®|-»|ijiaW§f^iu^ BMmE impression which it had made on Gaillard Hunt, chief *rchhd|tofjigll^f^^|t^^ all truly objective spectators like Dean McNulty's Small the U. S. State |>spir^neiitl ; WrSa^lfii^7'J' ""v "7 • 'tititiffflftfa: Sj|, . himself. Plans «rat be announced by |n^?the'^>aiftaisle 1$^.^'^*^^M&^iif rsMr^aP' Estate To Charity !^swi* Comment of "Le Tempi" Supreme Knight liiiiM ^SW itocBiwt/*t|^- The correspondent of the herty for the extension of^eSti wh&l ^" i^ictltd ZStfcM ^^^i*bsi (By N. C. W. C. Mews**S«rvice) \--^.-^kiT6niU ' 'Temps" then adds the following Paterson, H. I, JFulrS4.-The of C. eorrespondeiice,.scho9i i^^ hoi»*fiAliaiiBeii-^ tawgmwMgi __ '&!& ft9*sm»-»-',:Vs ,'••••* •• comment of his own: late Very Rev. Dean William Mc- " ---'^vafiatfnW&aai^ "Never has the Pope been so derUke cultural courses by mail, Nulty, who gave £2,000,000 for «rf1lMwsv> absolutely the supremef master of {religious and charitable' work thus insuring the school as one of jlMl;i ;p'^h Cemus ralaUe t*the year the major permanent activities souls, and never has Ws^ritual dttrfng ^ Ute} ieft an estate val- And Anthon MmM ^^^^W|^.» sovereignty bees so undisputed. ued at less than one two-hun of the order. Plans .will also be 1 qj4)lirervll OlJMge denomiostionsin-l "When, before 1870, the adver­ dr^th part of what be had given madefor theex'tensfoa and in saries of the Papacy and of the,away . Most of .this, in the WillM\&BBB&m-frffiX.~'tf€£~»l :(Bjr».,0-^,C,New»Serried of-th*:|6wMi m$dfo**mm&«£• Protestant Church thundered admitted to probate by Surrogate constrnction work, compriiing v7tpihiag^ii, I>. <?rf Jtoly SHL** wnj^^tad^&V1SU«|lrr^f MM ***** &$$&$%.'£}&. agato8tthetemi»Mlpow«oftb^^eriok Btggs ^ Ncw y0fk hospitalizition service for more InviUtbos. for a conference of P«r cent. Tbii »aober, aa itatwl f\ 1 M W- Pope anddesired ^J^^at^wwMt tocharity. thangSiPOO disabled service men Cttholie act<w«4jI»mttis%Mti» **»*' v&h&m mw vkmjgf* status to that of a senior his -.«„ :_, •• in 302 different hospitals and eda-and repre«ritativei of Catholic *1ioaa jjfjgT, jria Wflftfl rf aetiialj (By M;^,^ they did not forsee this conse­ K.

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