OCTOBER 8, 1823 I127 ) parallel of [1814] intersection of the sixty-sixeh (65 north latitude with the boundary between the AT THE GOVERNMENT HOUSE AT OTTAWA North West Territories and the Yukon Terri- WieNaaDAT, the 12th day of Aeptember, 1928. tory ; thence northerly and weaterly, following the said boundary to its intersection with Peel raseurT : river; thence northerly following the right baak HIB EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR of Pool river to its confluence with Mackenzie GENERAL IN COUNCIL -iver ; thence easterly and southerly, following the left bank of Mackenzie river to Arctic Red wHEREAB the Minister of the Interior reports e river; thence southerly following the left bank that application has been made by th of Arctic Red river to its Intersection with the Evangelical Lutheran Trinity Congregation at sixty-sixth (66) parallel of north latitude; Camper, in the Province of Manitoba, for a grant thence westerly following the sixty7ixth (Eg) for church and cemetery purposes of two acres of parallel of north latitude to point of eommence- land comprised in the southwest corner of the N .W . } of section 10, township 24, range 7, west of the ment. principal meridian, in the said Province of Mani- Yellowknife Preservs- toba ; Comprising all that tract of land which May And whereas the Minister of the Interior is of be described as follows :-Commencing at the the opinion that the application should receive point on the north arm of Great Slave lake favourable consideration and the land in questio n where the left bank of Marian river intenects is available according to the records of the Depart- the said north arm ; thence northerly following ment ; the left bank of Marian river to the con- Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General fluence of that river with river Is Martre ; thence in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister westerly following the left bank of river la of the Interior and under the provisions of section Martre to Inc Is Martre ; thence westerly fol- 76 of the Dominion Lands Act, is hereby pleased lowing the north bank of Ise Is Martre to the to set apart and appropriate for church and eeme- stream flowing into lac Is Martre from lake tery purposes the said land, and to authorize a Grandin; thence northerly following the left grant thereof to the Evangelical Lutheran Trinity bank of the said stream to lake Graodin ; thence Congregation at Camper, in the Province of Mani- northerly following the easterly banks of lakes toba, for the said purposes . Orandin, Tache and Ste . Therese and the con- E. J. LEMAIRE, necting waters and portages thereo[ to MeVicar 18-4 Clerk of the Privy Council . bay of Great Bar lake ; thence to the right fol- lowing the easterly shore of Great Bear lake to the outlet of Deus river; thence north- [18621 easterly following the left bank of Deao river ; AT THE GOVERNMENT HOU6E AT OTTAW A and the connecting Portage to Dismal Iskes . thence easterly following the southerly bank of Saturday, the 22nd day of September, 1923 Dismal laka and the right bank of Kendall P6atNT : river to the confluence of Kendall river with HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNO R Coppermine river; thence southerly, following GENERAL IN COUNCIL the left bank of Coppermine river to lac du Gras; thence easterly following the southerly WHEREAB the Minister of the Interior reports bank of lac de Gras to its intersection with the that unless further areas are reserved as one hundred and eleventh (111) degree of west hunting and trapping preserves for the sole use of longitude ; thence southerly following the one the bons fide aboriginal native of the North West hundred and eleventh (111) degree of west Territories there is grave danger of those natives longitude to lake Mackay ; thence westerly, being reduced to want and starvation ; southerly and easterly, following the bank of And whereas each year increasing mnnbers of lake Mackay to the connecting waters with lake foreign and other non-resident hunters and trntM Aylmer; thence easterly, following the southerly pers are going into the country and depleting wild bank of the said connecting waters to lake life and fur resources, and confirmation of the above Aylmer; thence easterly and southerly follow- statement has been received from the Director of ing the westerly and southerly banks of lake the North West Territories and Yukon Branch, the Aylmer and Clinton-Golden lake to Artillery Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted lake; thenoo southerly following the westerly Police and the Advisory Board on Wild Life Pro- batik of Artillery lake to Lockhart river ; thence Territories there is grave danger of those natives westerly following the right bank of Lockhart hunting and trapping preserves ; river to its outlet into Great Slave halls ; i'henq Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General westerly following the northerly shore of Great in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister Slave lake to the point of commencament- of the Interior and pursuant to the provisions of the North West Gaine Act, is pleased to order that sec- Baeks River Prcaerve- tion 6 of the Regulations for the protection of game Comprising all that tract of land which may in the North West Territories, as provided by Order be described as follows :-Commencing at the in Council (P. C. 1053) dated the let, May, 1918, outlet of Backs river into the Arctic ocean ; and amended by Order in Council (P . C. 533) dated thence southwesterly following the left bank of 12th March, 1920, shall be and the same is hereby Backs river to Meadowbank river, thence south- rescinded and the following substituted therefor :- erly following the left bank of Meadowbank river "6. No license shall confer the right to hunt or to the headwaters thereof ; thence due south trap on Victoria Island, Banks Island, or in any of to the height of land between the waters flow- the following described areas in the North West ing into the Arctic ocean and those flowing into Territories : Hudson bay ; thence westerly following the said height of land to a point due south of the Peel River Preserve- Comprising all that tract of land which may headwaters of Baillie river ; thence due north ; thence be described as follows :-Connnencing at the to the said headwaters of Baillie river.
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