DevotionalMr-rsic in the lberian World,1150-1 800 'l'hc Villancioo¿utci ll-clatccl (lenrcs Ecliteil btt 'fi]SS I(NIGI{TON Clat'eCollege, Cutttbriclge, UK ALVAITOTOI{R]]NTE Unit,er.sidddContplutense de Madrid, Spaitt ¿tncl|lo.t¡al lTollotr;ct¡,, Universiry, of Lottdon,UK ASH GATE {r'"lt'ssI(nigirton and Alr,¿r'o'IirrenlcI007 Al1 riglrtsIese'tve tl. No pitrtol thrspLrtrlication nray be leplotlLrec'cl, stolecl in ¡ fclric\,¡l syslcnr o¡ ltanstuittctlin any lirtrttor [r¡'irrtynrcirr)s, eleclronic, ¡¡cchanica].pltolocolll,itrg, r.ccolcling Contents or otllelrvisewithout thc ¡triotperntission ol the ¡tublishcr. 'ltss I(niqlrtorl iuld Álvltr1)li)rfcllte li¡r,c'asseltecllheir nrnlal light Lruciclthc ('opyritht, I)csignsantl I)atcrr.ttsAct, It)8fi,to be irlentifierias the erlrtorsol'lhis u,orli. l'ublishediry L i.;I ttf Con !t' i ltt.rIrtt'.s ,{shgatcI'ublishing l-imitcd r\shgatcl'Lrblishing (lolltprin)' Lis/ tt/ tl lt h t'tt'i ttI i rttt.s Ciol'er I lorrse SLrire420 Lisl of lIItt.slttttirtrts rlii (lrolt Iluad l0I ('hcrr'),Stlcct Listo/ itLrrsir:ExumPIr"s ,r]) l (),540-4405 A dclsliot Burlington,V'1' I r lil IlampshilcCUII 3lll{ USA 1'rafut:e Finglarrrl 1 Intloclltctiott I 'fe.s"' [Atl*,A:lrg:itervchsi tu: lltp://* u u.lslrgrtc.aunl;;-l Krtighfort ¿tndA/vorrt Tt¡t'renle ti BritishLibr¿rry Catalnguing in PublicationD¡ta Weavirrgcnsalodtts 15 DevotionalMusic in the lberianWolld, 14-50-1800:l-he Villancico ¿rndliel¿rted Cenles Pepe Rett 1. \/jllancicos(lt4Lrsic) - l{istory and cliticisnl. I. Klighton, Tess,I 9-57-. i. lL iofrcnte, ,\l\ alo. Song nrigrations:the caseof 'ldorántoste,Señor 53 7822',5',0946 TessKnightttrt Liblarl' of CongrcssCatlloging-in-Public¿tion Dlt¿ The villancicoin the*'orks of eaflyCastilian playvrights (rvith a Devotionallr4Lrsic in the lberian World, l'1,50-1800:TheVillancico and I{elatedGenr.es / the lunctiorl and o1-themusical pal-ts) 11 edrterl b¡ frss li urglrtonrrrrd Álr arolblrenrr. ltole ou llerfoflr¿llice p. cm. Alberto clel Río Lrcludesbiblioglaphical references (p. ), l. Church nrusic- Spein,2. Chulch ntrsic - Portugal,3. \/rllancicos(N4Lrsic) - Spain Functionand littrlgicalcolltext o1 the villancico in Salananca Ilistorl,anri cliticisnr.4. \'illancict'rs(lvlusrc) Portugal.. Ilistoly and cr.iticrsr¡. Cathedral -1 99 L Krrighr,rn.Tess. l,)5?- . ll. lbr'¡ente..,\lr¿rro. tl lt'ut'o I i¡t'tt' ttle IV{L2917.D482007 7ir2.2'209-16dc22 200(;032259 "fhe thirclvillancico \\'¿ls Íl lllolet':thc villancicoatld relatcd gentcs t49 .1nr.lrculJontbí The villancrcoas lt.tt'tsic o1'statc in lTth-ccilltrlySpairl r89 l' ttlt I o - 1,. |lodt' i gt rez l{cligiositl',Ir()\\1ef rtlcl 2tsl)cctso1- social re pfcscntation in thc villancicoso1'thc I)oltttgLre sellovai Chapcl I99 lltri ('ultrttI I'ope's 'N4rrsicchiifltts lhe setlscs...':Clcvotioll¡l Il'tttsic ill |'ltc7)'itrrtlrt't lSllN973 (),7.s.1ó-.5S;1 l-2 (linós, 119 ./ir.s/ilo.s o1'San lr4adritl,l(r5ó I I Ih rrtrt l'lrisvtrlrrlc ll¡s l¡ccn Itinlctl rr¡ acid-ficc Pirl¡cr ./tr r r t' I tr 4, I'rintrriund boLrrrl in (ilcirtIJlitlrin lri Nll)(lIlooks l.td. lJorlnrin. ('onrl'lrll vi 1)c¡,r¡!io¡tult\,lt¡.¡iL it¡ tltt' lbcl tllt IIL¡ ltl, l15A-1,\00 l0 l\ IrteLiLry¿r1lrl t)'llolollicul stLrily oi'ilic litte lTtlr-cerrluryvilluncrco 231 ll.tittl.i, !,t, l1 I'tt,¡lott:ltlJlLl(l lho pirstof¡ltlaclition itr lStlr-cerrlLu'ySltariislt villurrcicos 283 l' i Ittr lluttto.sl,óptz 'l'|te | ) nt¡Lli g unrlr'l¡¿¡:lr¿ ot'soLrth-u'csturn irr rilroe aud Lhelbcli¡rn vill¡urcrico:loivrtrtls rr c,rntpulisun 307 I i t:tt t.¡t l l\,1t t I t t:I l3 I)t'tL)Jü.\'LctL(t(lu:l)lusi0 by l"r'allcrscode la Iluclta ibl thc nuls of SunlaAna rlcÁvila ( 17ó7-78) 321 A,lu¡itt GaltItt:t o UsÍ¿'tt'toz 14 llistolicLrlan.l liLelar'¡,vestiges o1'lhe villancico iu thc eally ntorlenr l)hilippirtes 363 l),tt i,l lt t'tt¡,g 'l'he'cthnic 15 viLlancico'and facial llolitics in 17th-cenliLlyNlcxico 399 Geo./Jie1t $¡¡l¡¿'¡' '['he l(¡ popLrlnr',lhe sacred,the cololial ¡ncl the local: the l]erlbnnairce of iriontiticsin thevillancrcos holn Sucle(Bolivia) 409 B¿nttttrlo lllut'i l)iltliogttrplty 111 lntlc.t 477 Chapter10 A liter-aryand typological study of the late 17th-centurY villancico Alain 13dgue 'I'he anclibltn ol'the frrst systenraticatltl cotllllleheusiVeatlalysis of the structu|e Rotneralo Ilorl'ever, villr.cico u,asthe classicstucly by Antonio Sánchez L1969]. in the l5th and 1óth this rvasllnitecl to the poctico-musicalgerlfe ¿rs it developed experienceci centuLies.Yet it w'asr-rndoLrbtedly in the lTth cellttlrytllat the villa|rcico Vicénspointed otlt gfeatcststrtlcttlf¿rl ancl lblnral clivelsit¡'ancl complexity' as Joseph possibilitieshe added in flte uew seotroucleclicatecl to the viLlancico'svariotts ibrmal to lris 1703etlition o1'Rengilb's Arte prtéficrt: to dtarvattclltioll to IOllowiugthe genefal ruies for villarlcicos,it rvoi'rld seem all¡rr.opriate thlrs it tllttst be assttnledtl'lllt sollre sonre singUltrIitiesthat Irlay ¿tdvatlcetl.re silbject frrrther'; o1'r'eii-ainatld letscs' Villaucici_rsconsist ofan int|ocluction,lehain and verses,othets only and lecitative,othels only rilhersof ilttfodtlotlon,reñain anrl |ecitative,others ofreliain l o['recitative,attcl others oulv of vetses n as iclentifiedtry the iLlLrstliotrs l-hc essc.tial t,¿rriety anclllexibility of this popLriar-fot and 1Sth centLr|ies Vicéns afe slril Ltruch itr eviclence citlring the 17th ISánchez of the I5th and 16th ccntr[ies lLonter.alo,1969: 128]. MoreoveL, if the Villancico 114)' on the coutra|y the is char.acte|iz-cclby its brevity [Sánchez Ronte-talo, 1961) atld this extension o¡ly Barotlue villancico is ma¡keci ol-1tby its lbrmal expansiort, to wideLy valied stylistic i,rcl-c¿tsestlte attrotttlt of text allorvvingthe aLtthot'recotlrse with the excc¡ltion o1'a 1'eu' terchniques ancl ro exhibit his poetic skills. Horvever, irl tlie lTth cerlttlry,and inrlrvirlu.l stuclics,little has bccn clone on tite vill¡ucico I rvill ltttenlpt to srill lcss on th¿itof'the encl o1'that certu|y.'? In tliis chapte| llresent ,l)cs¡tLrés nluy clclc¡so adl'eltir I rle las |eglas cll courittlpitra los villarlcicos,I]afece Se pIeSLll)olleque collslilll los IrlpL¡¡r-ssirrgLrll¡iclaclcs, clttc pttcdan al¡ril ca¡liuo: l)ala esto clesolo estrlbillo y co¡llas;otros VillaLrcicos,iLlgunos rlc rntlo¡luccirin,cst|il¡illo y coplas;ottOs jbilio r'ecitativo;ot|trs clt rccitatil'osolo; ,1" ¡,,1¡11¡l¡¡ct:i(rn,cstribrll0 ), r'ccitatrvo;otLos de estl )' ilt lc ttsTtttítrtltt'cott y ot|Ostle copl:rssolas'. JUltrlllíaz li.errgilirand .lOScpVitlccns: P0¿liL-0 vrtttJi,t'|ili,tsillttt'\:.)]/v(I(|(|C()]]'\()|t|l11|L,'\('On|l||.]t.'|,¡lrcl¡'Ll.itl's' 5l' t:.vlitnt.tlrttlttl ,4tttttt dt: I)irt's,(llalcclonii: Jciscphlttxrclti' l70l)' fcnoriofl9()91 2 F.t.cxirrnltlc,thcstLlcliesL,yÁlvl,ro'ltrrlcnte{lggTalandlvlrrrthaL.ill¿i 'ltrnorio, 'litltnlllntls dc l¿r(llLlz-' ofiel' althoLrghslie ftrcusctlclscri'llere oll tlle villallcicc¡sol Sor llotvcvcl,lccoltling to Ilcl' llie tti¡ill ir rli.cltrionici,Lit,l¡,sis ol'tltc gcttti:in the iTLhccl)tllr\/ jls olgllttization l3]' t:llrluclerlislicol tlie llilroc¡ttcvillancico lics irl seqLtcrllial [1()99: 212 I)tt't¡tiL¡tult\'ltt.sit it¡ tl¡t: lLtt:t jurt lli.'tltl, 1150-130() ¡1 li/erun,¡¡¡¡¿.1¡¡,1t¡tlttgitttl sttd.y o.f tltt' lule ITll¡r:t'nltLrt' villunt'ictt 2ll a \'orbalitltcraction betll'ecll a litoflr')ur(l t)'pologicurlunal¡,515 ol'tllc villancicothroLrgh tlie study oi'thc \.vorl(s l)ronoullcclrentscan glvc f iseto all intcr-loctttionltfol)cf, o1'thelirst statenlclltand ol tltc ¡roetut¡rl tllunr¿rturg.losó iiér'cz cic Nlontolo(bor.n,\i1iva, 1627; dicd Cárlrz, scvc¡ulst)ciikofs. l'llis u,ill be strrrlicdllttnt the l)oittto1'\'ic\\/ 161)"1),rN,lonlofo \\,role 20(r villanuicos (thlt is,alnrost hall'liis po0ti0 rvrlr'lis), utal(ing its¡rr¡rle o1'explcssion: intltcratile , intcrrogalivc ancl/ol assctlir¡e.'l'he cali¡' Raloque liirn onc ol'Lhenrosl pLolifrc u,r'itels o1'thc lTth ccutury,logclhcr with lvllrnLrclcle villancicosllares in cf1'ecLcertain cllaraclcristics tl'ith its pollularcotlllterpall ol-the dr¿rnlatic Lctitt Nluttrirrrntc1l(r3 l-80),4 \/icreute Sltnchcz (c. ló43-8Lt)5or Sor Ju¿uralnés clc l5tita¡d 1(rtitccntLrries,suchasaconcise,dl,nanticslylererttirtiscentol''the 'l'hc 'te to questionirlS,t0 thegallant la LllLrz( 16.1l-95)." polynrolphisnro1' thc vill¿Lncicoin this ireliori,o1' u,hiulr sc¡scg1-¡to¡rulaf lyfi0'\\,i1ll its nderlcyto cxciatllaliotr, N4ontolo's\\,o11(s lrc highly lcprcscntative,nurkes any altcurl)t at categorizlLlion conrpliurcnt,to the confiderrtialexchange'lSánchez l{omeralo. 1c)ó9: 262]. Orr the ntiideb1, Sánchez l{otlletaltr rlil'ljcrrlt,an(i inlnlcdilte ly lcatlsnre, likc Álunrr.r'lbrlentc llt)97a'.l, 53], to l)ropoiie¿r othcr lr¿uid,I ri,ill not take into accrounlthe drstinctton doLrblctie finition: thc \/lllaucico usgcirrz, r.r'hicir cmbraces all rvorl<sin thevelrracular lretlvccn1r-e e s1,¡1xx('sintaxis sLrelta', consistillgol- al LtltcoltllcctcdjuxtaPosition), in so far aslhis t'eliesort lrcr'lirlnrctlin a lcligious coutcxt; ¡nc1[he villancrco tts.fonn, which inclLrricsall anclconuectcd synlax ('sintaxrs trabada') 11969: 181-82], I rvill distingursh tlroservorl.s rvhose stnrctL¡r'e is baseclon thc biuary,division o1'r'efiain lcs/ribilhl l¡e inter.nalbirrary arl-icul¿itiono1'a single staterncnt.Sinlilallr', ln bolh arrtlvelscs ltoplusl not per'lbrnrcdby a soioist. It r,voulclsccm ctlLraliypossible to belwectrbipat'tite villancicos arld those that are alticulatedin threesectiolls. achicvea clussilicltiono1'tire vast mqority of'thedi1{elent 1'catules of thispot'tico- tliesc types olu,olks, I u'ill analysetlie mode of explessionin eachof their lirt'mal nlr¡sicaigcnrc by anaiysingthlue asl)ects: a) the nrodeof explessiou(the plesence conrponcnts:introdr-tction, r'cll'ains (cubezas or e.!t'ibi1los)aud verses.
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