
College ln&tructora Named Here The Glenville Mercury Student Newspaper GLENVILLE STATE COLLEGE Publiahed Weekly faculty got a Doctor • • ana amew co~ andl---------------------------------------------------~~------------------------------------~------------------- when the State Volume. 17, No. 13 Glenville, West Virginia, Tueaday, February 19, 1946 Sincle Cop,. S Cenla &DDOUD«d the of Mias Genevieve G. S.C. Hits COLLEGE, TOWN AUDIENCE Mid Navy Lt. Carlos C. Rat­ The Airwaves the faculty Tllumday. PLEASED WITH ONE-ACT Blown,· wbo began wo~ •• aft instructor in Better tara yo... dai.l,- to tM PLAY BY OHNmMGOHOWS set.euce and history, succeed! rad.io lo• aDd loOk for a pro· lta7mond E. iFreed, rHi&<Jed. cram calle• "Ia W..t Vi,..-lola --------·---------------. CoU..ea." DROPPED o~ hundred aDd abr gu- en• reeeiYed tbe A.B. and A.M. ae- joyed three one-aet pla;ra ,preaented trom West Virginia Univer· You mialat ••• "-" :roar English 210, Bible Loterature, was bv th.e Olmlmgoh<>w P1a,.,... In the· 1180 and 1935, and putt· name meatioDed V. W. __.. was drop.ped. from thoe second semester College auditorium Wednada:r - Pb.D. depee in 1N8 at Ohio l7 feataN •FCNUica•t Oftr eis sehedule because of insu.f6cient de-- ning. The pia,_ _.., clkected by Univtl1'8ity, wbez:e she was atatioDa aacl to wlaiclt. aewa fro-. mand, members of the dramatlc:a c:l- aa­ aaist.Dt in histlory for G.S.C, i• •••t _._Jd,.. der the mpenialon of lliaa 0,.1 Previoual:r abe bad tauP,t Aad if 7oa ....... to ..._ it, Vincent, instructor In Speech and in Marshall County high let the Mere...,. lmow alto.t it. Miss Taylor and En<rliab. Pv the .put two ;rears 1'4lse Fra~~Jrl7 we're at lou to bow 4'The Girl From Nowben'', 41• 1IU bene ODPtred n ..-arch the propam laoua. Mr. Newton Cooper f<>r the U.S. gov.......,.ent. rected by Mary K.. Shumate wu Are Married •ery tTUe to life and lrad an ex· Phi_ Beta Klappa, the new in· Miss Bell Releases eellent plot, The charaeter, lllu r 11 alao a member of Kappa I The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ra:r Adamo, which was ~:red by Jaeqae. I fl. Phi A!~h· Theta. and Mor- Tentative List of Taylor in Sutton was the scene of lin Lee Walker, furnillled the a..U. Ratliff succeed& A:F. Robr-, Chapel Programs the weddinl( Feb. 1 of their daught- enoe with many laugba. who _: l not return from a Whetsell Retains er. Miss Lovern Taylor and Mr. Gloria Larson, who was the .,Qhll •C .. t:..u.~ granted in 19-'3, Following is a list of eonvoc::J· Newton Cooper, son of Mr. an~ from Nowhere" -• pla;red by ll'atb­ Mrs. Eric J. Cooper of South Char· ryn Elliott. This eharocter portl'Qied US!.mf" duties as c.oac:h, in· tion proerams to be given this sem­ Coaching Position ln phyoical' edaeatiotl and esteT. Miss Bessie B. Bell, chair· leston. Rev. K.eUey Smith offieioted some of the prohlemo which the eol· of Louie Bennett Ball, as man of the Assembly Committe.•, before an improvised alter of lege girl must face. nlith llandera ca be is releaaed from the se,. Mr. IWllllam Whetsell will Tetaln greenery and lighted candles in the and Joyce Young, pleyed by Marla ,... atates theae dates are. tenatlve. his poaitioD taere aa actinc- coach and Fun and Jo ADtD POTman, were two a former student, etaued Feb. 28. The Rev. Val H:. Wilson . assitant in t>b:raieal edu-wn until oresence of the families and nupt- W(a.lthy snobs. Opal Th&tp, Ia tbe oporta under Coach Bohr- Ma"!'h 7. Rabbi Lesser. March an appointment o.,_r to A.F. ial music was pla;red by Mrs. \u,-. role of Mu. Perkins, the hoiiiCikeep­ 11 direetiou eomiac here after Motion Pieture-.~ Tomorrow" Bobrbclaata is named, It waa learned ustus Hamric of Cla;r. :r, did her utmost to aid the J'DIIIIa at&7et D;,q Urdvenlty from ucational film), shown b:r Dr. heTe. Whetsell is also di.....toT of After an infonntl reception. girl in lldiustlhe beraelf to the 1ft. hllb abool ...._ be was <l. Shreve. March 21 and 28, Mr. Louis Bennett Hall, men'a dcmni· the C<>uple left foT a wedding trip. uation. I . ....lulted Ia tiiU. Be is a former H. X. Ban and llr. Arlan Ben-;r, tory• ll'!!e former Miss Ta:rloT is a The .....,Dd play .,r the .,......., and Wllliama<>n Alaianua. fDetinite day not set) . ~r. WbetaeD, after heine clisearc· graduate of Sutt<>n high 9Chool 1 comed:r, "If Me .Pia:red QuU aDd 11aa pla;rect pro- A.pril 4. Glendon Buri<>n, ed from the U.S. ATm;r Air CoTPO on and both abe and her husband u• 11 W<>men Do," _, directed ..,. b...a.n aeweral Covaty ..,u eonse-tlonist. October 19, imme.iateJ,. .,_, bla gT&dnatee of the College. She is Rele11 Mar1r11 and o11aJma Lou G­ 11, Speeial Pla:r with sllldent dutH. here, In llddit!Qit to f!Diobillc now tea~ in the .Sutton gracle rett. n.., fOIII' cbuuten, lola!. ent. April 18, 9neneer requiremnta f<>r the A.B. d- in .....,oL An alumnus of Glenville Gay JladrR; IBob, IBalo GalfallJ A..,.U 25 tbro,P Ma:r 23, edaeatlo11, bigb acbool, Mr. (looper ia .,. ln· a.oz., Blllla Jladle; 11u1r. a-. u..- pfuaed. Tile pll1l& -* Jlreoi...,. D.L. atnn:ter at S...d l'ork hlP achool. w--; k"P& ..._.....,_ill a ... lltoulllt~--~ .............. --~ ......... ~.-. Mr. Rohrbo.,.. or Mr. illqmond nu. - JfMII!r~ , -.rtl!o"*" a -~ --ed ~ FrMct'1 ReeeMOI'B tor rei..... lllaa Bouie B. Bell, inatTUctor aurd a --·• bric~ce .party 1BQ Pb,Ucal edue&tl<>n elaues 201, in history. bas announ~ed that the eeem to othen 108, az, and 102 are now meet- International Relatione oCla'b baa •Yes ~· No" wbicb wu the Preolileat D. L. Ra,.,t llaa 111&' under llr. W11etaell's ~n. reeieved the f<>liowlllg boob: All· last pia,. .,r lihe e'rninc, wu ....._ qaeRed that oentora caD a meetlnc TIIIIJI did not meet t.he lint week .,C ER>l'CA'S STAK:E IN "R.ITUN'S ed h:r Xatb.,.,. HaD and Blalldlu for flllillf: offlee neanclea •d tHo tMaewaem-. FU'l'UR.E, by Georore Soule; Ger- Fitzpltric:lr, Tbla pJa,o MOWI w wf1at euui.on of eommneement plans. CluMO formerly taqlal b:r Mr. MANY liS OUR PROBLEM, Henry extent a :rou~~~r m.., will 110 te obtdl Dr. Haught stated there Ba:rmond Freed are not meetln• now, M<>rcenthau, Jr. : AMERICA AND mo11e;r, '11ec1c17 La-, Ray Jtllw, two uen:lses this opdnc: the bat will eontbwe wben • new in· THE NoEW WOIR>LD, The Meniek with his groat deoire f<>r monv, aJ. calaUHolte Sermon lllld Commenee­ otrador.m-. LeetUTes, 1U6; 11IIE ATOIIITC moat TUined his fatbor,IWDilaaa law· .,..,t Da:r, :pro'tided aenlora are ln AGE OPENS, Prepand b:r the Ed.- son, William IReDDad, by 110t - &.-or. ltoTB "' Poc:lret Books: THE tJmT. cepting a bnaibeu ~tioD wftb For the past two yean the ED NATIONS IN THE MAKING: T. J. Morgan, Cbar1eo llrdntelb, ad eises have been eombiDed lbeeaue BASI<: DOCIJMENTS, WIOI'ld Peaee lost hla flanc:e, li!dith Merrll, Relea transp<>rtation ditfieultles bTOUght on Foundation. · Cox, de<lpfto the e1forti .,C oMJaa Co'­ Altbouc'h Friday, Feb. & waa the ~b:r the war. lins, Ada K, Wllaon, hla ,...,..... day f<>r chanl!l~ ·~. Dean T.loyd M. Jones, Glenville State secretary. Our Own Adriee: When in doubt Robert T. CrawfOTd: in .., announce- College llroulcial secretary, and Mrs. M.isa Belen Wright, foTmer .tu• •Y nothing. ment the put. week, stated elasas .Tones ~nd child, spent the week-e11d d<Olt, kept early comers to the plq .,._______________ ~--------- I may be dropped 1Ultil Friday, March in Richwood visiting Mr. Jones' entertained with aiYeral _.., .... 8 with..,t a otudent'o reoeeiving a I moth-or. late­ f&UI"'f .,-ado, · leetions untU curtain •ime. At State College Honor Roll mission the audience wu fumillled Afllel' the March 8 deadline Plans and 'PTognLmll a"' lntelli· further eontertaiament by a -.1 Rent aids te llleC<>mplisbment, Te- duet by Carol;rn HaD and V....U.. •P... goOdclasfto reuonmay andotiH wi~be dropp,.dthe D..., for•• -------------------------•I O'Brdless of the ridicule that Ia dir-1 Dena Dlil. were Tbe7 ....,.._ma.t naker, Tanner, SopbomoTO, 18-1.21· permluion, but a faUing .,-.de wUI eeted against I!'OYemmental plan· b:r Miaa Bertha Olsen muaie ~ i4; Talbert N. Bennett, .Philippi, be g!Yen. No uoeptione will be nJng. tor, at the JunioT, 15-2.20-116 ; Mary Jo Ell:r· made from the 'nlfulations, t:he an· .-mo. ' son. Tann•, JwUor, 17,2.18-11.&; nounoement Rated. Robert Dean MuJ'I)hy, Glen'tille, 'Date With 'W_.Va." Shown Sop~ore, n-2.18-16.5; Jlett:r Room and Board Bose Rudman, Glen'tille, Fresh­ In Convocation Thursday man, 16-2.13-18: Boom and l>oard for the four c.nd one-half mODtha of the eeooDd ae-­ Students got a film's.eye Yiew of• 'Gray Barker, Batton. Senior, 18- meoter duo on tbe followinc "A Data W:itb W eat Vircinia" n., West Virginia Thunday momfuc 2.11..19.5; Nina Lee llloore, Glen­ dates, aor.arding to Lloyd Jones, fl.. was p1'0dnced malnJ,o for drawlll• ville, Senior, 18-2.11-19.5; Grace naDCial .,......,., In conyoeation when "A Date With to11rist tTade to the state, bat Holtioaie.
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