CENSUS, 1951 RAJASTHAN AND AJMER DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOO:K NAGAUR PART II-PRIMARY CENSUS A"BSTRACT OR VILLAGE DIRECTORY By Pt. YAMUNA LAL DASHORA, B.A., LL.B., Superintendent of Census Operations, Rajasthan and Ajrner. JODHPUR I PRINTED AT THill GOVB:RNlII:ENT PRESS 1956 LIST OF CONTENTS S. N8. Particulars Page 1 Explanatory Note (i) 2 Definition and Key to Symbols (iii-iv) 3 Part I-Urban Non-City 2- 7 4 Part II-Rural (i) Tehsil Nagaur 8-25 (ii) Tehsil Didwana 26-39 (iii) Tehsil Parbatsar 40-f>1 (iv) Tehsil Nawa 52-59 (v) Tehsil Merta ,.. 60-79 5 List of Unpopulated Villages so 6 List of Hamlets 81 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACTS Explanatory Note These abstracts show figures of population according to eight livelihood c1ass6s for every Wwn an.d Blcn of its ward and each village. They also show the area. of each village ot tnwll and for ea.cb_ villagtt or townward the number of occupied houses, house-holds and literates, mlles and fem\\les s6parately. These abstracts are in essence a village directory with. the data. emibjted according to livelihood classes instea.d of communities as in 1941. Th88e abst;r&c~s h!},ve b Jen prepar0j in two pa.rts: Part I for towns in which all towns of the district ara shown together, arranged alphabetically, the name of tQhsil in . which the town. is sitna.ted being given within brackets aga.inst the name of the town and Part II fOI"' villages, in which the villages have been alTangoo alphabetically for each !ehsil and tehsils are arranged by location code numbers in each district. The information regarding the displ&ood persoruJ ha5 been given &s Hea.d Note on each abstract, for the whole tehsil in the rural and tor the whole district in urba.n abstracts. In column No. 2 the rode number of each village only is given, that of tebsil and district has been given in the Head Note. The area figures given in 0:>1. No. 3 have been obtained from the (Charge Superintendents) Tehsildars, etc. The figures in Cols. Nos. 6, 7, 27 and 28 have been obtained from the abstracts of the Na.tional H.egisters of Citizens prepared' by the enumerators. These registers consist of a tra.nscription of the replie~ to the more important census questions in respect of every person enumerated. Figures of literates according to the tracts, derived from the census slips shown in Ta.ble D. VB, are genera.lly more reliable than the village figures obtained from Na.tional Register.> of Citizens. The census slip, on which the replies to the census questions were recorded, was the main document, the National Registers of Citizens was merely a. copy. Moreover errors seem to have boon committed by the enumerators while preparing the abm-a.cts of National Registers of Citizens. Un-popula.ted villa.ges and hamlets have not been gIven a place in the abstracta. their lists are given at the end. Repeated attempts were made to verify the nam.es of villages through the local officers, and corrections suggested have been embodied so far it was practicable. At the time of this verification certa.in other discrepancies also came to notice, namely (1) confusion in the treatment of hamlet') was observed in ROme cases, (2) certain villages belonging to one tehsil were entered in another one and wice versa, (3) the population figures of villages having similar or common na.mes were wrongly entered, (4) in some cases figures of hamlets were found totalled with the village figures twioo. This resulted in a slight change in total figures. This explains the difference, if any, between the totals of the Primary Census Abstract'1 and those of tables prepared from it before sue h verification. ( iv) II-Cultivators of land whol1y or mainly unowned and their dependants. III Cultivating labourers and their dependants. IV-Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent receivers and th'lir dependants. Persons including dependants who derive their principal means of livelihood from:-·- V-Production other than cultivation. VI - Commerce. VH-Transport. VIII-Other services and miscellaneous sources. N. B.-In most of the Tables, the m{1 class number is only given instead of describing the clast. Gode No.-In the enumeration stage a set of location code numbers was prescribed to identify each inhabited spot whereby tho districts were numbered serially within the State, tehsils within a district and cities, towns and villages within a tehsil.. Similary houses were numbered within a village n nd households within each house. Hamlets wero given sub-numbers under the number of the parent village. Key to Symbols MIL - Means of livelihood. T - Total. R = Rural. U :::;r:::: Urban. P = Persons. M = Males. F = Females. S. D. R. = Sub-Division Rural. U. N. C. = Urban Non-City. Letter "M" when used with the name of a city indicates "Munioipality", letter~ "T. B.", Town Board; "N. A.", Notified Area. ---_ PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OR VILLAGE DIRECTORY 2 THE PRIMARY PART I 1. No. & Name of District-16 NAGAUR. 2. No. of Tract-72. (Urban Non-City) 3. No. of Towns-S. ,-------- I -Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned R '" and their ~.sl Total No. of persons dependant8 Name of Town ~ ~ Number of r--- ___. ______ .A._________ . __-, ..... r---__.A.---v------~- ---.r----..A.-_~ Code No. ~ i£ Occupied House of Town Roman Script Nagri Script E.5 houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females -!!l (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 1 1612/140 DIDWANA TOWN 2 Sq. 2,487 2,810 12,007 6,119 5,88S 116 123 miles Ward No.1 555 615 2,634 1,321 1,313 23 22 Ward No.2 610 655 2,907 1,4.48 1,459 7 4 Ward No.3 651 760 3,258 1,662 1,596 16 7 'Ward No.4 220 255 1,054 556 498 36 47 Ward No.5 451 525 2,104 1,132 1,022 34 43 6/2/5 LADNUN TOWN 8,088 3,721 20,914 10,231 10,683 213 208 Ward No.1 541 687 3,753 1,885 1,868 Ward No.2 552 644 3,607 1,753 1,854 Ward No.3 528 604 3,373 1,704 1,669 109 104 Ward No.4 739 967 5,348 2,557 2,791 14 13 \Yard No.5 697 838 4,666 2,247 2,419 5 Ward No.6 81 31 167 85 82 85 82 3 16/1/140 MANDAWA TOWN '56 Sq. 1,010 1,146 5,759 2,930 2,829 248 223 miles Ward No.1 131 154 798 384 414 Ward No.2 181 201 1,058 518 640 82 69 Ward No.3 99 11i 512 280 232 1 \Yard No.4 200 213 1,079 462 1}17 Ward No.5 251 299 1,512 870 642 17 16 Ward Ko. e 148 162 800 416 384 148 138 « 16}5/55 MERTA TOWN '67 Sq. 1,326 1,672 7,102 3,812 3,290 718 568 miles 'Yard No.1 86 92 392 195 197 115 101 Ward No.2 106 119 643 281 262 78 71 Ward No.3 102 102 452 229 223 44 42 Ward No. 4. 72 72 436 215 220 Ward No.5 139 211 765 404 361 116 76 Ward No.6 103 144 689 386 263 49 Ward No.7 108 140 568 296 272 42 11 Ward No.8 103 112 610 330 280 40 29 Ward No.9 65 106 439 266 173 .. Ward No. 10 97 99 521 270 251 .. Ward No. 11 .~ 81 119 375 213 162 Ward No. 12 108 115 548 287 261 49 59 3 1JBBAN DISPLACED PERSONS 4. Persons-180 5. Males- 113 6. Female8-67 AGBICUL']roRA'L______..A- ________ CLASSES ~ __: ____ , .-___________NON-AGRICULTURAL.--A.. ___ .;.:.;._. __ .......;,;__CLASSES _____ , IV-Non-cultiva· Pet'SOns (including dependants) who derive their principal means of U-Gulti.v.a.tors HI-Cultivating ting· owners of . livelihood from of land wholly or labourers land; agricultuml r _.A.-_____________~ mainly unbWlied and their rent receiwtl V-Productioti VI-Comrilerce VII-Transpor. VIII'-Other and their dependantd and their other than services and dependants dependants cultivation miscellaneous sources Literates 0 r:-- _..A.. ---'C--_.A----'r:--.A---, r::~..J-._'r:--..A..---_'r: ___ LA. __,. __ -A. ___,. ___ -,,-___, Z ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 00 (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (IB) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1) 1,086 927 1 1 , 16 1,094 1,188 1,129 1,145 168 14,4 2,530 !,395 3,782 6U 46 35 1 1 4 %22 215 339 360 103 80 586 607 1,255 110 25 33 ( 11 164 186 394 390 13 21 841 814 1,351 225 494 433 1 823 343 277 283 20 23 532 506 951 225 85 29 76 83 68 76 22 20 270 244 215 60 436 397 310 311 61 47 301 224 10 ,0 c 997 984 21i 19 1 2,429 !,429 2,301 2,424 1.' 101 4,069 4,438 2,7 1 1,098 2, 37 38 921 1)49 409 387 tlo 4,)4 67 461 266 8 404 369 7 6 252 2i6 512 573 3. 44 539 607 611 351 377 386 3 1 1 350 311 215 228 68 53 591 586 342 32 134 134 16 12 324, 416 701 846 32 34 1,334 1,336 6S1 251 45 37 682 498 461 390 10 10 1,144 1,475 R63 456 ..
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