MASON, MICHIGAN. THUESDAY, OCTOBER 2,1890. VOL. XV. NO. 40 LOCAL ANTD GEWEBAL WEWS. If you need an overcoat this fall, go and Big bargains in underwear at Marcus Ladies' all wool seamleas woolen hose, see Hall & Bates, at the Model, they can Gregor's, * only 25c, at M. Gregor's. * please and fit yon. ' * Leaves are hejfinning to leave. Laat Thursday evening the friends and DeForest C. Collar, a M. C. brakeman. 30 Ford'sBazaar We desir« to say to all those contemplat• neighbors of Dr. and Mrs. Kipp of Vevay, years of age, had his left hand and wrist Next terra of circuit court at Lansing ing matrimony, that the Democrat office to the number of about GO,exlended them a mashed to a pulp at 12 o'clock Tuesday Oct. 20th. has a very fine line of wedding invitations surprise. They were presented with a wafer while hurriedly coupling cars on freight /A Bunkerhill townahip haa four froi and announcements. set and caster, M. A. Bement made the train No. 85, northward bound. He was GROCERY- evaporators. presentation in a few well.timed remarks. taken to the hospital, and Wednesday Drs Lost last Saturday upon the streets in Shank nnd Hyatt amputated hia forearm Geo. .Miller of Delhi, shows us an egg the eastern port of this city a pin with a The industrial party of Ingham county the middle. Collar has a wife and child at gold dollar attached- The finder will please measuring TgxC.j. will hold a basket picnic and mass meeting Stockbridge, but he takes his misfortune leave nt the postoflice. at the fair ground in this city, Friday, Oct. stoically,—State Republican, We have the Most Complete Line of Races for ne.xt Saturday declared off. 10th._ Addresses by Hon. B. H. Belden, Entries did not fill. Annie M., widow of Chas. A, Perry, of candidate for governor, and Judge A. B. thia city, has been granted an original J. M, McComb of Vevay, recently show Cole of Livingston county. Everybody is ed us two mammoth ears of corn. They We will soon have in our A new line of dress trimminga just re pension. This is right, as Chorlie was a invited. were of the yellow dent variety. One of ceived at M. Gregor's. good nnd loyal soldier. NEW GOODS, which will Groceries and tbe eora waa llj inchea long, with 16 rows Ford & Kirby are papering the interior Judge Arthur E. Cole ol Livingston The Stockbridge Tidines is very much from 52 to 54 kernels to the row. Th of their store this week. county, was nominated for congreasman comprise many new and. elated because the Grand Trunk Co, has other viia 11 inches long, 14 rows an for the sixth district by the Industrial con furnished new curtains und spittoons for kernels numbering from 49 to 52. The Chtts. Roberts has moved into the A. - Provisions vention at Lansing lost Thursday. Mr. staple articles. the depot nt that place. corn waa drilled in, stalks about 11 feet DuBois house on Ash street. Cole refused to accept but the nomination high two ears to the stalk. Mr, McComb says was forced upon him ond the convention During the Encampment Six o'clock teas are becoming very popu The regular annual meeting of the official In the City, and at a large part ot the field will run 125 board of the Ladies' Library Association adjourned. lar among the ladies of this city. bushels per acre. will be held at their rooms next Saturday next week our store will he .Toy Calkins has been selected by the re Remember the reunion in this city Tuea afternoon. Be present. Yesterday morning John W, Ferguso publican committee of Jackaon county to headquarters for the old day and Wednesday of next week. took possesaion of the American house make the run for prosecuting attorney npon All persons indebted to me are requested under a lease for five years. This house EES! CE The Leslie Local "devil" eats pears that to call and settle at once. 1 must have the that ticket, vice C. H. Smith, the regular comrades and their tamilies. mm has been renovated all through, neatly conveniion nominee, who declined to run. weigh twelve ounces at one mouthful. money. C. F. Brown. papered itnd painted in fact almost on en Jay will have to stick his calks in if he Come and see us, maka tirely new building made out of it. Mr. First class Bessemer coal stove and The second election of officers (or the wants to be elected. Ferguson has been proprietor of this house TRY OUR TEAS! cook stove for sale cheap. C. F, Brow.v grainmar school paper, (Onr Star) are as yourselves at home, and en• lollows : Editor, Floyd Cady j assistant Hon. A. S. Partridge, prohibition, before and knows how a hotel should be Eighty acre farm and horses for sale editor, Willie Ferguson. candidate for governor, and Rev. kept. The barn has been thoroughly re joy life all you can. They are tlie Best in the City paired and he will run a feed barn in eon See notice in our business local column. J. W. Reid, chairman of the prohibition The ladies' aid society of Etchells' will state central committee, will apeak at nection. Terms $1.00 per day. Respectfully, J. A. Bullen has started a dryer at Holt hold a pink tea social ot the residence of Dansville next Thursday afternoon at two Koapectfally, making the sixth that he is now running Wallace Taylor, Friday evening, Oct. 10th, o'clock. At the court house in Maaon in New fall millinery at Mrs, J. C, Kimmels Refreshment8, pie nnd cake, , the evening at 7:30 o'clock. FORD & KIRBY. Sheriff Bates and Under Sheriff Abel W. M. PEATT. Quarterly communion services at th Presbyterian chnrch next Sunday morning, Justice Hnmmcnd issued a warrant yes• of Lansing, were in tbe city to day looking Just received at Mrs. J. C. Kiminel'a the terday for James Opdyke, charged with tor a thief who stole a boy mustang pony finest line of fall millinery in the city. Rev. George S. Hicltey has been appoint• assault upon Oscar Moore, who hod worked and top buggy in that city Saturday night. Call and inspect it. * ed presiding elder nf the LAOsing district for Jim. and wanted his pay. The pony is blind in one eye, and has the Robert Oliver was tried for assault and letters C. J. J. branded on the side. The Geo. Hoskins has been appointed D., L Dr, W, W, Root and Geo. H. Lockhart Jnfita battery upon Bion Harper in Justice buggy is a top one with jump seat.—Jack Coinilg Democrat & N. agent at Okemos in place of C. H, address the prohibitioaists at Okemos to• Purkhurst's court laat Monday He was son Evening Courier. Hold on there, Bro Carr. Published every Thuraday morrow evening. Rev. Lockhart at the fined §10 or 20 days in jail. The fine was Courier, E, S. Bates has not received the by For latest styles, best assortment nnd Whipple school houne Oct. 6th. paid. Mrs. Oliver, implicated in tbe same nomination much less the election for W. L. CI-AKK & CO., right prices in neckware, call on Hall & sheriff. Detective Abela, pleose,instead of Very low rates from oil stotions every offense, was discharged by order of Prose• Bates. * cutor Day. under sheriff'. MABON, iriaaioAN. Tuesday, commencing Sept, 9th. to Chicago exposition, *tf James Walsh of this city, is manufnclur .Tohn A. Seymour, aged 5G, of Waterioo, JUICES : There will be an auction sale of horses Tlirso ing mattresses for 0. K. Brownell of Stock Jackson county, and Mrs. Rachel M. Hall, 0ns Year,!I.so ; Six moniha, 75 aenia; Ljdies, you will find everything new in at tbe late residence of Wm. Somerville, months,40 oenli. bridge. aged 44, of Bunkerhill. becoming tired of millinery at Misa Harrington's, *wl deceaaed, three and one-hall miles north Bee Hive single blessedness, were joined in wedlock The attendance at the Stockbridge fair west of Mason, on Saturday, October 11th J. B. Nichols won a $25 silver medal for by Justice Palmer, at Jackson, last Mon is Bwelled by the faithful and ever pleasant 1890, commencing at one o'clock p. m Offlclal Directory. the best total average at tbe shooting day, Between them they own 580 acres of politician. sharp. Twenty-two head western horses tournament in Lansing last week. He alao good farm land. SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS. three and four years old. All are baiter Before purchasing elsewhere look over Moderator J. T. CiMPnti.I. had the best first day's averaee. broken, nnd a number are well broken to TRY OUR piroctor E. N. BnowN tho fine line ol fall millinery at Mrs. .1. A commercial drummer was flim-flamed C. W. YanSivkii During winter, commencing with next drive. Terms of sale: Six months' time Assessor Kimmel's. out of $500 in a Lansing saloon one day C. 0. Pitch on good approved notes bearing C per cent Sunday, services in all the churches lost week. It was not money but a lottery J.C. Cannon Trnatoeal interest. Four per cent, discount for cash. Democratic nominating convention will begin at seven in the evening, instead ticket which he had not had cashed. Lan• this city to-morrow. Republican the fol of half post .seven, as heretofore. sing saloons aro a bad locality for verdant W. H. Gleason. TEAS! county officers. lowing day.
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