LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES Executor: William A. Houck, Notice is hereby given that, in the 7307 Northgate Dr., Slatington, estates of the decedents set forth below, PA 18080. the Register of Wills has granted letters Attorneys: Ford Law Office LLC, testamentary or of administration to 645 Hamilton Street, Suite 520, the persons named. Notice is also Allentown, PA 18101. hereby given of the existence of the trusts of the deceased settlors set forth Keller, Mary L. a/k/a Mary Lar- below for whom no personal represen- son Keller, dec’d. tatives have been appointed within 90 Late of Emmaus. days of death. All persons having Executrix: Cheryl Keller Capri claims or demands against said estates c/o Noonan Law Office, 526 or trusts are requested to make known Walnut Street, Allentown, PA the same, and all persons indebted to 18101-2394. said estates or trusts are requested to Attorneys: Noonan Law Office, make payment, without delay, to the 526 Walnut Street, Allentown, executors or administrators or trustees PA 18101-2394. or to their attorneys named below. Lewis, John L., dec’d. FIRST PUBLICATION Late of 2244 Walbert Avenue, Allentown. Fried, Ellen L., dec’d. Executrix: Anita M. Ambler c/o Late of the Township of North Linda S. Luther-Veno, Esquire, Whitehall. 2204 Walbert Avenue, Allen- Executrices: Amanda Fried and town, PA 18104. Jane Grace c/o Norris, Mc- Attorney: Linda S. Luther-Veno, Laughlin & Marcus, P.A., 515 Esquire, 2204 Walbert Avenue, West Hamilton Street, Suite Allentown, PA 18104. 502, Allentown, PA 18101. Attorneys: Judith A. Harris, Marsteller, Claire M., dec’d. Esquire, Norris, McLaughlin & Late of Allentown. Marcus, P.A., 515 West Hamil- Executor: Michael F. Marsteller, ton Street, Suite 502, Allen- 1823 Helen Ave., Allentown, PA town, PA 18101. 18104. Glogowski, Helen, dec’d. Martinko, Peter J., dec’d. Late of Whitehall. Late of 2956 Forest Drive, Up- Executrix: Shirley C. Hunsicker per Saucon Township. c/o Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, Executrix: Susan Martinko, P.C., 4001 Schoolhouse Lane, 1417 Madison Avenue, Bethle- P.O. Box 219, Center Valley, PA hem, PA 18018. 18034-0219. Attorney: Cynthia Ann Dyrda Attorneys: Fitzpatrick Lentz & Hatton, Esquire, 442 Mahoning Bubba, P.C., 4001 Schoolhouse Street, P.O. Box 119, Lehighton, Lane, P.O. Box 219, Center Val- PA 18235. ley, PA 18034-0219. McDonald, Dorothy M., dec’d. Houck, Lorraine P. a/k/a Lor- Late of Allentown. raine Phyllis Houck, dec’d. Executors: Kerry M. McDonald, Late of Allentown City. 705 Harrison St., Emmaus, PA 16 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL 18049-2210 and Connie H. SECOND PUBLICATION Polaha, 1129 Lichtenwalner Ave., Allentown, PA 18103. Edwards, June S. a/k/a June Edwards a/k/a June L. Ed- wards, dec’d. Miller, Robert Andrew a/k/a Late of Allentown. dec’d. Robert A. Miller, Executrix: Janice L. James c/o Late of Lower Macungie Town- The Roth Law Firm, 123 North ship. Fifth Street, Allentown, PA Executor: Andrew Miller c/o 18102. Douglas J. Tkacik, Esquire, 18 Attorneys: Robert B. Roth, Es- East Market Street, Bethlehem, quire, The Roth Law Firm, 123 PA 18018. North Fifth Street, Allentown, Attorney: Douglas J. Tkacik, PA 18102. Esquire, 18 East Market Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018. Frank, Jeffrey E., dec’d. Late of 5018 Spruce Street, Morth, Virginia A. Fedder a/k/a Schnecksville. Virginia A. Morth, dec’d. Personal Representative: James Late of Whitehall City/Borough. W. Frank c/o Thomas A. Cape- Administratrix: Wendy J. Ash- hart, Esq., Gross McGinley, by, Esq., 314 West Broad St., LLP, 33 S. 7th Street, P.O. Box Suite 118, Quakertown, PA 4060, Allentown, PA 18105- 18951. 4060. Attorney: Wendy J. Ashby, Esq., Attorneys: Thomas A. Capehart, 314 West Broad St., Suite 118, Esq., Gross McGinley, LLP, 33 Quakertown, PA 18951. S. 7th Street, P.O. Box 4060, Allentown, PA 18105-4060. Rai, Ahmad, dec’d. Late of Emmaus. Garcia, Miguel Almonte, dec’d. Administrator: Mohammad Ali Late of Allentown City. Khoshnevisan, 130 Elfreths Aly, Administratrix: Merarda Garcia- Philadelphia, PA 19106. Minalla, 227 North 15th Street, Allentown, PA 18102. Reeser, Constance L., dec’d. Attorney: Thomas More Hol- Late of Whitehall. land, Esquire, 1522 Locust Executrix: Barbara Miller, 5144 Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102. 2nd Street, Whitehall, PA 18052-1847. Genther, Barbara a/k/a Barbara J. Genther, dec’d. Scruggs, William M. a/k/a Wil- Late of Emmaus. liam Scruggs, dec’d. Executor: Dale Genther c/o Late of Macungie. Emily A. Zettlemoyer, Esquire, Executor: Dean Titus c/o Rob- Zettlemoyer Law Office, LLP, 53 ert N. Rust, III, Esquire, 4461 North 3rd Street, Emmaus, PA Kohler Drive, Allentown, PA 18049. 18103. Attorneys: Emily A. Zettlemoy- Attorney: Robert N. Rust, III, er, Esquire, Zettlemoyer Law Esquire, 4461 Kohler Drive, Al- Office, LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, lentown, PA 18103. Emmaus, PA 18049. 17 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Hauze, Dolores J., dec’d. McKee, Catherine B., dec’d. Late of Salisbury Township. Late of Whitehall. Co-Administratrices: Diane Executrix: Vickie Becan c/o Miller and Denise Mazar c/o David M. Roth, Esquire, 123 Jon A. Swartz, Esquire, Swartz North Fifth Street, Allentown, & Associates, 7736 Main Street, PA 18102. Fogelsville, PA 18051. Attorney: David M. Roth, Es- Attorneys: Jon A. Swartz, Es- quire, 123 North Fifth Street, quire, Swartz & Associates, Allentown, PA 18102. 7736 Main Street, Fogelsville, PA 18051. Minnich, Pauline A., dec’d. Late of Whitehall. Herrmann, Paul E., dec’d. Executor: Jack L. Minnich c/o Late of Allentown. The Roth Law Firm, 123 North Executrix: Elisabeth M. Herr- Fifth Street, Allentown, PA mann c/o Emily A. Zettlemoyer, 18102. Esquire, Zettlemoyer Law Of- Attorneys: Robert B. Roth, Es- fice, LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, quire, The Roth Law Firm, 123 Emmaus, PA 18049. North Fifth Street, Allentown, Attorneys: Emily A. Zettlemoy- PA 18102. er, Esquire, Zettlemoyer Law Office, LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, Parr, Robert C., Sr., dec’d. Emmaus, PA 18049. Late of the City of Allentown. Administrators: Debra E. Kras- ley and Steven M. Parr. Hickey, Anne Walker a/k/a Attorneys: Joseph J. Piperato, dec’d. Anne W. Hickey, III, Esquire, Piperato Law Office, Late of Lower Macungie Town- LLC, 3894 Courtney Street, ship. Suite 105, Bethlehem, PA Administrator: Kevin Joseph 18017, (610) 625-3878. Hickey, 1374 Howard Lane, Easton, PA 18045. Schmoyer, June F., dec’d. Late of Allentown City. Hickey, Thomas Joseph, dec’d. Trustees: Dorothy J. Schmoyer Late of Lower Macungie Town- and Miriam L. Sterner, 2838 ship. Elm Court, Allentown, PA Executor: Kevin Joseph Hickey, 18103. 1374 Howard Lane, Easton, PA Attorney: David A. Peckman, 18045. Esquire, 29 Mainland Road, Harleysville, PA 19438. Kratz, Paul a/k/a Paul E. Kratz a/k/a Paul E. Kratz, Sr., dec’d. Schultz, Richard D., dec’d. Late of Emmaus. Late of Allentown. Executrix: Donna Poling c/o Administratrix: Sandra L. Gill Emily A. Zettlemoyer, Esquire, c/o Law Office of Michael Zettlemoyer Law Office, LLP, 53 Prokup, 2030 West Tilghman North 3rd Street, Emmaus, PA Street, Suite 201, Allentown, PA 18049. 18104. Attorneys: Emily A. Zettlemoy- Attorney: Michael Prokup, Es- er, Esquire, Zettlemoyer Law quire, 2030 West Tilghman Office, LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, Street, Suite 201, Allentown, PA Emmaus, PA 18049. 18104. 18 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL THIRD PUBLICATION Administrator: Robert A. Heinly, Jr. c/o Daniel K. McCarthy, Catts, Jean R., dec’d. Esquire, Davison & McCarthy, Late of the Township of White- P.C., Two City Center, 645 hall, Whitehall. Hamilton Street, Suite 510, Al- Administrator: John G. Zim- lentown, PA 18101. merman, 3665 Lehigh Street, Attorneys: Daniel K. McCarthy, Whitehall, PA 18052. Esquire, Davison & McCarthy, Attorneys: Neil D. Ettinger, Es- P.C., Two City Center, 645 quire, Ettinger & Associates, Hamilton Street, Suite 510, Al- LLC, Peachtree Office Plaza, lentown, PA 18101. 1815 Schadt Avenue, Ste. #4, Whitehall, PA 18052. Hoffman, Sheldon R., dec’d. Late of 1616 W. Liberty Street, Dalla Palu, Mary, dec’d. #704, City of Allentown. Late of Salisbury. Administrator: Larry R. Roth, Executrix: Linda M. Antonow Esquire, The Roth Law Firm, c/o Edward H. Butz, Esq., 1620 123 North Fifth Street, Allen- Pond Road, Suite 200, Allen- town, PA 18102. town, PA 18104. Attorneys: Larry R. Roth, Es- Attorney: Edward H. Butz, Esq., quire, The Roth Law Firm, 123 1620 Pond Road, Suite 200, North Fifth Street, Allentown, Allentown, PA 18104, Phone: PA 18102. (610) 530-2700, Direct: (610) 530-2702, E-mail: Jaggers, Frances M., dec’d. [email protected]. Late of Slatington Borough. Administratrix: Ashley F. So- Fatzinger, Rose M. a/k/a Rose kolowski c/o David J. Ceraul, Fatzinger, dec’d. Esquire, 22 Market Street, Late of Alburtis. Bangor, PA 18013. Executors: Joseph Fatzinger Attorney: David J. Ceraul, Es- and Rosemary Hoch c/o John quire, 22 Market Street, Ban- O. Stover, Jr., Esquire, 537 gor, PA 18013. Chestnut Street, Emmaus, PA 18049. Keller, David J., dec’d. Attorney: John O. Stover, Jr., Late of Allentown. Esquire, 537 Chestnut Street, Executor: John J. Zettlemoyer, Emmaus, PA 18049. Esquire c/o Emily A. Zettle- moyer, Esquire, Zettlemoyer Goida, John F., dec’d. Law Office, LLP, 53 North 3rd Late of Coplay. Street, Emmaus, PA 18049. Administrator: Daniel P. Sa- Attorneys: Emily A. Zettlemoy- betti, 224 West Broad Street, er, Esquire, Zettlemoyer Law Bethlehem, PA 18018. Office, LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, Attorney: Daniel P. Sabetti, Emmaus, PA 18049. Esquire, 224 West Broad Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018. Korpics, Margaret Rose, dec’d. Late of Bethlehem. Heinly, Robert A. a/k/a Robert Executrix: Barbara M. Weaver Alton Heinly, dec’d. c/o William W. Matz, Jr., Es- Late of South Whitehall Town- quire, 211 W.
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