DOCUMENT RES7.WE ED 075 600 VT 019 822 TITLE Occupational Rehabilitation and Placement of the Disabled. INSTITUTION Centre for InZormaiion and Documentation of the European Communities (CID), Luxembourg. PUB DATE Sep 71 NOTE 519p.; Proceedin(T:1; of the 73uropean Symposium on Occupational Reh,bilitation and Placement of the Disabled (Luxembourg, May 24-26, 1971) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$19,74 DESCRIPTORS Job Placement; Medical Services; *Occupational Therapy; *Physically Handicapped; Public Policy; *Rehabilitation Programs; Sheltered Workshops; Symposia; *Vocational Rehabilitation; *Vocational Training Centers IDENTIFIERS Europe ABSTRACT The proceedings of the European Symposium on Occupational Rehnhititation and Placement of the Disabled present a general sur,,ey of the problem of reintegrating disabled persons into working life. Memr countries agreed that men and women must be rehabilitated as attach as possible rather than pensioned off prematurely. To ac,:omplish this the labor market must be opened to the disabled and kept open. The document includes addresses and discussions on the role of medicine in rehabilitation, occupational rehabilitation and training, job placement and adjustment in normal and protected working conditions, and points of view of the disabled, employers, and others. It was felt essential to find a link between the medical and vocational stages of rehabilitation and to coordinate the complete process so that the disabled may have a chance of success. The material collected at the symposium should assist the members of the Commission of the European Communities to work out on the political level a program to rehabilitate and employ the disabled. Formation of a permanent body of scientific and government experts, employers, workers, and disabled persons was recommended to develop methods and means. (MF) FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLE COPY COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES O C.7 LCN C) OCCUPATIONAL REHABILITATION AND PLACEMENT OF THE DISABLED European Symposium Luxemburg, 24th-26th May 1971 COMMISSION OF THE EUROPi:AN COMMUNITIES Proceedings of the European Symposium on OCCUPATIONAL REHABILITATION AND PLACEMENT OF THE DISABLED Luxemburg, 24th-26th May 1971 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE Of EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS SEEN REPRO- DUCED EX4.CTLYAsRECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG- INATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU- CATION POSITION OR POLICY General Directorate "Social Affairs' Edited by the Directorate General for "Dissemination of Information" Centre for Information and Documentation CID Luxemburg, September 1971 EUR 4720 d, f, i, n, e NOTICE REMARK The Commission of the European Com- Inpreparingtheproceedingsofthe munities is not responsible for the use which Symposium, the organisers opted for speed could be made of the information presented in the printing and distribution rather than in this document. linguistic perfection in the translations. The reader is therefore asked to excuse any imperfections he may encounter in the text, The problem of reintegrating disabled people intoworking life is one which has many psychological, medical, economicand social aspects. Are resettlement opportunities available to r,11 disabledpeople? Which of the methods currently practised are most suitable? Whatcooperation can be organised between the Member Countries and Institutionsof the Community in this field ? The European Symposium on :Occupational Rehabilitationand Place- ment of the Disabled has attempted togive an answer to thoe questions, and these Proceedings which I have the honour ofpresenting give a general sur- vey of the present state of theproblem. It will provide good reference mate- rial for doctors, psychologists, economists,politicians and all those who are interested in or contribute to the development ofEuropean social policy. Albert COPPE Member of the Commission responsible for Social Affaits This conference was under the patronageof: Messrs. W. ARENDT Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, German Federal Republic W. BEHRENDT President of the European Parliament A. BORSCHETTE Member of the Commission of the Euro- pean Communities R. BOULIN French Minister of Public Health and So- cial Security A. COPPt Member of the commission of the European Communities P. DE PAEPE Belgian Minister of Social Welfare DONAT CATTIN ItalianMinister of Labour and Social Welflre J. DUPONG Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Luxemburg Miss C. FLESCH Burgomaster of the City of Luxemburg Messrs. J. FONTANET French Minister of Labour, Employment and Population W.C. JENKS DirectorGeneralof theInternational Labour Organisation L.A. KAPRIO Regional Director, World Health Organi- sation R. LECOURT President of the Court of Justice of the Eu- ropean Communities L. MAJOR Belgian Minister of Employment and La- bour F.M.MALPATTI President of the Commission of the Euro- pean Communities J.REGNIERS President of the International Society for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled B. ROOLVINK Netherlands Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health L. TONC1C-SORINJ Secretary-General of the Council of Europa P. WERNER. Minister of State, President of the Luxem- bourg Government /5 TABLE OF CONTENTS INAUGURAL SESSION 24 May 10.30- 12.1:: Welcoming addresses: G. GERUNDINI 11 - C. FLESCH 12 A. COPPE 13 P. HOUSSA 20 N. COOPER 21 0. MESSER 22 A. DASSBACH 28 P.J. TREVETHAN 31 F. VINCK 34 U. VIDALI 35 PREPARATION OF THEDISABLED FOR PLACEMENT 24 May 15.00- 16.15 K.A. JOCHHEIM, R. NOESEN From the concept of total disablement tothat of a handicap 45 Discussion 60 16.30- 18.30 G. GERUNDINI, P. HoussA The present role of medecine in rehabilitation . 63 A. CAHEN, L. PIERQUIN, A. STORM Occupational rehabilitation 79 Discussion 113 25 May 9.00- 10.30 W. BOLL, M. MUTTERER Occupational training of the disabled 131 Discussion 154 PLACEMENT 11.00- 12.30 A. MARON, G.M.J. VELDKAMP Legislation of the Member-Coutries of theEuropean Communities 167 Discussion 221 7 15.00- 16.30 G. Duaar, F. MIROT, A. SALMON Placement and adjustment in a normal factory: practi- cal aspects 237 Discussion 270 17.00 - 18.30 A.H. HEERING, P. LENNICi Placement and adjustment in protected working con- ditions 277 Discuss? n 303 POINTS OF VIEW 26 May 9.00- 11.00 E GLOMBIG Point of view of the disabled 311 R. BALNIE, R. WEBER Point of view of the employers 340 A. BORSTLAP, J. DE GENDT Point of view of workers 347 11.30- 12.30 H. BASTENIER, J. GODARD Point of view of industrial medicine 370 Discussion 395 CLOSING SESSION ROUND TABLE 14.30- 16.45 N. ACTON Introduction 423 P. HoussA Synopsis on "Preparation for placement" . 427 M. HOFRICHTER Synopsis on "Placement" 433 G.J. VELDKAMP Synopsis on "Points of view" 440 F. VINCK Closing address 450 ANNEXES 1. Organizing Committee 459 2. Participants 461 3. Preliminary document: The occupational rehabilitation and place- ment of the disabled 491 4. Document prepared by the participants for the final session . 513 5. Alphabetic list of authors 525 INAUGURAL SESSION Chairman: Mr. A. COPPE Member of the Commission of the European Communi- ties - G. GERUNDINI, Member of the OrganisingCommittee Sir, In December 1970, you sent an extremely important letter to some fifteen people, doctors and educationalists in the field of rehabilitation, and to trade unionists and politi- cians. In it you said that: The Commission of the European Communities intended to take positive action to encourage the rehabilitation and social reintegration of the disabled and considered that priority should be given to solving the problem of pro- viding the disabled with concrete possibilities of employment, in activities which were both useful and remunerative; The Commission of the European Communities considered it neccasary for there to be an exchange of practical ex- periences in this field as soon as possible, and for this purpose was organising a European colloquium open all competent persons interested in this problem; To prepare for this colloquium, the Commission of the European Communities wished to avail itself of the opinions and cooperation of an organising committee, and the addressees of your letter, Sir, were invited to participate on it. I believe that I can stet: that all the addressees re- plied in the affirmative. The organising committee consequent- ly met in December, February and March, under the chairman- ship of Mr. VINCK, the Director General of Social Affairs of the Commission. These three meetings dealt with the critical aspects of rehabilitation, the practical difficulties which would have to be cleared up during the colloquium, the ap- pointment of experts to present the papers, and the catego- riee of persons to be informed in order to secure their par- ticipation. The organising committee is happy and proud to have completely accomplished the task entrusted to it: you, Sir, have in your hands a programme; the speakers are present; srTeral hundred people have registers'. The work of prepara- tion is over; the "colloquium" can begin. May I first of all, on behalf of all my colleagues on the organising committee, thank the Commission of the Euro- pean Communities, you, Sir, and Mr. VINCE, who wished this colloquium to take place and played an important part in its practical organisation, and lastly, the Services of the Com- mission, which worked so hard to make today's meeting possible. On behalf of my colleagues, may I also express the wish that this colloquium may really be a point of departure for new action on a Community basis, carried
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