PAGEJBECTEEN MONDAY, JULY 15, 1,987* HlaitdTP^fr iEuftting Bloodmobile Visits Center Church Tomorrow--1:45 to 6:30 p . ni, Members of the Auxiliary to An­ Moss and Ladder;,. Co., No. 1, ►ut Town derson Shea Post, No. 3048. VPW, SMPD, will hold its monthly meetr Brae Marr (^inp. In Debut Tonight Walther Leaguers who are planning to go on„Uie Ing,tomorrow night at 8 o'clock In mystery ride on July 33, should the firehouse.. To Make Awards • DRS. EDMOND R. ZAGLIO Average Daily Net Preea Run -ManehMter L>odg« fo Blkn will make reservations before Tiiursday Plan Beach Outing For the Work Rndod The Weather ‘ conduct • ritual at the W. P. with either Mrs. Viola Turkshol or Juua 8, 1957 Quiah Funeral Home tonight for Parents and friends of campers and ANDREW H. THOMAS Foreeaat af U. S. Waathar itareM Mrs. Laura Ecabert. after 5:30 p.m. The Ui members of the Wsllher. ■ 8 the late Joaeph B. Kulas, who wa* Those going on the ride will meet have been inWted to attend the League of Zion' Lutheran Church. a member, OAcera and members at the post home at 8 p.m. Court Cases presentation o f awards and Camp­ •Ipng . with ' their counselors, are Announe ths Association of- 12,540 Clehr, «»ol agala tonight. Law o f the Bike will meet at the Elka fire Program Thursday at 7 p.m. planning an all day beach outing 'Rome at 7:30. at the camp on second Bolton Maaibcr «f 'the Audit 111 mid 88a. Runny, dry Wednea- A. William Astley of this town on Tuesday, at Meig's Point State" Burcui of CIreiiUtiou day. High aear 80. Is director, of "Lady iq the Dark," Two men were each fined $101 Lake. Park, which wi. be climaxed by DR. PETER B. CRAM Aw'ards will be presrnt«d for Manchester-— A City o f Village Charm Army Specialist 3.C. Anthony I which will open tomorrow for a 2- m Town Court this morning by i a steak cook-out. ^ G. nano, son of Mr. and Mrs. An- I week run at Oval in the Grove, showing competence in archery, They will meet at the church, In the Practice of Orthopedic Surgery ^ ^ thony Plano; Birch Mt. Rd„ recent- Farmington. Deputy Judge Jules Karp on swimming, boating, camping, arts leaving by-private cars at about VOL. L XXVI, NO. 243 (FOURTEEN PAGES) *1 ly completed instructor training in charges of drivUig while under the and crafts, singing: drsmsUcs and 9:50 B.m. 12 MYRTLK STREET — MANCHESTER. CONN. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 16. 1957 (Oteaaiflrd Advertiaing an^Paga 13) PRICE FIVE CENTS diemical, blolotfcal and radlolbgi- influence of Into-Xica^lnj; liquor. other areas. Mrs. Jsssit Sweet, 40 N. Sch($bl An area at Meig's Point has mArn i cal warfare while serving with the St.. It convalescing at the laurel Leonard Slebcrt, 2i, of Hart­ Itocal campers at Brae Marr been reserved for the group so 34th Infantry Division in Korea. are: Manor Convalescent Home, ford, was also sentenced to 30 I that games ma.\ be enjoyed He is regularly assigned as a squad Etra Auerback, 73iomas Ban- I throughout the day. leader .in Oo. C of the division's days in jail, which Was auapend- ever, Cynthia Barnes, Linda Bay­ Sharp Taderl 34th Regiment. Manchester Emblem Club,. No. ed. Judge Karp added the Jail er. Joaeph Bemardi. Carolyn Bes- 56 on KLM Plane 251, is planning to bold a mid­ sentence when Slebert faid he waa ser, Steven Boris, Joseph Cataldl,; summer dinner dance Aug. 24 at Traps Miss Carolyn Ruth Johnson, 43 unable to pay the fine Immediate­ Heidi Cole, Wayne polombaro, ■ [imself the Ro.semount Restaurant, Bolton. ly. Judge Karp gave Slebert'60 Richard. Lynn and Carol Denni­ Personal Notices Holl St, has been awrarded a Board The dinner will be catered by of Trustees half-tuition grant at j days to pay or the Jail sentence son. Jonathan Ellis. Mary Gara- Believed Dead in 'Valley Pordt, Pa., July 16 i>Pi Hits Justice Warren, Pagan! Caterers, and decorations would be invoked. venta. Gall Geromiller, Sii.san and tipsala College for the 1657-58 will follow the Hawaiian theme. Card of Thank.s —David E le^ a n thought he had. academic year. Shd will begin her William McKepna. 47, of , 23 Carol Giddings. Susan Goldberg, W» wish 10 thank >11 our rrlailvrs Only Naw Design Hodeu* first yon tbs made a goM trade for a pair of Anyone wishing to make reserva­ Cheryl Hamilton, Siisan and Ellen freshinan year at the college in tions may call Mrs. Harold Centerfleld St., pleaded guilty to friends, and neighbors for their ex- Inxnry . the gentleness of ths tabris handcuffa jat the Boy Scout Jam­ the same charge and also waa Harrison. Steven end Nancy H er-: resslons of sympathy, flowers and boree hem until he tried to get September. Burnett, Mrs. Donald Jorgenson, [asses at the time of the loss pf our New Guinea Crash Patricia Ann Eddy coreAng that's soft as a rrhlspsr. Mrs. Charles Ponticelli, or any fined 1101. man. Donald Jordan, Peter Ki a-1 a. beloved husband and father. John them ott/. The bent key wouldn't j member of the committee. Richard A. Zitkua. 18. of Hart­ viu, John and Mary Lamenzo, !Slralc, We especially wish to thank thhi lex of 48 $1.65 work. ford. was fined *102 for operat­ Bonnie Law'rence. Oliver Mansur, I Patricia Ann Eddy has joined bpjs from the Jarv'ls ronstrucllon Co. Six holicemen tried their own Bruce and Joan Marlow, Dave Mc- 2 for $3.23 The Hague, Netherlands.fsiyen up »f finding allv* any of the Charge ing a motor vehicle wOiile his li­ the Johnny Conrad Dancers and j The'Sirak family. miaaing. keya,/halrplna and paper clipa Tour l,akota Council, No. 61. Degree Millin, Marilyn Miller. David and July 16 {ff)— A Dutch airliner for hn hour without aucceaa. I of Pocahontas, will meet Wednes- cense was under suspension. makes her profes.<iional debut danc- ’y y . KLkf. Hated the nationalltiea of Brownell Susan Moyer, W allet Prowa, Rich­ PrescrIpnoiM Dolorss Lewie.' 16, of 176 Birch plunged into the sea off north­ the mlaslng ai 53 Dutch and three illy aomeone thought of bend- Iteto ;day night at 7:30 in Odd Fellows ard and David Rcznlck, Nancy ing In Olsen and Johnson's 'fflell^ Hall. All mimberi are urged to St., was fined 118 for speeding. west New Guinea before dawn Britons. the key back Into ahape and Rohan, David Rubinow, Greta and zaponpin " at the North Shore Mu­ RANGE ttj^ handcuffa parted. attend, as there will be a raising Miss Lewie was clocked by Patrol­ Nicola Rubinow. Andrea Sandals. sic .Tiientirr in Beverly. Ma.ss. to-. today. By early afternoon __J"our of the aurvivora were aerl- PINE PHARMACY of chiefs by Deputy Great Poca­ man Raymond Peck at M m.p.h. ously Injured. Bhaeman. 14, haan't *ald Barry Sands Is. To’;ey and Stanley hope wak being abandoned for .'hether he plana to awap the m t Center 8 t —M I>M 14 hontas Henrietta Driggs and her on E. Center SL Saturday eve­ .Slossberg. Kimberly Smith. Nancy’ *PPcar with the group f'UEL OIL finding alive any of 56 per­ The Lockheed Supercohatalla- U.S. Weighs Says Court liUiS. Members sj-e reminded to ning. tion. carrying 59 paaaengers and a handcuffa off Immediately. Solomon, Allan V a n Z a-n d> r, 'll Oakdale Theater In Wallingford g a s o l in e sona listed as missing. crew of 9. plunged into 800 feet of bring items for the gift table. Re- George E. Magnuson. 17. of 95 Rachael WichmaW;' Gair AVillls, ne-'ft week. freanmenta will be served after the There were 17 children aboard water ahortly before dawn flv St. John St., was also arrested at Barbara Zubrow. , | Pal. age 17. lived with her par- : the KLM plane and moat were be­ Atom Arms meeting. the same lime by Patrolman Peck. miles off Biak Island. To Let li.S. Brae Marr ha-a ojiehed regtstra-; ents. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. lieved among the mUaing. At lekit One early report said the pi: 2: Sen ate Group His case waa continued until Aug. tion for canipi^ for the second i Eddy. 28A Garden Dr. She grad-! one child waa among the 11 pae- O L L i r S The Women's Society of the 2 at the request of counsel. waa in flamea when it craahed session July 2 2 'to Aug. J6. j listed from Mancheste)' High In BANTLY OIL aengcra and one crew mrinber — a KLM communique did not, c For NATO A U T O B O D Y Community Baptist Church— will— Two drivers received suspended Oamp offlciala said that the f June with honors, was a member I |,\ , the etewardeaa — who were rett tion a fire. Blocks Ike on Pick Voters hold its mid-summer meeting at I judgments for operating without a camp wa'a unable to accept many ■ ibe National Honor Society and : '1 MN ■'ii{i:i.i nuJM tlUUcoM eued. The plane, "The Neutron,"/ waa ★ W ELDING the church tomorrow night at 7:45.1 license. applications for the first session I t*>e National Thespian Society, A KLM epokeaman aaid the on a regular flight to Amsterdam Washington, July 16 Washington. July 16 (4*)— TEL Mlfchcll 9-1595 MANCHISTIR CONH* ★ AUTO lODY and p ^ atlmdlng are Mked to bring Patricia P.
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