72 PUBLICATIONS FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE SL-12--Wholesale Dealers in Fishery Prod­ ucts, Virginia, 1966, revised, 11 pp. These publications are available free from the Office ofInformation, U. S. Fish and Sep. No. 773--The Channel Net for Shrimp in Wildlife Service, Washington, D. C. 20240. North Carolina. Publications are deSignated: Sep. No. 774--Rare Fossils Dredged off At­ lantic Coast. CFS --Current fishery statistics of the United States. Sep. No. 775--Chile--Her Riches Are Just FFL --Reprints of reports on foreign Off Coasts--But Far From Markets fisheries . SSR-Fish. 530--Seasonal and Areal Distribu­ SEP. - -Separates (reprints) from Com­ tion of Zooplankton in Coastal Waters of mercial Fisheries Review. the Gulf of Maine, 1964, by Kenneth Sher ­ SL - -Statistical lists of dealers in and man, 11 pp., illus., May 1966. producer of fishery products and byproducts. 3SR-Fish. 531--Length-Weight Relation of SSR. - - Fish.- -Special Scientific Reports -­ the Summer Flounder of Paralichthys den­ Fisheries (limited distribution) tatus (Linnaeus), by Fred E. Lux and L. R. Porter, Jr., 8 pp., June 1966. Number Title The following Foreign Fishery Leaflets CFS-4154 --Michigan, Ohio & Wisconsin (formerly Market News Leaflets) are avail­ Landings, Apr. 1966, 4 pp. able free from'the Branch of Foreign Fish­ CFS-4188 --Michigan, Ohio & Wisconsin eries, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Landings, May 1966, 4 pp. Room 8015, U. S. Department of the Interior, CFS-4207--Shrimp Landings, Mar. 1966,5 pp. Washington, D. C. 20240. CFS-4208 --Gulf Coast Shrimp Data, Mar. 1966, 15 pp. "FFL-5--Denmark's Fisheries, 1964, 10 pp. , CFS-4211 --Rhode Island Landings, Apr. 1966, Apr. 1966. 3 pp. FFL-7--Mexican Fisheries, 1965, 33 pp., CFS-4213- - Fish Meal and Oil, July 1966, Oct. 1966; 1964, 27 pp. Jan. 1966. 2 pp. FFL-8--Portugal's Fishing Industry, 1965, CFS-4214--North Carolina Landings, July 28 pp., Aug. 1966. 1966, 3 pp. FFL-10--Swedish Fisheries, 1964, 11 pp., CFS-4216--Maine Landings, June 1966,4 pp. Jan. 1966. CFS-4217~ -Louisiana Landings, June 1966, FFL-18--Panama's Fishing Industry, 1965, 3 pp. 10 pp., Mar. 1966. CFS-4218--Louisiana Landings, July 1966, FFL-22--(Supplement) Republic of South 3 pp. Africa and Territory of South West Africa CFS -4 219 - - Mas sachus etts Landings, Mar. Fisheries, 1965, 8 pp., Oct. 1966. 1966, 7 pp. 8'FL-26--Taiwan Fisheries in 1965, 24 pp., CFS-4226--South Carolina Landings, June Sept. 1966. 1966, 2 pp. FFL-32--Venezuela 1s Fisheries, 1964, 25 CFS-4228--Georgia Landings, June 1966, pp., Apr. 1966. 3 pp. FFL- 34--Greek Production of Processed CFS-4230 --Massachusetts Landings, Apr. Fishery Products and Foreign Trade in 1966, 9 pp. Fish, 1965, 8 pp., June 1966. CFS-4231--Alabama Landings, June 1966, FFL-56--Norwegian Fisheries, 1965, 8 pp., 3 pp. May 1966. CFS-4233--Rhode Island Landings, May 1966 FFL-57--Fisheries in the Federal Republic 3 pp. of Germany--Annual Survey 1965, 36 pp., CFS-4234--Texas Landings, June 1966, 2 pp. Aug. 1966'. CFS-4237--Fish Meal and Oil, Aug. 1966, 8'FL-58--Republic of Korea Fisheries, 1964, 2 pp. 4 pp., Apr. 1966. CFS-4238--Florida Landings, Aug. 1966,8pp. 8'FL-80--Brazil's Fishing Industry, 1964 & CFS-4242--Texas Landings, July 1966, 2 pp. 1965, 20 pp., June 1966. 73 FFL-88--Japanese Exports of Salmon and commercial landing::; or production for a King Crab, 1962-1964, 15 pp., July 1966. given area, individual state, or the Ches ­ 'FFL-90--Belgian Fishing Industry, 1965, 21 apeake Bay area as a whole. However, the pp., Oct. 1966. statistics do show trends in fisheries pro­ FFL-92 - -Greenland IS Fisheries, 19 64 a nd duction for the specific area deSignated 1965 Trends, 24 pp., May 1966. and do reflect the over-all production FFL-101- -Conference of Plenipotentiaries on trends by species, localities, and states. the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas- - Ri o A highlight of the report is the scallop de Janeiro, Brazil - 2 to 14 Ma y 1966 - fishery in the Chesapeake Bay region. Final Act, 25 pp., June 1966. FFL-102--Fisheries Development Potential Research Leads to Improved Harvesting­ of the Territory of Baja California Sur, Processing-Marketing of Commercial Farm Mexico, 11 pp., Sept. 1966. Pond Fish, Newsletter to Industry, 15 pp., FFL-103--Japanl s Fisheries Catch , 1965, 6 i llus., printed, Aug. 16, 1966. Regional Director, Region 4, 5 Research Drive, Ann pp., Sept. 1966. A rbor, Mich. 48103. Discusses recent a c ­ FFL-104--Fisheries of Comm unist China, c omplishments of BCF research projects 1966, 6 pp., Oct. 1966. of s ignificance to farm pond fish producers . The following servic e publication i s for sale and is available only from the Super­ (Seattle) Washington and Alaska Receipts and intendent of Documents, U. S. Government Landings of Fishery Products for Selected Printing Office, Washington , D. C . 20402. Areas and Fisheries, Monthly ~umma ry, The Progressive Fish Culturist, vol. 28, no. Septem be r 1966, 9 pp. (Market News Serv­ ice, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 706 4, Oct. 1966, pp. 187-247, i llus. , printed, New Federal Offic e Bldg., 909 F irst Ave., single copy 25 cents. Som e of the articles Seattle , Wash. 98104.) Includes landings are: "Survival of trout fed dry and meat­ by the halibut fleet reported by the Seattle supplemented dry diets, " by J ohn W. Mason Halibut Exchange; salmon landings r eported et al. ; "Results of tests with channel cat­ by primary receivers; landings of halibut fish in Alabama ponds," b y J ohnie H. Crance reported by the International Pacific Ha li­ and L. Glenn Mc Bay; "Comparative evalu­ but Commission; landings and otter-trawl ation of plastic and c oncret e pools a nd receipts reported by the Fishermen IS earthen ponds in fish - cultural res earch, " Marketing Ass ociation of Washington; loca l by E. W. Shell; "Use o.f M.S. 222 in a~es -" landings by i ndependent vessels; c oa s twise thetizing and transportmg the sand shnmp, shipments fr om Alaska by scheduled a nd by Frank J. Schwartz; and "DDVP as a nonscheduled shipping lines and airways; selective toxicant for the control of fishes imports from British Columbia via rail, and insects," by U. S. Srivastava and S. K. motortruck, shipping lines, and ex-vessel Konar. landings; a nd imports from other coun­ The following publications are available tries through Wa s hington c ustoms district only from the specific office mentioned: for the month indicat ed. Fishery Production in Selected Ar eas o~ Maryland, Virginia, a nd North Carolma, by William N. Kelly, 31 pp., O~t. 1966. MISCELLANEOUS (Market News Service, U. S. F 1Sh and Wildlife Service, P. O. Box 447, Hampton, These publications are not available from Va. 23369.) A summary of commercial the Fish and Wildlife Service , but usually may landings of fish and shellfish and the pro­ be obtained fr om the organization issuing them. duction of crab meat and shucked oysters Corresponde nc e regarding publications that as reported by producers and wholes .a~ers follow should be addressed to the r espective from selected principal fishing locallh~s organization or publisher mentioned. Data of Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolma. on prices, if readily available, are s hown. Discusses landings in the Ha mpton Roads, Lower Northern Neck, Lower Eas tern ALGAE : Shore and Chincoteagu e areas of Virginia; IINew t echnique for mass assays of phys io­ Ocead City, Cambridge, and Crisfield, logical characteristics of unicellular algae, II Maryland; and Morehead City, North Car­ by Ri char d L. Massey and Rudolf H. T. olina. The statistics in the summary pre­ Mattoni, a r ticle, Applied Mi c robiology, sent partial commercial fishe ries p r oduc­ vol. 13, Sept. 1965, pp. 798-800, printed. tion only and do not represent c ompl ete 74 These publications are not available from the Fish and Wildlife Serv­ ice, but usually may be obtained from the organization issuing them. Williams and Wilkins Co., 428 E. Preston BIOCHEMISTRY: St., Baltimore, Md. 21202. "Isolation, purification, and characterization of pI, p4-diguanosine 5 '-tetraphosphate AQUATIC PLANTS: as ymmetrical-pyroRhos phohydrolas e from Plants of the Deep Oceans, by E. J. Fergu­ brine shrimp eggs, by A. H. Warner and son Wood, Contribution No. 687, 3 pp., F. J. Finamore, article, Biochemistry, printed. (Reprinted from Zeitschrift fur vol. 4, Aug. 1965, pp. 1568-1575, printed. Allegemeine Mikrobiologie, vol. 6, no. 3, Society for Experimental Biology and Med­ 1966, pp. 177-179.) Institute of Marine Icme, 139th Street and Convent Ave., New Science, University of Miami, 1 Ricken­ York, N. Y. 10031. backer Causeway, Virginia Key, Miami, Fla. 33129. CALIFORNIA . "An introduction to the California Fish and ARGENTINA: Wildlife Plan," article, Outdoor alifornia, Produccion Pesguera Argentina 1965 (Ar­ vol. 27, nos. 5 & 6, May-June 1966, 23 pp., gentine Fishery Production 1965), 104 pp., illus., printed. State of California, Office illus., printed in Spanish, 1965. Departa­ of Procurement, Documents Section, P.O. mento de Investigaciones Pesqueras, Di­ Box 1612, Sacramento Calif. 95807. This reccion Generale de Pesca, Brasil y Flo­ issue of Outdoor California is devoted ex­ rencio Sanchez, Buenos Aires, Argentina. clusively to the new California Fish and Wildlife Plan which is concerned with fish BACTERIOLOGY: ' and wildlife management in California. It "Bacteria under pressure," article, Chem­ covers the plan in general, tells briefly ical and Engineering News, vol. 44, Jan. what it contains, how and why it was put to­ 10, 1966, p. 96, printed. American Chem­ gether, and gives some examples of the ical Society, 1155 16th St.
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