Deselection 2011 ‐ QU Biochemistry

Deselection 2011 ‐ QU Biochemistry

Deselection 2011 ‐ QU Biochemistry DISPLAY_CALL_NO TITLE_BRIEF PUB_DATE QU 4 B347i 1970 Introduction to organic and biological chemistry 1970 QU 4 B361m 1999 Medical biochemistry / 1999 QU 4 B615a2 1981 Biochemistry : a problems approach / 1981 QU 4 B615b 1994 Suppl. Biochemistry resource book / 1994 QU 4 B631g 1989 Guide to biochemistry / 1989 QU 4 B885b 1999 Biochemistry / 1999 QU 4 C312b 1992 Biochemistry / 1992 QU 4 C640.7 1995 Clinical biochemistry : an illustrated colour text / 1995 QU 4 C641 1987 Clinical studies in medical biochemistry / 1987 QU 4 G618c2 1999 Clinical biochemistry made ridiculously simple / 1999 QU 4 G815m 1996 Medical biochemistry at a glance / 1996 QU 4 H294 2000 Harper's biochemistry / 2000 QU 4 H294 2003 Harper's illustrated biochemistry / 2003 QU 4 L524p 1982 Principles of biochemistry / 1982 QU 4 L524p2 1993 Principles of biochemistry / 1993 QU 4 M788b5 1990 Biochemistry : a case‐oriented approach / 1990 QU 4 N425L3 2000 Lehninger principles of biochemistry / 2000 QU 4 O77b10 1982 Human biochemistry / 1982 QU 4 O94 1987 Outlines of biochemistry / 1987 QU 4 R261b 1989 Biochemistry / 1989 QU 4 R821b 1996 Biochemistry / 1996 QU 4 S392e 1988 Essentials of biochemistry / 1988 QU 4 S928b 1975 Biochemistry / 1975 QU 4 S928b4 1995 Biochemistry / 1995 QU 4 T355 1982 Textbook of biochemistry : with clinical correlations / 1982 QU 4 T355 1986 Textbook of biochemistry : with clinical correlations / 1986 QU 4 T355 1992 Textbook of biochemistry : with clinical correlations / 1992 QU 4 T355 1997 Textbook of biochemistry : with clinical correlations / 1997 QU 4 T355 2002 Textbook of biochemistry : with clinical correlations / 2002 QU 4 T772 1978 Transition states of biochemical processes / 1978 Essentials of modern biochemistry : a comprehensive QU 4 W494e 1983 review for medical students / 1983 QU 4 Z93p 1995 Principles of biochemistry / 1995 1 Deselection 2011 ‐ QU Biochemistry QU 4 Z93s 1995 Student study art notebook : principles of biochemistry / 1995 QU 13 O98 2000 Oxford dictionary of biochemistry and molecular biology / 2000 Body fluids and electrolytes : a programmed presentation QU 18 W445b7 1996 / 1995 QU 25 B311 1996 Basic DNA and RNA protocols / 1996 QU 25 B691p2 1996 Protein methods / 1996 Reversed‐phase high‐performance liquid chromatography QU 25 K93r 1982 : theory, practice, and biomedical applications / 1982 QU 34 M515p 1998 Principles of medical biochemistry / 1998 QU 39 H217b 1987 Biochemistry of human nutrition : a desk reference / 1987 QU 39 W342g 1994 G‐protein linked receptor factsbook / 1994 QU 55 A629 1999 Antibody fusion proteins / 1999 Biology of heat shock proteins and molecular chaperones QU 55 B616.1 1994 / 1994 QU 55 C163 1988 Calmodulin / 1988 QU 55 C232p Procedures in nucleic acid research, 1966 QU 55 C392.7 1995 Cell adhesion and human disease / 1995 QU 55 C469 1988 Characterization of proteins / 1988 Inverse agonism : proceedings of the Esteve Foundation Symposium X, S'Agaro¿¿ (Girona), Spain, 2‐5 October QU 55 F980i 2003 2002 / 2003 QU 55 G106a 1999 G proteins : techniques of analysis / 1999 QU 55 I25g 1995 G protein‐coupled receptors / 1995 QU 55 N285 1996 Nature and origin of amyloid fibrils / 1996 QU 55 P964.8 1994 Protein blotting : a practical approach / 1994 QU 55 P965.23 1996 Protein protocols handbook / 1996 QU 55 S388p 1979 Principles of protein structure / 1979 QU 55 S915 1990 Stress proteins in biology and medicine / 1990 QU 55 T974 1999 2‐D proteome analysis protocols / 1999 QU 56 S989r 2004 Reversible protein acetylation 2004 QU 56 U15 1998 Ubiquitin and the biology of the cell / 1998 QU 57 A633 1996 Antisense therapeutics / 1996 QU 58 A232.3 1991 Adenosine in the nervous system / 1991 Ancient DNA : recovery and analysis of genetic material from paleontological, archaeological, museum, medical, QU 58 A541 1994 and forensic specimens / 1994 QU 58 B655n 2000 Nucleic acids : structures, properties, and functions / 2000 2 Deselection 2011 ‐ QU Biochemistry QU 58 B881d 1994 DNA sequencing : the basics / 1994 QU 58 F746 1994 Fos and jun families of transcription factors / 1994 QU 58 H872 1984 HPLC in nucleic acid research : methods and applications / 1984 QU 58 I34.9 1998 In situ hybridization : principles and practice / 1998 QU 58 I35 1990 In situ hybridization histochemistry / 1990 In situ hybridization in neurobiology : advances in QU 58 I35.4 1994 methodology / 1994 QU 58 K84d 1980 DNA replication / 1980 QU 58 N963.5 1985 Nucleic acid hybridisation : a practical approach / 1985 QU 58 P424 2004 Peptide nucleic acids : protocols and applications / 2004 G proteins and signal transduction : Society of General Physiologists, 43rd Annual Symposium, Marine Biological QU 58 S678g 1989 Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 1990 QU 58 T779d 1993 DNA‐protein interactions / 1993 Laboratory DNA science : an introduction to recombinant QU 58.5 B655L 1996 DNA techniques and methods of genome analysis / 1996 QU 58.5 C738 2004 Computational genomics : theory and application / 2004 QU 58.5 M718 2005 Molecular toxicology protocols / 2005 QU 58.7 J78r 1994 RNA isolation and analysis / 1994 Laboratory guide to RNA : isolation, analysis, and QU 58.7 L123 1996 synthesis / 1996 Healing nutrients within : facts, findings, and new QU 60 B826h2 1997 research on amino acids / 1997 QU 60 D489 2003 Developments in tryptophan and serotonin metabolism / 2003 Metabolic and therapeutic aspects of amino acids in QU 60 M587 2004 clinical nutrition / 2004 Neurosteroid effects in the central nervous system : the QU 60 N494 2004 role of the GABA‐A receptor / 2004 Tryptophan, serotonin, and melatonin : basic aspects and QU 60 T876 1999 applications / 1999 QU 68 A838 1984 Aspartame : physiology and biochemistry / 1984 3 Deselection 2011 ‐ QU Biochemistry Molecular biology and pharmacology of bradykinin QU 68 B947m 1993 receptors / 1993 QU 68 C748 1985 Conformation in biology and drug design / 1985 Glutathione : chemical, biochemical, and medical aspects QU 68 G567 1989 / 1989 Glutathione : chemical, biochemical, and medical aspects QU 68 G567 1989 / 1989 QU 68 O61 1988 Opiate receptors / 1988 QU 83 L151 1979 Lactose digestion : clinical and nutritional implications / 1981 QU 85 B615 1986 Biochemistry and biology of plasma lipoproteins / 1986 Lipid analysis : isolation, separation, identification, and QU 85 C555L2 1982 structural analysis of lipids / 1982 QU 85 L764.6 1986 Lipids : chemistry, biochemistry, and nutrition / 1986 QU 90 K56s 1987 Seafoods and fish oils in human health and disease / 1987 Physiological and clinical aspects of short‐chain fatty acids QU 90 P578 1995 / 1995 QU 90 R916o 1996 Omega 3 oils / 1996 QU 93 L764.5 1987 Liposomes : from biophysics to therapeutics / 1987 Platelet‐activating factor and related lipid mediators 2 : QU 93 P715.7 1996 roles in health and disease / 1996 QU 93 P945L 1992 Local liposome drug delivery : an overlooked application / 1992 Cholesterol treatment : user guide to lipid disorder QU 95 L434c2 1992 management / 1992 QU 95 S116c 1977 Cholesterol / 1977 QU 100 C641 1990 Clinical applications of TGF‐[beta]. 1991 QU 100 G884 1990 Growth factors, differentiation factors, and cytokines / 1990 QU 100 P782 1992 Polyfunctional cytokines : IL‐6 and LIF. 1992 QU 105 G992d 1975 Dynamics and control of the body fluids / 1975 Intracellular pH : its measurement, regulation, and utilization in cellular functions : proceedings of a QU 105 I61 1981 conference held at the Kroc Foundation, Santa 1982 QU 105 S435f 1980 Fluids & electrolytes : a conceptual approach / 1980 QU 105 S435f2 1991 Fluids and electrolytes : a conceptual approach / 1991 4 Deselection 2011 ‐ QU Biochemistry Growth hormone/insulin‐like growth factor axis during QU 107 G885 2005 development / 2005 Biology of IGF‐1 : its interaction with insulin in health and QU 107 S989b 2004 malignant states / 2004 QU 110 P967m 1992 Melanins and melanogenesis / 1992 QU 120 S186m3 2004 Metabolism at a glance / 2004 QU 125 E56.3 1989 Energy metabolism, indirect calorimetry, and nutrition / 1989 QU 130 H236 1994 Handbook on metals in clinical and analytical chemistry / 1994 Element analysis of biological samples : principles and QU 130.5 I97e 1998 practice / 1998 QU 131 B622 1995 Bisphosphonate on bones / 1995 QU 135 C818f 1979 Fundamentals of enzyme kinetics / 1979 QU 135 D621e3 1979 Enzymes / 1979 QU 135 M486 1988 Mechanistic principles of enzyme activity / 1988 QU 135 W223e 1979 Enzymatic reaction mechanisms / 1979 QU 135 W986s2 1979 Structure and function of enzymes / 1979 QU 136 H236 1998 Handbook of proteolytic enzymes / 1998 QU 136 I61p 1982 Proteases : potential role in health and disease / 1984 QU 136 P967.2 1986 Proteinase inhibitors / 1986 Bowes' and Church's Food values of portions commonly QU 145 B786f13 1980 used. 1980 QU 145 G449p 1990 Principles of nutritional assessment / 1990 QU 145 H236 1994 Handbook of nutrition in the aged / 1994 QU 145 L721 2001 Lifestyle nutrition / 2001 Nutrition for the prime of life : the adult's guide to QU 145 M135n 1993 healthier living / 1993 QU 145 N975.9 1986 Nutrition debate : sorting out some answers / 1986 QU 145 P367n8 1999 Nutrition essentials and diet therapy / 1999 Preventive nutrition : the comprehensive guide for health QU 145 P944 2005 professionals / 2005 QU 145 S244i 1998 Introduction to clinical nutrition / 1998 Nutrition counseling skills : assessment, treatment, and QU 145 S671n2 1989 evaluation / 1989 5 Deselection 2011 ‐ QU Biochemistry QU 145 W618u6 1993 Understanding nutrition / 1993 QU 145 Y48p 1986 Popular nutritional practices : a scientific appraisal / 1986 Bowes & Church's food values of portions commonly QU 145.5 P414b18 2005 c.2 used / 2005 QU 145.5 T142g 2003 Guide to understanding dietary supplements / 2003 QU 160 C731v2 1998 Vitamins : fundamental aspects in nutrition and health / 1998 QU 160 H236f2 1990 Food finder : food sources of vitamins & minerals / 1990 QU 160 H465b 1988 Better health and the reverse effect / 1988 QU 160 K97h2 1981 Handbook of vitamins, minerals, and hormones / 1981 QU 167 R438 1994 Retinoids : biology, chemistry, and medicine / 1994 QU 173 V837a 1997 Vitamin D / 1997 QU 187 C641 1985 Clinical aspects of human carnitine deficiency / 1986 QU 210 S877h 1972 Healing factor: "vitamin C" against disease.

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