FloridaFlorida KeysKeys CoralCoral BleachingBleaching EarlyEarly WarningWarning NetworkNetwork Erich Bartels, Project Manager Cory Walter, Project Coordinator FloridaFlorida KeysKeys ““BleachWatchBleachWatch”” EarlyEarly WarningWarning NetworkNetwork ObjectivesObjectives ToTo monitormonitor environmentalenvironmental conditions.conditions. ProvideProvide anan ““EarlyEarly WarningWarning AlertAlert”” forfor coralcoral bleachingbleaching forfor thethe FKNMSFKNMS andand surroundingsurrounding waters.waters. InvolveInvolve thethe communitycommunity inin monitoringmonitoring coralcoral reefreef health.health. ProvideProvide FKNMSFKNMS withwith thethe reefreef’’ss CurrentCurrent ConditionsConditions byby summariessummaries ofof thethe communitycommunity feedbackfeedback andand environmentalenvironmental conditions.conditions. GreatGreat BarrierBarrier ReefReef BleachWatchBleachWatch ProgramProgram Ms Katrina Goudkamp and Dr Paul Marshall Research & Monitoring Climate Change Program Coordination Unit Florida Keys Early Warning Network MML / FKNMS Environmental Monitoring Observer Network MML / NOAA “BleachWatch” MML / FKNMS / TNC Climate Remote Sensing In-Situ Data Community Professional Scientific Synthesize Data and Observations and report “current conditions” to FKNMS/NOAA In-Situ Monitoring NOAA’s ICON Stations Fowey Rocks Molasses Reef Pulaski Shoal Sombrero Reef Sand Key Reef NDBC - Florida and Eastern Gulf of Mexico Recent Marine Data NOAA/NESDISNOAA/NESDIS CoralCoral BleachingBleaching ““HotHot SpotsSpots”” Summer, 2007 Winter, 2008 Current Coral Bleaching “Hot Spot” Map NOAA/NESDISNOAA/NESDIS Winter, 2008 DegreeDegree HeatingHeating WeeksWeeks Summer, 2007 PSB -> EPS -> Current Operational Degree Heating Weeks for the year 2008 BleachWatchBleachWatch ObserverObserver NetworkNetwork Community Anyone that reports bleaching/no bleaching (residents, tourist, pilots, any eyes on the water) Professional Observers who complete a short training session (FKNMS Team Ocean & Reef Medics, OA Boy Scouts, dive operators, dive clubs, marine life collectors) Scientific Federal, State, Private and Academic Researchers (Sanctuary DARP and other staff, FWRI, Continual scientific surveys, FRRP, etc…) ProfessionalProfessional BleachWatchBleachWatch TrainingTraining ExplanationExplanation ofof EarlyEarly WarningWarning ProgramProgram ShortShort CoralCoral BiologyBiology LessonLesson What is a Zooxanthellae and its importance? Difference between bleaching, disease, and predation HowHow ToTo FillFill OutOut DataData FormForm Training Materials Coral Bleaching Information Project Overview Several Data Forms Data Form Instructions Underwater Wrist ID Laminated Bleaching Example Sheet ObserverObserver InformationInformation DateDate andand TimeTime ofof VisitVisit Name,Name, Phone,Phone, EE--mailmail AddressAddress TypeType ofof ObserverObserver VesselVessel oror OrganizationOrganization SiteSite InformationInformation GPSGPS CoordinatesCoordinates LocationLocation // SiteSite NameName MaximumMaximum DepthDepth ofof SiteSite BuoyBuoy ## oror AreaArea ofof ReefReef ReefReef ZoneZone EnvironmentalEnvironmental conditionsconditions DidDid YouYou ObserveObserve SignsSigns ofof CoralCoral Bleaching?Bleaching? Continue Finished!!! Data Form BasicBasic BleachingBleaching ObservationsObservations SeveritySeverity ofof BleachingBleaching Bleached Cnat Cnat with Paling Pdiv with Bleached and Algae growth Flowering Encrusting, Mound and TypesTypes ofof CoralsCorals BleachedBleached & Cup Boulder Brain Corals Fleshy Corals CoralCoral IDID TableTable Branching & Plate & Leaf Pillar4 Drawings courtesy of Reef Coral Identification PercentPercent ofof BleachedBleached CoralsCorals 2003 copyright New World Publications Percent Cover/Bleaching Table PERCENT OF LIVE CORAL BLEACHING Percent Cover/Bleaching Table (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Absent 1- 11-30% 31-50% 51-75% 76-100% DepthDepth RangeRange ofof BleachingBleaching 10% Baseline Indicators Zoanthid,Zoanthid, PalythoaPalythoa sppspp.. GorgoniansGorgonians Photo: Ken Nedimyer FireFire Coral,Coral, MilleporaMillepora sppspp.. CurrentCurrent ConditionsConditions ReportReport areare availableavailable online:online: www.mote.org/Keys/bleaching.phtmlwww.mote.org/Keys/bleaching.phtml •• UpdatedUpdated AccordingAccording toto EnvironmentalEnvironmental ConditionsConditions •• OutlookOutlook forfor futurefuture bleachingbleaching eventsevents •• SeaSea TemperatureTemperature InformationInformation •• RelevantRelevant WeatherWeather ConditionsConditions •• NOAANOAA’’ss HotSpotHotSpot MapsMaps andand DHWDHW MapsMaps •• SummarySummary ofof FieldField DataData fromfrom ObserversObservers 20072007 CoralCoral BleachingBleaching Bleaching 2007 TheThe 20072007 QuickQuick SummerySummery Percent of Reports by Observer Type •• ReceivedReceived 264264 reportsMayreports 1 - October 18, 2007 •• OverOver 100100 volunteersvolunteers trainedtrained toto datedate •• OverOver 5050 volunteersvolunteersEduc ation reportedreportedResident forfor 20072007 14% • AtAt leastleast 2525 volunteersvolunteers17% reportedreported everyevery 22 weeksweeks • Tourism •• 88 CurrentCurrentMar ConditionsConditions ine Lif e ReportsReports distributeddistributedIndustry Collector Great relationships with several organizations8% •• Great relationships8% with several organizations Research 53% Questions?Questions? August 11, 2007 Ken Nedimyer August 29, 2007 Ken Nedimyer September 27, 2007 Ken Nedimyer.
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