INDEX A Ahmad Syafi’i Maarif (Buya Syafi’i), abangan, xxxiv, xxviin, xxix, 14, 312–13 16–17, 46, 91, 102, 118n, 119, ‘Aisyiyah, 176, 260, 264 148–51, 153, 169, 185, 198, kindergarten, 290 206–207, 331 leaders, 287–90, personal abangan-santri-priyayi trichotomy, 148 background of, 300–301 abdi dalem, xxxiv, 15, 110, 113, 118, akal, 152n 133, 173 akhérat, 178–79, 201 jurukunci, 15, 17, 30, 33, 35, 61, akhlak, 180, 185, 188–89, 205 133 Al-Fatihah, 162, 177 karya, 40, 43 Alfian, 5n, 52n, 67, 73n putihan, 15 Al-Huda Mosque, 256, 258 santri, 15, 51–56 Al-Ikhlas, 198 Abduh, Muhammad, xxv, 91 alim, 79n, 83–84, 86–88, 91, 187 Abdul Aziz, K.H., 89 see also ulama Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir, 40, 79–80, Ali, Mukti, xxxvii 92, 95–96, 123, 143, 356 Alimin, 62, 75 Abdul Muhaimin, Haji, 237, 313 Allah, 20, 27, 49, 54, 163n, 201 Abdul Mukti, K.H., 89 Allahu Akbar, 161–63 Abu Amar, K.H., 89 Alun-Alun, R.K., 22, 24, 28, 57, 84, Achmad, Nur, 312n 89–90, 117, 126, 135–36, 221, Adam, L., 44n 256 adat, 39 Lor, 31 Islam, 35, 49, 90, 109, 118 Utara, 281 -isti-adat, 34, 37 alus vs. kasar, 186–91 adipati, 26 Aly, Abdullah, 336n Administration, 10, 16n, 21, 26, 32, amal jariah, 278 47–49, 56, 133 AMAN (Asian Muslim Action Dutch, 172 Network), 309 Administrative Kotagede, 221, 224 Amangkurat Amral, 19 Administrative re-designation, 221–25 amar maruf nahi munkar, 263 Administrative reforms, 11, 33, 45, Ambarawa, 170 133, 282 Amir, Dja’far, 280 impact of, 46–50 Amir, Kyai, 8n, 80, 85–92, 94, Ahmad Dahlan, K.H. See Dahlan, 111–13, 123, 143, 170 Kyai Haji Ahmad AMM Kotagede. See Angkatan 407 19 Crescent_Banyan3.indd 407 8/27/12 3:11:38 PM 408 Index Muda Muhammadiyah (AMM) Bachrun Nawawi, 304–306, 308 Kotagede Badan Keamanan Rakyat, 170 AMM, Team Tadarus, 272–73 Bagdhadiyah, 271 Meeting Hall, 275–76 Bahuwinangun, 61, 81, 132, 248 Anak Asuh, 270, 325–26 Bakar, Haji, 101 Anderson, Benedict R.O’G. (Ben bakul, 93, 134, 140–41, 319–20, 323, Amderson), xxvii, 35n, 65n, 97n, 326 167, 188, 376 Bambang Sumantri, H., 245n Angkatan Muda Muhammadiyah Bani Mukmin, 79–80, 142–43 (AMM) Kotagede, 224n, 260, Bantul, 18, 22, 79, 146, 222, 224, 345 255, 304, 307, 319, 344, 356 anti-air pollution, 370 banyan tree, 17, 24, 340 anti-Communism, 253 Basen, R.K., 24, 57, 83, 126, 135–36, anti-Communist 221, 240 campaigns, 363 Bashori Anwar, Pak, 144 Muslim, 238n Basis Hargito, 343n propagation, 286 Batavia, 58, 74 anti-greenhouse gas effects, 370 batik, 42–43, 52, 57–58, 79–80, 84, anti-smoking, 370 104, 131–32, 146, 267 anti-Sukarno campaign in Jakarta, 171 jaman, 58 anti-water pollution, 370 batin (batos), 168, 179 Anwar, Bashori H., 144, 283, 285–86, lahir vs., 183–86 296, 338, 364 Bayi-Bayi Bersayap, 254n apem, 35 becak, 320 Apotek Citra, 344 bedhug, 33–34 Arief, Ahmad Noor, 338 bekel, 21, 26, 28, 32, 40, 46–48, 73, arisan, 326 169, 172 As’ad Humam, K.H. (Pak As), 271, Benda, Harry J., 4n, 6n, 121, 166 273, 281 Beras Miskin (Raskin), 317–19, 325 Asngari Djakfar, H., 327, 328n Berg, C.C., 7 Association of the Indonesian Tour Berita Nasional, 343 and Travel Agency (ASITA), 343 bersih desa, 351 Asy’ari, Pak (pseud. name), 175–84, bersih linkungan, 240 187–88, 198, 201 besek, 173 ati kang wening, 36 Bevervoorde, van, 9–11, 31–33, Atmosudigdo, Mas, 80–81, 91, 95, 42–43, 57, 125 132, 264, 281 Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, 312 Atmosudigdo, Rasjidi, 96 Bishop, Gordon, 249 Azhar, Basyir, 295 BKKBN (National Family Planning Agency), 345 B black hole in history, 253–54 babad, 173–74 black market, 125, 132 Babon Anim, 345 BMT an Ni’mah, 326–28 19 Crescent_Banyan3.indd 408 8/27/12 3:11:38 PM Index 409 Bodon, 255–56, 264, 269, 358 Christianity, 313 Boharen, 79, 90 Christianization, xxx Boland, B.J., xxi–xxii, 6n Christians, 236 Bousquet, G.H., 99, 101 Catholic churches, 362 Boven Digul, 77, 124 Catholics, 236, 313 brasswork, 132 Protestants, 313 Bringhardjo (market), 176, 304 Cirebon, 58 Brosur Lebaran, 291–93, 296, 312, civil servants, 120, 133 335–36, 342, 343, 364, 368–69 civil voluntary movement, 353 topics of, 292, 297 clinics, xxvi, xxxi, 5, 7, 93–103, 167, Brunei, 247, 274 286n BTI, 240 Colonial Fair, 84 Buddhist, 235 commercial spirit, 63 budi pekerti, 188 communication Budi Utomo, 52, 53, 56, 63, 312 in Kotagede, 229–30 bupati, 31, 40, 47 between Muhammadiyah people, bureaucracy, xxxi 189–90 Burger, D.H., 14 Communism, 71, 76–77 buruh, 130–31, 134, 140–41, 146, Communist, 62, 71, 75, 124, 139, 239, 322–23 150, 171, 185, 189, 253, 361 bangunan, 320 community, 277, 341, 369–70 industri, 319 development, 360 jahit, 130, 141 development programme, 304 juragan vs., 348 religious, 119, 122, 154 perak, 143 Confession of Faith, 178, 180, 198 Buruh Gugat (Workers Accuse), Constitutional Assembly, 120 347–48, 351, 354 copperware, 40, 43 Cornell University, xxvi, 373 C cotton goods, 42–43, 79 Cairo, 80, 91, 95–96 Coup of October 1, 125 campursari, 332, 347 craftsman, 73, 93, 109, 130, 134, Castles, Lance, 6n, 14 139–40, 142, 150–51 Celanan, 281 craftsmen, xxxiv, xxxiii, 13–15, 21, centennial birth year, 360 40–41, 43, 57–58, 71, 104, 106, Centraale Padvinders Vereniging, 68 302 charity, 371 Crown Prince, 32 charms, 35 cult of royal glorification, 7, 10, 13, Charris Zubair, Ahmad, 267n, 306, 28 308, 314n, 335, 338–39, 354 Cultural Heritage District, 338, 345 children’s education, 143–51 Cultural Kotagede, 224 Chinese, 14, 42, 63, 235 Cultural Muhammadiyah, 339–40, Chirzin, Habib, 286, 287, 309 348, 353, 367, 369 Chirzin, H. Muhammad, 144, 267 cultural proselytization, xxiii–xxvi 19 Crescent_Banyan3.indd 409 8/27/12 3:11:38 PM 410 Index culture colonial government, 46, 280 local, 335–41 colonial rule, xxv, 6n, 121 politicization of, 333–34 East Indies Company, 14 of poverty, 324–40 Governor, 40 Governor-General, 32 D dyewood, 43 dagang, 134 Dahlan, Kyai Haji Ahmad, xxv, E 51–56, 52n, 62, 66–67, 75, 80, earthquake, 227, 229, 354 86, 90, 172, 312, 371 in Kotagede (2006), 355–60 dakwah (da’wah), 254–63, 336, 353 economic impoverishment, post-war, dalem, 249–50 125–34 Danuredjan, 79, 88 economy, xxxiii, 14, 40–42, 44–45, Darwin, Pak & Bu, 143-48 57–58, 93, 104, 125, 130–32, Darwis Khudori, 254, 309, 326, 335, 146, 300, 363 338, 359 of globalization, 245–46 de Kat Angelino, P., 58 in Java, 6n Deliar Noer, 5n, 120n édan-édanan, 195 democracy, xxx, xxxi, 346–50 education, 232–34, 284, 298–300 challenge of, 311–15 Muhammadiyah member’s, 137–39 democratization, 353, 362, 365 and social welfare, xxv–xxvi Department of Religious Affairs, 8, educational and social welfare 83, 86, 272, 274, 307 institutions, 364 desacralization, 353 egalitarianism, 122 Desa Jagalan, 222, 224, 227, 230, Egypt, 91 236, 247, 281, 356 elections, 296, 303. Desa Mutihan, 222, 224 in 1971, xxxv Desa Singosaren, 222 in 1999, 305, 366 devotion, religious, 119, 122 in 2004, 366 dhagelan, 188, 202 in 2009, 366 dhalang, 195 parliamentary and presidential, xxx dhawuh, 182 see also general elections dhukun, 37, 101, 109, 168 electricity, 131, 228 Dingemans, L.F., 13n, 74–75 emping, 176 Dipanegara War, 79 entrepreneur, 14, 15, 42, 73, 104, diversity in politics, 237–45 106, 109–10, 125–26, 131–32, divorce counseling, 289n 134, 139–43, 150, 153, 302 Djumairy Martodikoro, 169n erfbezitter (house-compound holder), djumbuhing kawulo-gusti, 182 26, 42 Dondongan, 37 Erwito Wibowo, 254n, 308, 336, 338, Drewes, G.W.J., 4n, 198 342, 360n Dulkijah, 31 Ethical Policy, 46, 97, 282 Dutch ethnicity, growing diversity in, 234– authorities, 11, 13n, 56, 62, 67 37 19 Crescent_Banyan3.indd 410 8/27/12 3:11:39 PM Index 411 European, 14, 43 Maulud, 31 plantation, 41 Puasa, 31 “excellent society”, 311, 363 Gedongan, 221 ex-PKI people, 254 Gedongkuning (Gedungkuning), 79, Ex-Tapol (Political Prisoners), 239–41 221 Gedung Da’wah Al-Qur’an, 260, 262 F Gedung PDHI, 260 Facebook, 230 Geertz, Clifford, xxxiv, xxi, xxvii, Fakhruddin, Kyai Haji A.R., 96, 165, 6n, 14, 16, 17, 41n, 149, 187–93, 290, 295 152n, 166–67, 172, 181n, 183, fakir miskin, 103, 199 190–91, 198, 200, 207, 379 Fathurahman, M., 232n geguritan, 347 Fekih, K.H., 89 gemeenteraad, 48 Festival Anak Saleh Indonesia, 274 general elections Festival Kotagede (FK), 338, 340 in 1955, 120, 123, 209 in 1999, 341–46 in 1971, 135–36, 175, 209, 287, in 2000, 346–50 363 in 2002, 350–51 in 2009, 366 festive prayer (sholat ied), 155, 157– Muslim’s task in, 177, 201, 204 59, 161–63, 199 problem of, 178 five-day cycle (Javanese calendar), 22, Gerindera, 243 146 Gerwani, 124 “Followers of Muhammad”, 5 Giwangan, 257n, 267–68 Forum Koordenasi Pengajian globalization, xxix, xxx Anak (FOKOPA, Forum for of economy, 245–46 Coordination of Childrens’ positive side of, 246–47 Pengajian), 260, 343, 345 Goddess of the Southern Ocean, 32, Foster Parents Program (FPP), 304 82 France, 359 gold, 41, 43, 57, 61, 88, 130 Friday prayers, 357 goldsmith, 40, 73, 124, 141 Golkar, 136, 184–85, 237, 242–43, G 314, 334, 341 gadho-gadho vs. true Muslim, 168–80 Government, 11, 34, 61, 64, 73–74, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), xxi, 76, 89–90, 93–94, 97–99, 112, 147, 268, 288, 294, 300, 304, 119, 121, 123, 125–26, 128, 310, 324n, 335, 359 130, 132–34, 139, 147, 169, Gajah Wong River, 20, 22, 37, 43–45, 232, 253, 285–86, 288, 315, 363 223, 228, 260 agencies, 357 Gakin, 270 Central, 266 gambling, 28, 40, 195, 197, 204 development programmes of, 286 gamelan, 31, 34, 46, 67, 195, 267, employees, 300 308, 344–45, 353 local, 358 Garebeg, 28 offices, 356 Besar, 31 policies, 345 19 Crescent_Banyan3.indd 411 8/27/12 3:11:39 PM 412 Index schools, 265, 268–69 Harahap, Burhanuddin, 171 statistics, 355 Harahap, Parada, 108 tourism of, 346, 350, 354 haram, 163 Graaf, H.J., 4n, 18n, 46 Hardjono, S.K., 9, 13, 68n grand vizier, 26, 32, 47 Hari Korban, 199 Great Mosque, 38–39, 85–86, harmony, 346–50 109–10, 112, 118 Harsya Bakhtiar, 16 of Kotagede, 32, 103, 109, 168, Hasjim Asj’ari, Kyai Haji, 87 170 Hasyim, Mustofa W., 254n, 335, 338 of Mataram, 12, 20, 24, 34, 49, hawa nafsu, 168 109, 255, 262, 340, 347, 352, vs.
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