Morehead State University Class of 2013 Spring Commencement Saturday, May 11, 2013 AUNIVERSITY The Program Spring Commencement Saturday, May 11, 2013, 10 a.m. Academic-Athletic Center ➔ Processional ........................... Pomp and C ircumstance by Elgar Dr. Eunbyol Ko, Piano C .2 ii ~ Special Music ... ... ...................... .. ...... Mr. Will Young .;! '- [_del~I ➔ 0 ~_7 ~ ~ ~ National Anthem . ..... ........... ..... .. .. MSU C hamber Singers ~ Wimir by Fmncis Sco11 Key Or. G reg Detweiler, Conducror Music by Darmon Meador Dr. Eunbyol Ko, Piano Opening of Ceremony ................. ............... M s. Barb Lewis Grand Marshal and Mace Bearer Welcome and Introductions ....................... Dr. Wayne 0. Andrews Presid enr Special Music .................................... MSU Concert Choir D r. Greg D etweiler, Conducror Choose Something Like A Star .. ................. Dr. Eunbyol Ko, Piano Presentation of Ho norary Docroral Degree ... .... ......Mr . John Merchanr C hair, MSU Board of Regen rs D1: David Adair, Honorary Doctor ofScience Response ........................ .. ............ Dr. D avid Adair - ·- ·- ·- ·-·- ·- ·- ·- ·- ·- ·- ·-· U.S.60 ·- ·- ·- ·- ·-·-·-·-·- ·- ·- ·- ·- Commencement Address ......... .... ....... Mr. Logan Higginborham Srudenr Represcncarivc Safery Notices Ti., ensure your safety during roday's ceremony, please take note of the following: Remarks .... .............. .......... ........ .. President Andrews I. Smoking, lighters and open flames are not permitted in the arena ar any time. 2. Locate your nearesr exit. In the unlikely evenc of an emergency, follow rhe direcciom of the event staff and ushers. Do nor follow che police, they will be going co rhc scene of the emergency. You will be direcred co a safe area away from che arena. Presentation of Candidates for Degrees .... .. ..... ....... Dr. Karla Hughes Provost Dr. Clarenda Phillips Interim Associate Vice Presidenr for Academic Affairs/Academic Programs Dr. Roger McNeil Dean, College of Science and Technology Dr. Roberr Albert Dean, Caudill College of Business and Public Affairs Conferring of Degrees ........................... ... .. President Andrews Commissioning of ROTC Officers .................. Lr. Col. Robert Mason Brig. Gen. Stephen Hogan Alumni Association Induction .............. Sen. Robin Webb (D-Grayson) President, MSU Alumni Association Inc. Al ma Marer ........................ .. ........ ... MSU Concert Choir Wordr by Elwood Kozee (1953) Dr. Greg Derweiler, Conductor Music by Betty Jo Whitt (1952) Dr. Eunbyol Ko, Piano Recessional ... ........ ....... ........ ............. Mr. Will Young The Program Academic Costumes The wearing of at.1<lemic costumes i:, a custom that goes back to the Middle Ages. Since the early European and English universities were founded by the church, the students and teachers were required ro wear distinctive gowns at all times. Although the custom was Spring Commencement brought to chis counrry in Colonial days, the requirement for srudenrs was soon dropped. Saturday, May 11, 2013, 2 p.m. T he custom for professors was confined to special occasions such as graduation exercises and Academic-Athletic Center inaugurations of new presidents. With the increase in the number of educational instirutions and the development of new subject-matter fields, some confusion arose in time about rhe rypc of gown and the specific color ro denote va rious degrees. To introduce desirable Processional ........ .................. Pomp and C ircumstance by E lgar uniformity and sec up J clearing house for new developmt'.nr:,, a commission represenring leading American colleges produced T he Intercollegiate Code in 1895. .1n 1932, a national Dr. Eunbyol Ko, Pi ano committee of che American Council on Education revised chis code inro The Academic Costume Code. It was revised in 1959. Although nor obligatory, mosr of rhe educational Special Music ...... ............ .... ... ......... .. .. Mr. Will Young insrirutions in the country follow ir in awarding rheir degrees, earned and honorary. The most significanr part of the academic dress is che hood. The color of its velvet border indjcaccs che academic field, and it is lined with the color or colors of the institution granring National A.nrhem .. .. .......................... M SU Chamber Sing<:rs the degree. The hoods of rhose receiving a MaMcr of Arts or an honorary degree of Doctor of Words by Francis Scou Key Dr. G reg Dcrweiler, Conductor Leners have those same color indications, bur each successively higher degree carries with it Music by john Stafford Smith a longer hood. T he doctoral hood also has side pands on the back. Although most doctoral gowns are black with black velvet bars and panels. in some cases Opening of Ceremony . ................. .. ........... M s. Barb Lewis the color of the gown is char of rhe universiry conferring the degree. All such gowns have black Grand Marshal and Mace Bearer bars and panels. Academic fields may also be indicated by the color of velvet on the doctoral gowns; three rwo-inch bars on the sleeves and a five-inch border extending fro m che back of the neck down Welcome and Introductions ..... .. .......... ...... Dr. Wayne D. Andrews the r.vo sides in front. For the degree oi Doctor of Philosophy, the color is dark blue; for Preside nt Doccor of Medicine, green; for Doctor of Education, light blue; for Doetor of Sdcncc. golden yellow. These colors also appear in the vclver of the hood unless the hood rcprc:.ems an honorary degree. The Doctor of Laws has purple velver. The Doctor of Humanities is white, Special Mus ic .................................... M SU Concert C hoir as is the Doctor of Leners. The Doctor of Public Adminisrracion has a hood with velvet in Dr. Greg D erweiler, Conducror pale aqua. Choose Something Like A Star Caps are black. Tassels are usually black for bachelor's and master's degrees, gold for doctorates. Gowns for bachelor's and master's are plain black, bur sleeves of the larter are C ommencem ent Address . ...... ... .... .. ........ M s. Stephanie G. G ibson short with ''trailing elbows." Docroral gowns of European universiries arc usually very colorful. The caps are often of some soft m,1 rerial such as velvet and are ordinarily not of the SlUdent Representative conwnrional mortar-board shape. Several examples may be seen in the Universiry faculty: Remarks ........................... ............. President Andrews Arcs, Letters, Humanicie:, - white Medicine - green Commerce, Accountancy, Music - pink Business - drab Nursing - apricot Education - lighr blue Philosophy - dark blue Engineering - o range Physical Education - sage green Fine Ans - b rown Science - golden yellow Journalism - crimson Social Science - cream Law - purple Theology - scarier Library Science - lemon Veterinary Science - gray Alma Mater Presentation of Candidates for Degrees . ....... ......... Dr. Karla Hughes Provosr (The audience is invited to participate.) Dr. C larenda Phillips Far above the rolling campus, Interim Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs/Academic Programs Resting in the dale, Stands the dear old Alma Marer Dr. Cathy Gunn We will always hail. Dean, College of Education Shout in chorus, raise your voices, Blue and Gold - praise you. Dr. Scott McBride Winning through to fame and glory, Dean, Caudill Coll ege of Ans, Humanities and Social Sciences Dear old MSU. Conferring of Degrees . .. .. .. .......... .. ......... .. Presidenr Andrews Commissioning of ROTC Officers .................. Lr. Col. Robert Mason Brig. Gen. Srephen Hogan Alumni Association Induction ................ Sen. Robin Webb (D-Grayson) President, MSU Alumni Association Inc. Alma Marer .. ....................... ... ... .. ... MSU Concert C hoir Wordr by Elwood Kozee (1953) Dr. Greg Detweiler, Conductor Music by Betty Jo Whitt ( 1952) Recessional ....... .. ... ....... ....... ... ... ....... Mr. W ill Young Marshals Grand Marshal and Mace Bearer Ms. Barb Lewis Faculty Marshals Dr. Frances L. Helphinstine Dr. Dora Ahm3di Scudenc Marshals The University Mace Graduate Progr11ms The practice of carrying a mace in academic processions dates LO medieval times Mr. Marvin Puckcrr in England when a person bearing a mace, a formidable weapon, walked in fronr of the highesr-ranking official as they entered and departed ceremonial occasions, to Ms. Nadeera Ekanayake prorecc him or her from personal injury. As adapred by European and American universiries, the mace has become a College ofEducation symbol of office of the insricution's presidenc and is carried by a distinguished Ms. Rachel Hall member of the faculty. At Morehead Scare, rhe joint office of faculty grand marshal Mr. Craig Walker and mace bearer is held by the current recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award. The current mace of Morehead Srate University was fashioned from Eastern Caudiff Col/,ege ofArts, Humanities 1111d Social Sciences Kentucky walnut in 1984 by John S. VanHoose, a retired faculty member from the Mr. Andrew R. Kuchenbrod Deparrmenr of Industrial and Engineering Technology. Ms. Elvia Reyna Academic Honors Baccalaureate Degree College ofBusiness and Puhlir Affairs Summ3 Cum Laude - with highesr honors Mr. Kyle B. Smirh Magna Cum L1ude - with great honors Mr. Waylan R. Coffey Cum Laude - with honors College ofScience and Technology Academic Honors Associate Degree Ms. Sherry Ison Distinction - with distinction Ms. Kelsey Hill Ushers Ushers serving/or toda/s ceremonies m·e students rnrrently attending Morehead State University. They are wearing
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