§ ■ Maxim's Flicking Left Outdoors —Wh* 11 Laatcfi High Schools Swinging We're back tram the campfire three running up to more than 14 Tri-Stafe Roller Meet at the Brotherhood et the Jungle pounds before high winds farced ? a the These Into Baseball Decisions Lesnevich Cock, and fine meeting It was them to give up wart. Playoff Slated at Alexandria 4I:5£:..» in spite of inclement weather particular fish were caught troU- Some 1M mine* wtU pamo- Tbose ox you mg. *»*lng polar-bear lure* with Pale at one of the ma or nollee In NBA Title who have not fi park rind adde^. in Two Games Fight Today *kauag ©ompeuuon* of IM over attended one of i and manu- Sy th# Auocletad frn» Bob Lusby. designer The public high school cham- the week end, *tm the tn-state these week-end 1 facturer of Lusby lure*, gave us f pionship baseball playoffs were chaap*anaha>a invohm* repre- CINCINNATI. May 24—There** have meeting* 4 a new wrinkle on catching big scheduled to get under way today "*—»* wctauw* of the Dtetnrt of Co- an old maxim that a steady a real 1 He uses what he call* drop stnpers. with Eastern meeting Wilson at lumbia Virgtma and Maryland treat, eepecial- ■ bait. It consists of add- of water will wear away the a "salad” Griffith Stadium and Western are presented at the Alexandria ly in learning 1 four of rind to his hardest stone. ing strips pork boat to Tech. Arena on Saturday Sunday and aonte and one thing™ lure, three erf them white Eastern and Tech finished the Monday r And a Maxim proved that old about the psy- red should be red The strip regular season m a tie for firs: QenerV Manager Ralph Canar» maxim last night. Joey Maxim of of the white AUTO REPAIRfRO chology boys. sandwiched in between and Tech von a robust place, yesterday of the Alexandria Arena tod*» Cleveland parlayed youth There were M j That the fish particu- ones. big coin toss to determine which announced that entry©* are mi REPAIRTIRt » and the drop of water—a flicking this m peer- boys at larly are seduced by this combi- would meet Western «o*« <** t\**m •«*« left hand—into the NBA light- fourth-place ing in from Washington» Na- ninth annual 1 nation has been well tested for the round of in opening tional Arena and the Alexandria McMtfca* CI*»r*J«t. la*. heavyweight championship campfire, and I more than a year, not only by ™ Today s winners will meet at Arena, a* well a* from Baltimore cm « ^ u * * tt sm ^ America. our fisher- in opinion anglers, but commercial while • to*** t’**o»o** i*» • ItMSI flu Ml LmUI Griffith Stadium Thursday Richmond and other point* and * Joey, one of the lightest hitters thee era* not a men. today s losers will face each other that M medal* and 50 trophir* * In the business, used his rapier- man who was not single present ftmaii stripers will not hit this at one or the other * field As this will be awarded like left to a decision In IS with the spear impressed sportsman- combination, but fish ranging is a double-knockout tourney, the rounds over 34-year-old Gas Les- of each and every one of ship from > or 4 pounds up will take game between today s losers will nevich of Cliffside, N. J„ who last the tenets of the Army Navy Qualifying them. One of it more readily than when only eliminate one team 26 lost his world title to Fred- of the brotherhood is to July creed one strip is used. In dyeing pork After Thursday action will shift Round Set for Women die Mills in England. tair» a boy fishing and teach him red which rind, use vegetable dye. to Georgetown University Medical Army Nary * women golfer* wUi Promoter Sam Becker, Cincin- sportsmanship. We feel free to can at any grocery you purchase School field for games June 2 qualify tomorrow for their spring nati clothier who on assert that the boys can teach the from puts fight store. Pour off liquid and 3 handicap tournament with full shows as a found his fun us a lot at the same time, and in the hobby, the rind, dump dye. replace In the Catholic League George- handicap* to apply m the rneda. a bauble in his their Inherent sense of sports- This costly this, biggest the liquid and let stand. town Prep moved into first place round venture. Sam needed manship will put the average so- will not stam feather* nor $100,000 to dye yesterday by nosing out St Match play it four flights ©f pay off—Lesnevich called sportsman to shame. other ss will meurochrome got $50,000 strips Johns 4-3 Ed Claxton of Prep eight will follow with the final and Maxim $15,000—but We would like also to pay which INCH'DIN* MIW O.UTCN only many employ. and Don Kokes of St John's June 3 Mr* A C. Pedersen u fans the tribute to the men whose inde- AND CAlVcSITOa 6,931 braved rain to pay pitched eight-hit ball, with Clax- chairman k efforts make this annual gross gate of $56,151.50 and a fatigable Rimfire Club ton fanning 13 Claxton had a PROMPT IMTAIUTIOI net of what it is. If it were not Arlington $40,429.08. That left Beck- party shutout up to the last inning JCC Plons Awards Night er some $45,000 in the hole. for men like J. Hammond Brown. Plans Outdoor Season In other schoolboy same* yes- Jewish Community Center wtU EMERSON & ORME Lesnevich Bill Everman. Clarence Carty. Roosevelt defeated went out like a terday Priory, hold Its annual award* night on Frank Bents, Ivan Anthony and The Arlington Rimfire Junior 17th ond M SH. H.W. champion. He was unmarked, ex- 4-2. and Richard Montgomery Thursday June • Eddie Koart- many more, there would be no Rifle Club now will turn its at- cept for a slight bruise beside his won over Gaithersburg. 4-1. blum executive directoi of the Dl. 1100 left He Jungle Cock Brotherhood. Prew i eye. said he had no alibi tention to outdoor matches The center, announced The progiam and that Savoy opens his famous trout he lost because he Run fires have been for No-Hitter for Leviton will feature several spoil* m©ue* lodge and the privileges of practicing couldn’t keep his face away from hip and a num- II I) S > STABLE STAR—Volo Chief, a pacer from the powerful Paul some time on the of the Abe Leviton no-hit ball guewt appearance* of I O Maxim’s left. stream for those attending. range pitched flicking of harness a noserubbing ber of sport* personalities Vineyard aggregation horses, gets Francis 8applngton of Mount Arlington Rifle and Pistol Club. as Kavakos blanked Mount “He never hurt me at all, and from Fred II, son of Owner F. B. Greenly, while Trainer- on a wonderful lunch Rainier. S-0. In a Mitchells Sports Greenly Airy put The riflemen closed out like to fight him again,” Gus Volo Chief is one of 28 junior ;Td Driyr Vineyard holds the youngster. for all. Rain, win and chilly Shop Softball League game last *»« i tin said. “I this their Indoor season with cham- u*-i thought one was head which Vineyard has brought in from Harrington, Del., for weather cannot dampen the night at Turkey Thicket. DISTilCT mOTOI CO pretty close, and that all I had pionship matches on the Wash- the 20-night inaugural meet opening Thursday at nearby Oxon ardor and unselfishness of men 1M9 Hth SI N W MI IMS to do was win the last ington-Lee High School range round tof Hill’s Rose croft like these, and boys expand and take it. And I won the raceway.__ Richard Johnson fired a 377x400 certainly* grow in spirit under their tute- Ikst one.” to take the club championship Next should lage. year you plan medal awarded by the National Lesnevich wasn’t kidding about to be a of this fine brother- to Seek part Rifle Association. winning the 15th, for he swarmed Hard-Driving Wingate hood. You will return refreshed I I AUTO GLASS all over Maxim to take it by a in mind and spirit, tired in body APPROVED Any Si**—Any Shape country mile. But he had dropped Trotting Gold at Rosecroft and with renewed faith in the the six right ahead of it as his fellowship of men and boys. From the show ring' to a place Warren Holmes of Mountain View, AUTO GLASS USED CARS SmI Cushions—Com* 34-year-old legs failed to F■ J ft ~aAh keep in the sun of the harness world N. J. The outstanding West |te with his fighting heart. That the big rockflsh can be «w low raica Mad* to Or dor VP in is the unusual Coast stable includes Seattle eight years story taken now over at the Gooses was InxmlImd Wkilm Ymm Wmit All Pa4y PflM m»4 C#I*m Maxim, also unmarked, said he Tom trotter listed as of late-starting Wingate, Dean, 5-year-old two our was a demonstrated by of friends STAID AID GUSS Toronto & Wotmon stunned couple of times by Rehoboth Beach, Del., driver- early favorite for the opening AUTO Fully Guaranteed! Lesnevicb’s last Saturday. Boating over In <24 N St. N.W. IL 1*25 l Si n w ha 2t«* winging rights in the trainer who checked in night mile feature, the $1,000 In- 5177 Ufh N W yesterday the late afternoon, they caught MTCTBATl—■ « Fla Am HO 7J» early rounds, but that the punches for the 20-nlght trotting meet novation Trot.
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