^spf.-g ^i»WQi;OODARD ~,L- . • .,.. , ;. V *"•••- • S® State Librarian >'•; :-y-;:%•• •. \;} W-^ -•THE-PR^^ Home Town THE PR -Home Town An Institution Which Works • Folks. For Community Ad- : V?:S •:ir- •' vancement. THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE TOWN OF ENFIELD, CONN. The 'Tress" Covers More Than Twenty-Two Suburban Districts, Combining a Population of Over Thirty Thousand Between Hartford & Springfield • ' THOMPSONVILLE, CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1924 PRICE $2.00 A YEAR—SINGLE COPY 5c liffiss Lyman A. Upson, One of Enfield's Foremost Vote On v*!' ;-V '•W ^ sftS Citizens, Who Died This Morning. «Pl ... School Problem o Take Hand -At the Special Electors Meeting Which Is To Be ^ Held Next Tuesday Might in the Auditorium— Law and Order The Appropriation of $250,000 To Be Asked, •vi According To the Finance Board Recommen- Aroused By the Frank Analysis of Local Conditions, They Are Now Com­ A. datiori, And Also Authority To Borrow Money. ing Forward and Demanding That the Law Enforcement Agencies of Three articles appear in the warn­ the Town Clean It Up—Parents In Panic Over the Danger To Which ing for the Special Town Meeting Is This True? Their Children Are Exposed—Opinion Devided As To Who Is Respon­ <-• "which has -been officially posted by sible, But It Generally Agreed That AH Officials Are Somewhat To the Board of Selectmen today. In LEADING citizen of the addition to'asking for an appropria­ town, a man whose honesty Blame—A Clean Up Campaign Promised. tion of $250,000 for the construction A and integrity is beyond -and equipment of a new high school question, and who is thorough­ Not in years without number have the selectmen ask authority to bor­ ly familiar with local condi­ the townspeople been so thoroughly row that amount "or such part tions made this statement on aroused as they were by the frank thereof as may be necessary" to fi­ the street this morning: "I Civil Service Commission nance the high school project. This firmly believe that, so far as discussion of the liquor situation and second article is made necessary by 'booze' is concerned, we are the law enforcement in the town. Scores the fact that the new building must worst town of our size in New of influential citizens who have Acts on Crime Conditions he temporary financed, by borrowing England today. There are at hitherto kept aloof from this subject on short term notes, such ambunt of least 100/ places that sell liquor are now coming forward ready to the entire appropriation as will be that could and should be closed T the regular meeting of the Civil Service Commission of the Tequired for the work that is to be up." express their views and willing to Town of Enfield, held at the Town Building, Wednesday even­ done until the next annual town take a hand in the restoration of law A ing, January 23, 1924, the following resolution was introduced •meeting. While authority is asked and order in the community. One and adopted by the Commission: to borrow the entire sum it is not of the effects of this attitude on the -expected that even a major fractional part of many of the citizens of the RESOLVED: That crime conditions are more deplorable in the part'of it will be used in the period town is the volunteering of much Town of Enfield at the present time, than at any time during the mentioned. Browne Buys valuable information regarding con­ knowledge of the "Police Commission," and in order to correct these The entire obligation will, in ac­ ditions, which had. previously been conditions, this Commission shall take immediate action in whatever cordance with the financial policy of withheld because of the reluctance of manner they deem best, to improve local conditions, with respect to the town, be turned into a bond is­ the average citizen to be mixed up law and order. sue following the approval of such in affairs of this kind. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we call upon the appoint­ -a plan by the annual town meeting. Heads of families, especially the ing power of Enfield, the Chief of Police, and the State's Attorney This will increase the bonded in­ fathers and mothers of young boys of Hartford County, to place the -town again within the law and debtedness of the town to $707,000. Purchases Two Large and girls are aroused to the dangers peace. "There will also be an increase in the that is lurking in every corner of ..sinking fund at the annual meeting Dwelling Houses At the town and to which their child­ RESOLVED, that the secretary of this Commission be instruct­ to take care of the new bond issue ren are continuously exposed. They ed to send a copy of these Resolutions to the Selectmen of Enfield, "when it matures. Even with the the Corner of Spring Lyman A. Upson Dies are no longer safe at any public Chief of Police, and State's Attorney's Office at Hartford, for their large increase, in the bonded indebt­ and High Streets From gathering. The pocket bootlegger is immediate attention and action. Signed, edness that the building of a new on hand to tempt the thoughless J. L. BODLEY, high school will occasion, the town, Carpet Company. youth in developing the misguided A. P. PRICKETT, 3>rgviding that the issue will be for : Suddenly This Morning notion that to be bibulously inclined M. W. HULLIVAN. -$250,000, will still be within the lim­ is real smart. If by any chance the J. Francis Browne, the town's hip pocket peddler should overlook it of the indebtedness that is legally largest individual taxpayer, added to" At this meeting also the Commission organized by the election •permissable by a margin of approx- Leader in Town Affairs For Many Years, Both In being present at any of these affairs, of Joseph L. Bodley chairman and Earl Reed was appointed Clerk. his realty holdings today by the the joint, where something can be umately $150,000. This amount is purchase of the two frame dwelling Hikely to increase at least another Its Civic and Industrial Life, Passes Away Sud­ had, is conveniently located not very houses at the corner of Spiring and far away. Both ply their trade un­ "$50,000 before the actual issue of the High streets from the Bigelow-Hart­ 3>onds takes place, by the anticipat- denly This Morning—Heart Failure Is Given molested and the distressing effect ford Carpet Company* of their activity is readily noticeable -ed increase in the property valuation The sale of the Carpet Company As Cause of Death—Had Retired From Active Man's Death May Lead <of at least another million dollars at such affairs.' Parents who have property to Mr. Browne was made been brought to a painful realization mext winter, .The third article .in the through President John M. Savage Business Several Years Ago. •warning for the special meeting next of this state of things are no longer of- the Enfield. Realty Company. MT. permitting their children to attend week provided for. a temporary jn- Browne deposited a check to bind Lyman Allen Upson, 82, retired Upson was made-superintendent and ., terest Vihailge for the amount. of me such gatherings. Parents are natur- i to Manslaughter Charge the transaction with Frank M. Deck- manufacturer and for many years he retained that position until the ally highly incensed at being forced .-appropriation that wiH be required natel, treasurer of the Carpet Com­ property was taken possession of by -until -tlie annual town meeting.- one of Enfield's leading citizens, died pany'this mottling,>afttl will take full the Bigelow-Hartford Carpet Com­ unhesitatingly condemn the author- ! Police Are Investigating the Story That Michael Much interest is being taken in title to it in a few days. suddenly at his home on North Main pany. During his connection with ; the make up of the building com­ street at 5 A. M. today. Up to the the Hartford Carpet Company many rdin them the mittee, the selection of which will be proper°protection!° *' i Shultas Was Taken From A North Main St. moment of his death, Mr. Upson, changes took place and he saw many A check up on the situation in the duty of the special meeting. despite his advanced age had enjoy­ great gains in growth during his "Joint" In A Stupified Condition and Deposit­ Following the usual custom: it will general during the past week indi­ MAIL SCHEDULE ed -exceptionally good health. He term as superintendent, as well as cates that there was a slight improve­ ' ?be composed of representatives of was about town yesterday, and made many changes in the carpet business ed in the Detention Room at the Police Station the School Board, the Selectmen and his customary call at the post office generally. ment. Anticipating greater police • the taxpayers at large. In official activity some of the more timid Where He Died In A Few Hours. WILL NOT CHANGE for his mail. He retired at his us­ In 1902 MF. Upson with Henry G. bootleggers temporarily suspended , -circles it is stated that flVe members ual time last evening, apparently in T. Martin of New York, then a mem­ of the School Board, two of the business. In the north part of the The mystery as to how a man who his usual health. Just before five ber of the firm of Reune Martin & village it was said by some of the Uoard of Selectmen and .two citizens Last Southbound Mail o'clock this morning he awoke and Sons, New York selling agents for Efficiency had been only in town for a few "will comprise the committee.
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