Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1926-11-17 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1926). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 148. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/148 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HOME COMERS! WELCOME! THE XAVERIAN NEWS Published Weekly by Students of St. Xavier College Vol. xir CINCINNATI, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1926 No. 9 XAVIER'S FESTIVAL DAY A ..•-•..•..•-«««..i CELEBRATION Xavier Musketeers Homecoming Fest to Are First Team In U. S. To Exceed All Previous Home­ Cover Four Days coming Festivities To Pass 300 Mark "March on, march on old Xa'vier," student Mass in Library'Chapel, at 8:30 A. M., offered for deceased alumni and professors of the college. will ring from thousands of throats Wednesday, November 17—Alumni Election in Recreation Building at Saturday afternoon, when the flash­ 8:00 P. M. Blue Grass Outfit Beaten 48 to 0 Thursday, November 18—The Masque Society offers Sheridan's "Rivals", ing Musketeers take the field against the Homecoming Play, at 8:15 P. M., at Odeon Auditorium, West Virginia Wesleyan. Old gradu­ Elm street. ates will cheer with undergraduates, "^' ' The Xavier Musketeers increased their string of consecutive victories to Friday, November 19—Monster pep meeting at Corcoran Field at 7 :30 P. M. A huge bonfire; cheering; speeches by Coaches Meyer, Jones old events will be compared with those '• -eight last Saturday when they massacred the State Teacher College of and Noppenberger; short addresses by several students and of the present day, goals, crossed Murray, Ky., 48 to 0. It was evident from the beginning of the game that members of the Alumni. late in the nineteenth century will be .-:-the Musketeers clearly outclassed their opponents and the main interest in Saturday, November 20—Homecoming Day. Morning—Greeting and welcome to alumni at campus. recrossed again in the twentieth. •' the game was concerning the size of the score. The Musketeers were under Noon—Reunion luncheon in Elet cafeteria. Xavier's teams of the past will be _,-wraps throughout the whole contest, using not more than ten different 1:00 P. M.—Inspection of campus. 2:00 P. M.—Football Game at Corcoran Field, St. Xavier honored again, while the present 1- plays in the game. vs. West Virginia Wesleyan University. 6:00 P. M.—Annual Homecoming banquet of the Varsity X. mighty Musketeer outfit, a real •win­ , Paul Beatty furnished the most excitement of the afternoon by dashing Association at Elet Dining Hall. James G. Manley, '24 ner will be cheered to the clouds. , 60 and 66 yards, respectively, to score two of his four touchdowns. Outside president will preside. Initiation and election follow. Elmer Conway is in charge of the X Association election Official opening of the Homecom­ 'oi Beatty it would be hard to pick another star of the game, for Murray and initiation. ing Week program will be held at the '^,did not furnish enough opposition to allow any of our linemen to demon- 8:30 P. M.—Homecoming Day Dance at the Marie Antoinette Ball Room, New Hotel Alms. The Homecoming Dance annual election meeting of the u-Tstrate their best ability. Dutch Wenzel scored six points by kicking goals is given under the auspices of the Homecoming Commit­ Alumni Association of the college,. .after touchdowns. Cochran, quarterback, and Wells, fullback, played well tee, which consists of Mr. F. Paul Geogehegan, Chairman; William Knecht, George Maginni, Walter Verkamp, Earl 7:30 p. m., Wednesday. James W. for the visitors. The linei^up: Winter and Thomas Clines. Farrell, president of the alumni body .': St. Xavier Positions Ky. Teachers Gbsizer ..............L.E O. Wells •will preside at this meeting. Dr. ..Schmidt .....L.T Puryear President's Message Thomas J. Glenn and Frank A. Scheibert R.G Gardner CALENDAR „; O'Hara R.T Chambers November 18—Junior Mass Gauche, both of whom have been ''!yy6nzel L.E Emerson in Library Chapel at 8:30 a. m. active in alumni circles, head the two j-J'-'-trr 'I'll ,t,MJJ»— K^i)p .0 Wallace The Rivals at 8:15 p. m., Odeon tickets for offices in the alumnal or­ J Tehan R.T Kenney .Auditorium, Elm street. -sClines Q.B Cochran ganization. • Beatty L.H May November 19—Senior Mass Burns R.H Sledd in Library Chapel at 8:30 a. m. Following the business meeting, •Kelly F.B W. Wells Masque Society meets in room the alumni will meet in social session S^Xavier 21 7 0 20—48 brary Chapel at 11:30. •^•rE^^ Teachers.. 0 0 0 0— 0 in the college cafeteria in Recreation ,. i ^Substitutions: McGrath for O'Hara, November 20—Homecoming Hall. ^ Wilson for May, Cain for Rapp, Ber- Vi'l Day. Members of the Masque Society of ger for Gosiger, Presto for Beatty, November 22—F r e s h m a n the college vnW produce Richard 'McNeills for Clines, Rolph for Wen- mass in Library Chapel at 8:30. ,zeli Janszen for Tehan, R. Krug for ».f.-j Brindsley Sheridan's "The Rivals" as ^•'Kolly, Polzer for Scheibert, Williams FYeshman Sodality meet in the Homecoming Week play 8:15 for;'- McNellis, McGregor for Cain, Library Chapel after mass. p. m., Thursday at the Odeon Audi­ Nieberding for Rolph. Masque Society meets in room torium, Elm street. A matinee for • '"; (Continued on page 2),. ' 10 at noon. Philopedian Society hifh school students will be given meets in room 10 at 1:35. Soph­ 2:30 p. m., Wednesday at Memorial WESLEYAN omore mass in Library Chapel Hall, Seventh and Sycamore streets.. at 8:30 a. m. The cast of the play includes Ray Of West Virginia Here m November 23 — Student Daley, Morse Conroy, William Wise,. November 20 Council meets in room 108 at Edward J. McGrath, Walter A. Ryan, 12:30. Glee Glub Meets in Re­ Jr., John Connor, Edward Gallagher, , The Musketeers will meet the grid- creation Hall at 7 :30 p. m. 4ersv from West Virginia Wesleyan -t William Clines, Edward Doyle and November 24—Student Mass Misses Mary S^witalski, Esther Spaeth, cTniyersity in the Homecoming foot- in Library Chapel at 8:30 a. m. lialLicontest here, November 20. It is Martha Metz and Bertha Gossman. hoped that their winning streak will Frank X. McCarthy, senior in tho l:'';a;.'tjxtended to nine games. College of Liberal Arts and president ' .Wesleyan is. coached by an alum- "^wiLLiAMT(Mr^ of the Student Council is chairman raisJ^'Carl B. Ross, who has developed of the committee sponsoring the big one'-of the strongest teams ever to To Represent St. Xavier Alumni night pep rally in Corcoran Stadium, r-='prosent that institution. There are at Convention on FViday evening. Speakers at the , S:)iri6 big, good men on the Wesleyan rally will stimulate enthusiasm for sfiuad, and we know the Musketeers William Fox represented St. Xa^viei the Homecoming game with West w,ill'not sail through to victory easily. College Alumni at the convention of Virginia Wesleyan on the follo'wing B^Jt; on the other handj we know they the National Catholic Alumni Feder­ day. A bonfire will be the signal for ation, held in the Belle^vue-Stratford starting the rally. •will win. REV. HUBERT F. BROCKMAN, S. J. , '.Last season Wesleyan scored the Hotel, Philadelphia, November 12, (Continued on page 8) mo^t; impressive •victory of the year Dear Alumni, former Students and 13 and 14. Honorable Richard Crane .ov^r:Boston College, recognized as Friends of St. Xavier College: about your life-tasks with a newer and Joseph Verkamp were alternates. one <.of the strongest teams in the The College once more welcomes and sharper zest for what is good Over a thousand men attended the NOTICE S coaiitry. This year Wesleyan has back to the campus its students of and great. In these days of shifting convention. The first day's session k played West Virginia State, New former days, its host of loyal friends educational programs and uncertain was called to order by Honorable Thanksgiving Holidays Posted ^ Yifffc-JJniversity and the Na'vy in their and followers. A cordial reception or forgotten standards of faith and Victor J. Dowling, K. S. G., a justice »: hardest engagements. Although they awaits you all on Homecoming Day, morality and even the rejection of in the Supreme Court of New York. The Thanksgiving holidays will be­ ?; di't not defeat any of these teams, it Saturday, November 20. Your pres­ the principal that religion must be On November 13, Charles T. Greve, gin on Thanksgiving morning and no I is not: hard to see that Wesleyan will ence will be an honor to Alma Mater coupled with education, you •will feel referee in bankruptcy, Cincinnati, classes •will be held until the follow- • % piovide .'plenty of opposition for the and a blessing to yourselves. We are once again your present superior read a paper. The last day of the ing Monday according to Rev. D. power which is the fruit of the train­ i'l Musketeers. prOud of you, whose lives are so convention was opened •with a ponti­ M. O'Connell, S. J. This includes the ing of the intellect united with the re­ ;^' tt Iwas not until Homecoming Day, sigrnal a benefit-to our city, our nation fical solemn high mass •with His anticipated patronal feast of St.
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