AUGUST 20, 2009 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE Police expansion may fare better when economy improves BY LAUREN TINER last Wednesday, Leggett ex- we will get cheaper fees for Leggett also concluded “Voters wanted to know if hermal heating system and [email protected] plained that he was not a the building. It’s a catch-22 ei- that many voters did not the town could find ways to wanted to know more about The results of a survey building or design expert, ther way,” said O’Brien. strongly oppose the project, cut down the cost and ad- the advantages and disad- that asked Gilford residents but that he often worked with Leggett said that the vot- but felt the town could utilize dress the police station needs vantages of geothermal heat- to explain the reasoning be- percentages and did put his ers were also concerned with the existing space more so. without an expensive proj- ing verse conventional heat- hind their votes for the pro- full effort into determining the priorities of town spend- But for most, Leggett said the ect. The survey also shows ing, said Leggett. posed police station addition the concerns of Gilford resi- ing and afraid of insufficient issue appeared to be money there’s the desire for more in- Selectman Kevin Hayes showed that money was a pri- dents through the survey. spending, considering 28 per- and the need for more infor- formation from the town, and said he couldn’t seem to find mary factor for those who op- “The purpose of the sur- cent opposed spending in- mation on the project. Voters voters could be persuaded to one general opinion in the posed the project. vey is to understand why vot- creases and 18 percent did wanted to know more about vote but they needed clearer survey, but Chair Gus Bena- Statistics and Economics ers rejected the article. The not see a reason to expand the the need for the expansion information,” said Leggett. vides said the board would consultant Christopher bottom line and the general police department in the first and more about the design Voters were also split on Leggett prepared and com- opinion is that voters gener- place. details, said Leggett. the use of the proposed geot- SEE SURVEY PAGE A9 piled the results of the sur- ally believed this article vey at the request of the should be put on the ballot Board of Selectmen, which again, after the economy im- Youth group finds new perspective was looking for a consensus proves,” said Leggett. on why voters rejected this Selectman John O’Brien year’s $1.58 million proposal felt that the 58 percent of the to expand the police station. voters, who viewed the de- The board requested the clining economy as a time to survey in April. The survey refrain from such projects, consisted of a two-page ques- might have looked at the pro- tionnaire with six questions posed project from the wrong and was sent to a random angle. sample of 500 registered vot- “Voters said they want to ers who participated in the wait until the economy gets 2009 election. better.If we work on the proj- At the selectmen meeting ect as the economy while bad Beaches and parking still at forefront of residents’ concerns BY LAUREN TINER saying everyone did it, but [email protected] some people were giving the As summer winds down, passes to their friends and Gilford residents and town bosses,” said Benavides. departments came together Town Administrator last week to address issues Scott Dunn added that the with the selectmen at the an- town did not want the resi- nual summer forum. Tax- dents to deal with the over- payers voiced concern over crowded parking, and that items such as guest passes the deed on the town beach and parking complications and certain facilities re- at Gilford’s Town Beach, the stricted use for the town and mysterious trailers sneak- for guests because the land ing into town parking was given for a particular spaces, and the concern over reason. COURTESY PHOTO FROM SCOTT HODSDON Gilford Middle School’s Swanson suggested that Mary Snow tears up the floor at a church in Newark. three-week closure this past the town get in touch with BY LAUREN TINER spring. towns such as Sunapee and [email protected] church youth group has trav- group achieves, said youth “There are countless or- After the Board of Select- added that even gated facili- Twelve teens set out to eled on weeklong missions to director Scott Hodsdon, who ganizations with worksites men opened up the town fo- ties had more guest privi- Newark in upstate New York places like New Orleans, to also joined the Newark trip. and camps around the coun- rum to the public, Wayne leges than the Town of Gil- this summer for Gilford aid in hurricane relief, and Hodsdon explained that it try.We were doing more con- Swanson, a year round resi- ford. Community Church’s annu- Rutland, Vt., for community was mostly up to the organi- struction services in the last dent of Gilford, addressed Residents also expressed al mission trip, lodging at a service. One organization zations and businesses in few years, so this year we his concerns for the town their concern over parking local high school and work- the youth group has worked need to determine where Gil- were more community serv- beach. by the Glendale docks, not ing onsite at churches, nurs- with is called Reveal, a group ford youth volunteers would ice based,” said Hodsdon. “I want to know why the just Varney Point road, and ing homes, and victim cen- work camp that means God travel and what type of vol- The campsite itself in board feels they have to tax ters. is revealing himself through unteer work they would com- residents for guest passes. I SEE FORUM PAGE A9 For the last few years the the work that the youth plete each year. SEE YOUTH GROUP PAGE A9 did my research and other beaches don’t tax them. There (at Sunapee) each property owner gets a three- Owners of Kitchen Cravings restaurant get ‘pinked’ BY LAUREN TINER year guest pass that can be [email protected] prise last Saturday morning rant and found a hot pink pa- conia Historical and Muse- that their Gilford business placed in any vehicle. Why as they drove into work and per taped to the door: “Con- um Society fundraiser had was one of the first to take do we have to be different Bill and Sally Bickford, spotted 30 bright pink, plas- gratulations, You’ve Been paid a $25 visit to Gilford, part in the Laconia fundrais- than other towns?” asked owners of Kitchen Cravings tic Flamingos lounging on Pinked.” something they usually don’t er and to be “pinked.” Swanson. by the Laconia Airport in their lawn. The Bickfords The Bickfords realized do except for a few excep- “We appreciate it. Bill is Selectmen Chair Gus Be- Gilford, had quite the sur- went to open up the restau- that a member from the La- tions when the birds “mi- in the Laconia Historical So- navides explained that the grate” in mid-Aug. The note ciety.He did the SPAM cook- town thought long and hard informed the Bickfords that off and won people’s choice about their decision and the gesture was in good spir- award for his ‘spurgers,’ with tried to make the residents of its, and that their pink plas- jalapeno cornbread. One of Gilford their first priority. tic friends, sent by Debbie the ladies from the Histori- “Number one, we wanted Frawley Drake, would cal Society wanted to pink to make sure the residents “roost” on the lawn of us,” said Sally Bickford, who had access to the facilities, Kitchen Cravings until Sat- admitted she had hinted at including Glendale. That’s urday evening. waiting for a flock of flamin- why taxes rose in order to The Bickfords, originally gos from time to time. maintain the facilities,” said from the Florida Keys, said The Bickfords have al- Benavides. Residents had they called up the society and ready called and arranged complained about over- requested to have the flamin- for a special someone in La- crowding, so the board tried gos hang out until Sunday, conia to be “pinked,” a per- to do something about it, he considering it reminded son they wish to keep a se- said, although the selectmen them of their retirement and cret for now because the plan to reassess this year to they both love flamingos, flamingos are in such high see how successful the which are displayed through- demand. It may be a while un- changes were. out the restaurant. til the Laconia resident re- “We wanted to see what “They flew away Sunday. ceives their surprise, said we could do to make the We were sad to see them go. Sally Bickford. beach facilities more acces- You can pay $10 to have them “It was done in fun. Our sible for residents. We also removed earlier, but we did- costumers liked it too,” said had some abuse from the n’t want to. We love flamin- Sally Bickford who snapped guest cards, which was one COURTESY PHOTO FROM SALLY BICKFORD gos,” said Bill Bickford. a picture at the crime scene of our concerns. We’re not A flock of plastic flamingoes awaited Bill and Sally Bickford. Sally Bickford explained to immortalize the moment. A2 THE GILFORD STEAMER ALMANAC AUGUST 20, 2009 Music Festival and musicians reach accord LAKES REGION — The time a continuity with our the willingness of manage- the American Federation of Board of Directors of the successful past.” ment to work with us to find Musicians.
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