Rc.G1A.73/?077 Date: .10.2020

Rc.G1A.73/?077 Date: .10.2020

PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMPETENT AUTHORITY (L.A.) & IOINT COLLECTO& KRISHNA PRESENT: DR. K.MADHAVI LATHA' I.A.S., Rc.G1A.73/?077 Date: .10.2020. !g!: - Land Acquisition - Krishna District - Bandar Division - Kaikaluru Mandal - Alapadu Village - Land measuring an extent 196-19.02 of Sq.mtrs in R.S.Nos. 60 / l-18,62/-11B,62/ 1,1, A etc,, proposed for Land Acquisition for the purpose of widening two lane with pave shoulders/four pamarru lane from Km.0.000 to Km.60.600 of - Digamarru Road of NH-165 - 3G statement recorded from remaining Land holder - Title verified - payment of Compensation- orders issued- Beedr 1. Award No. 0{202G2V|.,IH-165, dated 03.2020 of the Competent Authority (L.A) & |oint Collector, Krishna. 2.Rc.A/237 /2017, dated 13.M.2020 (Nine 3G Statements) of Tahsildar, Kaikaluru. $$9 ORDER; In the reference lstread above, award bearing No. O1/2A2UZ1,/,J-P.-765, dated 31.03.2020 was passed for an extent 19619.07 Sq.rntrs in R.S.Nos. 60/ 778,62/'11F,62/11A etc., in Alapadu ViIIage of Kaikaluru Mandal for the purpose of widening two lane with pave shoulders/four lane from Km.0.000 to Km.60.600 of pamarru - Digamarru Road of NH-165 in Alapadu village of Kaikaluru Mantlal. the In reference 2nd read above, tle Tahsildar, Kaikaluru has submitted the 3G Statements of the 09 (Nine) land holders of Alapadu Village for payment of compensation who has not attended at the time of award enquiry. The Iand holders approached the Tahsildar, Kaikaluru and submitted documentary evidences for payment of compensation for the purpose of widening two lane with pave shoulders/four lane from Km.0.000 to Km.60.600 of Pamarru - Digamarru Road of NH-165 in Alapadu Viltage. The 3G Statements submitted by the Tahsildar, Kaikaluru was verified and the particulars are as detailed below. Extent Total Name of the Covered Struct sl.N Award Copy of Doauments Tree Compensati land R.S.No. by ure Sl.No Filed Value Remarks Owner a.quisitio Value on amount n Sq.Mbs The Tahsidar Copy of Registered recommended to pay the Penumudi do.ument No.801,4993, compensation for an 1 1 Poomachan 11sl 320 dt.2E.U.7993, Copy of u 0 2a5296 extent of Aa.0.08.ents dra Rao Title Deed with Khatha /320 sq.mtr to Sri No 82 Penumudi Poomachandra Rao S/o Subba Rao Copy of Registered documents The Tahsidar 62It7A, 1335.51 Nos .3594992, dt.29.02.7992 recommended to pay the Penumudi 6T72, 1375.98 7,8)O, 133 991, dt compensation for an 2 Kedareswar 6438, 20.235 26708 73,75 23.01.79n,1426,1990, 0 14724798 extent of Ac.0.033 .ents a Rao 64682, 721.41 dated 0206.1990 4335.51 sq.mtr, to Sri 62nC2 7092.63 Copy of Title Deed with Penumudi Poomachaltdra Khatha No 80 Rao S/o Subba Rao The Tahsidar recommended to pay the 643A, Penumudi 724.46 Copy of Registercd compensation for an 9,17, 6UiBL 20.235 3 Prabhakaa docu ents extent of Ac.0.5 aents 7474, 62f7 A, 20.23s 0 0 3608030 Rao No-5105201&dated A0r1.73sq.mk, ro Sri 62/sC2 242.a 27.72.201E Penumudi Prabhakara Rao/ P Satyanarayana Murthy The Tahsidar recommended to pay the Gokavanpu 707.175 compensation for an 6438, Copy of Registered 4 10,15 Dhana 566.58 document extent of Ac. 0.10 cents 62/7C2 No18&5/2001 32096 0 2445539 Iakshmi dr. 15.122m3 /(N.7 sq.mh, to Smt Cokavarapu Dhana Iakshmi {o Siva Naga Krishna Prasad The Copy of Registered Nangedda recommended to pay document No2342020, the 5 25b Koteswara compensation 6WM 4U.7 dt.22.01.2020 and report for an Rao 0 0 360810 extent ofMandal Depufy of Ac.0.10 cents Surveyor, Kaikalur /404.7 sq.mt:., to Si Nangedda Koteswara Rao N. Chinna Rao The Copy of Registered recommended Nangedda docume[t No2342020, to pay the 5 z5b cotrpensation Naga Raiu 68y'3A2 4M.7 dt 22.01.2)20 and report for an 0 0 360810 extent of Ma-ndal Deputy of Ac. 0.10 cents Suweyor, Kaikalu-r /404.7 sq-a*I, to SriNangedda Naga Raju N. Chinna Rao The Copy of Registered Tahsidar recommended Nangedda document No2342020, to pay the 7 %b compensation Muniyya 6WA2 4M.7 dt.2201.2020 and report for an 0 0 360810 extent of Mandal Deputy of Ac.0.10 cents Surveyor, Kaikalur /404.7 sq.mfi, to SriNangedda Munilya N. Chinna Rao The Copy of Registered Tahsidar Nangedda recodmetded document No2342020, to pay lhe 8 b Srinivasa compensation fot @/sA2 4M.7 dt 22.01.2020 and report an 0 0 360810 extent of Rao ofMandal Depufy Ac.0.10 cents sq.mh, Surveyor, Kaikalur /4M.7 ro Sd Nangedda Srinivasa Rao N. Chinna Rao The Copy of Regiotered Nangedda tecommended to pay do.ument No2342020, the 9 25b,2A Nag" 68/3AZ 404.7 compensation for an dt.22.01.2020 and report 68/3D7 60.71 0 0 474936 extent of Ac. Roshayya of Mandal Deputy 0.12 cents Suiveyor, Kaikalur /18564 eq.mtr, to Sri Nangedda Srinivasa Rao N. Chinna Rao Total 22321839 In this connection it is arso submitted g,g3,722su-Iand that an amount of Rs, compensation was awarded for Alapadu village hcruding Rs.20,000/- ex-gratia to each ryoth who have attended for award enquiry as per circular instructions No.NHAI/11013/ DGM/LA/Coord .201g/FTS-s6/ 41099 , Dt:05.02.2013, and the amount was received from the Executive Engineer (R&B), NH Division, Viiayawad.a. ANNEXURE I AJ per 5har cirolla t2go Extent Mul @ f Total oh land Covea hold tipli Multipl in'truc R.5. Name of fixed Valu Value+T value 5t. ed by by (rti l-and i(ation Valu Solatium tionJ No, the reeValue Co.8 N rd acquiJi the for Value with eof loo% Total No. pattadar on 5tru +Slructur s!. tion part / A4S on 1.25 Tree 28.06.2 (12+13+14 wit ctur on NHAY Enjoyer q.Mt Col.4 land e value Ol8 to No Sq.Mtr h J Col.l2 ) uot3/ nl e (9+lo+lt 31.o3.20 J Sq. 1.25 value DGM/ ) 20 Mtrt LAy'co (643 ord.2O days ) t3/Ffs I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll 12 13 t4 t5 l6 t7 Penumudi Pu,nachan dru Rao, 1t5l slo 1 1 1 320 320 Subbarao 129 4L7 105280 131520 0 0 131520 131520 22255 285295 20000 Penumudl l(edarerwa r Rao,S/o (tate) P Satyanaray 62lt 1335 ana 154 175753 2L9557 2 7 1A r350 .51 Murthy 1316 4 1 8 0 0 2L95574 2L95s7a 37L537 4762694 20000 Penumudi xedareswa r Rao,S/o (Late) P Satyanaray 62/t L375-g 1375 164 181079 226211 3 8 2 a .98 Murthy r316 4 0 1 0 0 2262t111 22621n 382796 490701A 0 Penumudl Prabhakar nao, S/o (Latel P.Satyanar 62lt 728. 164 119758 4 9 72A-46 46 Murthy 1316 4 958653 8 0 0 1197588 1197588 202657 2597833 20000 Gokavarap u Dhana /o siva Naga 6213 10r. Krishna 3209 5 10 B 126.54 175 Prasad 1316 4 133146 166332 0 6 198428 198428 28L47 425002 20000 Penumudi l(edareswa r Rao,S/o (tate) P Satyanaray 6213 20,2 ana 154 6 10 B 126.s4 3S Mu.thy 1316 4 26629 33266 0 0 33256 33266 5629 72L62 0 Penumudl Plabhakar Reo, S/o (tate) P.Satyanat 62ls 20.2 ayana 164 7 11 B2 25 35 Murthy 1316 4 26679 33266 0 0 33266 33266 5629 72162 0 Penumudi Prabhakar Rao, s/o {tate) P.Satyanar 6215 20-2 ayana 164 8 t2 c2 25 35 Mu.thy 1316 4 26629 33266 0 0 33266 33265 5629 72162 0 Penumudi (edaregwa r Rao,s/o Itate) P Satyanaray 52/6 121. ana 164 9 13 B2 125 4t Murthy 1316 4 t59?76 199598 0 0 199598 199598 3?776 412972 0 Penumudi Prabhakar Rao, s/o {Late) 6217 242. P.Satyanar 164 10 L4 242.8 8 ayaha 1316 4 319525 399153 0 0 399163 399163 67547 465473 0 Gokavarap u Dhana Lakhsml,w /o slva Naga 6217 1559.2 s66, Krlshna 164 9314S8 931458 157622 2020537 0 11 15 c2 1 58 Prasad 1316 745619 931458 0 Penumudi Kedareswa r Rao,s/o (Late) P Satyanaray 143790 fi9524 2670 5217 1659.2 1092 ana 164 1a22992 laz2992 303968 3949952 0 1316 4 I 4 0 8 t2 15 Q. 1 .63 Murthy Nangedda Koteswara, ao, s/o N 25 6al3 404. China 13 B A2 2023.S 7 Suryarao 329 411 133146 166332 0 0 166332 166332 28L47 360810 20000 Nangedda NaSaraju, s/o N 25 6Al3 404. China 74 B A2 2023.5 7 Suryarao 329 4LX 133146 166332 0 0 166332 166332 28141 360810 20000 Nangedda s/o N 25 5813 404. Chlna 15 B AZ 2023.5 7 5uryarao 329 411 133146 166332 0 0 156332 155332 28747 360810 20000 I{angedda Srinivasa Rao, S/o N 25 5811 404. Chlna 16 B A2 2023.5 7 Suryatao 329 411 133146 166332 0 0 166332 166332 24147 150810 20000 Nangedda NaSa Rosayya, 5/o N 25 5813 404. Chlna 17 B A2 2023.5 7 Suryarao 329 411 133146 166332 0 0 166332 166332 28147 360810 20000 Nangedda Na8a Rosayya, s/o N 68/t 60,7 Chlna 18 ot 60.71 I Suryarao 129 411 19974 24952 0 0 24952 24952 4222 54126 0 8029 819381 102360 5880 1029484 L7942 .46 4 41 0 4 10294845 s 1732150 22321839 180000 In the present proceedings an amount of Rs, 2,23,21,839/- for an extent of 8029.46 Sq.

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