Deadline Dinner Financial Aids Sigma Delta ('Id, pnifessional journa- The final date for submitting finan- lism society. has announced that cial aid apptleatIons for the 1970-1971 Tuesday. 'March 10, is the deadline academie year is Monday, March 16. for purehasing tickets to Thursday Ali rind tins. applieants and those night's Deadline Dinner, to be held in A RTAN DAILY haling to (amen financial aid ;Neck- the f'ollege Union Ballroom. ages must apply to the Financial 1 SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Aids Office, Adm 234, by this date. Vol. 57 41110 se SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114, MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1970 No. 80 Acting President Burns A.S. Organizations Responds to Demands Support Rutherford Acting President Dr. Hobert Burns debate: "I think that a general ex- responded yesterday to a pair of de- change of viewpoints on this contra- At a Friday meeting of student or- The second portion of the plan is the mands issued by the United Front vesy could prove very helpful in de- formation of departmental information Against War Related Recruiting (UF- ciding whether we should attempt to ganization leaders. A.S. Personnel Of- groups. Through this plan, information AWRR). change college and Trustees' policy on ficer Randy Kern revealed a four point sheets will be distributed and speeches The UFAWRR had demanded that this matter." program supporting fired SJS psycho- will be made in classes. This plan is corporation recruiters either be forced The statement added that a presi- logy professor, Dr. Eldred E. Ruther- meant to thoroughly inform the cam- to leave the campus or participate in dential committee of students and fac- ford. pus of the issues. a debate with members of the UF- ulty Is in the process of reviewing the Kern asked the group to help or- The formation of a community in- AWRR. recruitment program and that Dr. ganize, as Acting President Hobert formation group is the third portion of They also demanded that SJS Psy- Burns feels the protesters point of view Burns termed it, a "cold-bloodly realis- the plan. This group will educate the chology Professor Dr. Eldred E. Ruth- should be made known to that group. tic" campaign of political action against college and the noncollege communities erford be rehired for next year. State On the second demand, Dr. Burns' Chancellor Glenn Dumke's firing of of San Jose to what is termed the College Chancellor Glenn S. away, statement said such action is beyond Rutherford. "political action" against Rutherford has ruled that Dr. Rutherford should our local powers, but that the Aca- The first part of the four point pro- that Dumke made. not be retained. demic Council has requested the Chan- gram is the formation of a campus Near the end of the meeting Dr. In response to the demands, Dr. cellor to change his decision. mobile information groups. On Seventh Rutherford entered and said "thanks to Burns issued a one page written state- The statement went on to cite the St. and throughout campus the plan everybody" for their support. When ment yesterday afternoon. growing student and faculty support calls for information booths, speeches questioned if he had any suggestions Dr. Burns cited a State College for Dr. Rutherford, He chased the state- and informational picket lines, if neces- about how the students could further Board of Trustees ruling as preventing ment with the pledge, "I shall carry sary. This action is to inform the SJS help him, Rutherford said he would any individual college from removing our protest to the Trustees and beyond faculty and students about Durnke's rather leave that matter to the stu- recruiters from campus. if necessary." threat to campus autonomy. dents. A meeting is currently scheduled for The UFAWRR presented the de- next Tuesday at which time Executive mands to Dr. Dusel yesterday after- Vice President Dr. William J. Dusel noon. Dr. Burns was reportedly en will attempt to work with UFAWRR route to a Western College Association members in arranging a debate for conference at the time. be on March 18. The recruiters will The demands were presented follow- Tenant Union To Study campus again March 19-20. ing a Seventh Street rally and a march expressed In his statement Dr. Burns past the College Union and to the a favorable opinion toward a possible steps of Tower HalL The text of Dr. Burns statement fol- Housing Problems, Rent lows: Response to petition of "United Front" By STAN SCOVEI.L renters," Buck stated. "It is therefore Birth Control Group. Daily Staff Writer the intent of this survey to find the apart- DEMAND NO. 1 The Student Tenants Union stepped number of individuals in each ment and then go to the county tax College policy has always provided up the tempo of its struggle against assessors office where we can find the for a free and open campus, in recruit- what it terms "unfair and arbitrary" legal owners of these apartments." Group Offers ing as in the discussion of controversial rent controls Friday, by instituting a subjects. The State College Trustees survey that is intended to show the LOWER RATES have recently established a policy on relation of landlord profits in correla- open recruiting for all State Colleges. tion to the number of renters and the Because, according to Buck, there conditions under which they live. restriction on the amount SJS Clinic I understand that plans are being is no legal It is the contention of Mike Buck, can levy, the tenant explored for an open forum on this of rent an owner of the people using tenant spokesman, that the landowners lower the present Over half question next week. I think that a union will endeavor to are enjoying double benefits under the by confronting the owners with Planned Parenthood's San Jose clinic general exchange of viewpoints on this rates present rent control system. He em- figures pertaining to their (the land- are SJS students, crowding out the low controversy could prove very helpful in phasized that in addition to the liberal lords) total monthly rent intake in for whom it was In- deciding whether we should attempt to income families tax write-offs for depreciation the own- relation to "inadequate" student ac- change college and Trustees' policy on tended. ers are also collecting excessive rents commodations. this matter. A presidential committee has offered to set for what he terms "inadequate and The organization of students and faculty is currently Conceding, however, that this method clinic in the dilapidated" housing. up and run an evening reviewing our entire recruitment pro- may not prove to be viable, the center at no cost to student health gram and should have the benefit of OWNERS 'CONCEALED' tenants union will continue its present use the build- GREGORY RAPS the state besides the of the protestors' points of view. If our "Most of the housing in the com- strike policy of submitting only what to John Lux, ing and tables, according local campus government agrees that "Agnew's so dumb he's the only guy in college who went out on a panty munity is owned by a few corporations it considers a "fair and reasonable" member and in- Planned Parenthood we no longer wish an open-campus raid and came back with a lock strap." (See story on page 4.) who try to conceal this fact from its rent in light of existing conditions. College structor of an Experimental policy on recruiting, I shall investigate Owners have reacted to the Mar. 1 birth control counseling class. the posibilities of making such a change resolution by refusing to accept the received en- Lux said the group has with the trustees. reduced rent figures. Buck stipulated and couragement from college officials the procedure invoked by the tenants Dr. Thomas J. Gray, director of the DEMAND NO. 2 union, wherein monthly rent payments Student Health Services. Regarding the demand for the rehir- IBM were submitted to the landlords by received Employees not yet Discuss However, it has ing of Dr. Rutherford, such action is registered mail with a return signature word from the chancellor's office about beyond our local powers. However, our requested. whether the clinic can be set up on Academic Council has already re- campus. quested the Chancellor to reconsider CHECKS RETURNED Planned Parenthood is sending a let- his decision, such request being a neces- These checks have all been returned, ter to every member of the board of sary preliminary to appealing directly Black Economic Power Buck claimed, because the owners have trustees explaining what they are to the State College Trustees to over- For 30 minutes last night, three student credit refused to accept the re-evaluated pay- trying to do and the need for such rule the Chancellor's action. Student feedback," concluded Dudely. "You're giving a white man Black IBM employees talked about one "What ments. With escrow holding forbidden a clinic. and faculty groups are organizing a do you want to know from for bringing stuff that you shelled out kind of Black power in the economy us?" one of the by law to the tenants union, student The San Jose clinic has a five-week strong political campaign to correct speakers asked the for." jobs. And then a special guest, Dick students. "strikers" must depend on the mail to waiting list for day appointments and a what we believe is an unendurable de- 'THINK BLACK' Gregory, walked into the session and Someone answered that the best attempt payment of rent, Buck as- six-week list for evening appointments. nial of due process and a disregard of "You got to think from a Black point talked of another kind of Black power thing the Blacks in serted.
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