University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-10-1895 Santa Fe Daily New Mexican, 12-10-1895 New Mexican Printing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe Daily New Mexican, 12-10-1895." (1895). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ sfnm_news/5181 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. IANTA FE DAILY NEW MEXICAN VOL.32. SANTA FE, N. M.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1895 NO. 246 Death of a New York Banker. PRIZE AWARDED TO ST, LOUIS THE SAUTA FE SYSTEM SOLD Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Buy of us! Santa Clans did, and bia New York, Dec, 10. Wm. Augustus example is always worth following. He Camp, well know in business, now especially .knows exactly what he's about. Jnst the oiroles of this is National banking city by reason Vuet Bid in be is oooopied abont Christmas. That Meeting of the Republican of bis association with New York Railroad Property by business whioh to oonoern long the onght Committee in the City of Wash- clearing honse, from the management of Edward Kins for the New everyone now. Speaking of holiday pur- to- To-da- which he retired in 1892, died how about our hardware f We April, chases, ington day at the age of 71. Company. can't tell you a quarter as much as yon ean see for It is a long list of MM yourself. THE ST. L9UIS THE PLACE FAVOfi MONROE IS SOLD FOR SIXTY DOLLARS hardware articles that you need about the JUNE MONTH, DOCTRINE. II MILLION house. Maybe you laok some of them if you do, jnst.drop in on us and like Santa (i cose San Franoisoo Turned DownPoor Duckworth Club of Cincinnati In- Unavailing Protests of St. Louis & San Clans, all out your list, it won't you dorses Cleveland's Monroe Do- Absolutely pure much at our prioes. Little Not In It Chicago's Franoisoo Bond-holde- Name of ... Pittsburg ctrine Declaration services daring that Mr. Bayard had violated his Judge Collier has called a special term Ice Trust Can Supply Her Offered in Rvent of War. System Unchanged Receivers duty in denonnoing halt of bis conrtry-me- of the district court at Albuqnerqne on Yr W. H. 1896. COEBEL, Rival with Cubes. in January 6, ' Crystal Temporarily Charge. When Mr. Mr. A Catron Block - Santa Fe. Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 10. The Duck- Crisp pressed Dingley penalty of 25 oents will be tacked hard to know if he believed that Mr. onto all Las Vegas poll taxes remaining worth olub, Democratic passed a resolu A words were - Deo. 10. The . Topeka, Kas., Deo. 10. large crowd Bayard's impeachable, Ding- nnpaid on December 20. Washington, Republican tion the declarations of Presi- that in his were, indorsing assembled at 10 o'clock this morning at ley replied opinion they L. O. Fnllen, for two years foreman of politicians assembled early this morning dent Cleveland on the Monroe but the policy of doing so he, Dingley, dootrine, the station of the Atchison, To- the office, will succeed J. M. Hawkins as at the Arlington to pnll the convention and also sent a telegram to Gov. Mo-- Tepeka doubted. of to manager the Eddy Argns. TELEPHONE 26. wires and incidentally to promote the in- Kinley, asking in the event of war to be peka k Santa Fe Railway oompany IMPEACHMENT FEATUBE STRICKEN OUT. of the which Geo. T. Hill is gold lettering one of the terests of several candi- enlisted as the first Ohio volunteer in witness the sale big road, vote on the Barrett resolution their presidential was to for abont The first large windows of the San Miguel National fantry. go $65,000,000. on a Mr. to refer dates. was soon the official came motion by Crisp bank, proclaiming to all the world and It determined that to the motion Regarding the convention cities, there notice of the sale said 2 o'clock not 10 it the judiciary oommittee, the rest of mankind, that this bank has CHAS. IHK H4KKKTS. defeated on a vote of 80 to were only font seriously in the field San o'olock. - being rising $100,000 capital and $50,000 surplus. WAGNER, 206. Francisco, Chicago, St, Louis ard Pitts The this afternoon will be It has been decided to discontinue the bidding The Barrett resolntion was burg. , Mew adopted, Christian mission school at Cer-rillo- s DEALER IN New York, Deo. lO.Money on call done by Edward King, of York, who, after out the words the Sunday At 10:80, Chairman Carter the 1 C. C. striking direoting .The old school house " rapped easy at 2 mercan- with Beman and Victor Morawetz, until. spring. committee to order and the roll was percent; prime ns foreign affairs oommittee to report "by in whioh it has beet held is not condi- tile paper, Silver, 66; of New York, was appointed the pur- in oalled. i 6. lead, impeachment or otherwise." tion for comfortable winter ' chasing committee by the reorganization occupancy. There were no responses from Ala committee. AH are here. THE LAND OOUBT. Beet has been the in bama. District of Chicago Cattle, reoeipts 6,500; Bugar faotory talk California, Delaware, market for best glow but It is expeoted that there will be no op- The president yesterday sent to the Eddy the past week, though nothing ab Columbia, Mis grades, steady FURIITURE Kentucky, Mississippi, Beeves, $3.00 $4.80; cows and heifers, posing bid and that the offer made to senate the nominations for the C, S. land solutely definite is known as yet concern- souri, New York, North Dakota and Wyo m Special Master Johnson will be a nominal oonrt All the present incum- the matter. is said the was $1.50 $3.60; Texas steers, $2.60 judgships. ing It projectors ming; oat it said that there were stookers and one of $10,000. The securities, some bents were renominated as follows: Jos- have about to committeemen or for most of $3.25; feeders, $2.20 $3.60; completed arrangements proxies Christmas cattle, $190 $5.S0. $150,000,000, are practioally all in the eph R. Reed, of Iowa; H. C. Sluss, of build the factory. these states in the oity. Sheep, receipts, 18,000; market, slow and weak. hands of the reorganization oommittee. Kansas; Wilbur F. Stone, of Colorado; Aooording to the E. H. Mr. Hahn, of Ohio, read the telegram C. Optic, Salazar, KanBas City. Cattle, receipts, 7,400; The new charter is ready and will be W. W. Murray, of Tennessee; T. Fuller, editor of El denies re of congratulation sent to Gov. filed of Independienter the Bradley, shipments, 1,900; market y opened with the aeoretary state ot North Carolina. that that will be moved to ot Kentnoky, by the speoial committee the same as the old port paper QUEEISWARE steady, closed at 10 15 cents lower for It is exactly STATEHOOD. Santa Fe. "Lbs iB Vegas good enough Chairman Carter asked the delegates to best Texas one except that the name is to the half hoar limit for grades; steers, $2.75 $3.85; changed Plans for the admission of 'new states for me," says Mr. Salazar. agree presenting beef lei native cows, from "Railroad" to "Railway." the claims or their oities. steers, $3.15 S.25; are muob discussed among members of The charge of Juan Trajillo, charged I have a full line of Picture Frame XT A A $1.45 stockers and SALE OK THE SANTA FE 8TSIEM. UTnTTT Powell of Arkansas, moved $3.26; feeders, $2.40 the house. Already three bills have been with the murder of Cipnano Gonzales, and and in fact Clayton, m $3-5- Texas Mouldings everything W that the be heard in bulls, $1.50 $2.65; At five minutes past 3 o'clock this introduced on the snbjeot. Representa- occupied the time of the conrt in the household line. I will furnish delegations alpha cows, $1.50 $2.50. Tuesday betical order by states. The motion was Sheep, receipts, afternoon, Speoial Master in Chanoery J. tive Wheeler, who was ohairman of the and Wednesday. The jury returned a from to kitchen on 15 bare-heade- you the parlor the carried. 6,100; shipments, 500; market, 25 B. Johnson, mounted the committee on territories in the last con- verdict of after out the TINWARE oents $3.25 mut acquittal being easy payments. I carry largest CHAIBMiM CABTEB'S DENIAL. lower; lambs, $4.00; stone steps at the station of the has offered a bill for the minutes. Silver stock in the all kinds 25 Topeka gress, providing twenty City Enterprise. city. I repair tons, $2 $3.25. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad admission of the territories of Oklahoma, , At this Chairman in an - Gallup lodge, No. 13, Knights of Pyth- of furniture. STOVES point, Carter, Chioago. Wheat, December, 68)4; Jan- and announced he would Arizona and New Mexioo. Mur- AND said he was not ac- company that Delegate ias, elected the officers on Sat- impressive way, that nary, 58)4. Corn, Deoember, Jan offer for has bill in be- following customed to notice unfounded 25; the great railroad property sale.
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