2006 / 2007 Annual Report Celebrating the Past, Envisioning the Future Mission Statement The Mint Museum is a unique gathering place for people to experience art [OYV\NOZPNUPÄJHU[HUK]HYPLKJVSSLJ[PVUZLUNHNPUNL_OPIP[PVUZHUKPUUV]H[P]L LK\JH[PVUHSWYVNYHTZ Artistic Vision At The Mint Museum, we believe that art creates a unique experience which can positively transform peoples’ lives and that this experience must be physically and intellectually accessible to our entire community. Our passion for art is conveyed through stimulating scholarship, creative presentation, innovative educational programs and our collection. ;OL4PU[4\ZL\TJVSSLJ[Z^VYRZVM[OLOPNOLZ[X\HSP[`HUKTLYP[YLÅLJ[PUN[OLKP]LYZP[`VM artistic endeavor. We will celebrate and augment the display of our permanent collection with ZPNUPÄJHU[[YH]LSPUNL_OPIP[PVUZHUKJVSSHIVYH[PVUZ^P[OV[OLYPUZ[P[\[PVUZ>L^PSSLUOHUJL our strengths in Ceramics, Historic Costume and Art of the Ancient Americas to demonstrate our leadership in these areas. We will aggressively build important collections of American Art, Contemporary Art and Contemporary Craft. Through these efforts, we will tell the story of humanity’s collective artistic aspirations to our local, regional and national audiences. We recognize that the ownership of artworks is an obligation; one of stewardship for future generations. We acknowledge our responsibility to contribute dialogue through research, publications and exhibitions to continue our role as leaders in the visual arts. At The Mint Museum, we are committed to using our talents and resources to inspire our public’s curiosity and to nurture their aesthetic appreciation and critical awareness. Artistic Focus The Mint Museum’s artistic focus is American Art, Art of the Ancient Americas, Ceramics, Contemporary Art, Contemporary Craft and Historic Costume. FRONT COVER: Early view of the Mint Museum of Art ANN WOLFF. Bowls 1988, from the exhibition OBSERVATIONS - works by Ann Wolff Architectural rendering of the planned Center City facility on South Tryon Street BACK COVER: Summer Art Camp participants drawing on the front lawn at the Mint Museum of Art Mint Museum of Craft + Design 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 Annual Report Contents < Mission / Vision 2 Letter from the Board Chair 4 Letter from the Director 6 Collections 12 Acquisitions 16 Outgoing Loans 17 Exhibitions 22 70th Anniversary History 23 Timeline: 1936-2006 25 Education 31 (MÄSPH[LZ 33 Development 42 Museum Reaccreditation 43 Financials 45 Staff 46 Boards Letter from the Board Chair Dear Friends, On behalf of the Board of Trustees of The Mint Museum, it is my pleasure to present to you the 2006/2007 Annual Report in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Museum. The Museum has had another exciting and challenging year and it has been my privilege to chair the dedicated group of volunteers who serve on the Board of Trustees. As we continue toward our goal of expansion, the Board has been called upon to work very hard HSVUN^P[O[OLZ[HMM(MÄSPH[LZ]VS\U[LLYZHUKJVTT\UP[`WHY[ULYZ[VLUZ\YL[OH[^LJVU[PU\L to meet all of the institution’s current obligations to present strong exhibitions and programs while planning for expansion. These plans include the design of the new Mint Museum in Center City, the reprogramming of the existing Mint Museum of Art, and all of the associated ÄUHUJPHSHUKVYNHUPaH[PVUHSWSHUUPUN I would like to thank Zach Smith for chairing the Building Committee that has taken on a large share of the workload for planning the new facility. Other members of the committee are Bev Hance, Bill Gorelick and Bill Nichols. Staff members are Phil Kline, Mark Leach, Martha Mayberry, Charles Mo, Cheryl Palmer, Mike Smith, Kurt Warnke and Kristen Watts. They are working closely with architects from Machado and Silvetti Associates of Boston and Clark Patterson Associates of Charlotte. The Museum is also very appreciative of the support and JVVWLYH[PVUYLJLP]LKMYVT[OLLSLJ[LKVMÄJPHSZHUKZ[HMMVM[OL*P[`VM*OHYSV[[L4LJRSLUI\YN County and the North Carolina State Legislature. The Arts & Science Council has taken a leadership role in coordinating the operating endowment campaign that will help address the incremental operating costs of the new Museum. We are fortunate to live in a community where cooperation of the public and private sectors results in such wonderful opportunities for growth. 2 :WLJPHSUV[LZOV\SKILTHKLVM[OL(MÄSPH[LZ[OH[Z\WWVY[;OL4PU[4\ZL\T!*OHYSV[[L Garden Club, Delhom Service League, Docents of the Mint, Founders’ Circle, Friends of the 4PU[4PU[4\ZL\T(\_PSPHY`HUK@V\UN(MÄSPH[LZVM[OL4PU[(SSVM[OLZL(MÄSPH[LZWYV]PKL ]VS\U[LLYZHUKÄUHUJPHSZ\WWVY[[V[OL4\ZL\T[OH[LUHISL[OLPUZ[P[\[PVU[VHJOPL]LHOPNO level of operations. For example, the Garden Club provides funding for enhanced grounds maintenance; the Delhom Service League raises dollars for acquisitions and publications; the Docents lead over 600 tours each year; the Founders’ Circle provides funding for exhibitions, programming and acquisitions; the Friends present excellent adult programming; the Auxiliary YHPZLZM\UKZMVYHJX\PZP[PVUZHUKLK\JH[PVUWYVNYHTZ"HUK[OL@V\UN(MÄSPH[LZWYV]PKLM\UKPUN and link the Museum to the young professionals of the region. The total membership of [OL(MÄSPH[LNYV\WZPZV]LY^OPJOPZH^VUKLYM\S[LZ[HTLU[[V[OLLUNHNLTLU[VM[OL community in their Museum. I also want to recognize the staff of The Mint Museum for the amazing effort they OH]LW\[MVY[OPUJVU[PU\PUN[VIYPUNZPNUPÄJHU[L_OPIP[PVUZHUKL_JLSSLU[WYVNYHTTPUN[V[OL community, while also dedicating large amounts of time to planning for the expansion of the Museum. The opportunities we have over the next few years will require a massive effort on everyone’s part to achieve the vision of The Mint Museum and to support Charlotte’s objective to become a cultural destination. I want to thank you for your support and ask that you continue to be an engaged participant in the exciting growth of the community’s Museum. Please continue to be a frequent visitor to experience the visual arts. Sincerely, David M. Carroll, Chair The Mint Museum Board of Trustees 3 Letter from the Director Dear Friends, In 2006, The Mint Museum celebrated its 70thHUUP]LYZHY`HZ5VY[O*HYVSPUH»ZÄYZ[HY[ museum! We are extremely proud to achieve this milestone, which allowed us to celebrate our past while continuing our efforts for future planning, ensuring that we continue to exceed expectations for the operations of the Museum. The Mint Museum is fortunate to have support from across the community and beyond as the institution continues to deliver engaging exhibitions and innovative educational WYVNYHTTPUNMVYHSS]PZP[VYZ:\WWVY[LYZPUJS\KL[OL(Y[Z :JPLUJL*V\UJPS(MÄSPH[L organizations, corporate partners, local government, volunteers, Trustees, collaborative partners and donors. The organization is extremely privileged to have a dedicated and knowledgeable staff as the foundation for carrying out its mission and vision. The staff comes to work every day with a passion for service to the community that is truly inspiring for anyone who comes into contact with them. They embrace the values of the organization: 0U[LNYP[`(JOPL]LTLU[ ;LHT^VYR*VUZ[P[\LU[-VJ\Zand :[L^HYKZOPW. Such professionalism and commitment were recognized by the American Association of Museums when The Mint Museum was awarded reaccreditation in December 2006. This review of the Museum’s policies, procedures, NV]LYUHUJLL_OPIP[PVUZJVSSLJ[PVUZHUKWYVNYHTTPUNJVUÄYTLK[OH[[OLPUZ[P[\[PVU JVU[PU\LZ[VVWLYH[L^P[O[OLOPNOLZ[WYVMLZZPVUHSZ[HUKHYKZVM[OLT\ZL\TÄLSK The Mint Museum is on schedule with planning for an expansion that includes the new Mint Museum in Center City along with the continued operation of the Mint Museum of Art on Randolph Road. 4 The institution’s strategy for expansion includes four components: -PYZ[PZ[OLWO`ZPJHSJVUZ[Y\J[PVUVM[OLUL^MHJPSP[`HZWHY[VM[OL>HJOV]PH*\S[\YHS *HTW\Z+L]LSVWTLU[;OPZWYVQLJ[^PSSPUJYLHZLV\YZWHJLI`V]LYZX\HYL MLL[NP]PUN\ZTVYL[OHU HKKP[PVUHSZWHJL;OLKLZPNUKL]LSVWTLU[WOHZL^HZ JVTWSL[LKPU[OLMV\Y[OX\HY[LYVM[OLÄZJHS`LHYHUK^LHYLUV^PU[OLTPKZ[VM[OL JVUZ[Y\J[PVUKYH^PUNWOHZL*VUZ[Y\J[PVUPZWSHUULK[VILNPUPU6J[VILY"[OL J\YYLU[ZJOLK\SLKJVTWSL[PVUKH[LMVY[OLI\PSKPUNPZ4HYJO[VILJLSLIYH[LK ^P[OHNYHUKVWLUPUNSH[LY[OH[`LHY :LJVUKPZ[OLVWLYH[PUNLUKV^TLU[JHTWHPNUILPUNJVVYKPUH[LKI`[OL(Y[Z :JPLUJL*V\UJPS;OLNVHSVM[OLJHTWHPNUPZ TPSSPVUHUKI`[OLLUKVM[OL ÄZJHS`LHY[OLJHTWHPNUOHKYHPZLK TPSSPVU6M[OL[V[HSNVHS TPSSPVUPZ [HYNL[LKMVY[OLLUKV^TLU[VM;OL4PU[4\ZL\T ;OPYKPZHJVSSLJ[PVUZJHTWHPNUILPUNVYNHUPaLKI`[OL;Y\Z[LLZJVTT\UP[`SLHKLYZ HUKZ[HMM;OPZJHTWHPNU^PSSZVSPJP[UL^^VYRZVMHY[MVY[OL4\ZL\T[HYNL[PUN [OLMVJ\ZHYLHZVM(TLYPJHU(Y[*VU[LTWVYHY`(Y[HUK*VU[LTWVYHY`*YHM[MVY HNNYLZZP]LNYV^[O^OPSLSVVRPUNMVYM\Y[OLYZPUN\SHYVWWVY[\UP[PLZPU[OLV[OLYHY[PZ[PJ MVJ\ZHYLHZVM(Y[VM[OL(UJPLU[(TLYPJHZ*LYHTPJZHUK/PZ[VYPJ*VZ[\TL -V\Y[OPZ[OLVYNHUPaH[PVUHSJHWHJP[`NYV^[O^OPJOT\Z[VJJ\YV]LY[OLUL_[ZL]LYHS `LHYZZV[OH[[OL4\ZL\TPZWYVWLYS`WVZP[PVULK[VVWLYH[LPU[OLUL^LU]PYVUTLU[ ;OPZJVTWVULU[PUJS\KLZHKKP[PVUHSHUU\HSZ\WWVY[MVYZ[HMÄUNHUKWYVNYHTTPUN L_WLUZLZ Documented throughout this report is information about collections growth, exhibition presentations, educational programming, community outreach, collaborative partnerships, (MÄSPH[LJVU[YPI\[PVUZHUKKL]LSVWTLU[LMMVY[Z I would like to thank all of our partners: members, volunteers, Trustees, companies, (MÄSPH[LZHUKM\UKLYZ;OL4PU[4\ZL\TPZNYV^PUNHUKWYVZWLYPUN^P[O`V\YZ\WWVY[HUK^L look forward to the future with much excitement. Come, Experience Art! Best regards, Phil Kline, Executive Director The Mint Museum 5 ;OYV\NOV\[ Mint Museum of Art Collections the permanent collection The American Art Collection received the gift of four of The Mint Museum drawings by German-born artist Oscar Bluemner ILULÄ[LKNYLH[S`MYVT[OL (1867-1938), who became an American citizen in 1899. His work is greatly respected due to his early NLULYVZP[`VMPUKP]PK\HSZ contributions to the American Modernism movement LP[OLYI`[OLKVUH[PVUVM of the early 20th century.
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